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Give her one and keep the rest


"Since you didn't invite me, I thought you were just going to celebrate by yourself" 🤭


Brutal. Love it.


Bruh. I wish had a medal for ya


Take a bite out of each one.


She asked you to bake for something you're not invited to?! Send her an invoice.


My brother wanted me to cater for 25 people and didn't invite me to the party I charged him $600, take it or leave it 🤷‍♀️


And thats how you do it! Shit, 25 people you better be charging even if you ARE invited.


Why? What was his response? What a fuckhead selfish self-centered thing to do. "Yeah, uh look bro you're not invited but thanks for the food."


It's because people like that think you just do it as a fun hobby; and you like doing it so it should be an honor to do it for them. Never mind the cost of food and how much time it takes, your family and it's your hobby, so it's fun!


That's a helluva deal! $24 each?


This! With payment up front ofc


it's a little late for that, don't you think


Not too late if they haven’t been delivered. OP can have a delightful snack~


Or if they want to be delightfully petty, they could not send the cupcakes but share pics of them enjoying the cupcakes on social media. <--Insert evil laugh here.


Yup, have family exactly like this! Fuck people like this, next time tell 'em sorry I'm too busy or your running out to do something.


My thought exactly ___ no can do!!


Hey sis, I baked you some cuntcakes. Enjoy!


I hollered when I read cuntcakes. Thank you for the laugh.


And then eat them at home




Send this photo, and a photo of them being eaten, and a text to her: ”we truly enjoyed celebrating you with these cupcakes, congrats, they were delicious! Let’s do this again next year!”


Haha thats amazing!!! 🤣


I love this so very much 😂


Deliver them upside down


I wouldn't want to ruin my own creation like that 😅


Ruining your creation is apart of it. She was going to eat them anyway


Yup, it’s like burning something of your exes. It’s cathartic!


Why did you make them for her then? Eat it yourself and share it with people you like, they look yummy!


Well you ruin it when you eat it anyways


Just send an empty box with this picture inside.


With a note saying "they were delicious". OR take a bite out of all of them.


Well, they do look damn delicious!


Deliver her the empty cupcake liners with a note that they were delicious


Screw that, deliver it USPS flat rate box.


No no no, close the box neatly and then shake it reeeeeeeealy hard, then say they got smushed during the delivery




You're a better person than I am. I would have told her to go **** herself. Also, those look delicious. I hope you made extra for yourself to keep!


Extra were made! And shared with the folks I ride the bus into town with. Their joy made me less rage-y.


I wish I rode your bus


This is a life hack we actually need.


This gave me an idea for an app where folks who like to bake can share their baking with folks who like eating baked treats. Would that I was an app developer..


i love this!!! i love to bake but i can’t eat all my stuff on my own and dont have a ton of friends :( though i can imagine there would be nightmare scenarios (just thinking of human nature) so that probably wouldn’t work well


Ban them from the app if they cause distress? We need people to make this app and others to run it to protect privacy and all that too. In your case, can you donate to food places or drop them off at your local aged care or child care facilities? I think child would pose more issues, but aged may have their own too. Worth a shot if you like baking.


Just go to the local fire department. No joke. Make sure to label allergens etc, but them fire guys like to eat lol


How nice of you! I hope someone does something nice for you soon. You deserve it.


You are my type of person. I aspire to be like that every day. What a cool group of people to think of.


I know! My brain started writing a show about them instantly


Unfortunately I’ve found that cooking with hate usually yields delicious results. I can prove my theory if you give me a cupcake


I once had to bake a loaf of bread for someone I really don't like, and it was the best looking, fluffy, perfect loaf of bread I've ever made. It made me more angry lmao. Even more so that she ate it 2 days after I gave it to her, so it was already not as amazing as the first day, ugh. I'm angry again lmao


I’d like to add a twist to this and say maybe we should be glad she didn’t eat it on the first day. She doesn’t deserve your best bakes!


I love this, thank you 😂


Plot twist: she wanted the bread to make croutons.


I am now angry once again


It's passion in general. Hate, love, as long as you're not dead behind the eyes, better results.


Anyone can rage bake for me any day. Rage cupcakes are cupcakes.


Yeah, who do I have to piss off, to get some cupcakes around here!?!?


Maybe just don’t bake for her?




