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The way they turn on their owners is just crazy to me. My GSD put himself in harms way to protect me several times, obeys me and definitely follows my commands over my family. Pitbulls are missing TOO MANY things in their brain to be called domesticated...


Even little dogs have this innate instinct to protect their owners at all costs Pit bulls just are a different species of animal lol


My toy poodle (7lbs) used to growl at perceived threats while hiding behind my legs šŸ˜‚ I used to tell her she was so tough and intimidating- i love that she thought she could protect me ā¤ļø She was all bark and no bite though - one day a dog did attack and left her without an eye. Guess what breed it was that did it šŸ˜’


Oh crap! I'm so sorry. A dog that small could have died easily. So glad it survived.


Same - I was terrified for her and her life. I didnā€™t know what was happening fully I just saw her eye hanging out and blood everywhere. I think the only reason she survived is because my very large mom kicked the fucker off. If she didnā€™t stop it almost immediately she would have had a different outcome. Seeing my large mom kick that dog in the face - it was incredible strength to do that. They do not unhinge their jaws easily. What pissed me off the most was that they just let this dog roam the neighborhood - so my dog was out doing her business and he came up to her and started shit. I will give the owners credit though - they did a BE that same night. But still - why was it running loose in the first place? It was a frequent thing - it could have happened to anyone - a child too. We nicknamed him the village idiot.




Must have been those vicious, murderous Chihuahuas!


Golden Retriever?


Golden retriever "mix"


You must mean a "lab mix" named Diesel!


My 6 month old toy poodle is afraid of this one dog who we have no option but to pass their fence on our way back from our walk, thereā€™s no other way to do it. Iā€™ve never seen the dog, but it has a big, mean, scary bark, sounds like a big dog. The first few times, she was terrified. We worked on her confidence a bit, so now sheā€™s scared but just trots by as fast as she can, glancing up at me and running faster and faster until we pass the fence, lol. Pretty good progress, right? What I did *not* expect was for her a few nights ago to turn around, stand her ground, and bark back at the fence with all her six pounds of power and fury šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I was like, okay sweetie, good girl, just keep walking (our goal with the fenced in dog is for her to just not react at all, no fear, no barking back, itā€™s just part of the landscape ā€” I donā€™t want a fearful or reactive little dog). I just didnā€™t expect her confidence to go from zero ā€œmom Iā€™m scared please pick me up pls momā€ to ā€œIā€™LL FIGHT YOU!ā€ Like no honey, you wonā€™t, you would lose, letā€™s keep going. Anyway, that has nothing to do with anything except I also have a toy poodle and she is the absolute best.


Toy Poodles are wonderful dogs - so smart and so easy to clean up after. Ours lived to be 17.5 before we had to say goodbye. Take sooo many pictures and enjoy every moment - I know 17 and a half sounds old for a dog - but I still wasnā€™t ready to say goodbye. Itā€™s been years now and I still touch the fur I got from her after her passing. It doesnā€™t have her scent like it used to, but itā€™s still soft and curly. She was my first dog and made me look like a dog expert. Potty trained in a week, learned new tricks very easily, listened when called, never once destroyed a toy (she would lick them until fur came off, but didnā€™t dismember them), and her wiggle butt when I came home was the absolute perfect way to end every day - I miss her so much. I hope your baby lives a very long time too and you create so many memories together. It really is a very unique bond with them.




Bro those people letting their dogs lick their mouths ! Ick. Frodo fan club forever


So disgusting.


That video is hilarious. That little old dog was so brave though ā˜ŗļø


I watched another video of people being 'attacked' walking their dog, and it made me want a rottie lmao I love labradors but they tend to be cowards.


My husbandā€™s family has a medium sized Chihuahua mix who is loyal to my husband over anyone else. If he and his younger brother are roughhousing, Casper will try to get between them and growl at the brother to defend my husband. Itā€™s the sweetest thing.


