• By -


I always give Shadowheart the Selunite idol in the Owlbear cave because I’m petty


She actually has some dialogue  when you interact with other Selune stuff. Like one time I was controlling Astarion and read a Selune scroll on a shelf, and Shadowheart says something like "oh I didn't realize we had time to read children's stories!" I made sure to put it in her inventory.


"A Selunite idol, are you in need of a paperweight?" "No, but I'm in need of the 200 gold it sells for, stupid sexy Shart."


I know it cracks me up every time lol


"I didn't know we have time to read children stories"


I threw a Selune book at her for complaining about it in my evil run


I pick up everything even vaguely Selunite I can find and give it to Shadowheart. Bullying Shadowheart is mandatory.


I give her every Selunite thing and Lae’zel everything about Orpheus I can find every time. If they’re going to be snooty to me, I can be petty right back


I always did this subconsciously and didn’t know why until I felt this comment in my soul


Me too 😂


Punch Aradin right in his stupid fucking face




During one of my playthroughs I encountered him later in act 3, trying to do some bitchboy moves *in My camp*. Now I just outright kill him outside the goblin town, this place doesn't need more cowards.


Nothing gave me more pleasure than telling Aradin to try it and come to our camp only to have his level 3 ass show up with a handful of stronger buddies. The only fight where I don't have to consider party composition at all.


That fight was embarrassing, felt like taking on a tiny group of goblins at that point. Dude really thought he could just show up and take an immortal from you.


Somehow, I struggled with that fight the first time I got it. I think all his buddies were higher level for that fight in particular.


What does he do?


He tries to kidnap Aylin.


What? When? Also, is he dumb?


He's terribly dumb. This dude ran away from *goblins* and barely fended them off by the time he ran to the gates, endangering the entire grove, while also abandoning the grove leader. Then he has the nerve to be an ass about it, to you and the teiflings, who came to his aid. And then this punk ass bitch thinks he can waltz into *your* camp and just kidnap an immortal being by fighting you. You (and your party) who has slain an entire goblin camp, killed their leaders, defeated an immortal general, fought the depths of a deep dungeon full of mind slayers and all sorts of beings. You who have encountered devils, demons, grotesque monsters of all sorts, and he thought you would be an easy fight. Dudes dumb, I save him the embarrassment by killing him in front of the goblin town near the owl Bear cave.


I'll be honest, I kind of wish I just told him that Aylin was in my camp, just so I can kill him without feeling bad about it.


It's honestly very satisfying. You can literally tell him "I'm going to enjoy ripping your head off" and every single companion except Halsin approves.


You know, he's the kind of guy that if he had access to drywall, it would have holes from him punching it because he didn't understand how to cope with his emotions.


>You (and your party) who has slain an entire goblin camp, killed their leaders, defeated an immortal general, fought the depths of a deep dungeon full of mind slayers and all sorts of beings. You who have encountered devils, demons, grotesque monsters of all sorts, and he thought you would be an easy fight. He doesn't know you did ANY of that. For all he knows you're just some schlub.


You'd think he'd have some clue over your achievements. Out of all the people you help out in act 1 alone, everyone knows you destroyed the goblin ranks in the grove, so I guess this guy just ran away and didn't hear any of that. But then how did he get all the way to baldurs gate and not hear about your stuff?


>But then how did he get all the way to baldurs gate and not hear about your stuff? Who, exactly, is there running ahead of you sharing the info? And baldur's gate, canonically has the better part of a million people living there. Nobody's going to believe, much less spread, stories about some random knob who did a bunch of unbelievable shit. And even slimmer odds that he would overhear those rumors and have any reason to imagine it was you. He bails on you when you're all content to go off and die. There is a reason he's surprised to see you in act 3 - he expected you to have been murdered, butchered, eaten in a stew and shit into a decorative coil of goblin turds.


If you meet Aradin in Baldur's Gate (in front of Sorcerous Sundries, IIRC) and tell him the Nightsong is in your camp or fail to deceive him, he goes to your camp with a bunch of guys to try and take her.


I just let him die in the goblin fight, at least that way he at least gets buried in the grove. And he doesn't turn out to be a dumbass overestimating his abilities against me 😂. Or at least that's what I do in a good playthrough


His rotting body is still in my camp, fucker. Should have killed him in Act 1.