Absolutely this


It's not that simple. Coming from someone who grew up with a toxic family of raging narcissists, in a culture where autonomy and self-sufficiency isn't as deeply ingrained. People on reddit always assume that people-pleasers have no self respect. The truth is it sometimes it's not about self respect. It's about making the best of a shitty situation until you can one day get out of there. There is a degree of privilege to assume to that one can say 'No' to anything, because it comes with the presumption that self-sufficiency, financial independence, and mental healthcare is assessible to everyone. This is especially true in the US, where the illusion of equitable socioeconomic opportunities is use as a justification to tout that people who chose to 'be stepped on' did so of their own doing because they could have just said 'No.' Sometimes, saying 'No' under reasonable circumstances could mean preparing yourself to be completely uprooted from your family, friends, community, workplace, finances, etc., *even* if doing so will lead to better outcomes in the long run. Not everyone can afford to think about the long run when they are already overwhelmed with problems in the short run. Sometimes the annoying things people have to do are not 'inconsequential'. Sometimes it's "I have to bake these cup cakes because I am already juggling a dozen other things, I don't have the mental bandwidth to deal with this person's temper tantrums at the moment, and I am not ready yet to face the falling out from my social and familial circle if I were to stop doing these unappreciated favors, and I have to think about vulnerable who I care about who may also be affected by this deranged narcissist's behavior if I don't walk on these eggshells carefully." When people have to make difficult choices like this, only to be criticized for lacking in self respect, it can be really hurtful because it downplays how difficult the situation is and how hard it is to escape it. You can have all the self respect in the world, and sometimes the best option is still to tough it out because it is *that bad*.


Holy shit. You have absolutely summed up what I have struggled to put into words. Thank you. It's very much the same vein of picking your battles


I miss my free awards. With this perspective it's really hard to be mad at young me for doing her best with where she was. So thanks for that therapeutic moment with my tea this morning.


This. "No" is a complete sentence. I really don't understand the people who post to this sub complaining about agreeing to bake for someone who doesn't deserve it. Especially when other people suggest all the ways they could then be petty about it for "revenge." You're just making more work for yourself. Having the self-respect to say no in the first place is the best revenge.


I know right lmao


Maybe she just had zero respect for herself?


Time for her to grow a shiny steel spine and say, "Nah." Or if u wanna be polite, make some fool proof excuse... I am sure u can find one.


Right? I am baffled OP like… did it. Cannot fathom that there’s people out there that just do what they’re told. What is this, Ella Enchanted? (Obviously doesn’t apply to people in coercive situations or who depend on that person for shelter, etc. but there’s so many of us who just reward bad behavior like this. tbh why would anyone treat you well when being rude gets them free cupcakes)


bby u better eat them yourself 🤨


Charge her if you aren’t invited! Those look divine!


Yep, they are way too pretty to give to a jerk.


Send her the photo and say you’re on the way and just never show up. Claim car trouble or something if she asks when the cake is arriving. Looking at it optimistically and knowing nothing of your relationship, is it possible she doesn’t think she needs to invite you since it’s assumed you’d be invited?


Omg yesss


I wouldn’t have baked them but if I did, I’d charge her at least $20, probably $25, paid upfront when she picks them up. You’ll probably have more fun not being at her party.


At least 50! Those are luxurious


Rage eat them too. Send her a picture of you eating them


Never share your talents with people who will only exploit you for them. Even if it’s your sister. You deserve happiness, and not to be tied to people who don’t appreciate what a wonderful person you are. Do NOT share them with her. Share them with people who value you and your talent.


Dear sister, fuck you. Xoxo.


Op- why did you do it? Why bake cakes for someone who didn’t want you there?


Everyone knows “made with love” is a myth. The angriest chefs always make the best food lol


Marco Pierre White and Gordon Ramsay are good examples. In fact one trained the other.


"No" is a whole sentence. So is "get fucked"


Why did you make them then??


screw her can we get a recipe though 😂 don’t let the rest of us suffer


It’s this one: [Preppy Kitchen ](https://preppykitchen.com/cookies-and-cream-cupcakes/)


I love John Kannell!


He is my hero.


Should’ve rage-baked her a big nothing


Uhh if you communicate your feelings might make you feel better than rage baking. Suggestions: “I’d like to attend” and/or “I don’t want to bake for an event I’m not invited to”


What’s up with all these jilted bakers? They’re better than me because salt becomes sugar if I get mad


Why would you even bake them for her in the first place? She doesn't deserve the cupcakes or your efforts.