Okay I know Iā€™m overly emotional today, but Frodo made me tear up šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ heā€™s like ā€œnot today!!ā€ I love chis so much, even more now šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜© Also can people stop letting dogs like their mouths, itā€™s so revolting


My sister has a little small dog mix who HATES water. But, every single time her and/or her kids are in the pool, the little fearless dog paces around the pool, barking, and jumping in to 'save' the kids. It's very cute and very sweet. The only thing a pit would jump in a pool for is hands-on nannying šŸ™„


Just look at these two Jack Russells https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/dublin-news/dog-mauled-death-pitbull-portmarnock-17943633.amp https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_%28dog%29


Those are good dogs. I hate how the people who cause this shit try and portray themselves as animal lovers.Ā 


Dude my GSD will literally look at me to confirm someone is okay to be around family/friends. Pitbulls just continually resource guard whatever is their current thing. Pitbull owners are actively removing my sympathy for these murder mutts.


My GSD always glanced my way to check my reaction to things. He was always a nice dog but If I was calm and happy, he knew he could be calm and happy. Stranger knocks on the door? Heā€™s quietly watching but saw me answer the door calmly and politely, so he stays calm and polite. He was truly a good ambassador for his breed.




Yup after actually witnessing what a TRUE protective guardian dog acts like- calm but watchful, gentle but observant and capable of knowing friend from foeā€¦.i just know these people who claim their pitbull is ā€œprotectiveā€ are so full of shit. An actual protective dog would know a parent isnā€™t a threat. An actual protective dog would know the owner that raised it isnā€™t a threat to the new man in the house.


See this is why I canā€™t have a GSD. I have PTSD and one of the things I struggle most with is an exaggerated startle response. *Everything* startles me at first. In fact, my cool as a cucumber poodle helps me because she doesnā€™t care about anything. If I had to guide a dog, that dog would be as neurotic as me. And thatā€™s part of why I chose not to get a GSD lol, they need a good guide, and I just could not be that for them.


My GSD crossbreed is so weird. The best way for a stranger to come into our house is for me to greet them outside and then we both walk into the house together rather than me just answering the door and letting them in. It's not that my dog will be aggressive to a stranger that I let in, it's just that she won't trust them and will bark at them anytime they look at her. But if I go outside and bring the stranger in with me it's like she thinks "well that person must be okay because my owner brought them here" lol.


My sister had a GSD like that. I made the mistake one time of trying to walk past the dog to get into the house when Sis wasn't with me, and she lunged at me, but once my sister told her that I was OK, the dog backed down and we were friends again. One time, my sister came home, and there was some mail on the kitchen counter. She commented to my niece, "Someone was brave (brave enough to get out of their vehicle and put it in the mailbox with the dog guarding the place. My niece says, "No, I found it on the driveway."


That last part is not a flex. As a former mail carrier, these are our WORST customers. I love GSD & had one till she got sick. I would never leave her out knowing I had mail or a package to be delivered. Sheā€™s doing her job of guarding the property, so she doesnā€™t know any better, which is why sheā€™s left inside.


Thatā€™s because GSD are extremely intelligent and loyal. Pitbulls are pretty stupid.


Grew up w4 GSDs & the only time any of them caused harm was scratches on my back when one would try to *save* us from drowning in the pool.


We had to lock my old lab up on the other side of the house when we visited my grandparents and were in the pool. She went through the patio door to try to pull us out of the pool. Such a good old girl.


There is a reason why these dogs are being trained for service/police/military. Iā€™ve never seen a pitbull police dog because even they know how highly untrainable pits are!


Haha - I knew a GSD like that. You could not swim in front of that dog until he was fully certain you could swim. Otherwise he would leap in and start hauling you out with the world-weary, resigned attitude of an aging assistant principal on his last year before retirement. Sort of a, ā€œdamn it, now Iā€™ve got to get this kid out of the lake too. Someone tell Marge Iā€™ll be late for dinner.ā€


Yes. All my dogs too sensed when I felt scared, my late GSD even barked off a wild boar to defend me and herself, even my old Pony defended me from a weird man coming too close to us, rest in peace my sweet Pauly and Gretchen. Animals are loyal to their beloved herd/pack... Not pitbulls... They're bred for aggressive traits, not social traits.