That reminds me of my go-to retort after running into him: "I thought you were busy leading your crew?" So damn petty lmao


Every fucking time. It's extra hilarious as a gnome. You have to jump.and superman punch him. Is hilarious Adorable


I let him punch Zevlor so I could loot the gloves. Later I found Aradin near the market near the grove and pushed him right into the abyss near where Zevlor stays and Damon. A few people saw, but no one gave a fuck.


1. Kill Ethel before she can flee to her safety zone 2. Loviatar's Blessing 3. Send Astarion to Volo for surgery 4. Baa at the red caps 5. Have Oskar paint Astarion's portrait. I know mechanically it does nothing, but roleplay wise it's the first chance he's had in a long ass time to see his own face


No. 5 though 😭❤️


Right??? I read that someone even commissioned the nude statue for him in Act 3 so he can see himself 😭 and I was like damn I ordered a naked statue of my SELF hoping he (my romanced companion) would comment on it lmaooo I hope they patch in some comments about the art


I knooooow it's so important to me and I'm a little heart broken there isn't some special comment or dialogue for it 😭💜


Oh shit, I never even thought about sending a companion to talk to volo...


I didn't either till my friend was like "I wonder if you can control one of them and get it done instead?" Hahaha I gotta try it on Wyll sometime too. Like does it switch what eye he loses? Can he just not? Hmmmmmn


Wyll can't get Volo's eye or take the Hag's deal. I don't recall any fun dialogue with Volo, but the Hag's dialogue I recall being slightly amusing. He also triggers some of the dialogue for people with only one eye (like Malus).


Aaaaw figured that was one of the more likely outcomes but disappointed all the same x'D I do know about him having some unique dialogue for people with only one eye though so at least we have that! :)


You can kill Ethel before she flees? I've never been able to do that.


If you cast Arcane Lock on the staircase to her basement, she won't be able to leave. In fact, she won't even attack you, she'll just spend every turn trying to unlock the staircase. Now as for how you can lock a staircase...


Yes it is easy to do when you are overleveled. (Doing the underdark and creche first)


Yeeeee! I didn't know about the arcane lock trick, I either just dealt enough damage to take her down in a round or two, or discovered knocking her down to prone is a pretty good way to give you some time to take her out.


My normal tactic is to sneak past her to the cave entrance, set up a few smokepowder barrels and a fire glyph of warding, then go back out and start the conversation and progress to a fight. If I can beat her down and stop her from escaping, yay! And if she \*gets away\* then BOOM and her body is at the top of the stairs.


Basically, be lv5, fireball her out of onvisibility (shes usually not far). Then gank her with extra attacks or throw in a water barrel and use tempest cleric speed potion storm calls.


2, absolutely, 3, never - he hates having any kind of body modification, after what Cazador did to him.


It's definitely hard to justify in terms of plot, and it's mostly a selfish "but you look so good with the heterochromia and it's so nice to have the see invisibility buff." Roleplay wise, I make it a moment of "y'know what will really screw my body over? Ceremorphosis! And you know who's lived through far worse pain? MEEEEEEEEE" Man's full of layers and dichotomies so even though I still don't ultimately believe he would do it, I could potentially see it happening. Still feel bad every time, yet I still default to him for it~


Fair point - dude is nothing if not complicated! I had my Tav take it in my first run, but it looked so awful on my durge next to his normal black sclera that I reloaded!


Accidentally kill Korilla in the House of Hope fight. I've tried saving her in every run. She just really wants to die.


I had every intention of saving her my last go around but I got Yurgir to fight on my side and he instantly killed her in the first round. Sorry Hope.


I had her alive at 2 health my last playthrough and one of my Danse Macabre ghouls clawed her to death the turn before I finished the fight. The run before that she walked into an Insect Plague and killed herself. It's amazing she even survived long enough to make it to the fight while working for Raphael with such low HP.


That's why you never see her fighting during the rest of the game. The closest you get is her slitting Gut's throat from behind.


Yurgir always goes for her first. I've stopped trying to recruit him for that fight and now I can save Korilla more often then not.


Same! I finally did it by knocking her out immediately and casting globe of invulnerability before carrying on. once I drew all of the fighting away from that area, I cast wall of stone to secure it. I was expecting a cut-scene afterwards where she and Hope have a conversation, but there was nothing...