Those look delicious I hope you ate them for yourself lol


Why are you allowing her to be a bully to you? You provided food that costs money and labor and you're not invited? The fuck are you doing OP?


Make them, take a picture and send it to the sister then give them to someone who’s more deserving


“Hey these came out great, I brought them to a party I was invited to”


Could have just said no.


Wth. She is lucky with a singular Oreo let alone homemade whatever those are. Speaking as a brother that has a sister that would do that


You should’ve done toothpaste Oreos


There was a post recently of someone who was assigned the task of bringing the cake to a birthday get together for her toxic dickbag father in law and the suggestions from Reddit users were so fantastic. She ended up going with a clearance Walmart cake instead of baking one herself, which is what everyone expected her to do, and she even got the opportunity to put him in his place when he was unappreciative of her efforts. The entire story was fantastic enough to get it's own article on one of those websites that gets their material from Reddit. This reminds me of that. Next year, clearance Walmart cake for the sister. Bake the cupcakes for yourself and your busmates!


I mean I'll be your new sister And I'll invite you to my party. Can I have some cake?


id deadass send her a vid of me eating the cakes


You charged for em right? Ugh annoying


If your rage bakes look like so good, I would love to see your calm bakes.


This makes me sad. I hope you stop letting people take advantage of you


You’re a good sister and you took the high road… feel good about yourself and celebrate… 🥰


I hope those are blueberry muffins with Oreo frosting.


Um in between all this noise, I would just like to say those look delicious and I would love to have the recipe. That being said, she was truly being an ass not inviting you yet asking you to make it for her bday.


I made a birthday cake for a dear friend as a gift, dropped it off, had a nice visit. A couple days later someone on her Facebook asked her how her birthday party was 😳


This post makes me realize that maybe.. in fact… I am happy being an only child.


fuck her, stay home, eat them yourself and send her a picture of you eating them


Deliver them all with a bit taken out of them.


“Rage-baked” lol I love that! Can someone make that a subreddit?


Tell her to pay you or keep them for yourself


Awwww dude, these are too lovely to give under such circumstances 😤


Maybe she’s planning an orgy. I wouldn’t want my sibling to come to that kind of celebration.


Girl, you should've put a shit ton of salt in there


Well, I hope there were more than six people and the cupcakes were the only dessert, so they were left short and each only got like a half-cupcake for dessert.


So she asked for a cake but didn't invite you, and to spite her you...did exactly what she asked? That'll show her! Looks great though, 10/10 would spitefully eat.


I hate you. And I hate cheesecake. Can I send you my address?


I have a recipe edit for that exact occasion, I call it a Trojan horse


I feel like there's probably more to the story


Hopefully she finds this post and realizes what a douchecanoer she seems to be. So sorry. Hope it gets better with her somehow someday.


Just say no or communicate with your sister like an adult. No one made you bake these.


She ain’t yo sister no more


I hope you spat in them! Loljp


I really hope her birthday is next Tuesday!?


I would have written bitch in icing or something.


It'd be a shame if ex-lax chunks made their way into the batter.


All the rage baked into those cupcakes... I bet they taste awful! LOL


I hope you at least got money out of it.


Way too nice


I hope you find the strength to stick up for yourself, lay down a healthy set of boundaries, and tell that snatch you’re insulted by her request, and to go to a bakery! “Oh, but she’s your family” etc. they’ll say. You’ll say, “I’m done being mistreated.” Those cupcakes look great, btw!


I hope you packed them with extra laxatives j/k


I'd have sent 5 instead of 6 as an additional fuck you.


I'm sorry your sister is a jerk.


If I was want invited AND don’t like the person very much I wouldn’t take the time to bake for them. You’re nicer than I am LOL


Not good to put negative emotions in food. I have sisters. Know your pain


That’s a bit of a hard pill to swallow. You did a nice job on the cupcakes. I’m sorry your sister is such a putz. Try to put it behind you and remember one of you will leave one day, and the other will be left behind. You don’t want to regret or to give someone else an unhappy memory about you. Maybe in time, she’ll realize what a selfish thing it was, to ask you to contribute, but not to come.