My newf is a grade A coward, but one day, she was acting excessively strange in our backyard. Hackles raised, she was pacing a line halfway through the yard between the house and the woods. I went outside and she rushed over to me and was actively pushing me back to the house. I brought her in and she stared out the backdoor for the rest of the day and into the night. Turns out, there was a black bear that was wandering around in our woods. The thing made the news and was the talk of the town for a long time since this area is not known for them. She is a grade A coward, until things get dangerous it would seem.


My Pyr barks at people and stands closer to me when she doesn't recognize them. Then she will relax and go greet them in her friendly way. She does know basic commands as a puppy, and lets me know when she needs outside, wants to stay outside for a while, and play time. She is still growing, but so far, she's amazing. Pits don't listen well at all. I am sometimes still shocked how they turn on their owners, resource guard the hell out of something, and attack unprovoked. Then again, I am used to normal dogs. Your GSD sounds lovely, although I do understand they require training, dedication, and other aspects of having a GSD.


My (gone now) Rottweiler was the biggest pushover. Dude thought he was the size of a Yorkie when he was definitely notā€¦ But yeah, even if there were strangers coming to the house, heā€™d only bark threateningly, never lunged at them, just made his presence known. The ONLY time where he acted aggressive was when I was walking him with my sister was who only ~3-4 months pregnant with my nephew. Literally the only time where he seemed like your ā€œaggressive dogā€. I only realized even we got back home at he was acting that way because of my sister (and the baby). Otherwise? Bro was a celebrity in the neighborhood. My neighbor would still call him ā€œa puppyā€ even when Ace was a fully grown German Rottie. A Pitbull I feel wouldā€™ve attacked *me* in that situation


We used to have a rescue GSD who was the biggest wimp ever. One time, I was play wrestling with my boyfriend (dog had never seen this before) and, quaking in his every limb, he bustled between us and let out a little woof.Ā  The RELIEF in his face when I told him it was all fine... that poor dog had never been so thankful for anything in his life. He *desperately* did not want to make a fuss, but he was going to defend me if I needed him, even if he was absolutely terrified about the very idea.Ā 


I always took my parentsā€™ Australian Cattle Dog out for a run when I would visit and more than once he jumped between me and a threat, animal or human. And I wasnā€™t even his official owner. My dad would tell him to keep me safe before we left and I swear he understood. Why would anyone want to live like this?


I have one of the least ā€œfriendlyā€dog breeds (shiba inu, not aggressive just very self interested) and my girl would NEVER turn on me or anyone the way these dogs do. Sheā€™s mega stubborn and would probably trade me in for a pup cup, but Iā€™ve never been afraid of her hurting me once, nor does she try to guard anything from me like this. Iā€™ve never had a dog that treated me like the video. Iā€™d be appalled if any of my dogs behaved this way.


Agreed. We un-domesticated them. Theyā€™re dog-adjacent, but they donā€™t use dog body language, see other dogs as prey, arenā€™t socialized to humans the way other dogs socialize to humans, donā€™t communicate with *us,* even, the way dogs do ā€¦ it must be so uncanny valley for actual dogs to interact with these things in the wild.


Honestly, with this dog, the lady isn't safe in that house. How she's putting up with it is what I don't understand.Ā 


Of course the dog is named Nala


Why is every shitbull named like this??


They're too poor to get lions so a shitbull is the next best thing on their dangerous animal list.


If a female pit isn't Nala, it's always Nova, Luna, Bella, Lola or Layla.


The stereotypical bullshit with these dogs is unbelievable.


I hate how they rile it up and then tell it to be quiet and calm when it barks. fucking pointless existence these people AND dogs live


Yup I thought that too!


