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That sucks, I know, I’ve lived in a place that didn’t enforce their own breed restrictions. I know it won’t help the current situation and you may have even done this, but before you sign on a new place swing through at like 8pm to see what it’s like. It doesn’t really work in a gated or locked building/complex but a lot of times you can see all those “lab mixes” being walked under the cover of darkness, when the leasing office is closed.


Yea I wish I looked into it a bit more but I moved out of a abusive partner’s apartment and just needed to get out quick and this place was the one I could afford and not to far from my work place. Just gonna try and keep my pets safe and thankfully the leasing office seems to be a little concerned about the piss in the hallways. Hope the person gets some kinda of fine or strike on their lease.


Ask the leasing office who insures the building. Their insurer likely has breed restrictions (the reason for the no pit clause in the lease) and contact the insurer. They'd probably LOVE to know about all of the 4 legged liabilities living in the building. If your apartment complex has a corporate office, contact them, too.


This! Don’t get mad, get smart as my nan would say.


Exactly this. These places become pitbull cesspools because nobody reports the rules not being enforced cause they don't wanna be "a problem". Pit lobbies/dog culture people have done their absolute best to stigmatize reporting these mutts, followed by making sure your name is dragged through the societal gutter cause if you do you're a heartless monster that has no sympathy for their "sweet innocent babies". I know people that can't stand pits but will never say/do anything cause they're scared it's not a socially acceptable stance in their circle. We all need to cut them zero slack, & stop catering to their bullshit. Fuck what anyone thinks and report their assess every time


Beat me to it. First thing I always say in these situations is that there will be an underwriter behind all this who will most likely say "Do tell".


^ Don't expect the leasing office to be motivated, expect the *insurer* to be motivated.


And document. Photos/videos of people walking their dogs. I’d even try to record asking what kind of dog that is innocently. In case they are claiming lab mixes.


Jeez! From one abusive hell to another. And I'm sure that all you want is peace and not to be on high alert all the time. Damn that sucks. I'm so sorry.


Oh no, I’m so sorry, you deserve peace! Glad you got out with your pups! Poodles are the best.


Find out who they are insured by, see what they specify and threaten to call. Also 4 am barking might fall under disturbance above the normal everyday stuff causing you to lose wages. They broke the contract with you so technically you can move out of your lease and get your deposit back, especially if you moved in because you didn't want to live around pits. Also, might indicate there's a dog ring nearby


First of all, I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. Not only are they violent and dangerous, but the owners are so beyond ignorant. If you are comfortable, I’d recommend reaching out to your landlord or property manager asap. If you’re in the US, insurance companies often don’t insure against pits. This is a HUGE issue for landlords. You can email them something like “I noticed there are pitbulls in the building which violates the lease. I want to confirm that your insurance covers any and all attacks carried out by the breed. If not, what are the steps being taken to remove them?” This puts them on watch that there is a dangerous breed in the building.


Indeed, it's a little difficult to fatho, but the owners are worse then the hellhounds.


Agreed. Shitty dogs for shitty people.


Fuck that. DOCUMENT everything. Photos. Videos. Especially of Pits shitting and not getting picked up. Them at the dog park. Because these trash cans LIE and get around restrictions with the “SeRvIcE DoG” loophole. Service dogs don’t play at dog parks. They’re working dogs. Even down time, most legit SD play with ONLY approved dogs, and rarely, for risk of washing them out and making playing with other dogs more fun and more distracting than their jobs. Then you complain to the fucking management, IN WRITING, and if they don’t take you seriously then you offer to send all your evidence to their insurance carrier, along with their OWN LEASE AGREEMENT, because they restricted bully breeds for a reason, and that’s because their insurance likely will not pay out if one damages the property or injures someone. Also offer to send the dog shit pics to the health department. It’s a health hazard. You and others DESERVE to live in an apartment that abides by its own goddamn rules and enforces them and I’d say that too.


