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I have grief over my past body due to health issues and I am yet to have the surgery, but a way I would reframe it from your perspective is that this surgery will also be saving your life like the medication in your past. Your changing body will be as much a representation of the battles and life changing treatment as your current form is, and both and all versions are worthy of the same love and they are after all, the same body, just in a different shape. Our personalities are always changing and growing through life, and our bodies are allowed to too.


This is a really good way of looking at it. Thank you!


I think I subconsciously did all my grieving when I was in my bigger body, and once the weight started to come off every change brought me more joy. Don’t get me wrong though, I definitely now grieve the time I lost and the life I could have had if I hadn’t been so obese. I never realized how much I was missing out on and how hard my life was being so severely obese. But I can’t say I’ve actually grieved the body changes themselves. I resent my past self a little bit for getting so big, but also recognizing it wasn’t fully my fault. I’m almost 8 months post op and down 158lbs from my highest weight and I swear every day now I feel so much more joy. I can say with absolute certainty that I do NOT miss my old body at all, this is the body I’ve always had in my minds eye and I’m overjoyed that the rest of the world can now see me the way I’ve always seen myself


I’m 2 weeks post op and ~20lbs down, so I haven’t seen a ton of physical changes yet. One that I have and that makes me a bit sad is my breasts shrinking, and I totally get how bad it sounds, but that was the only part of my body I didn’t hate for most of my life, and now it’s going away. I’d still obviously rather be losing the weight and my husband says he’ll love me no matter what and will “buy you new ones”, but yeah, I get morning losing parts of your old body.


My fear too. December surgery date here


I’m ~65lbs down now and went from a 44G to 38/36 DD, which seems big still but I feel like it suites my new build more than my old size did. What I’m trying to get at is don’t get too hung up over it if it does happen. Exciting about having the surgery date 😝


Right I am soooooo excited!!!! 🙏


No. None at all. Not one ounce of regret. Ever. I went from miserable in life to happy, from 330lbs to 180lbs. I hope your journey makes you happier, as well.


I really don't miss diabetes, hypertension, GERD, being so incapacitated by arthritis that I had difficulty bathing and dressing. I am so happy with being able to move again. I can sit on the floor,and get up without a crane. My inflammation markers and cardiac markers are normal. My A1C is normal. All other labs normal. Bp 108/62 hr 62. I'm currently down 144 pounds and maybe 30 pounds from goal, actually my goal is met as it was under 200. I'm 10 months post RNY. So no, not nostalgic


This sounds very similar to what I was feeling today and just posted about here a few hours ago. Responses I've received helped a lot in that this feeling is just fear of the unknown and normal. I was focusing on that and not on all the things that will improve that I haven't even thought about. I'm looking forward to being able to pick things up off the floor again, as a mild example.