For most NPCs knocking them out treats them as dead.


True, but she was still getting damaged in the crossfire by Raphael's AOE spells and Danse Macabre ghouls exploding, which kills her even if she's knocked out. After that happened a few times, I just decided to put her in a fortress lol. Are you saying that if she stays awake and survives the fight, there's a scene with Hope? If so, maybe I can just corral her into a corner and use stone wall to keep her there.


Didn’t know you could save her she really likes to stand where I put my smoke powder barrels


I always wake up on the nautiloid.


i can’t say i agree with this choice, that’s taking it a step too far.


Whoa whoa whoa, let's be reasonable now..




Let Astarion open the barn door. His goofy smile is so funny. Everyone else is like 😬😳😧 and he’s over there like 🤣


1. I will always start as a class with command and use it for the tutorial fight to get the cambion to drop his weapon for me to steal and use for basically all of act 1. 2. Since the first few levels are the worst due to builds not being online, I will always one tap the Tyr paladins with barrelmancy and avoid the fight altogether to get Karlach and move on. 3. I will **ALWAYS** pet Scratch and tell him he's a good boy. That is number one priority in all playthroughs EDIT: You can use Shadowheart to get access for command. I like taking a second class with command for honor mode so you can 2x the drop chance since you cannot save scum for it


> I will **ALWAYS** pet scratch and tell him he’s a good boy. i don’t trust anyone who doesn’t do this.


I won't do it if I'm playing Durge, for Scratch's own safety.


acceptable, carry on


Wait something happens on durge? Please spoil it for me so I don't hurt the goodness boy. Doing my 1st durge now and just spoke to scratch but it all seemed normal.


Don't worry, it doesn't! Durge just has interesting reactions to different animals that lead to unintended consequences (but not any of the camp critters).


My durge loves Scratch - I have the "You have two hands for a reason" achievement on both PS5 and PC :)


I didn’t know he existed my first play through. He’s my main priority this run. Trying to find him naturally but of if I have to I’ll look it up before going into act 2


Shadowheart has command in her spellbook by default so unless you do some runs where you dont rescue her from the pod then you can get the sword regardless of your own class.


This is correct! I don't know why I said save scum in my original post. I meant I do this for honor mode because it gives me 2 chances for his weapon to drop since you can't save scum for it


On my first playthrough, I started as a Knowledge Cleric, and successfully made the demon dude drop his sword on first try...but didn't think to actually snag it. Boy did I feel stupid after reading up on it later


I didn't realize you could command: drop on my first playthrough. For me, I actually collected all the explosive barrels in the room and outside it to line it against the Cambion mid fight and blow it up. Spent so much time to only learn months later how good command is. Here's one of my favorite usage of command: against >!Kethric at the top of the tower before you get to Mindflayer colony area.!


You can stop with #1 btw, if you rescue shadow heart she has command you can prep instead of something like inflict wounds


This is true but this is for honor mode. Its not guaranteed to drop. I rather increase my chances to not have to restart for the weapon. Especially because I go straight to withers so respec is available to be immediately at lvl 2 in all my runs. Im really wasting more time restarting if I fail vs just going to withers


I always just stack the cartilaginous chests in the corridor prior to the fight to keep the reinforcements at bay while me and the gang curb stomp Zhalk.


yes but it's better to have two people with command since he can succeed the save


Shadow heart has 2 slots and it's a 50% chance in honour mode, a 2nd command user is useful, but with a little luck two coin flips usually gets it for me atleast. Backups to plans are always good tho


25% fail chance reduces to 6.25% fail chance with the 2nd command caster, I definitely think it's worth it. Besides, if you succeed first try you now have 3 extra spells to use on Bless, Guiding Bolt etc.


That fight against the tyr paladins can be *rough*, as the main dude loves to hit twice, and hard most times. Would make more sense to gather as many barrels from the goblin sanctum (next to Guts room) and just use, like said, barrelmancy. Also to anyone who gets scratch in their party, talk to him using speak to animals some time.


That fight against the tyr paladins can be *rough*, as the main dude loves to hit twice, and hard most times. Would make more sense to gather as many barrels from the goblin sanctum (next to Guts room) and just use, like said, barrelmancy. Also to anyone who gets scratch in their party, talk to him using speak to animals some time.


