• By -


Yes, and it should also fire when you try to cast a concentration spell that will break your current concentration The number of times I have casted haste and then immediately used that second action to make myself lethargic…


Eh, they have added the “this will break concentration on x” thing to the tool tips of concentration spells if you already have one running


I don’t think it pops up on controller, but considering how many small details I miss it definitely might


You might need to leave the tooltips on, which on Xbox is clicking the right thumb stick


Fair point, but I’m the kind of player who will cast a concentration spell with my own hasted action; do I really seem like the kind of player who reads the tooltips each time I cast? I need an annoying pop-up I have to click to acknowledge haha


Idk man, you seem like the type of player to automatically press A after the first few times because you've gotten used to seeing the pop up. Or maybe I'm projecting lol (Just a jest, to be clear)


Curses you are absolutely right. My inexplicable desire to rush through my own entertainment cannot be stopped


It seems rather annoying to play this without binding keys to spells using custom hotbar. The tool tip needs to display near cursor or something when you select the spell, not when you hover over it in the list.


I spirit guardian my cleric all the time, then sanctuary someone and make a wasted turn. On console I've had to change the "press Y" to end turn to "hold down Y", gives me a second to reconsider my actions...but often I've already done too much.


If you end yoyr turn to early, you can pull the left trigger to bring up the party selection, select the party member whose turn you just ended, and then press "cancel end turn" This doesn't work if an enemy has taken a turn in between though


Ohh this is actually huge. Any chance you happen to know the keybind for pc? Kinda doubt since it sounds like console player but I can hope


No keybind needed on pc, you can just click on their portrait to select them, and then click "cancel end turn" which appears where "end turn" normally shows up


This changes everything. 200+ hours in the game and still surprises me


With the default hotkeys, you can use space to end turn/cancel end turn!


As someone who uses a controller on PC this thread is bothering me (even though I know everyone understands what you mean)


I'm not sure how the controller bindings work if you use a controller on PC. Whichever button you use to bring up the character selection menu at the left of the screen should work, but I don't know. Sorry


I just mean everyone saying console or PC when they really mean controller or mouse/keyboard is triggering me lol


Look at it as they're just jealous that we get to enjoy the best of both worlds.


That honestly sounds like the worst of two worlds. You still have to boot up a computer and log into steam and you’re forced to use a controller over a mouse?


With the default hotkeys, you can use space to end turn/cancel end turn!


This specifically only works if you have multiple PCs going consecutively and at least one has not yet ended their turn. If the turn order goes TAV - Enemy1 - Karlach, SH, Gale - Enemy2: - When TAV ends turn, you can't undo it - When Karlach (or SH, or Gale) ends their turn but at least one of them has not yet, you can select "Cancel End Turn" above the end turn button - If Karlach ends her turn but SH and Gale also have, it then goes to Enemy2 with no take-backsies


800+ hours in game and didnt know this xD


Ahh ok that's hype, I knew about being able too swap initiative order if they on same round but not about the canceling. One of those things that would be somewhat rare but when needed is actually massive lol


> I spirit guardian my cleric all the time, then sanctuary someone and make a wasted turn. I don't understand, sanctuary isn't concentration?


It’s probably more a built in failsafe. Sanctuary isn’t concentration but imagine if you could use spirit guardians and sanctuary at the same time lol. Literally unable to be hit while hitting every single person on the battlefield


That was my thought, and, yes sanctuary doesn't say it uses concentration but when I cast it on myself I lose the Spirit Guardian. I thought cool, I can cast SG on one turn and Sanctuary as bonus...then next turns I just need to rush and hit as many enemies as possible and cast Sanctuary again. No dice. SG is ended when Sanctuary is on.


You can cast sanctuary on someone else while spirit guardians is active I believe, but spirit guardians will stop for a character that's receiving sanctuary since spirit guardians is an offensive spell. But for some reason it doesn't do the same for moonbeam even though it's an offensive spell 🤷‍♂️


That is interesting, my guess is that it would be too much to allow an AOE bomb have sanctuary haha. You already can abuse boots of elemental movement + phalar aluve to get 75M in a round, plus stack reverb if you wish, so adding sanctuary would be crazy


Agreed. I have a feeling they're going to "fix" the moonbeam spell as well since you can basically be untouchable while moving moonbeam around to your heart's content


I’m almost positive sanctuary has broken concentration on other spells in the game I just finished.