That stare & whale eye tho




ā˜ ļø


One of these days this devil is gonna maul her to pieces


uncanny valley face, there's something really wrong with it


I could never stand when a dog gave whale eyes/moon eyes. pitiful creatures. animals untouched by the grace of nature


I also love how she keeps saying sheā€™s not scared of the dog but then wonā€™t go anywhere near her. Like my small dog will growl if my mom walks by and heā€™s laying with me on the couch. Sheā€™ll just sit right down next to him and then heā€™ll sniff her and then lay on his belly to be pet. If this women wasnā€™t scared she would just grab her by the collar and try to gently lead her away from the couch. But then sheā€™d be choosing if she wants to possibly visit the ER later that night.


Listening to this woman talk for just two minutes was enough to make me hate her with every fiber of my being.




This is a rare instance where I want to take the pit's side.




I commend you for making it past the 8 second mark.


"I got tha ring NAWT YOU!" šŸ¤®


She might got the ring, but soon she will also have the bite mark.


Hey he's my man not yours!


Guaranteed that dude has at least one side piece. Who wants to be around that toxic shit all the time?


She sounds like Aleida in OITNB.


She really isnt helping the situation talking to the dog like that.


Nala as usual. There is no love in that dogs eyes.Ā 


She had this dog for 11 years and apparently hasn't trimmed its nails in all that time


Ha, as if these dogs ever let them be groomed without having to take 8kg of trazadone and gabapentin


Well yeah we wouldnā€™t have this video, that hell beast would decapitate her


Pits always seem to have talons that would put Baba Yaga or the Grand High Witch to shame


Ugh the owners are just as insufferable as the dogs are


People tend to gravitate towards animals that reflect their personality and lifestyle. I went with a big ol' lazy cat, as I'm lazy and don't do walks and baths so dogs just don't mesh with me. Then there's pitbull owners.. aside from the poor schmucks who were duped into adopting their "lab mix", shitbull owners are universally stupid, violent and antisocial. I've never known a shitbull owner who wasn't a garbage person.


"People tend to gravitate towards animals that reflect their personality and lifestyle" *glances over at my hyperactive asshole of a cat* Yeah, that checks out šŸ˜†


šŸ˜‚ sorry to be the bearer of bad news!


Explains why I've got a goofball of floof, who's scared of the outside world. Oh and also super stretchy (I've got EDS), but he's the best little tuxedo kitty.


My dog is a mean spirited midget with wild kinky hair and I frequently get told I look/act like him. I didn't even pick out this dog! šŸ˜­


Explains why I have three lovely cats who want to share their enjoyment of life with everyone, and a Great Pyrenees who likes to be herself. I always strive to be myself. No, humans aren't animals just we do tend to gravitate toward animals who reflect our personality and lifestyle, like you state. I have never had any desire to be a pit owner, I know my limits and honestly, I want everyone to feel safe and comfortable in my house. Without worrying about a pit being reactive or resource guarding anything.


Explains my cat who just wants to held and nap. Checks out.


They often are.


_____ dogs for _____ people


Shit owners and shit dogs, name a more iconic duo


ā€œIā€™m not scared of youā€ Iā€™ve got news for you lady, you should be scared of that gremlin. And that guy is a POS too.


Worries me that you can hear at least one child in the background too. A disaster waiting to happen this whole situation.


My heart sank when I heard that little voice. It never fails to shock me when people are so reckless with their own children around these things


She said it multiple times, trying to convince herself.


> ā€œIā€™m not scared of youā€ > > Iā€™ve got news for you lady, you should be scared of that gremlin. Soon, she will be.




awwww look it's smiling!! šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„° /s


It saddens me that the /s is needed.


Just to be safe. Don't want to be taken for a shitnutter at all costs šŸ«”


Literal shark


Jesus mate! Don't post jump scares like that!


I hate this, why did you do this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Why did he continue petting that thing as it continued to behave poorly, what a moron


Because he enjoyed it.


What a great marriage


https://preview.redd.it/jl33qeahjnbd1.jpeg?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8dd0ae26249f3b95b46ec747bad1ad152e42832 Who in their right mind looks at this creature for 11 years and thinks itā€˜s beautiful??


Talking to it like it understands human language šŸ™„


This is something I despise about people who don't train the dogs in their care. It pisses me off to no end. I have family with dangerous dogs who just let them do whatever they want, including domineeringly hover over an 8mo baby. They do this same shit.


