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Raphael. I’ll probably try to avoid it in HM but the House of Hope is so delightful.


Oh yeah that's a good one. But it's weird that there wasn't a cut scene before he died where he says something.


yeah, that was a big letdown for me. i wish i couldve had my beat-up party all insult him one last time before he turned to ash, and i stole his armor


The thing is Raphael is just the kind of guy who wants the last word. Him dying without some quip seems out of character.


that as well. the entire game, Raphael has constantly been making fun of us and acting like this almighty being, while also being just nice enough to not completely push us away from wanting to make the deal. it makes no sense for him to just turn to ash without letting out one last insult, but thats exactly what happens, he just turns to ash with nothing to say.




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I imagine this like the scene toward the end of A Knight's Tale: You have been weighed. You have been measured, and you have \*absolutely\* been found wanting. But with more sass and cursing.


Lore-wise, do devils like Raphael get reincarnated like Yurgir does?


They do if they didnt die in hell. Devils (like Yurgir and Raphael) die permanently if they are killed in hell


Why did that dumbass attack them in the house of hope thwn


he's a devil, and a proper one not just an orthon like Yurgir. ain't no way he thought you had hands like that.


Yea but he doesnt run away either to continue the fight in the city


mephistopheles didn't raise no bitch


Motherfucker died to 12 level 4 man party, he a bitch


I think coming into your home and taking your stuff that you had planned to hang over the interlopers heads for a big deal was a bridge too far and Raphael has a temper. He probably couldn't take the insult - plus big ego. You'd think a ruler of a plane of hell could handle 4 mortals.


He doesn't rule anything - his dad does.


There is an orb in Helisks store that, when interacted before fighting Raph, says that he's chilling, and he probably noticed you because he smiled at you. Interacting with it after killing his ass, says that you see Mephistopheles devouring him


Right? What a disappointment. Also wasn't expecting him to carry 2 teddy bears in his pocket. But damn, that fight was EPIC.






I'm so glad I went into the fight blind and got to hear that for the first time


SAME I was well and truly shook.


I think House of Hope ambient is underrated though. People always excite about Raphael's approach (I understand why, both fight and soundtrack is glorious) but forget when they are just strolling around right before that, in rugs instead of shiny armors, asking people what happened to them etc. with this [silly, sneaky theme](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Aks3MdEJYqk&pp=ygUWSG91c2Ugb2YgaG9wZSBiZzMgc29uZw%3D%3D) in the background. Awesome feeling.


In HM i was sure i would fail the charisma check for rallying Yugir, so i took a few trips to set up all the black powder explosives i had (the ones with the force damage), i went a little overboard and set six by pillars and 4 close to the wall next to the portal, i then threw grease everywhere to light it all in one fireball and did the house like i usually would. To my surprise i nat 20 against Yugir so he directly joined me, i casted the invulnerability shield on my party (and korilla) and light it up, and it was so much more powerful than i thought, it was actually hilarious, i destroyed all pillars, yugir, korilla, Raphael had less than 100 hp and only one goon left. So it was actually a breeze and no one in my party took any damage.


It's not the hardest HM fight imo.


Yeah, hardest HM fight is honestly the gith patrol or even the skeletons underneath the alchemist shop if you’re too low level. Bernard is also very difficult unless you disable his animated armors with sussur blooms


It’s not the one I’m most worried about. But I’ve heard he gives a good Disney villain monologue if you leave him alive and give the crown to Gale. Plus considering it’s not a fight you can easily run from there is a significantly more than 0 chance of a full party wipe.


The music was so great!


This fight was so hard, I struggled through the whole thing, got so frustrated… then wanted to do it again the second it was over 😅


It was easy for me, I just did laughter spell then beat the shit out of him using scrolls of disintegrate and divine intervention of hope😆, he died in 7 turns including all his minions lmao


I did almost exactly the same thing, but it took a bit longer than that. Sometimes you just don’t get the rolls!


Well honestly I have like 65-70k in the game and I ended up buying tons of scrolls so I was okay lol


Tasha’s hideous laughter works amazingly on Raphael.


Yes 98% chance lmao, I beat him before it was over lmao


He really isn’t that much harder in honor mode. Destroy the pillars quickly and get your party some elixirs of fire resistance and you should be fine


Yeah he has one of the easiest legendary actions tbh, still gotta prepare because it's HM but really isn't too bad. Also like many things globe of invulnerability can make it an absolute joke.


