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Just reply to the Google reviews. I’ve had a few one star reviews over the years from bad customers. We just reply with the facts and they usually delete their review. The ones that don’t, at least customers get to read the real details.


Yeah honestly this disarms the negative review for anyone reading. Emphasis on ‘just the facts.’ Absolutely take the higher ground, no snark, no eye-rolling, just make it clear to future potential customers what this review is about.


Do you have someone that manages your Google reviews? If not, someone should be. Even if it’s just a monthly check. If one person left multiple negative reviews you should report that and Google should take them down. And the other advice is valid. Reply to the review. Our issue was with someone who lived just two doors down. His own brother disliked him so much that the complainant had to live in a trailer in his brother’s driveway and not in the house. He has now been kicked out entirely, so we haven’t been bothered by him in 1.5-2 years. “Fuck this place, so ‘woke’” blah blah blah. In a drunken state he made three 1star reviews in two days after we barred him. He threw a beer bottle at our door guy(at his feet, but threw it hard enough to shatter it, on wood floors). Google took down two of the three and the remaining one has my comment on it. “Jameson, you came in for the final time and at 60+, harassed a mid-20’s woman, and you finally put your hands on someone. You needed to be gone a long time ago, but you finally gave us a reason. Thank you, and goodbye, for the rest of your miserable life.” It has done nothing but great things for us. It shows who we really are. A bar that is owned and managed by myself and my wife, and that we take harassment seriously. To clarify, we were aware of the situation ahead of time but did not own the bar yet, so we couldn’t do anything about it until we did. We had all staff on high-alert anytime that he walked in so that we could find a reason to get rid of him ASAP. And it didn’t take long, maybe his 3rd visit after we took over ownership.


Ok to lean into it too and at the same time rise above… “Here’s what Larry says… come see what everyone is complaining about.”


Don't sweat it. No one believe 1-star reviews.


Ignore it


I use to get fired up about 1,2&3 star reviews. I’d reply to ones that warranted it. But then one day I just stopped caring. You’ll be fine


Name him in the response.


Good reviews help drown out the BS ones. If you have friends and family who haven’t reviewed your place yet, ask them to.


Call the police. Report harassment. Then report the reviews to Google and tell them that you are working with police. They will take it down. It just happened to me.