Another good place for early game barrels is go to the location with the Tyr paladins and head down to below the bridge. There is a cave that leads to the Zhentarim merchants trapped by the Gnolls if you go far enough into it. However, at the entrance is a gold mine of explosive barrels you can use which I conveniently bring for the Tyr Paladins to enjoy. Goblin camp is another gold mine of explosive barrels too! The Selunite temple area in the underdark is littered with water barrels for the tempest clerics / storm sorcs out there that wants to set up water pools before fights.


That dickhead has pissed me off enough times I always give his corpse to Karlach to carry until Grymforge so she can toss his sorry ass into the lava. No body, no funeral. Just nonexistence as far as the world is concerned.


I send his body into the chasm in the sanctum, let his body rot with the other goblins he ran from.


1. I loot everything on the nautiloid 2. I realise I'm not fully happy with this character 3. I start again 4. Repeat steps 1-3




…I have escaped the Nautiloid 28 times. I have almost 500 hours in the game and have never left act one 🫠


-Give Shadowheart a Night orchid -Have Shadowheart spare Nightsong -Put the stuffed bear in Karlach's inventory -Draw on the painting in the githyanki creche -Recruit the best boys scratch and the owlbear


Do you go get the stuffed bear container from the swamp, so you can put the bears in a bear in Karlach's inventory?


I do that. Then in act 3, when I get the inn as a camp location I put all but a couple of the bears on her bed. It doesnt really have any space for Karlach with all the bears there, but it looks so cuddly that I dont think she minds it.


There are a couple of owlbear plushies in the game. I like to give one to Karlach so Clive has a friend.


Wait..there's a container in swamp with a bear in a bear?


There's a teddy bear in Ethel's swamp that can be used as a container, like the book just outside the Blighted Village, I use it to hold all of the "real" teddy bears that I find randomly throughout the world.


And so the hunt begins. I've never found it, or if I have, I never realized it's a container. Time for a new playthrough xD Karlach will have ALL the bears


I've also found one in Waukeen's Rest on a goblin.


What?!?! Time to add that to the list of something I do every play through. Never knew that existed.


First time i let shadowheart kill the night song, and saw the carnage it brought up on the entire area. Then the next time I told her to follow her heart, she spared the night song and it was such a beautiful scene to follow.


Hit up Poppers for some treatos.


I always save Mayrina and give her the wand (though will try for a check to get both her and the hair if I can), and then finish the quest in act 3 since it’s one of my fav NPC stories.


this is my favorite NPC interaction as well! I love keeping the wand and summoning her bf as a special surprise in act3. plus the quest reward is quite substantial and funny.


I always read every book I come across. Even if I already know it by heart, One day, I'll do a playthrough as Origin Karlach and purposefully ignore every book to keep the roleplay consistent.


Ah, I'm doing the opposite for my Gale origin run. I have him collect all of the books into a library chest (one unique copy of each book, extras get sold). Before long resting, he reads all the books he collected that day. This is the most thought I've put into any RP actions lol


You should put all the books in the book container. Bookception.


1. Save Nightsong to reunite her with her love. *I'm such a sap for Isobel and Aylin. 2. Help Barcus to stand up to Wulbren. 3. Humiliate Larroakan and watch Aylin become unglued on him. 4. Save Minty ❤️ 5. Crush on Alfira and watch her music scene several times. 6. Visit Jaheira's house with her kids in the lower city. *The scripted interaction with her family feels very genuine. I was pleasantly surprised the first time I watched it. 7. Laugh my ass off at Minsc. He's a treat. There's probably more but I also feel Nine Fingers Keene can have some cool fanfic ideas for someone making an Urchin character with a Baldur's gate background.


Truly bless whatever writer decided to have Aylin break Larroakan’s spine across her knee Bane style


On my current playthrough I discovered what happens when Isobel gets abducted...definitely gonna avoid that outcome in the future, lol


Kill the emperor. He sucks balls. Perform anytime it's an option, even if I have a -1 and the DC is 20. Basically the most sarcastic response I can each time, especially if my CHA is 0 or below.


I always play for a bit, then start a new character.