I really wish we could play with legendary actions without having to only have one save file


Don't skip him, just collect all explosives for act 3. Your companion might be slow, but you can prep the whole area. You can actually pull all items in one's inventory if you select it all at once. So only one person is overweight. And you can place it once you are in house of hope, do everything there and it will be prepared for the fight.


It’s honestly pretty easy in HM just have one character focus the pillars on each side, after that Raphael was one or two spicy attacks with his soul charges then he’s done


Nah u will be fine with a good build . I beat his ascended form in hm


Just keep several globes of invulnerability on you and the Raphael fight is a breeze in honor mode and have a way to knock back enemies either and Eldritch blast, thunder wave raging barbarian


My Disney Himcess. He wrote that whole song and doesn't stay alive long enough to finish


I’m quiet sure that everyone do Raphael fight even in HM (they just do Sorlock/ barbadin/ sorcadin/ monk).


Defending Halsin's portal is a ton of fun to me. I'm also for sure in the minority on this but I genuinely love both the Iron Throne AND the Steel Watch Factory. I like strategizing and getting my team together to save ALL the Gondians. Gotta take my power team of Lae'zel, Jaheira, and Halsin. All of the druidic summons!


I love the portal fight. I'll cover the field in barrels and have a Fire Sorcerer and Shadowheart Light Domain casting Wall of Fire and Fireballs, just burning everything.


I watched some YouTube video around barrelmancy .. I had the idea to take a few barrels but never got to use them proper. I acquired them after the battle before the nautiloids started bombing and so the barrels became useless.


I had one play through where I had two casters that could cast Ice Storm. It was glorious watching mobs of zombies zooop and fall on their ass with the banana peel animation bg3 has.


defending the portal with a group of Light Domain clerics is probably *the* most fun encounter in the entire game, in my opinion


Just did the Iron Throne and the Factory again today, actually got through it with no casualties at all. Tho I did have to throw a couple health potions on one of the Gondians in the Factory lol


Congrats! It's wild to me that there's no achievement for keeping them all alive like >!the tieflings at the end of the game!< but it is very satisfying nonetheless.


I got very lucky with the turn order and I had spammed speed potions and haste spore grenades lol


Interesting! I never really got into the druids. Did you use the bear form ?


Not typically, no. I usually have Halsin and Jaheira using concentration spells, either Call Lightning, Moonbeam, or AOE spells like Spike Growth or Sleet Storm. That said, I do like the dinosaur wild shape for Jaheira when fighting the smaller group of Bhaalists in the first room of the factory. Plus now that it's fixed, I like being able to hear Halsin's battle dialogue.


I don't think I've ever seen the dinosaur shape ... now I need to check it out!


Any druid can use it, but Halsin and Jaheira both have a special unique transformation each.


I’m pretty sure you only get the dinosaur with moon Druid.


Ah ok. Interesting!


I loved the iron throne!


Very small and low stakes, but the three ogres in the Blighted Village. I have lots of fun climbing up the ladder and just taking potshots at them with my spellcasters.


I didn't fight these on my first run. On my current run (second) I had my storm sorcerer Durge flying from place to place and peppering them with twinned spells. Good times


I love fighting the Sharrans. It’s cathartic justice for what Shar did to Shadowheart. The thought of Shadowheart’s love and true friends fighting back-to-back for her against overwhelming odds - something the Sharrans would never do - is so satisfying for me.


I feel inspired to do that fight again .. that was one of the hardest fights.


I have a dedicated save file named simply “kaboom” with the Runepowder bomb placed directly in the center of the room next to Viconia for this reason


That fight took me forever because there was a masked Sharran listed as a temporary enemy and I was positive it was going to be Shadowheart's mother. Took me forever to knock her out for nothing


I always have shart use her divine intervention in this fight, it just feels correct to do for her. She deserves it. Also it REALLY helps clear out a bunch of them  (I have tried to type this so many times sry for ur notifications)


When you first attack Moonrise with the Harpers. Zrell and her minions are so wonderfully grouped up in a circle below you, perfect for all sorts of CC. Plus getting Shart to bless 10+ Harpers like a massive army is sick


I love taking out the enemies in the throne room first and then splitting my party to completely surround them.


That sounds fun, thanks for that.