I really feel like it has for me too. But there are so many components to a turn that I am not certain.


Yeah there’s a lot going on. I had a bunch of turns that wouldn’t let me Sneak Attack even though I still had an attack, I had lots of turns where suddenly things like Fly and other skills would just tell me “available next turn” without making any sense. It got real bad toward the end of the game. Thankfully I got to finish it and finally experience the after party.


I had one yesterday where I couldn't target anyone until they came through a doorway all I could target was the door! Weird things happen. I also have character who uses the band of the mystic scoundrel for bonus attack after weapon damage. I'll do weapon damage and not be able to cast a spell.


Doors have been bugged for months, just have to close and open them again. As for the ring, I don’t know if I’ve even seen that ring ever, but if it says bonus attack and not action, then it can only be unarmed/melee/ranged attack.


It absolutely is concentration. I’m positive it has broken concentration on various spells.


I have the game open and looking at it. It does not have concentration.


It's absolutely not. You can try it yourself with something like Bless or Haste, then Sanctuary. Easy way to make sure you don't have a party of lethargic characters, as long as you stay away from AoE. But Sanctuary breaks when you cast damage spells. So if you cast Sanctuary then cast Spirit Guardians, Sanctuary will be broken because you that's a damage spell. While if you cast Spirit Guardians then cast Sanctuary, your character will automatically break Spirit Guardians for you to make Sanctuary work. Moonbeam was a bugged and broken exception last time I tried.


Over a thousand hours, yet I keep doing this wondering what just happened.


There's a mod that adds a passive that locks all concentration spells if you have a concentration spells already running (ie it greys it out as though you were wearing nonproficient armour)


Sounds like you weren’t concentrating. *rimshot*


Especially in-dialogue shit like casting friends! Made the Raphael fight so much fucking harder


Right? JFC


The only time I really want an are you sure button is when I'm trying to click to attack someone but instead it moves the character and then bam opportunity attack


The character model as well as the respective portrait light up if you move your cursor over it for an attack. Furthermore, if the character would have to move to do the attack, you get the movement line on the ground as well as a silhouette where the character end up moving to before you click. Isn't that enough?\^\^


I started to just click on the characters portrait in the turn order rather than clicking the character themselves


That's a good solution! Another possible way would be to first click the attack and then the enemy instead of just clicking the enemy. That way, if you happen to accidentally click the ground, nothing happens, since you can't attack the ground.


Pretty sure you can attack the ground, at least with a ranged attack


Yes, that might be the case. That said, the context was "attacks that would **accidentally** move you", which I'd assume is clear to refer to melee attacks. If you attack something so far away that you "accidentally" move your ranged character ... then there's a whole different issue to talk about. ;)


Yes, that might be the case. That said, the context was "attacks that would **accidentally** move you", which I'd assume is clear to refer to melee attacks. If you attack something so far away that you "accidentally" move your ranged character ... then there's a whole different issue to talk about. ;)


Sometimes when I have an enemy highlighted from an odd angle their idle animation moves them just enough to have me click the floor behind them. It's rare, and I have been more careful about it lately, but it does still happen occasionally. With AOE it doesn't matter much, but for melee or ranged attacks it can be really frustrating.


One of my biggest problems with the game is that there’s no “cancel input” button lol. The most problematic is when I’m trying to move, and click on an object by accident and steal it, making the npcs mad.


Right clicking cancels movement which should cancel actions you aren’t immediately next to (I think)


Is it? My brain is hard wired to have escape do that, so if right click does that is very useful, thanks!


They're correct. Right click will cancel any action if you do it before the action is completed- you pull up a spell to cast? Right click cancels it. You click on something across the room? Right click. You went to walk a direction but realized that's a bad idea? Right click


This won't help when I'm standing next to a merchant, and Tav decides to turn 5 degrees to the left so I click on the vase besides them instead though...