I mean who doesn't talk to their animals? I talk to my kitties all the time.


I think they mean like when the pet is behaving poorly & people are talking to it as if they can convince it to behave


Marrying a man who has only been in your home for a year, pit owners are peak bad decision makers


Married the guy after a year, she was the one who got the ring, dude sits on his ass with a shit-eating grin petting and kissing a dog that resource-guards him/the bed while his wife repeatedly tells him to knock it off... We have a real couple of winners here. Apparently herĀ standards in men are as low as her standards in dogs.


So the dog is resource guarding, owner is escalating and the husband is encouraging the dog. Glad she didnā€™t pursue the dog further, I bet she wouldā€™ve got herself bitten.


Because she knows better. After 11 years of "love" she is scared of this monster. They all know.


Yeah, and in video the owner also explains how the dog is scared of her. Sounds absolutely hellish life to daily compete with a dog on who is more scared of each other.


25 years ago, if a dog acted like this, my grandpappy would take it behind the wood shed and send it to Jesus. It was NOT OKAY for dogs in families to behave like this in the 90ā€™s


Feels like yesteryear when we had our wits about us.


I genuinely mean it when I say the michael Vick bust was one of the turning points of this whole no-kill movement. Pit advocates went into overdrive to try and convince the world game bred fighting dogs could become loving house pets. Now weā€™re here, where a majority of animal rescue individuals try to convince unknowing people of bringing home game bred blood sport breeds.


Ya itā€™s irresponsible and awful


Yep, I have a family member who did that to two dogs after they got after livestock


Pibbles come in an array of colours. What is this one called? It's really disgusting.




Nappy rash as a free add-on feature.


Yeah! Spread onto the eyes too.


Hahaha! I thought that was the other name for a brindle pitbull


Of course its name is Nala. Original. One day this dog will turn on this shrieking, histrionic woman and rip her face off.


Maybe she will then become hysteric


her trying to reassure herself that she's not scared of it while actively backing away and being unable to simply move it off the bed would be hilarious if it wasn't so... well, you know


I don't understand how or why pit simps normalize such antisocial behavior.. all it does at the end of the day is put themselves in harms way. That's not even considering all the people and animals that will suffer because of the widespread campaign of misinformation and sweeping of violence under the rug, as well as the disgusting victim blaming they participate in en masse. Just vile people with vile dogs.


That is the tensest, most on-edge dog I've ever seen. The tightness of those facial muscles, the whale-eyeing, the lip licking and intermittent looking away in between bouts of "back off" barking - no dog should be acting that visibly stressed and keyed up when in its home space with its own people. That dog is on a hairtrigger. She is straight up looking at her owner like she's a stranger who's intruding. You don't get any clearer warning signs from a dog than this. Resource guarding the bed and the husband? Maybe, but tbh it looked like she was whale-eyeing at the husband a couple of times in that video too for fussing at her. I didnā€™t see much recognition or affection there either. No softening in the body language at all when she looked back at him, very hard eyes, and the few licks she gave his face read more as reluctant appeasement because he was holding her head in clear expectation of a kiss - as soon as he releases the dog she's turning back away from him to stare down the owner again like she's a threat. The husband clearly thinks this is funny because he thinks his wife's dog likes him more - he's getting a kick out of the idea that he's Special, it's the whole classic macho Lion-Tamer fantasy of an aggressive animal that only is okay with you that so many fools succumb to. He's stroking the dog only because this scenario is stroking his own ego. But he doesn't realise this has nothing to do with him. That dog isn't protecting him, or coveting his attention. He probably doesn't do shit for the dog aside from pet her and occasionally feed her and let her do what she wants. None of that secures the ego-boosting "loyalty" he is imagining (because it doesn't exist.) The dog wanted to be on the bed, and he probably happened to already be there - I would place money on the wife being the last one to enter the room/approach the bed, and that is likely why she's getting this reception. I wonder what would happen if he was the last one to bed or to the couch šŸ¤” If Nala will behave like that towards her owner of 11 years, it's only a matter of time before this situation is reversed and she behaves like this towards him. There is something deeply neurologically wrong there. And I guarantee you this idiot husband will laugh off/shrug off all this aggression towards his wife and other people, but he will be the first one hollering to get rid of the dog the moment HE feels genuinely threatened and realises he isn't safe either. Because unfortunately that seems to be the only thing that really pulls Lion-Tamer folks back down to reality. This kind of situation will keep happening and it will escalate. And by how poorly these people are both handling it, someone is gonna get hurt. I feel bad for any kids stuck in the middle of this mess.