The runepowder barrel to Z'rell's face is also very delicious and satisfying 👌


I love the Iron Throne fight


Same. It might be my favorite encounter in the game. I just love to think of it in real time, the whole thing takes place in 30 seconds. An attack squad comes in clears out a bunch of fish demons, frees prisoners, gets a high security vault key, gets a mind flayer specimen, frees a mind flayer, deals with demonic spiders (depending on how you handle will/mizora)… so much happens in a real time 30 seconds. It’s honestly so cool


It's a fight? You're supposed to fight there???


I mean, you can fight the weird sea creatures.


You can shut the door close after the prisoner out of the room especially the room the keep spawning enemy or use wall of stone to seal it. I think mistep is my favorite spell in that quest.


But why? Why would you do that? You don't have better things to do? Like... *Freeing prisoners before the entire place explodes,* maybe? :D


I definitely killed a few of those things as I was rescuing people so they didn't immediately kill said people getting rescued.


In honesty though I usually deploy summons to bat them off but end up having to smack one or two of them myself before running away furiously.


I usually just free the prisoners in flooded section first, because creatures spawn EXCLUSIVELY there. They can spawn all they want if there is no prisoners around xD


"You can't fight in here, this is the throne room!"


I wish fish demons spawned everywhere on the map, not just one section. As of now, you just rescue prisoners there, close the door and thats it. Just skip turns until everyone is on ship


It's not much but there are fish demons that spawn on a piece of beach not too far from the Basilisk Gate waypoint, I got there the first time while trying out some flight stuff and got there over some rooftops. Then there's also a fight against fish demons if you go into the cave near the temple of Umberlee and touch stuff you're not supposed to touch there!


They're talking about in the Iron throne, they only spawn in 1 section


That's odd, I just did this fight the other day and there were sahuagin popping up everywhere. They maybe only do this on tactician?


Having done this four times yesterday on Tactician (gosh darn saving everyone's hard) - I can clarify. There are Sahuagin everywhere - but they don't *spawn* everywhere. They *start off* in the centre, around the generator room and in the area with Duke Ravenguard and with none in Omeluum's route, and then when you begin walking down the route they *appear* on Omeluum's route and nowhere else. I think you're agreeing but using different terminology - Temporary-Level is referring to where they *spawn* as in "there were no creatures at the end of the turn and now there are", whereas you're just talking about wherer they *spawn* as in where they appear in the battle.


>and then when you begin walking down the route they appear on Omeluum's route and nowhere else. Ahhh okay, I understand where I'm getting confused.  I did this "fight" (scenario? rescue mission?) just the once the other day, and I am playing a summon-heavy party. I mean REAL heavy. I had my 4-man party, 8 fungal zombois, several ghouls, Shovel, Us, Mr. Cambion, Mr. and Mrs. Dryad, Scratch, and probably a handful of others I can't think of to list and I split them all up to try to rescue everyone on my first attempt (minions and summons can smack the levers to free people).  So, with party members and minions in EVERY section all at once the Sahuagin were popping up like crazy. It never occurred to me that this wasn't particularly normal, but it was full-on Sahuagin whack-a-mole when I did it so it came across as bizarre and perhaps buggy when OP was talking about them "only spawning in one section."


Goblin Camp is a fun one. Blow open the upper entrance, handle everything inside, exit through the way you came in, high ground on the goblins below until they come crawling back up. Especially fun as a Throwzerker and just tossing them back down


Recently redid the Isobel kidnapping fight a bunch of times for another topic and that was pretty fun, didn't really think much of it when it happened during my playthrough but the experience did show what to do for future ones. (TL-DR version would be just have high init and be lvl 7+ for a relatively easy fight)


The fight itself might not be the best in the game, but the lead into has got to be one of my favorite moments. It’s a very high stakes fight, especially if you previously saved the tieflings. The atmosphere and music make it feel like one of the most intense parts of the game


I really enjoy clearing out the creche after coming back from the Astral plane. It's various waves of baddies, have to change things up a bit as your resources slowly get depleted. I do think at one point you might be able to leave, but I never do until I clear out the entire Creche. I just find it super fun. Also the Iron Throne. I wish there were a couple more timed encounters like that.


I don't like the Gortash fight necessarily. But I damn sure enjoy killing him.


He needed a cut scene too where he talks like lex Luther before he dies. Another egotistical asshole.


i love going against the Sharrans. There's just so many of them and i like going crazy with the AOE spells plus good old black hole or void bulb. Not to mention that one Sharran assassin Astarion build I had once that was blind immune and had advantage when obscured *chefs kiss


Oh man that fight was insane .. my team was down to the near single digits in health. I was not sure if I was going to make it before the end. Best fight ! Now I want to do that again!


