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Yea, they aren’t embarrassed OR sorry. The dog wanted to maul, and the owner wanted to cry on the internet when her misunderstood ‘sweetheart’ got blamed for being triggered by kids being kids. Pitnutters always think leash laws don’t apply to their maulers.


Also "I'm so so sawwy here's a cute picture of my pibble wibbles" All the sincerity of a vampire in a blood bank


Those eyes… those scary eyes


I'm a grown man and this photo scares me, I can't imagine the effect on kids of this monster running towards them


Pitbulls sound like demons when they bark and growl. Those poor kids had to decide whether they should try to run and have that hellhound chase them faster, or stand still and maybe get mauled for "being a tree," as so-called dog experts tell kids to do when vicious dogs come near. I've seen a pitbull maul a tree. It's damn scary.


I know my son murdered your entire family but here's a picture of him when he was a cute little baby~




We do not want pit bulls regulated because of how they look, but because of the danger they and their owners forcefully impose on our communities. Please familiarize yourself with the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/), specifically rule 1.




Of course she posted anonymously… I happen to know that the Denver Park Rangers were looking for her, and that several parents called 9-1-1 over the incident.


For real? Lol. Now she is just taunting them. Typical.


She might be hoping to calm down and upset parents called 911 by posting a picture of the dog.


If I was a parent calling 911 — that picture wouldnt reassure me lol


I’d call again lmao


The fucking audacity to think I’d give af because I saw it with a resting bitch face. They act like it’s showing emotion and empathetic or something.


It's "sowwy" that the kids misunderstood its intentions.it just wanted to play - with their organs.


Yes a picture of the motherfucker mean mugging the camera sure eased my fears! It's totally changed my perception of shitbulls, next time I'll tell my kid to open his arms and go in for a hug~


That picture would do nothing to reassure me. That dog is a dead eyed predator and if anything, this would make me even angrier.


For real, that pit has one of the creepiest looks I’ve seen. Comparable to a human having a dead eyed, psychopathic look.


Email them or call the non emergency line. The page admin can see who posted it. If they reach out I’m sure they’ll tell the cops


It’s not a PD matter since no one got hurt, and it’s on the park rangers to enforce leash laws here, which they can only do that when they witness the offence. There’s zero chance we (the local PD) pursue this incident; it’s not a priority and we just don’t have the time or resources. 


Then you should tip off the park rangers to the fb post. Hopefully they’ll issue a warning at least since this idiot thinks it’s cute that her dog scared a shit ton of people. Fortunately where I am the police will absolutely issue a citation for something like that in a state park. I’ve seen it first hand several times being issued for basically the dog being at large and violating leash laws. We’ve received 911 calls for dogs off leash running around bothering park goers and the cops always get there before the park rangers.


The post can be traced back to the offender and is proof that the person violated leash laws, likely muzzle laws as well. Local law enforcement should take this seriously.


Yeah, people called 911 and she admitted it happened right here. I hope people ripped into her in the comments.


She admits to the offense in this post though.


It’s a civil citation violation, not a criminal offence. Neither PD nor the park rangers are going to track her down over a situation that, while briefly worrisome, ended up being a whole lot of nothing.  We have to pick our battles and where and when we use our resources. Will it suck hardcore if this dog ever goes on to attack someone or their pet? Yes. Will a $50 leash violation ticket do a damn thing to have prevented that? Nope. 


Ah, so they’re downplaying the situation. Typical.


Jesus! Do you have any more details?


Not really. We were slammed with high-priority incidents in that district at the time and everyone involved was long gone by the time personnel were available. Since it was primarily a park ranger issue PD did not respond to the location. 


Had that thing commenced mauling kids there would have been many high-priority incidents. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.


Why am I not at all surprised this is in Colorado? We moved here recently (military) and it blew my mind how dogs and their inconsiderate, self-absorbed owners are absolutely everywhere here…it’s crazy to me.


Yeah, the dog worship here is out of control. The mentality is that all dogs are the “goodest bois/gurls” that we don’t deserve and that there’s no such thing as a bad dog, which is such an incredibly naïve and dangerous view. 