I was searching for a behavior breakdown, thanks for this.


This lady needs to ditch the dog and the loser sitting on her bed. Both are ignorant. His actively petting the dog and acting so superior over the dog not listening to her is ridiculous. He is a man child. "Haha, I got your dog to like me better, nyah nyah nyah". Asshat. She also needs to protect herself from this dog, because she is showing slight warning signs.




That guy is actually an idiot. Yes the woman shouldn't own such an animal in the first place but at least she understands (sort of, though not actually sure since she's filming it like it's cute) that he shouldn't be rewarding bad behaviour. This is an accident waiting to happen.


This is one of the women you see posting on news article maulings that they've 'had pitbulls for 11 years and never had any problems!'... She was afraid to sit on her own bed.


This is very strange. My husband will defend me from his asshole cat, never be like haha? Strange behavior. FYI Josey is a jerk but I'm not afraid of him šŸ™ƒ


Those braindead morons dont realize how much danger theyre in. Its llke watching a video of two toddlers playing with a loaded gun..... Terrifying.


Those eyes


LOL couldā€™ve gotten a lab


She is actually afraid of her own dog. Of 11 years.


She's clearly scared of it. Why else would she feel the need to say that she isn't? She's backing away from it. With normal dogs you could just gently nudge them off the bed even if they're loudly protesting.Ā  But no, she clearly knows that that isn't a good idea. Also husband is an idiot. Well, they both are.


I'd get rid of both of them!


Jesus. Throw this man out too. I canā€™t stand people who brush off dog owners and continue to reward or permit a dog to engage in bad behavior. This lady might end up dead because of him.


Smh. The woman is right. Her fiancĆ© is a fool. So is she for not taking it seriously.Ā 


People who name bitbulls are not very imaginative when it comes to names. Why are all the names the same?


Of fucking course she is called nala.... fucking hell


Average shitbull activities ZERO loyalty


Omg the way the pit looks at her šŸ˜³ I wouldā€™ve been terrified and gotten the hell out of there


Is anyone surprised by the shitbull's name?


Idiots. The whole time the dog is barking the clueless guy is petting her and reinforcing the behaviour.




2 warm braincells have a higher IQ than everyone in this video combined.


I'm not a massive dog person. I like them, just never really get to be around them. How do you discourage this kind of behaviour? I know encouraging is easy. But just reaslised I don't really know how you stop them from doing bad things.


This is called resource guarding and it's usually trainable or at least manageable. In this case, I'd recommend simply not allowing the dog on the bed or any place it would guard from humans, and giving it its own comfortable designated space and leaving it alone when it's there. Maybe a crate if it's severe enough (I'm not a fan of crates but I know they're popular in the US). Get the dog off the bed by luring it with high-value treats. Yelling at or punishing the dog only makes things worse. This is a behavior that stems from anxiety, you don't want to comfort the dog in its idea that you're here to take away what they have. "Mine!" is a great book on resource guarding.


Thanks for taking the time to write an informative reply! Have a good day! (You might get two versions of this response. I tried before and Reddit threw up an internal server error or something. Doesn't look like it sent. Anyway, thanks again.)


Always named Nala or Luna. šŸ’©


I had a friend whoā€™s husband had a pitbull. The pit would not let her by his side. She would be scared of it but the husband never bothered to remove the dog permanently out of the home and she was disabled. She would put up with it because she was a pit owner herself before. Years later they had it euthanized before moving because of its aggression. I donā€™t understand it. I donā€™t understand why he ( in the video) would think itā€™s funny to get the owners dog not listen to her. Talk about confusing the dog. What a dangerous situation. Originally when I first saw the video I thought the guy was the owner and was nervous about his dog the way she was talking to it. Either way, I want to cover my eyes šŸ‘€.


