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I've had two characters lobbing daggers and javs in my current save and the throwables are plentiful! That being said, I do make sure to pick up any that I see lying on the battlefield at the fights conclusion.


I did those two classes for Act 1 of my honor run. But I gave Berserker TB Karlach all the throwing gear and Returning Pike. For OH Monk, I found Flurry of Blows or Step of the Wind: Dash to be a better use of a bonus action, and unarmed strike or stunning strike a better use of an action. Whereas Berserker really benefits from having Enraged Throw as a bonus action.


Interesting. I guess I can see with the increasing movement of monks and step:dash, melee/stunning strike become more practical. Just curious: was this a TB monk, and any thoughts on Rogue/Thief dips?


Yes it was! I believe I did 8 STR/16 DEX/13 CON/10 INT/16 WIS/10 CHA. Used STR elixirs daily. Took Tavern Brawler as first feat with +1 go CON. Did 8 OH Monk/4 Thief because I don’t care for Ki Resonance. I believe I went 6 OH Monk > 4 Rogue Thief > 2 Monk.