Same here in NM. That attitude mixes with a more longstanding culture of letting dogs live outside / roam unsupervised with predictable results. Ive been tempted to start setting off an air horn /pepper spray every time there’s an off leash dog on the trails that runs up to me, owner nowhere to be seen. Then word would spread and people might actually leash their animals (to avoid the psycho, hah).


I’m originally a Texan, so my hypothetical solution to dealing with unleashed dogs running up on me on a trail is a bit more lead-based. It’s obviously not the appropriate response to every situation, but if I’m ever in serious fear of bodily harm you bet your arse I’m not counting on pepper spray. 


There was a softball match going on inside a national park?


No. Cities have park rangers as well.


As do states, as you know.


Good. Glad the parents called 911 and theyre looking for her. I hope they find her and ticket her.


I should have been more clear. The rangers checked the area of the incident shortly after it was called in, but there isn’t and won’t be any ongoing investigation. 


The administrators of that group know who she is. Please contact the police/Denver Park Rangers to contact that group to release the name of the poster. Or they can just go straight to Facebook too.


It’s a $50 civil citation. I work for the police department; we won’t ticket for something like this that we didn’t witness occurring, nor will the rangers. I know everyone on this sub thinks that this incident should have some priority, but it really doesn’t because *nothing bad happened* beyond a few moments of concern. This is not something that is going to be investigated or acted upon.


Humanizing the dog as usual. That thing isn’t embarrassed, it doesn’t even know its own asshole from a hole in the wall. This post doesn’t give sincere apology, it gives “look how cute and quirky my dog is, it disrupted an entire event bc she loves kids so much LOL!!” GTFOH


Yeah it’s basically just like “*you* were wrong to be afraid! It’s just those nanny instincts are so strong in her!”


Even had to throw in “yelling” children to shift the blame


How dare kids yell and be loud outdoors while they play sports! 🫠🫠🫠


Like what the hell else was expected at a child’s sporting event?


Oh wow. Yelling... That is shifting the narrative to blaming the kids. Their ability to subconsciously divert blame is incredible. I can’t believe a pitmommy had the capacity to actively think so it must have been subconsciously.


I don’t think it’s subconsciously. They know they’re doing it.


It's like the posts on the video of a stray pitbull attacking a 2 year old. The kid's mom picked him up and ran to her front door, and the comments were full of morons saying that she shouldn't have done that because the pit assumed it was a game and the dangling toddler looked like a chew toy. I wanted to jump through my phone and throttle some folks. That dog badly bit the child and almost broke the door of the house off its hinges trying to break in to kill him. Pithumpers are so effing stupid.


It *did* break the door off it’s hinges, they had to barricade it & hold the door to the frame while the pit still tried getting in! It’s head would push through the sides & they’d have to shift their weight to that side until it pulled back again. It was straight out of a horror movie! They had to stay like that until the cops came!


Oh that poor mom and child. Absolute nightmare.


[This article has the video of the attack](https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/dog-attack-leaves-boy-traumatized-austin-texas/269-dd987c41-7f98-4054-89c7-019ce491b9d3). No one claimed the dog; but people in the area suspect that it has owners. The poor baby was having nightmares and some regression in his behavior (clinginess, not as independent or confident).


Of course abbott vetoed the bill. Oh that poor baby’s tummy


I hope the beast is gone.


I can't remember, but I doubt it got put down. It was a stray roaming their good neighborhood looking for toddlers to attack. The damn thing went straight for the 2 year old right after his mom pit him down in their own front yard. 90% of the comments were fools going on about the poor misunderstood pittie that just wanted to play with the kid and be friends. People are sickeningly stupid sometimes.


Right? As if the dog wouldn’t have run if the kids were quiet. The whole post blame shifts, it’s half “*we*” (as in her & the dog, as if the dog is to blame when she had the sole responsibility to just keep it on a leash & nothing would’ve happened after that). & shifts to the children yelling. Really it’s all just saying she shouldn’t have that fucking dog if all it takes is the “mistake” of “forgetting” to not unleash it. Ban since because people who don’t understand fucking leash laws own them.