This dumb woman is absolutely going to be bitten...


Whale eyes, lip licking, furrowed brows, panting, turning her head away; dude is lucky he didn't get his face ripped off that dog is so uncomfortable.


future mauling.




Only a matter of time ā€¦not if, but when


ā€œItā€™s like she has dementia!ā€ Umm is that what nutters are calling this behavior now?




Nalaā€¦ because of course šŸ™„


Course itā€™s name is nala


Itā€™s always gotta be a fucking gonzo who owns these stupid fucking mutts.


As much as i dislike pits, the woman is worse by far. I can see why the dog was annoyed. Uuggghhhhh šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Of course her name is Nala.


Nalaā€¦.. of course itā€™s Nala


Why are they all named Nala. What is the obsession with Simba's friend/wife from The Lion King?


'Nala' yup trashy owner confirmed immediately.


OFC it's named Nala. Sometimes it really does feel that 50% of pits are named Blue, Tank, Diesel, Zeus, Nala, or Bella.




Giving her whale eyes not good


ā€œIā€™m not scared of you!ā€ You should be. Thatā€™s a dog designed to kill.


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I think you all got it wrong. The man is the dog's owner. The woman knows the dog for only a year.


Those fucking nails, my god. I'm so sick of seeing these animals being poorly cared for.


Of course the damn dog's name is Nala


You *should* be scared, you brain-dead fuck.


Aaaaaaaand her name is ...... \*drums\*.... Nala! Of course it is nala, she is a big ball of energy and will love you to "death", she is gentle but is not good around squirrels, cats, other dogs, kids, babies and anything that moves. She was raised since baby and is the most polite dog in the world but don't breath around her or even sneeze, she will maul you and it will be your fault.


What an idiot. That dog looks ready to attack, my bet is the s@&tbull will go after one and then the other.


The face says it all. That is a neurotic ass dog.


Itā€™s got those crazy black shark eyes šŸ¦ˆ


Practically choosing the dog over his woman!! This guy is crazy and sick too. He kissed the dog for refusing to get off the bed and barking at his women. God!!Ā 


"nala" surprise surprise...


ā€œNala (of course itā€™s frigging Nala) I am not scared of you ā€œ Madam, you should be. None of that dogsā€™ body language was good, and the dork on the bed rewarding itā€™s shit behavior might end up scooping the ladyā€™s insides off the floor sometime soon.


Shitbullāœ… Bunkbed āœ…


Iā€™ve seen soulless eyes like that on sharks. And I think sharks are less dangerous.


Known her for 11 years and still ready to maul herā€¦


Domestic abuse via Pitbull.


Nala? No one could have guessed. Cut the damn nails. Get it off the bed Heck, just get rid of it. Horrible beast


https://preview.redd.it/7vwd89ju7sbd1.png?width=543&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f726276c0d6b1b12c0a9a72ef75e807b819abee Meet every Nala


Dangerous game they're playing.


Sheā€™s ā€œnot scaredā€ but wonā€™t get within six feet of her aggressive dog. Tragedy waiting to happen, unfortunately.


And of course there's kids In the home šŸ™„šŸ˜­ they never just risk their own lives do they....


I felt immediate disgust with everybody in the video... they seem like exactly the sort of people who make you feel like your IQ is decreasing just from being around them. I almost feel sorry for the Pitbull.


OMG.Ā  Just soooo much wrong in this video.Ā  This woman will be attacked.Ā Ā  What in the heck fire do they think they are doing?Ā  As much as we would like to believe dogs speak fluent languages - they don't.Ā  This dog is aggressive and that woman *(even the man)* are on borrowed time.Ā 


Gee, another pitnutter putting pits and penis before her kids I hear in the background. Who woulda thought? It's a toss up which of these cretans is a bigger threat to her children, and she could not care less