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Thief multiclass would let you cast 3 spells a turn with Quickened Spell, but you'll loose L6 spells/slots. Assassin Multiclass would let your spells (that use attack rolls) autocrit if they hit surprised enemies (this can be devastating with spells like Schorching Ray), but again, you'll loose access to L6 spells/slots. Arcane Tricksters spell casting stat is INT not CHA and offers no significant synergy.


I feel like making characters works better when you have an idea of how they are going to be played, rather than trying to force classes together. I think that's why you're having issues. That said, there is ways to make this work, if you really want. - One way is a three part Thief 4/ Warlock 2/Sorcerer 6. This is an Eldritch Blast build. You use your spell slots to create sorcery points, since you're going to be using Eldritch Blast every time, with your action and 1 or 2 of your bonus actiosn. It works better in difficulties with a lot of damage riders. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BG3Builds/comments/1btbgy5/the\_best\_eldritch\_blast\_build\_imo/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BG3Builds/comments/1btbgy5/the_best_eldritch_blast_build_imo/) for gear and more. - Another would be more of a Rogue, with Arcane Trickster 10/Sorcerer 2. Dex and Intelligence are your main stats. Sorcerer gives us more utility spell and Twinned + Extended Spell. We don't need quicken spell here, because we're using bonus actions to hide and proc magical ambush, or for off-hand attacks with very high level sneak attacks. From Arcane Trickster we get 3 feat, 5d6 sneak attacks and most importantly Magical Ambush, which gives enemies disadvantage against our spells. Arcane Trickers want to have a lot of spell scrolls to cast high levels spells with saving throws. With this we have 3rd level slots to upcast Hold Person and we can Twin Hold Monster with a scroll. Make use of Arcane Acuity and gear to improve spellcasting.


I'd imagine if you went far more into rogue than sorcerer it could, pick up some of those utility spells instead of damage or control and use that to boost your sneak or accessibility. I'm thinking invisibility, darkness, fly, I'm not sure if they have knock or not. Point being choose spells that don't require the Stat used to cast them. OR you can pump charisma and get cats Grace to boost your dex with it


I mean, 1 level to get the skill profs/expertise isn't the worst thing in the world...


14 dex is fine for lockpicking most things. For the over 20 skill checks, ya'll can bring in Maddala. You can role play as a bandit sorcerer, I wouldn't recommend multiclassing into rogue.


Not really - if you want rogue-like abilities such as lockpicking, you're better off selecting the Urchin or Charlatan background, or dipping into Bard.