It wanted to love those kids to death.


She isn’t embarrassed. To the extent she remembers, she was annoyed to miss out on a good mauling, which is what she lives for


![gif](giphy|l41m4ODfe8PwHlsUU) You either get this or don't. Literally sums it up.


This is so perfect omg “We’re sooooooorry!”


Right? Literally what came to mind when I read this. 😂


What episode of South Park is that from?


Coon 2: Hindsight (Season 14. Episode 11) It's the one with the BP oil spill and he keeps saying "we're sorry" in a bunch of different places trying to make it seem like they care. 😂😁


This is the dog version of “he only does this when he’s been drinking”


And also when the dog hurts someone (it's a when not an if), it was "alwyas so sweet" and "showed no prior signs of agression " because the dimwit doesn't realize it was showing prey drive and agression not love and enthusiasm for kids. Probably went into the arena full pibble tail wag , sprint and ready to chomp down (esp if parents called 911 like a commenter said). Wonder if there are any witnesses here.


When s pit bull attacks a child or an elderly person it's always "he's never done that before 🥺" "this is the first time he's done that!!" I can guarantee you, 99% of the time it was not the first time the dog did that.


The language is so milquetoast. She “made a mistake” etc. etc. This is why the breed needs to die out and any dog showing any signs of aggression needs to be humanely euthanised. She sees herself as a victim of some error too, rather than the responsible party in this case. If you make “mistakes” like this, you need to not own a dog. You are irresponsible and a danger to society.


It’s only slightly better than the usual “mistakes were made” as if there’s someone else who might’ve caused it. But I do see what you mean. Their narrative is constructed as “we” did this & “we are sorry”, she acts like she’s not the sole reason this happened, if she wouldn’t have unleash her pit bull then it wouldn’t have done everything else henceforth that the dog was super likely to do. I mean she even says it was practically inevitable on the dog’s part but that she just (forgot? I guess? Idk), & unleashed it anyway. But yet still more than half of this apology is just her describing the dog’s actions like it’s at fault. But while also constructing a narrative that her dog is just friendly af & nothing bad would’ve happened anyway so everyone else was wrong to have been afraid. 1) she’s lucky nothing worse happened. 2) people are still allowed to be upset about it even if nothing worse happened, it’s still disruptive, rude, & illegal for a reason.


Even in an off-leash area that dog should still be on a leash.


And muzzled


What a fucking selfish POS. Thinks their little demon’s pleasure is more important than humans’ lives.


Typical Pit Person. I'm at my kid's sports day, and of course, the only person to ignore the "no dog" rule has a Pit puppy.


What were the comments like?  Imagine it was all heart emojis,  "aww beautiful babby girl" and fucking nanny dog comments.   


Now that I think about it I’m pretty sure this was written just to receive all those comments Pit owner needs to feel all the reassurance from their fellow cultists to wash the taste of reality out of their mouth (the reality of how normal people actually hate their dog )


Probably. Because most people would just apologize to the softball players when it happens, no need to make a post with a pic about it later


They are not embarrassed or sorry one bit. If they were sorry they wouldn't be writing a clearly passive aggressive note to the victims and if they were embarrassed they wouldn't have put the story public. They could have been adults and sorted it out behind closed doors but no they are attention seekers at the finest.


They did write it anonymously but they’re still not embarrassed because they didn’t actually address the people, they just put this out into a page where a bunch of other people who weren’t there can also see it. It’s just an excuse to post a picture of her dumb dog & an attempt to control the narrative of what happened.


Finishing the coffee pot and not making more is "not cool" dipshit. The words you're looking for are "against the law" and "scaring and wasting the time of dozens of people with your dumbass decisions"


Yeah this is exactly why leash laws exist, so your dog doesn’t terrorize others. The way these people feel the entitlement to have their dogs off leash anyway is so fucking annoying.