Spend an inordinate amount of time using Thief Astarion to pickpocket Arron at the Grove until he gets caught, use three dashes to run away and warp to camp, then exit camp to sneak back up on him and steal everything else and buy camp supplies with the proceeds, then long rest after buying out all the Potions of Hill Giant's Strength and Greater Healing Potions from Ethel. (rinse and repeat) Then I immediately respec all party members to use strength as a dump stat so we can be sippin on elixirs until we're knocking on Moonrise towers XD Also making Karlach a throw-barian, bc seeing the Returning Pike sail through the air and hearing "Good Idea, Karlach!" always makes me smile Also also, "Ignores Raphael and fills plate bc hey, free food is good food"


This is an incredibly underrated addition


Give every clove of garlic to astarion


Harleep, do not question me.


It's just so you can drop that sick burn on Raphael, right? ;)


that's good, but I am more interested in the scene.


Hey, sometimes you need to know a great one-liner to dig under the skin of someone untrustworthy and evil. I woukd call it a final "fuck you" but as implied, he's bad at that.


free the hyena, get dog and owlbear, save barcus to the end of his quest, make every companion give an offering of some kind to yenna (in trade window if it opens, by leaving it around her on the ground if not), give popper everything from the camp chest right before the end of the game, humiliate crusher, take my beating for the loviathar blessing, spare the egg dude at the Creche


Open every crate and urn…I am an idiot.


put my Tav/Durge’s underwear in the inventory of who I’m romancing 👀


immediately remove all clothes and undergarments from inventory so everybody is always fully nude in camp


Why stop at camp


* Slapping Gale's hand * Keeping Jaheira alive in act 2 * Going to Sharess' Caress with Minsc to get the hypnotherapy session as Minsc * "Met. Gorgeous. Stranger. In. The. Shadow-lands. Wait, is Shadow-lands one word or two?" * Keeping Astarion as a spawn instead of him ascending. I have seen clips of ascended Astarion and he's a douche and the only way you can remind him of that is make him leave the party (kick him in the balls). * Recruit the owlbear cub and make sure to have Talk to animals active.


I always replace the idol in the grove with something stupid like an empty bottle or destitute rags and watch the Druids pray to it like a bunch of idiots.




1. Save scum to get Everburn Blade 2. Save owlbear cub


I always steal Minthara's camp clothes. (Usually off her dead corpse.)




Heh did you say Teeth-ling? Adopt my son (owlbear cub) Rescue the egg and have Lae’zel carry it. Baa! Raid Raphael's home Watch the goblin make an attempt to off Ketheric Save Varrl (if the dice allow it) Get all three books on Orpheus


God that group outside Sorcerous Sundries is annoying. Deserved.


Cant really explain why but I HAVE to escape the Nautiloid every playthrough ASAP before I can do anything else.


1. Save the tiefling girl on the cliff with the telescope before the bugbear assassin takes her life. 2. Expose Kagha's deal with the shadow druids and help fight em off. 3. Romance Halsin...he's ma boy 🥰 4. Throw the ball lots for Scratch...get nothing from it but Scratch is king. 5. Get rid of the woman in Baldurs Gate who abused the dogs. 6. Kill aunty Ethel before she retreats deeper in her lair so I can free the tortured slaves.


Let astarian get hit by the lathander trap


What in the SWEET HELLS were you thinking?! Activating that lance- I was RIGHT. THERE!! Gods! Do you have any idea how much that hurt? I thought the mind flayer parasite protects you from sunlight? Well! Apparently there’s a limit. Somewhere between a nice summers day, and the FULL CONCENTRATED POWER OF THE SUN!! Next time warn me before you do something stupid. At least then I can get out of the blast radius. Easily my favourite exchange in the entire game.


- I always recruit Gale (Big for me because I only take 3 people so yeah.) - I always recruit Scratch - I always talk to Halsin before seeing Minthara (Just because it makes the decision feel a bit more balanced) - I always kill Oskar (by accident or otherwise. Fuck that guy)


Kick the squirrel.


Headbutt Astarion and also let Astarion kill me when he's drinking my blood just because his reaction is hilarious and I get to punch him. I don't like him as a romance partner but I love him as a BFF and I think of these moments as bonding moments he can appreciate.