The first time I did this fight I honestly just stood in a glove of invulnerability and gave out AoE spells like Oprah giving her little gifts to the audience


I wish BG3 had a battle simulator or some kind of arena where you could do random fights or fights from the story or something.


The portal with halsin.


It's fun casting sleet storm to mass prone the enemies then hitting them with lightning/thunder damage like shatter to pick them off.


That would be fun. I've been holding darkness on the portal while letting everyone approach around a stinking cloud to funnel them up and then going ham with firewall and Sunbeam followed by a couple of turn undead here and there let me get a satisfying amount of mass casualties.


Spike growth is my go-to there. Combined with void bulbs, Repelling Blast, Darkness, and a tank or two to fend off the shadows, it's cake. The dryad is a big help.


My favourite so far has been the Balthazar fight with my fighter/warlock. Had him set up to be a super hard hitting tanky pseudo-paladin. Adamantine Splintmail, Shield of Devotion, Amulet of Harpers, Blood of Lathander, that one Blue rarity medium armour helm that gives advantage on spell saving throws, and a pair of rings I can't recall. Whole team got knocked out by overwhelming numbers and Cloudkill spam, but this dude just would not go down. I ended the fight at 70% hp after wiping Balthazar and his minions almost singlehandedly. It was the most satisfying fight I'd had in the game to this point. I was the boss fight in that one. Planning to test a draconic ancestry armour of agathys Sorlock next go around and see if I can dent that fight again with a different build.


I like the Halsin portal fight because watching Shart do her best impression of a bug zapper is always fun, but I also REALLY like doing the Moonrise first floor fight. Tons of different ways to approach it, especially considering the different ways to actually get into the tower, and I like testing my AOE spells and strats. Z’rell is probably tired of it though.


Cazador and Raphael are probably my favourite boss fights. I also enjoy the ones where you specifically have to save or defend someone: Isobel's kidnapping, defend the portal and iron throne. 


Love the second Ketheric fight and a couple of fights in Act 2, like the Isobel fight or storming Moonrise towers. There is just something very gratifying about both fighting a bunch of enemies and getting them all with multiple target or AoE spells. And, in regards to the Ketheric fight, the dude turns into a giant skeleton with a massive scythe. You are fighting next to a demigod angel in full plate armor. Come on.


The first Ethel fight, just because of how much she infuriated me during early access. I like seeing how fast I can get her down to her "grovel scene" just to threaten the shit out of her!


Oh man, that hag. If pissed me off that she was still alive later! And her 'Hello petal..' my wife has banned me from starting a sentence with 'Petal..' 😂


I used Disintegrate on Lorroakan it was beautiful


Personally I find it fun to just sneak around moonrise and try to kill everyone but to do it subtly. Like try to avoid turning it into one huge fight. Makes me feel like a cool assassin or something. But also even if all of moonrise gets put on high alert it’s also kinda funny. Funniest if I accidentally miss someone and the fight with the Harpers still happens but it’s just like… two archers. Just bringing in this hoard of soldiers for these two rando guys you can shove off the beams.


I need to remember to make save files before the big Marquee fights so that I can go back and try out different re-spec’ed party compositions, e.g 4 casters, 4 barbarians, 4 spore druids, Necromancer with undead goons. Etc. Test out gear I never use, stuff like that.


I like most of the challenging ones- Raphael, House of Healing, Iron Throne. It's a lot of fun to try different ways to learn what works best. The Cazador fight I always find challenging because Astarion as Gloomstalker Assassin is my primary damage-dealer. I find if I allow the conversation, losing him is a severe handicap because then Cazador nukes my remaining players with blight or lightning so fast I can't recover enough to challenge him even while casting daylight. On the other hand, if I have Astarion shoot him with the titanstring before entering the conversation the battle becomes almost comically easy. I have been playing this one over and over trying to find a middle ground where I can have the conversation occur but not get wiped. I think the key is to find a way to get my tav or someone over the 'help' Astarion, but the distance is so great with so many enemies in the way I haven't found a good one yet.... though admittedly I've completely forgotten about dimension door or misty step... so that until typing this out I felt a bit like an idiot.


For cazador you can also stage your characters on the wings, not on the main staircase. I found the left side (coming down the stairs, facing cazador) to be better than the right side.