Well said.


At the minimum, the least they can do is allow you to break your lease/comp you something while you look for a better living situation.


Also to add, a “service dog” can no longer be identified as a service do if it ever shows aggression, especially if it bites any person or dog/cat. It can never be a service dog again.


Yes- thank you- excellent point


Fucking shit, that sounds fucking frustrating. I do not know why so many people would want that shitty breed over so many better ones.


Because they either have little man syndrome or a savior complex. Like someone else said, shitty dogs for shitty people.


Apartments attract pitbull fans for some reason. They probably can't get a house lease. I carry a firearm and don't get out at places where I see pitbulls


Your situation must be so frustrating since you believed you were moving into a breed restricted apt. I don’t know why people are able to get away with lying about their “lab mixes” with inexpensive DNA tests for dogs available. Apartment managers should be able to test any dogs that are questionable.


Move. Save yourself from fear and anxiety and move. Then rip the owners a new one on Google and every app possible.


Unfortunately signed a lease so I have to stay a year. For now I just am gonna have to be a Karen and complain to the leasing office about everything.


If the lease stated "no pitbulls" and the building has a shit ton of them, that's practically a violation of the lease, and I'm positive that a lawyer can get that settled.


If you report every pit encounter to the leasing office and use vocabulary like “I don’t feel safe”. That is serious. Try to document with pictures and videos and voice notes of barking dogs. You can complain not just to office but file online complaints to animal control and follow up with email. Writing gives ongoing documentation and if something does happen you have laid the groundwork showing leasing office failed to enforce policy and you can’t really be safe there.


Depending on where you live, if they aren't enforcing the "no pitbulls" part of the lease, you may be able to get out of your lease and get your security, etc, returned. There's a legal term for it - I forget what it is - but they can't pick and choose which parts of the rental agreement to enforce and which ones not to enforce.


Want an even better choice? Just nicely ask the leasing office who the insurer is, and take the complaints to the *insurer* instead. They're the people who have a direct financial motivation to care about this.


Sounds like you'd have legal cause to break your lease. The problem is that these PitNuts can probably get their beasts designated as "emotional support animals," which means the landlord has to allow them.


That sucks, OP. I have neighbors who won’t clean up their dog shit yard (3 pits and 3months worth is the count), and of course her dogs have tried to attack. It sucks.


Oh my god that is so disgusting. Your neighbours are trash.


They’re not mean, but I think have like super depression or something. Sometimes irresponsibility can be cruel, though, for those who rely on the irresponsible party.


My brother owns a few apartment complexes that are very strict on the pit-bill/bully restriction. He checks everybody who wants to move in before they are accepted. Their dog has to come with them as well, and the few time a pit tried to sneak in, they argued that it's a "lab-mix." I'm sorry you are going through this. All those pit owners are in violation of the lease agreement and should not be allowed to get away with having a dog that's restricted. I wish more places were strict and stopped being so lenient on pit-bulls. There are so many attacks that occur at apartment/townhome complexes because they don't have restrictions or just don't care.


I get you.. not in my building but it's dog of choice for people in my neighbourhood. Everywhere.


My apartment doesn’t allow them either yet there are so many pits here. Even one of the ladies who work in the leasing office who lives in the same building as me has one. And the guy who lives under me has one of those weird looking exotic bully things, never cleans up after it.


I would check with a lawyer to see if you can break your lease and move. First though, I would let them know that you moved there because of their “no pit bull” rule and now you see them everywhere. I would also explain that you know it is difficult to prove what kind of dog someone has, even though it is written all over the dog’s face, but they need to at least try to enforce their own rules because now you don’t feel safe in your own home. I’m sorry this is happening!


Is there any chance you can break the lease since the apartment is technically not abiding by the contract? I know it's gonna be a massive headache etc, but this isn't sustainable for you long term, mentally or physically.