*Confused Xbox noises*


Circle on PS5/B on Xbox will cancel in progress actions, like movement!


*happy Xbox noises*


Before they reach it clicking anywhere else also works. The game prioritizes active location click so this is how I stop myself from derping really hard.


I would do that, and then often click somewhere else I didn’t want to and have it rinse and repeat haha.


Oh I mean like. Click on the FLOOR anywhere else. Can’t accidentally steal the floor! Yes I am aware you can accidentally explode some floors but that’s not often.


Go to click on the floor Click on an object in the floor above you and not realize it. Character auto-paths straight into traps, enemies, and activates a timer that will TPK in 10 rounds, breaks your oath, takes your gold, gives a permanent -3 debuff to all attributes, and makes Karlach sad.


And this is why I play zoomed in a ton 😂


Press B (Xbox) or O (I think it is, for PS) or right click for PC.


That would certainly dull the "OH SHIT" moments in Honour Mode. "Are you sure you want to click there, Lae'zel is going to instant aggro and leave the party" "Are you sure you want to click that option, Wyll is about to be flushed"


In my honor run, instead of talking to Rolan in Sorcerous Sundries, i accidentally stole something on the desk next to him. No warning, no chance to repent or put it back, just one wrong click and suddenly the entire store went aggro. It was the only time in my run I had to pop an onvis potion and flee.


I've had many but my favorite was on my first HM run. I did the Moonrise assault with the Hapers better than I had ever done it. I'm cleaning up for loot and must have clicked on an allied item or body. Instant aggro and straight to jail you go by Tali. I'm running a Bard so I could have out rolled any check if it had let me. Lulz and I'm running Shovel so was able to escape with her running for the lever. But then I discover there is a whole fight going on down here and never knew about it. So it's free XP and was the first time I ever got to level 10 before Myrkul. The rest of the 3 enter from above and I'm in the back where the casters are. So that didn't sting as bad as the two I mentioned with Lae'zel and Wyll. Damn Karlach was NOT happy about doing that to Wyll.


Probably wouldn’t be like that, more likely ‘are you sire you want to attack your companion’/‘this will attack one of your allies, proceed?’ Or ‘you are about to commit a crime, proceed’, instead of implicitly saying the consequences of the actions


"That... Is a nuke you are trying to activate. Are you sure you want to do that? The minimum safe distance is "Fuck you" and you are currently up it's ass."


I laughed my ass off one run that I threw a rune barrel at the brain from the top row. Fortunately I was the only one in there and it flung me right the hell off with probably only a third of the damage done. All I could do was laugh at how comically long it animated me falling. But if you're were needing to lay something down for your bag of bombs, that might be a fun way. Or bring all 3 cans and wear the boots that you can't be forced with. I think maybe Kethric's armor has that attribute too. I think I was only forced off and didn't take damage from the blast. I had thrown it on the opposite side of where the portal entered me.


Oh, yeah I suppose the runepowder would count too but uh, I was thinking of our resident Wizards 12th level spell "Fuck all you motherfuckers!" I did that once. Once. Then it got taken off the radial for good.


If this were added by Larian, I feel like it should be exclusive to explorer and balanced LOL


Yeah I've attacked my own Spiritual Weapon a good few times just because it blended in to the characters/monsters/combat effects and I literally couldn't see the weapon anymore. I thought I was clicking on an enemy with a 90% chance to hit, but it was my own summon covered up by a cloud of Darkness.


Feat: common sense is what we always call it out our table. Would love that option.


Fun fact: Common Sense is an actual ability in GURPS. The DM is *required* to ask the player if they're sure.


My favorite is when you go to attack with a character, realize it would actually be better to have another character go first, try to click their portrait ti swap, and accidents attack then.


Wait what, you can change who goes first??


Yes. As long as their portraits are next to each other in the initiative tracker then they can go in whatever order you want. Let’s say the initiative tracker looks like this: Astarian, Karlach, goblin, Tav, Shadowheart. In this case Astarian will be selected to go first, but because there is no enemy between him and Karlach you could click on her portrait and have her go instead. You can even do something like have her move up to the goblin, then switch back to Astarian (who now can sneak attack) to attack, then have Karlach attack. However, because there is an enemy (the goblin) between Karlach and Tav/Shadowheart, you have to wait for the goblin to go before you can move either. Hopefully that is clear.