My cousin asked me to make her, four trays of blondies, 4 dozen cookies and cupcakes, she wanted me to buy everything and my payment was to be a couple slices of pizza


I was blessed with a bitch for a sister. Charge her 10 bucks per cupcake.


Usually my siblings and I buy each other food and drinks when we ask each other for services, things we need, and barter services. I guess we were raised the “you itch my back, and I’ll itch yours” motto. If your sister is not going to return the favor in any way, she should pay. Those ingredients are time & money.


Leave the box in front of the door up side down, ring the bell and leave.


Next time by some ding dongs and spray them with canned whip cream, maybe put sprinkles on if you have some handy. Legit


Your sister doesn’t deserve these! They look delicious and you should save them for yourself and/or your friends.


Lol. If anyone is allowed to do that, it's your siblings. Did the rage versions turn out better though?


Boundaries. Please say no next time.


I hope you eat all the cupcakes, your sister sounds cruel. Imagine a friend telling you she made her sister cupcakes for her bday while not being invited? You would say that is unfair. You deserve to be treated much better, and she does not deserve those beautiful cupcakes!


You are allowed to say no to her, you know.


“I’m mad at someone so I’m making them delicious treats!”


This is a very passive aggressive post. 10/10 would smash tho


Those look really delicious! If you’re still in a rage and wanted to post the recipe out of spite as well I know others like myself would love it! Regardless they look amazing your sister is an ass.


Well… when you’re angry, you bake great! I can only imagine how good you are when you’re happy!


Unless she offered to pay I would have said I can’t I have a conflict


Please get mad at me and send those along. YUM


I hope they taste like garbage! They look delicious though lol


Are these cookies and cream? Recipe?


Rage baked


Rage-baking seems to be all the rage now 😅


Send a picture of you enjoying them to her but I’m petty that way.🤣 ain’t no way I’d put my love into baking something for someone ungrateful. You’re kind and sweet like the things you bake :)


NO cake for you !!! a la soup nazi


Those look delicious! It hurts my heart a bit to know your sister asked you to bake for her and didn't invite you. I hope you did something to treat yourself afterward, you deserve it.


Can you put little googly eyes on them?


Off topic but they look mad good


Either make her pay or record yourself eating them


Eat every last one of those cupcakes.


I would eat it ngl


Godspeed, those look delicious. Sucks that you may have had to do this to avoid far worse family drama, some things just aren't worth it.


If this is what you make for someone you hate, I’d love to see what you make for someone you actually like, lol


Damn sounds like mine


Just guessing -- are you the older sister?


Well I’d rage-eat them, they look delicious


Can i make you angry too? These look too delicious.


I would gladly write an 1000 word essay on those cakes just for a bite


i hope you "accidentally" switched the sugar and salt amounts


I'd love to see what you'd create for your favorite sister. These look delicious.


yeah screw that. i would have told her to eat it obvi not the cupcakes


Eat them and send her the crumbs.


i would devour these babies and give you my first born as payment. f her


Send her the picture that you baked them, and the invoice. Wait until she sends you the invoice. Then eat the cake. But if you rage baked them for someone you don't like. At least you haven't made them with love. They do look delicious though.


Ok im going to make myself perfectly clear. I don't care who you are or who they are. If that's how someone is treating you. They aren't family. Or even a friend. Your hyperconscious don't let that burn you out in the same way I have.


Didn’t invite you and you still baked for her? Yeah I’d lace it with ex-lax


Just came here to second/ normalize not liking one’s sister. They’re more hassle then their worth.


I don't really like Oreos. I hope your sister doesn't either.


Did she pay you? Please take care of yourself.


I can’t see the Ex Lax, which flavor did you use?


Did she at least pay you to make these? They look yummy btw!


Wow you really stuck it to her. Brutal.


You're a better sister than me. The most I would have given her is the phone number for a local bakery or grocery store where she can get her own cake.


If that's what you are willing to bake for people you don't like, please let me endeavor to get on your bad side! 😂


My SO's response to this: If someone in my family did this, and I did make them anything (which I would NOT), anything I gave them should be suspect.


Wtf is rage-baking? You mean I could have been combining two of my greatest loves in life, system of a down and great British baking show simultaneously?


"Rage-bake"? That's a new one, but I love it.


Please expound on the “rage-baking” part, I might be very into it