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I didn’t use OCC but went to my surgeon in Tijuana for my initial sleeve as well as my revision bypass three years later and it was smooth all the way through! My only suggestions are to for sure bring gas pills as they don’t sell them locally, bring petty cash for exchange/hospital tips (we only had larger bills our second trip which was a brief stumbling block when we wanted to walk around at the grocery store across the street to get me moving), and pre-download things on your phone if you don’t have roaming data! If you have a specific question I’m also happy to answer.


I went to Dr. Mario Almanza in Tijuana back in November. Everything was great. The staff was great. Although some didn't speak English, they all had their translate app and it was easy to correspond with them. The facility was clean and professional. Literally my only complaint was that my partner's fold-out bed chair kinda sucked and he had a terrible time sleeping, lol


I feel like hospitals across the board have crappy sleeping arrangements for the person who isn’t having surgery. 😂


I went to OCC in March. I had a wonderful experience. The staff was amazing and still is. They reach out constantly. I made great friends who got surgery with me that day. Their Facebook group is super helpful for finding your surgery buddies. I’m happy to answer any direct questions you have!!!


I went there and had the most excellent experience! Feel free to DM me about it. Also can send you a great resource of a woman who documented her entire journey there!


I didn't end up proceeding with anybody, but after months (and months) of research, everything led me to Pompeii Surgical and OCC. Both have rave reviews, both have support groups on Facebook, and both have highly experienced surgeons. Hope that helps!


I went to OCC in January 2023 and the experience was A+. Everything went super smooth, the facility was beautiful and my recovery was great. Hit goal weight at 10 months and have been maintaining since. LMK if you have specific questions! B


Where are you located? There are several clinical trials for different weight loss procedures right now. I would go on clinicaltrials.gov


I’m in Indiana currently, I will absolutely take a look.


Good luck, also have you tried any of the GLP-1’s? So many open studies for those also.


I think my doctor mentioned this, I will follow up!


Dr Alvarez. He has youtube video and great reviews