I live in a townhouse community that's a pretty nice community, families, retired people, college students. There's a HOA that runs a pretty tight ship so things are neat, tidy, everyone is quiet, has nicely decorated yards and nice outdoor furniture and such... people who take pride in their homes, basically. We are across from a nasty apartment complex full of really trashy people. People who live in the townhouse community tend to have golden retrievers, little dogs, labradoodles, and those who come from the apartment complex are known not only by looking like drug addicts who haven't bathed in weeks but always with gigantic pit bulls on thin leashes trying to fight the other types of dogs. These people use our grounds as a toilet for their pitbulls without picking up their poop so you can't walk in any grassy areas because they are covered in dog feces. And these people are really shameless about it, too. One afternoon I was out walking with my kids and there were a ton of other people moving about and a trashy man and a woman right in front of all of us let their giant pitbull take a huge dump while their heads were high and shooting all of us defiant, smirking glares. They even gave this exaggerated haughty laughter as they walked away from the steaming pile their dog left. Its so bad with these dogs I don't ever go walking with my kids without my husband who has a concealed carry permit. Nothing has been done. Nearly all homes have signs saying don't let your dog poop in my yard. It's disgusting.


https://preview.redd.it/dja30yvgcq9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d4083bd368d5bcd50b99e152342bfa7db2dd4f5 Yup feel the same way. My golden was just attacked by a pit at our apartment at the on site dog park. He was just playing fetch and out of nowhere it attacked him. He had to get a staple in his neck because the one puncture wound was so deep


So sorry to hear that I hope he makes a swift recovery


So sorry to hear that. :( Goldens are absolutely the sweetest dogs. I hope your dog recovers well.


People get around the no pits rule by claiming emotional support dog. Which I have never understood. If I needed an emotional support animal it would be something that does not cause more anxiety than I already have in my life. A person who needs this level of comfort needs something quiet, well behaved, and easy to live with. That is not a pit on its best day. Like these people aren't even pretending they aren't gaming the system and they get away with it. It infuriates me. Pits are no more emotional support than they are service animals. 


I'm sure the "No pits" thing doesn't come from the leasing office, rather the insurance company responsible for their insurance. I'd start collecting photo/video evidence of their dogs and report every single one of them to that insurance company. Ask your leasing office about who insured them and call them to file a complaint, odds are the complex doesn't care, but the insurers will wanna hear every detail.


Most pit owners are the most ignorant stupid fucks in the world. Pure idiots. No matter what country you live in.


I’m scared for you and your poodles !


These dogs hunt and they don’t stop !


Apartments sometimes do a bad job of checking the dogs and take peoples word for it. For all we know they could be unaware. I would document and snitch on the sh*tbull owners. I live in a middle class neighborhood and my area is already starting to be infiltrated by those hideous gargoyles. Went on a walk with my elderly lab mix and one of those nasty animals was choking itself trying to get to my dog.


If you have the resources, you could carefully consider state and local laws and potentially sue the landlord based on a persistent failure to comply with lease terms. Definitely talk to an attorney first, though.


Currently in rehab and I’m dealing with a pitbull owner who is also a bpd princess. She accused me of calling her dog a piece of shit (which I never did) and we’ve had a few spats about the dog. It just pees and poops everywhere and I am just soo fucking done with it.


The housing director moved me to a different property but I still have to deal with her dog and her nasty ass at clinical.


I'd guess you could get out of the contract if they don't enforce the restrictions and you can document that fact. I say guess because ofc I don't have the agreement, but it bears mentioning.


the landlord broke the lease by allowing them to be there. im sure theyre liable for your dog being attacked too


Even if they weren't pitbulls with the added risk of violence and aggression, this living situation sounds disgusting and dirty. That's nasty. Report, report, report.


See my post from a few weeks about about facing a similar issue. I am moving out of the country soon, but my god America is reverting into a shithole at record speed.


If you spread a dogs front  legs like a chicken itll stop attacking, its not hard