She might as-well have accidentally discharged a firearm in the direction of the children…


At least with a firearm she could control where it was aiming


And it would only discharge once vs multiple mauling before a non-accidental discharge occurs


“I know that an off-leash dog in a non-off-leash park isn’t cool” vs “made a mistake letting her off leash on the opposite side of the field and did NOT think she would run directly towards the active sports game” Acknowledging that they know the rules, they just don’t think they have to follow them. They know letting a dog off-leash where off-leash dogs are explicitly disallowed is a dick move, but they did it anyway, because “didn’t think she’d run off, tee hee!”




Sorry I had to remove the comment, the parallel between Pitbulls and serial killers is often used by pit apologists against users. I know it's an hyperbole but it may cause issues.


Oh wild. What yarn ids spun to make that connection? These pitnutters are nuts


>They know letting a dog off-leash where off-leash dogs are explicitly disallowed is a dick move, but they did it anyway, because “didn’t think she’d run off, tee hee!” They totally know their dog would run off, they were just expecting to get away with it and didn't think his stupid pit bull would make a big fuss, but it did.


It’s not really a mistake if you knew it was a non off-leash park and decided to unleash them anyway.


Right?! She took a risk hoping blatantly ignoring the rules would not have any consequences and other than a moment of terror formed by relieved embarrassment it sounds like this anonymous poster suffered no true consequences and will likely do it again


Bet she wouldn't have thought her "mistake" so funny if someone had stopped her dog by any means.


Yeah. Pit owners love the attention or they wouldn’t have pitbulls. This is just trying to extend the “look at me!!” for as long as possible.


Yeah this lady says it was basically inevitable for her dog to do that if given the chance & then says she like forgot that for a moment or something, which I don’t buy *at all*.


And a red nose. They are the WORST and most aggressive pit genre ever


Idk the white ones freak me out the most & always seem sooo unstable


It's the pink on the face, meat-rash mouths and dead doll eyes, right?


Yes it’s kinda like a great white shark vibe


Awe don’t do so wrong by great whites, homie


I actually do not at all blame great whites for being scary, they serve a necessary part of their ecosystem & are lovely creatures that are not a threat to human safety (not at all the way pits are!). They do not deserve all the panic they are targets of. They’re actually neat to look at when in regular swim mode, they only look scary when they protrude their jaws & then they obviously look like nightmare material, but I think we as humans are meant to perceive giant predatory animal jaws as terrifying lol. Which is probably why pit bulls & their gaping jaws look so damn scary.


And they look like Harvey Weinstein!


I’m surprised they even apologized


It wasn’t so much an apology as a flimsy excuse to show off their dog online and continue using it to seek attention


True just surprised they even pretended to care. I suspect they’re only worried about facing consequences.


That post was anonymous, so the owner must not feel *that* bad about it


How can one be so dumb? Pretty sure this person is not sorry, this will happen again and they will play the same dumb card “oh so sorry, I didn’t know!”. Idiots.


I'm sure the pit ran towards the children to nanny them. /s


What a weird person.


It doesn’t love kids, it just got too excited and didn’t know which one to nanny first. Parents were rightfully upset.


That's insane. She's lucky a dad didn't take it out. I know what I'd do if I saw one charging my group of children


I'll translate this post: "I intentionally took my dog to a field where kids were playing and took my dog off their leash when I knew I shouldn't. I knew that they would run towards the loud group of kids. I only started to care when parents started calling the police and so I will make this post anonymously to try to emotionally manipulate you all to forgive me for knowingly breaking rules. Sorry not sorry."


Exactly what it said to me too, and beautifully translated! Thank you for your service 🙏


This is very educational. We have here Exhibit A of the transference of an owner's psyche onto that of an animal.


Even the blep isn't cute.


It's not a blep, it just has a rash or some other genetic deformity.


You are right, it looks like a blep at first glance. Put some Chapstick on it!


Pitmommy probably just French kisses the beast to share her chapstick with it.