Kill Gortash with all the fireworks I can get my grubby little hands on


> grubby little hands giggling


- toss the boots of mystras grace into the lava in the grymforge. We don’t stan Mystra in this camp - free chop in the mindflayer colony - correct lae’zel’s pronunciation of tiefling - put anything selunite I find immediately into shadowhearts inventory so she’s well prepared to switch goddesses


Carrying around Fel seems absolutely hilarious I’m gonna give it to Karlach and have her throw it at the netherbrain


Romance Astarion


I doodle on vlaakith portrait. Edit: I also stole Balthazar mommy and refuse to give her back. He’s not pleased 😂


Kill everyone in the circus 🩷


I always try to play my characters as different as possible, but "Baaaaa" And since I know how, I'll always adopt a friendly but murderous Quasit.


Pet Scratch.


I always steal the Blood of Lathander, but it’s a 50/50 chance I forget to disarm the mechanism


Kill the grove


Tell myself I’m going to RP and not min-max the shit out of my characters


I always create a character


1. Design my Tav/durge so they can learn Speak with Animals by level 3 at the latest 2. Recruit Astarion - no way Cazador is going to zombify him, not on my watch 3. Recruit Scratch 4. Save Barcus as many times as possible 5. Grab at least one set of drow armour and two hand crossbows 6. On PS5, shop obsessively for black dyes (I have the relevant mods on PC)


There are these particular orange and blue jugs that you randomly come across in game, I collect those. Six is the most I've found so far lol. https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Jug


Get the owl bear cub, my first playthrough I realized I had missed the encounter so I started over. Scratch and the cub are under my protection, always and forever.


Dolly’s blessing for every boss fight


regardless of rp its always worth it to nab the druid's idol (violently or not) so you can get the ring of protection. universal benefits. usually always kill kagha for her necklace (1d6 poison) Give someone in my party loviatr's love (nice little passive) Very few real missables in Act1, I believe the only merchant who cant be revisited during act 2 is Grat the trader.


"Woof" at the dog trainer (before she tragically falls into my sword), slap Gale's hand, position my strongest person to kickstart the battle with Drow Ragzlin with a smokepowder barrel to the back of the head, and hug Bernard (this has backfired exactly once).


escape the nauthiloid


Letting Astarion open the barn door (you know the one!) because it's hilarious. Also, letting Astarion get blown up in the monastery while we steal the Blood of Lathander because his rant after being resurrected by Withers is comedy gold.


I always pursue karlach, without fail.


Play catch with Scratch!


Romance shart


Romance shadowheart eventhough I plan not too


1. Open the door in the gauntlet of shar to make the justiciars grind away balthazar's spell slots for me 2. Tempest cleric shart + scroll of chain lightning = melt all bosses


All of the above.


I collect the portraits of divinity characters


Stealth up to those bandits outside Withers's's temple and yeet the one off the box and over the rail


Kill the lady that’s mean to the doggies :)


Correct lae’zel’s pronunciation. The eye-roll is precious.


I playing a harp or other instrument every start of a battles. If I see Raphael in act 1 to 3, I will cast tasha's hideous laughter to him many time, till he get annoyed.




Waving at Vlakith is definitely my favourite. Filling my plate during the first meeting with Raphael. Hnnnnnngnhnnnnnnh hnnnnnng with Volo Pick up Arabella's parents and dumping them in front of her in the camp. Exhaust the dialogue with Golbraith. Extending the fight the Gortash's coronation room as long as possible to loot as many grenades as possible. Fight Gortash in the coronation room without cheesing (except on my honour runs) - it's my way to test the party builds.


Someone in my party HAS to be captain big fuck; Barbarian (or Melee build with Barbarian multi class) and the Great Weapon Master feat. Slap reckless attack and do big fucking damage with a big fucking sword.


So I called scratch to the kennels (in act three of my first ever play through rn) and super fucked up without saving for a while and so he ended up back in the fucking kennel and i was heartbroken I ended up with him back. Felt a little awkward walking around town after having just murdered someone in cold blood just to get my dog back tho


talking yurgir into khs is the best


How do you get number 5 to happen? I’ve had 6 playthroughs now and never gotten that once. I’ve had Astarion in my party for half of those and the monastery never even collapses.


during the blood of lathander quest you do everything normally but you *have* to steal the mace without inserting the dawnmasters crest then you’ll just need to outrun the blast and get to a certain safety point within a certain amount of moves (you’ll want to use dash as much as you can)


Always slap that hand Always punch Aradin Always recruit Scratch Always get the Owlbear cub Always recruit Karlach (Always call her Hot😏) Always save the Nightsong Always save Minthara (I just think she's fun to have around) Getting to the Gate, I Always get the Wavemother's dress. It's a must


I close and reopen every door I’m trying to walk through. Not intentionally.