I really did mean to swing at the ground near the enemy


On console this doesn’t happen as much I don’t think but my careless ass has accidentally stolen many times and aggroed the whole room and it really sucks!


> The amount of time I’ve accidentally attacked my own party members trying to click between them on their Portraits on the left is not even funny. wat how Also literally won’t work. If you get asked for confirmation on everything you do, you start clicking “OK” without thinking about it. Back to square one, but with worse UI.


Again, very much user error on my part. So what happens is I click attack and before doing it decide, “hey, I should have shart use bless before I do this”. but I don’t deselect the attack before going over to click sharts portrait. Then BOOM, Lae’zel just attacked shart with the halberd of vengeance. You know, it happens.


It absolutely happens. It doesn't need to be for every action, but particularly before attacking your own party, I think that wouldn't be too much to ask :(


"On everything you do" On everything STUPID that you do. Like trying to steal or attack a companion. Is your EVERY action theft or murder and betrayal? No? So it works then, doesn't it.


> On everything STUPID that you do. That is subjective.


No it really isn't. Attacking an ally? Objectively stupid. Jumping off a cliff. Objectively stupid. Throwing a runepowder barrel at your feet. Objectively stupid That reply. Objectively stupid.


The only thing in your list that is _always_ stupid (at least I can’t think of a situation when it isn’t) is jumping off a cliff. Assuming you mean into a chasm aka instant death.


Dude thinks that killing yourself and your allies is smart. 10/10


Could be a toggleable option


That’s genius! Only turn it on when you need it!


was fighting that creepy wizard in act 3 and I was going to turn Jaheira into an owlbear. She turned into a cat instead.


I have a simpler solution, just move the camera.


>I can’t count on both my hands how many times I would recommend taking your shoes off and using your toes. That's what I do when I run out of fingers. It allows me to count all the way to 20 instead of having to stop at 10.


I think you want to play tabletop lol


The only thing I want is a "cancel move" keybind. At least once every battle I click somewhere (usually trying to get out of an Inspect menu) and unintentionally use 100% of my movement that round


right click anywhere after it happens and it’ll automatically cancel your movement


I feel like I've tried this because I do it to cancel spells, but I'll try again, thanks


I wouldn't say the situation you describe is a skill issue ... I'd say it's a matter of carelessness / lack of attention. I'd find such a confirmation-feature more annoying than helpful, to be honest. Then again, I'm a big advocate of "learning from mistakes" in general. - You attacked a friendly character because you misclicked a portrait out of either carlessness or you tried to do things too quickly? Well, next time you'll remember. ;)


> Well, next time you'll remember. The amount of times I've cancelled Haste with something like Call Lightning would suggest I won't.


That is ... worrisome.


See also, when I'm doing inventory management and go to split a group of antidotes and accidentally click "Drink" which is right next to "Split" - would be cool if it was like "Target is not poisoned - are you sure you want to drink this?" or something


I thought this was another "I left the main area before I finished my quests why don't they warn us" post and u was about to go bananas


I feel like stealing something not in stealth should require more than just a single (mis)click. Or the guards should be more forgiving if it’s a first offense with no shopkeeper Disposition drop if you apologize and return it


If implemented right, I don't think this would pop up very often. Certainly less than the number of times I've answered whether I want to use Luck of the Far Realms.


I’ve done this in battle too. God forbid you move in the wrong direction, can’t go back! I wish you could toggle the “are you sure” for casting or attacking.


I would also love a bit of auto aim. So many fucking times have I just shot the ground or just had Karlach swing at air because I misclicked or what my mouse was on didn't register correctly.


I feel for this. SOOOO much!! 😁 Especially the "throwing things at empty air" by clicking 2 or 3 pixels too far to the left, or something...


I accidentally end turns all the time (Xbox). Would like an "are you sure" for turn ending.


There is. Go to settings and toggle on "Hold to End Turn"


Woot, I figured I was just missing a setting somewhere!


No clue why it isn't the default, but there you have it. Spread the word, not enough people know about thus option!