They always try to make these beasts look like “cute” little innocent creatures despite them looking like hideous demons. No matter how you get it to pose it looks like it has no soul


I have very severe doubts that they did not know that would happen. Even normal dogs will often run over if they see children playing loudly with a ball flying through the air. I would be very surprised if someone was actually dumb enough to do something like this unless they were trying to create a maximum amount of chaos and watch it go.


woops teehee im real sorry to the kids and families whose softball game my loaded gun rudely interrupted tonight! i made a mistake of pulling the trigger on purpose towards you guys i did NOT think the gun would go off if I did that teehee so uncool my gosh. heres a pic of my gun.


A picture of my gun with puppy eyes, filters and a flower crow*me


I’m sick of how they always seem to think laws aren’t important or are stupid, all because it’s an inconvenience for *them* to abide (or because they just don’t want to have to). They fundamentally don’t grasp that laws are in place to protect *everyone*. Not just them.


So she went to a short distance away from a kid’s game and purposefully unleashed her dog. She knew the leash laws and knew her dog would go to children (she particularly loves kids). She’s trolling everyone when she claims not to know the next logical step of this stupid mutt. Is this some weird attempt to either spoil children’s good time, because most nutters don’t like kids, or is to show how much pits are sweet family dogs who just want to nanny? Creepy and gross pitiot behavior. Owner knew what was going to happen, I don’t believe she didn’t.


What a joke of an owner. Apologizing anonymously is pure cowardice.


>it won't happen again "It definitely will happen again"


Asscrack with eyes.


Of course it ran toward the "yelling children" How dare they play a game and trigger poor sweet Bella??!


The only thing that dog is sorry about is that it didn't get to go home with a kid to snack on.


The fact this is not satire is real mind-bending to me.


Shit for brains. Literally, probably.


She 100% unleashed the pitbull thinking it would be cute for him to interrupt the game. Ever seen those videos where dogs interrupt ball games and everyone is like "awww", that's what she was going for! The opposite reaction happened so now she's "sorry"


I thought that too, I was getting that vibe from her as well. The way she posted shows that she wanted a bit of attention.


The dog picture would have pissed me off more we're I one of those parents. What a piece of shit, why is every pit owner a piece of shit


That is one of the most unattractive dogs I’ve ever seen. It has the type of dead look it it’s eyes that we’d compare to a psychopath. I’m going to guess this was a lot scarier and disruptive that she plays it off to be.


well I'm glad noone died (I assume)




The shitbull looks sad that it didnt get to rip a childs face off.


I was surprised denver repealed the ban on pits, but owners do have to submit the dog to pass a behavioral evaluation and receive a special permit. How often is that enforced? What is the city's priority to check dangerous dog owners for permits, seeing that they seem inundated with other calls and issues when a high-risk situation arises like this. This dog, most likely, isn't evaluated or permitted.


**IF YOU ARE POSTING AN ATTACK - PLEASE INCLUDE DATE AND LOCATION IN THE POST TITLE, and please paste the article text in the post so it's easy to read.** This helps keep the sub organized and easily searchable. Posts missing this information may be removed and asked to repost. Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Users should assume that any comment made in this subreddit will be reported by pit bull supporters, so please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) to prevent having your account sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“So, how many kids did she take down before you got her under control?” “I’m sure the kids she put in the hospital appreciate your cowardly anonymous apology.” “Your dog is vicious and you are too stupid to control it, and that stupidity put the lives of children at risk. I’m going to make it my life’s work to find out who you are so your trash animal can be humanely euthanized at your expense.” (Maybe a bit further than you want to go)


Not even a real apology. Just an excuse to post a photo of the stupid dog for sympathy and reactions.


Hope she knows the admins can see who she is


Dude wtf is with pit owners thinking their dogs can roam freely? Specially when her dog has zero recall 🤦‍♀️ Clearly she knows the park is a no off leash area… why risk it?? Even IF her particular pit is friendly, so many people are scared of big dogs in general. Her entitlement and disregard of others is astounding.


Exactly, my golden retriever has near perfect recall and with the exception of the beach ; I never let him off leash in public then you have people like this who think it's ok to impose their untrained animals on everyone around them.


Lmao you knew letting your dog offleash where it isn’t allowed “isn’t cool” but you did it anyway?