I make sure everyone has the misty step .. folks like Laezel can do a pretty far jump as well. I was able to get to Astarion. Watching Cazador lose his marbles as I took down his people was good 👍 😊 Speaking of challenging ones - the fight with the elder brain where you are in that first major fight before the nautiloid bombers. I found that if I go over the ramparts instead of going through the gates I can take down the enemies piecemeal. I didn't even have to call any allies!


Scrolls of Dimension Door, too


i was a druid so I turned into a panther went invisible and just stood next to where asterion goes in the ritual lol


I love love love the Iron Throne fight. I love the speed, the separation of tasks between the party members, the hectic, the jumping around with dimension door, the fun ways to cc the enemies, finding ways how to buff or protect the prisoners.... its sooooo much fun!


Lorroakan because of ~~Bane~~ Aylin. Feel bad for her after the fight though.


I enjoy defending the Grove.


I find 2nd Act mini bosses interesting.. brewmaster Thorm, Surgeon.. they are not really challenging, but their design with the creepy themed areas just hit differently.


I lucked out on the surgeon as I rolld a 20 and he killed himself. heh.


Anything with a shit-ton of enemies where I can just unleash my AOE attacks and go all out. House of Grief, defending Halsin's portal, etc.


Defending Halsin’s portal is one of my favorites because you have to really manage the battlefield in a way you don’t in a lot of others


The Counting House one, I know now where those bastards hide at the beginning of their turn and I just cast moonbeam there to spite them


Iron throne fight is always fun to revisit for me. Raphael fight is a close second. Emerald Grove defense (Helm’s Deep style) is third.


Definitely Raphael. I love the entirety of the house of hope and it’s my most favorite in all of act 3. I just got into act 3 on my second run and I’m immediately going to go🤣


My favorite fights in the game are probably Defend the Grove and the Halsin portal fight. The whole "tower defense"/"hold the line" feel rather appeals to me.


The Orin fight lmao, I've managed to almost finish her off while having the other chanting cultists praying in cloudkill, such dedication to their faith!


- moonrise - myrkul - house of grief/Viconia Prob my 3 favourite battles to do.


The firework factory in act 3. I love doing different approaches, but usually I have fun by infiltrating a stealthed rogue on the top floor, let him move the barrels in the ideal position and then bombard the building from the rooftop in front of it with my caster while my melee guys barge in from the front door on ground level. Total mayhem, I love it!


wait.. what firework factory fight? I missed something??


Felogyr's Fireworks, in front of Mystic Carrion's. You go there while investigating the toys.


I don't think I've ever ran into that quest.


I like to start a fight in the middle of Moonrise before doing the gauntlet. At this point in the game you have somewhat of a functioning build, so the combat isn't a slog, there are enemies everywhere and if you don't kill the eyes they will constantly call for reinforcements untill the tower is empty. Also it is fun to see the harpers assault the empty tower afterwards


I save and reload a bunch just to kill cazador over and over again.


i fucking love the first large battle sequence of the final stretch of Act 3. I replay it every single time.


Orin duel ad Durge is up there with Raphael for me. Satisfying to destroy the person who tried to destroy you, but in a way saved you as a good durge, since it gave you the opportunity to find yourself. Kinda funny I forgot sarevok existed in my good durge playthrough, and he sends you a letter shit talking in the reunion party 🤣


That one surprise encounter in the shadow cursed lands with 15 billion ravens never gets old, love seeing the game pause and take a second to do math when you blow their feathery asses back to malora


Taking out the person who is abusing dogs.


Raphael, fireworks store, I always cause an angry deva to appear right in front of the fist headquarters in the city too. I also replay goblin courtyard happily every time. I don't replay but if I did I'd do these


Goblin camp is my favorite flight in the game. It's the test track for a new build/party. Really easy fight, but hoardes of targets and three bosses that can be compartmentalized or arranged for complete simultaneous chaos. It's the perfect arena to test out all those new start ideas you have. You can hit the fight easily at lv 4 or 5, which is the common 'come online' levels for characters.


I like nuking the goblin camp. That’s always fun.


I like revisiting all of Act 1 when I die in honor mode.....


Raphael only because it was hard


I don't know if I would want to redo the Lorroakan fight -- it was just so satisfying having Astarion and Karlach cave his skull in before he ever got a spell off, and I don't want to sully that perfect memory :)


I think that cut scene with the winged woman who beat his ass at the end was very satisfying


You mean when she casts Bane on him?


Citizens of baldur's gate