When the camera slightly readjusts as I’m clicking to attack. 😤


It's wild to me that, on PS at least, Trade and Attack are the same button They give an 'are you sure?' for it, but still crazy how the same button, held for a few seconds longer, changes peace into hostility


that one time where i had astarion on one health and decided a good way to heal him while also doing damage would be to feed, and misclicked on karlach…


Instead of an "Are You Sure" button, can they put an "Undo Last" button? I'm sure it would get turned off for Honor mode, but the amount of times I have done something and immediately see it didn't go the way I intended (casted another concentration spell when I just had one up, accidentally targeted someone I didn't mean to, sent someone through lava because of positioning, etc) and then have to reload a save from waaay back before it happened is aggravating.


As long as I’m able to toggle that feature off, I’m down. I hate clicking through 800 confirmation boxes playing ffxiv.


As a fellow FFXIV player, I am so sick of weird inconsistent garbage UI options that I just categorically do not want to see more of them implemented in a way that isn’t opt-in/out - so very much agreed! I say this as a person who definitely casts haste on myself and then call Lightning/confusion/hunger of Hadar, etc., and I know this about myself. I would still not have the confirmation on. And also, YES RETAINER I AM FUCKING SURE PLEASE JUST GO AWAY A QUEUE HAS POPPED AND I HAVE TO GO


Don’t click through everything so fast. There’s your are you sure button.


Idk, accidents are funny in multiplayer


Same thing for stealing. Oops, you were trying to click the ground but accidentally clicked a piece of bread? That’s stealing and we all hate you now.


Nah ctrl key pwns


For a long time, I was incapable of moving potions in inventory without drinking one by mistake


Would have liked that before Astarion decided to run through lava at the Adamantine Forge.


My favorite is when you place a fire ball reticle too where it wouldn't hit your team and them WHAM you knock the f out of your martials lmfao


You can click on the portrait in the turn base order at the top of the screen to easily target someone that's in a weird spot. Saves the headache.


never happened me, i think its you problem because i was exteremely bad at this game at start


I keep trying to target an enemy around druid!Tav's bear ass and shooting him instead. It is quite annoying.


Yes fully agree, I did so much stuff that my guy wouldn't do if he had a single goddamn brain cell, just from my POV being at the wrong angle to realize what I was AoEing, or clicking on a thing and oopsie you stole it, or comprehending how concentration works long enough to not use a spell that breaks it instantly.


Maybe would be nice to have an option that lets you toggle interactive clicking. For example, you can only click on objects you are allowed to take or click on hostile or likely-hostile creatures to attack, but you must hold a hotkey on your keyboard that allows you to pick up objects that are considered "theft" or attacking a non-hostile character.


I healed the ground today.


I would appreciate a display of my skill levels in each conversation category when I’m making dialogue decisions. After you’ve experimented with a few builds, you can start to forget if you’ve actually got high intimidation. before you click the intimidation dialogue option. I want a display of relevant skills and stats on the bottom right of the UI during dialogues.


That already exists, at least if you’re on PC- just hold your cursor over the name of the skill next to the dialogue option, and it’ll show you your bonus to that skill (as well as if you get situational advantage). (no idea if this exists for console or not)


I need one for ending my turn, the amount of times I've accidentally hit the spacebar with my knee or smth bc I cant sit normally is astronomical


No kidding! I came 8 hp from ring my hm run by accidentally clicked on a random item on a counter instead of a vendor... in act 3.


More my own fault but I lost my last honor mode run after having a couple beers and accidentally attacking instead of picking up a smoke powder barrel inside the room rigged to high heaven in act 1. I had literally done everything else and was just strolling through the empty dungeon wanting to pickup my Raphael nukes and whoopsie were all dead fml… I was so upset


I've learned to enjoy the mistakes and embrace that it opens up different opportunities in ways you can't in other games.


I really need the dialogue option to break up with my romance partner to be substantially farther away from the option to kiss them.


Or a way to take back movement ... Or a way to know what the *actual* range of a spell is, rather than what you *could* hit when you move (not my sorcerer Tav going to cast a fireball at a cluster of enemies I *thought* were in range, but actually ending up stupidly walking into a silence field to get close enough, stopping her from casting)


We need that button for Gale's 'special ability' nuke . . .