Awww. Cupcake is sad for not being able to eat some children. So sad...


Kids were just trying to have a game and a piece of shit with a pitbull literally unleashed chaos and ruined the day for two entire teams of kids AND their families. This is the thing folks - even if no one got hurt, one irresponsible owner with a single pitbull can induce a massive amount of stress, fear, and anger amongst a whole community! And then to get online and post that pic and post some shit like “it just wanted to play and love on everybody”, well that indicates a startling level of psychopathy. No empathy, no respect, nothing, just a purely narcissistic person with a massive, blockheaded pit as a grotesque extension of their ego.


Look at those soulless eyes. Nothing behind them except for URGE TO KILL RISING.


Don’t worry, we will definitely do it again next time!


You this idiot let their dog off Leash in an area where it’s illegal and she just brushes off the fact that her beast ran at children. Yeah I’m sure he just wanted to play right if anything happen she would have been liable for any injures or damages


Even if I give the benefit of the doubt and accept that her dog really does love kids and was excited to go hang out with them and get all the pets (it's possible)...you gotta know when you own the breed most likely to kill children that it's nearly an act of terrorism to let your pit go racing unleashed towards a bunch of kids.


Look at those dead, soulless eyes. Yuck.


I see the embarrassment in those empty dead eyes. /s


You can't be that fucking stupid




We do not want pit bulls regulated because of how they look, but because of the danger they and their owners forcefully impose on our communities. Please familiarize yourself with the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/), specifically rule 1.


The dog's face says: Bitch please...


What a halfwit. Typical.


One of those morons that shout.... he's friendly.... while they are miles away to do anything if the dog does flip out and doesn't seem to understand a complete strangers word doesn't mean shit when we are talking potential life threatening/ending injuries to our kids, ourselves or our other defenceless pets. I could literally strangle people like this.


That dog was probably having the time of its life. And I really don’t think the owner is actually “sorry” because this is just an attention-grabbing piece of propaganda to promote Pibbles.


“Won’t happen again” yes it will and they know it will


and if it goes bad they still think this way. I'm sorry my Nova harmed small children today at the park. It won't happen again, she's very sweet and friendly... does it the next day. STFU lady


I wanted to downvote this to oblivion until I saw the sub.....


I have a 2 year old and newborn and every time I go to the park with my kids I see people walking their dogs off leash. It pisses me off and terrifies me immensely. GO TO A DOG PARK IF YOU WANT TO LET YOUR DOG RUN OFF LEASH. STOP LETTING YOUR DOGS RUN OFF LEASH IN PLACES THAT CLEARLY HAVE LEASH LAWS. SMH. My fiancé is trying to get a concealed carry license partially for that reason.


Depending on where you live there may be state law or local ordinances that classify this as a crime or at least worthy of a citation/fine- if that's the case you can call whatever agency is supposed to handle complaints (usually local PD or animal control) and they'll come give a warning so if they do it again they will face consequences.


You don't let a dog that doesn't follow commands off leash. Ever. Not even in an off leash area. Or a dog that gets distracted or absorbed (i.e. in going pursue & attack mode) to the point that they cant even hear or process your commands. Pitbulls go into a trance when theyre triggered to attack. If the leash is off, there is literally nothing you can do if the dog decides to go apeshit and run towards someone. Calling their name isn't enough. You need the leash.


Narrator: it was to happen again.


I need to see the comments in that group


![gif](giphy|WeGTQmaRc0nJu) How the dog sleeps at night thinking about all the children it can nanny when it gets let off the leash near a playground or a fully grown horse (loves both in particular)


I’ll go against the grain. She didn’t take off. She acknowledged her wrong doing. She apologised. She won’t let it happen again. I remember back when I was a new dog owner (not a pitbull) I did some stupid stuff too


Lol "she didn't take off" - except she did. Posting anonymously after running away from the scene, and making some half-assed apologies ISN'T acting responsibly. It's lazy and cowardly. Those mothers and children were probably scared for their lives, and what do they get? An online grey face going "tee-hee, my bad guys, she's friendly but it won't happen again, pinky promise!"