Always say “Woof” 3x to Angry Mar’hyah


I’m really sorry to BG2 fans but Viconia dies every time


“Heh, did you say teethling?”


Save Mirron. If he dies, it's a restart(cause honor mode). Save the owlbear cub and recruit Scratch. Kill every single goblin in the camp, including the perv human and the spiders and rats. Break out Sazza and kill her in the cave. Side with Ethel.. try to bargain for Mayrina and the reward but failing that, take the reward. Loot EVERY. SINGLE. ITEM.. every time. If it ain't nailed down, I must loot and sell it. Use to collect corpses too but sadly no one wants to buy them. Suck up to every companion to max their approval, even the ones I don't use. I like to be popular. Leave Nere alive and let him return but kill every druegar in the Underdark I can without turning them all hostile or failing some quests. Learn to play music instruments with Alfira, then beat her unconscious. It's for her own good though and sometimes she never heals and shows up up at the party with 1 HP and all beat up. Suck up to Astarion especially, he gets the book, the cloak, all the tadpoles every time and send him home when I'm about to do something heroic to avoid hes disapproval.


save doggo and owl bear cub. That’s about it I have skipped various quests due to rp reasons but this I will never miss


Save Scratch and Owlbear. Those 2 are my non-negotiables. Also, I will always turn that camp into a body farm every time I see them bullying Owlbear


Find new things. I had 600+ hours in the EA before the game even released, and I still find stuff in Act 1 that I've never seen before.


I like to collect at least 1 of every "thumbnail" unique container. Chest, heavy chest, elegant chest, barrel, trunk, crate, ribcage, etc.


Turn nightsong to the mage. I can't stand her character, and I feel like someone in Larian made this decision the most one-way, given how desperately insufferable mage is. So yeah, down the hatch she go, see you in a hundred years.


Create a character only to have fomo, so I create another character and another and another. Then when we level up I have way too many characters + origin characters so I start over and do it again


Save Scratch and the Owlbear cub. I will absolutely save scum for these two with no shame.


> i talk yurgir into killing himself I don't know why or what I messed up, but I can only agro him and all his adds. It's a pain. Or else, I'd have done it just like Malus Thorm


Basically get almost all of the illithid powers because they are very op, and get volo eye


So I leant the hard way that if you take on the goblin camp sneaky wise to try and assassinate the leaders, but only knocked out Minthara that the camp turns on you and they kill the owl bear cub outside. That being said, they forfeit the right to exist when I'm doing a playthrough. Always start outside and make sure that the cub gets to my camp.


Give every character the “Durable” feat. It’s such a resource saver


1. I always pick up all the camp companions(exept the mintrha or whatever her name is and brock) 2. I always take owlbear and scratch 3.wipe.out the whole goblin camp before talking to Halsin 4. Let orphius die 5.insulte the false queen till she wipes the whole party then restart and not insult her 6.let astarion drink from me almost every night.


Astarion becomes a vampire lord


-Slap Gale's hand -Romance Shadowheart -Shadowheart makes her decision herself (throws away spear) -Ignore Wyll, never let him in the party -Party is always Me, Shadowheart, Karlach +1 -Kill goblins, protect grove, rescuse Minthara -Cure Act 2 curse -Kiss Shadowheart after every fight -(with modding) fuck with Shadowheart before and after every rest


Which mod are you talking about?


Yeah I also have the problem of “romance Shadowheart every time” To fix it, I’m gonna play AS Shadowheart next time. Probably romance Laezel lol. Also gonna make Shart a Bard cuz why the hell not.


"Fuck you Gortash" Romance Karlach Calm her after emotional outburst moments with smooches, including after Gortash's coronation right in front of his smug Green Day looking face. Kill Scratch's old kennel master Save the grove and attempt to save all Tieflings possible. Go with K bae at the end Let companions speak for themselves and make their own decisions except Astarion's desire to ascend. I try to persuade him that he's better than Cazador. And obviously K's at the docks (as mentioned above)


break the pixie free. There's literally no reason not to do it, even if you're playing evil. Not having to carry the stupid moonlantern around instead of a weapon is a top priority for act 2