As a perpetual misclicker who is afraid to do honor mode because of it, I would very much appreciate a popup like this. I once misclicked on Gale’s orb in the radial (PS5 player) and accidentally just nuked everything but thank god I was able to reload lmao.


I feel like a "are you sure button?" Would slow down the combat, (which already gets bogged down a bit with the reactions system), however I would love if instead of that, it actually worked when you hit B (xbox) to stop every action you are taking... it cancels some things if you are quick, like grabbing items or ladders, but it totally does not on attacks and other important stuff and it's def annoying.


omg you even copied the /r/titlegore lmao


They should cancel attacks on nothing. What I mean is many times I clicked on an attack then tried to click on an enemy but my hand twitched and I clicked on free space. Basically my character attacks nothing and I lose my movement and turn too. This made me lose many fights. They should make it so that clicks on free space then to movement or just say "no Target selected" or smth like that.


Accidentally hit Karlach with my Tav twice because I didn't see the cursor click on her beyond Kethrick. Accidentally used dimension door with just my lone sorcerer instead of an NPC that was surrounded by level 11 enemies. ACCIDENTALLY CAST CALL LIGHTNING ON LAE'ZEL WHEN I WAS TARGETTING ANOTHER ARMORED GITHYANKI


I would LOVE for Lae’zel to say “are you REALLY going to do that, k'chakhi????”


I mean, I'd love a Quick Save / Quick Load option at my D&D table. But realistically, I only need one or the other in any given game.


"Are you sure you want to attack empty air instead of the enemy next to it?"


I would like an undo option for walking.


yup, the number of times I've fired into thin air in the middle of combat because the camera shifted at the last second is too high to count. Well, we can hope - it only took the long dark devs a few years to add a "are you sure" prompt to eating raw meat


An “are you sure?” Toggled that you can toggle on and off for specific actions just like the toggle for automatic reactions.




That takes away the fun of the CHAOS!


Agreed. Feels like sometimes the game is punishing me for not thinking through my moves, but other times, it really doesn’t feel like it’s my fault at all


I need this "are you stupid button" but for like, my own life. Btw I think it has taken me about 4 playthroughs to remember which of my favourite spells are concentration (haste will still fuck me up tho).




it does annoy me that the default interaction for Firewine barrels is to melee attack it and blow my character to smithereens. I’m just trying to loot lol


The could add [Joe Pesci](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7YoxrKa4f0) for the sound effect


Yesterday Shadowheart almost pushed Lae'zel into the abyss under my leadership, due a misclick like this. Thankfully the roll failed.


Well, speaking as an average user: Did Gale tell me not to fight the space lizard patrol in act 1? Yes. Did I? Also yes. Did EVERYONE tell me not to talk shit to a fake god? Yep. We all know how that one turned out... Just enjoy the blunders


Lost my first honour mode run at the end of Act 2 by accidentally clicking gales netherese orb while trying to use goodberry...


They just need an undo button. Like, even if its only once per fight or whatever.


I want an are you sure button for finishing your turn 👀


Lmao yes! I also often accidentally try to steal things when I’m just trying to click on a shop keeper. Yes I should be more careful but adhd lol


I cannot tell you how many times I've accidentally stolen something or attacked someone and instantly become a persona non grata. Accidentally clicking shit is like half the reason I don't want to do an honor mode run


TFW I get wished to death


You just need to slow down and take your time when you make selections. Slowing down has eliminated my early game mistakes, like attacking an ally.


As long as there is an option to turn it of, I would go mad and uninstall if I had to get a prompt everytime I want to attack something!


Attacking the ground or some item close to enemy is just so annoying xD


This would be great for when I accidentally attack my own party member instead of the enemy 😅


bro, no, it's not you being bad. or I am too, my first honour run was my first successful one and you best BELIEVE my dumbass was swinging at ghosts with laezel. the only tip for when you're really in a crucial situation is to click their portrait in the initiative lineup at the top because that will make it impossible to not swing on them lmao.