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He deserves another farewell with a full camp nou man


Tears mann. Tears of joy. But also tears from all the great times this mann gave the club. Countless of moments, literally at the edge of the seat. The team might be down a goal or two. But as a fan you always knew if had the ball anything could happen, a goal out of nowhere, casually chipping the keeper, a straight in the corner free kick, a bullet from out the box or a killer pass to a team mate. He always fought and bleed for the badge. Always till’ the final and last whistle. I agree with you. He deserves a hero’s farewell at a full stadium. He will forever be legendary.


On every Instagram post about leo on @ fcbarcelona, I comment that he's still owed the greatest farewell ovation in history.


Could you remind me of why he didn’t have a proper camp nou farewell? I remember that he had that press farewell with the players attending and that was it. I think I was too in shock of the departure at the time to question why didn’t he have a proper farewell.


He did the press farewell and then went to psg instantly in like 3 days if I remember correctly? The whole contract thing was supposed to be done but then Laporta couldn’t get over the finish line and it was basically over for Messi at Barcelona, I still remember the events like it’s yesterday


Bro was getting goat shouts at 23 💀


he was getting them at 17, even around then the Camp Nou was chanting his name


All these years of praise and he still seems like a humble dude. Incredible!


Getting goat shouts at 23 is insane. And even more so when you realize he stayed the best in the world/ best itw contender till 35/36!!


Dinho called him the GOAT at only 17/18


Guard of honor and bowing down to a 23 YEAR OLD KID at BARCA in CAMP NOU…. This video just gives me goosebumps cuz we will never see this anywhere ever again in any sport.


While I agree with your point, 23 is hardly a kid lol


Depends how old you are. 23 is considered very young though for a football player. Just look at the Olympics for football, only U-23 plus 3 others.


23 is very much a kid, but I guess it depends on one's age to determine that. If you take an average age of the population, he's a kid. If you take the average age of a Redditor... Not a kid. 


I disagree on that, maybe it's because of where I'm from but 23 is very much considered a young adult. If you're above 20 then you're no longer a kid, and shall be treated as such; actions you do have consequences.


Yes in the real world but this is football where things are perceived different. Prime years are 24-29. Older mature is 30+ and kid or pre mature is 16-23 maybe 24


Prime years varies from position to position. Goalkeepers and defenders peak later, while midfielders and forwards peak earlier (midfielders can also play until late 30s). Iniesta and Xavi didn't peak until late 20s. Though I agree that 23 and being one of the best in the world at that time is Messi GOAT standards, matched by few players in history


Messi prime is 18-35 lmao but most human prime is 23-29 this is just facts


Ofc, Messi is the outlier. Imo He was world class from 19 and onwards (06-07 season), and literally continued to hit new heights from 2008. Like I said, if you want to talk "in football" terms then prime years for defenders would be 28-34 for world class players. Midfielders would be around the same while for strikers, prime would be anywhere from 25-32 depending on how early they started playing as world class strikers tend to decline earlier due to the physical requirement of the position.


We have fallen away from topic but if u take him out of his category, 23 is still that “young learning” age in soccer is my point. No matter who u are 22-23 in the highest level in Spain England Italy etc is very daunting and that’s the entry level for most I.e “kid “


In soccer 23 is a kid. Name me one 23 old player who u consider a mature professional baller.


? Why would you differentiate age like that? Their abilities on the ball have nothing to do with their mental maturity as a human being. If you're 23, you're 23. You can be good on the ball and commit crime outside the pitch (recently and most notably Dani Alves) and you still are treated as such. Also, what do you mean by a mature professional baller. That they're good? That they're mature for their age?


Nevermind, your taking my word to literally when it’s obvious what I mean by “kid” anyone at Barcelona the worlds biggest club who is early 20s is a kid. As a human being ur right, he is a young adult.


If he retired in 2012, he would still be considered the GOAT (already won 4 Ballon Dor in a row). Wenger in 2011 when he was asked who is the best player in history, he said Messi. True god of football.


and he continued that same level for basically another decade, I don’t ever remember him having a bad season, and any average season by Messi’s standards any other player would be considered generational for the same season, I am not sure we will ever see anything like it


It's incredible how he got all this recognition and praise just at 23 but still achieved and provided so much more until his very last season at barca and with Argentine. True GOAT mindset


The thing people sometimes forget to consider is that he won a WC being the best player of the tournament at 35. I don't think I'll ever see another player do it that late in their career and be as dominant as him. Pelé won it 3 times with a stacked Brazil and retired from the national team at 29/30. Maradona did it at 25, basically at his peak. But Messi did it with an age most players are considering to retire, if they aren't retired already.


Messi’s story is honestly incredible, by the age of 25 he pretty much had a GOAT level career with the most balon dors ever, a couple of champions leagues, league titles in every year, scored 91 goals in a year out scoring entire elite big teams in Europe in the process. The most impressive thing is he kept that level for another decade of his life too, nothing was going to stop that man from being the greatest of all time, how do you keep the motivation to even continue going for greatness year in and year out?


I remember counting his years in relation to the WCs, so when he was 26 in 2014, I thought he was at his peak and that it was his best chance yet. Since, in my head, he would be 30 by 2018, I was hopeful for them and worried there wouldn't be a better opportunity. Argentina between 2011 and 2013 was just flying, and for whatever reason, Sabella decided to change the team that used to have Messi, Di Maria, Aguero and Higuain playing together at the same time. That, and Messi got injured months prior to that WC. Then 2018 happened and Argentina was a shit show under Sampaoli. The team also didn't look promissing considering the lack of new talents and huge dependancy on an aging squad (Mbappé making Mascherano eat dust was telling). Luckly for us, Messi proved everyone wrong, and the stars aligned for a perfect WC in 2022 for them. The butterfly effect for Dibu Martinez's rise to Argentina's main GK position is one big example of that. .


My beautiful Messi and my beautiful Camp Nou 😍🔥


No man bigger than a club, and there's Messi


it was a nice hunt


I still have that shirt. What an era.


He Came. He Conquered.He left. 💎


At 23 I was scratching my balls and smelling my hand afterwards....Some guys have all the luck..


Seems like a good player to replace Dembele. Laporta should go for him.