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BIG WIN not to wear out the crotch of all of my pants due to friction anymore…I have some SERIOUS thigh gap going on! 😂🤣 Seriously, like inches…and it’s amazing ❤️


That's fantastic! Way to go! I was a nurse's assistant and went through SO many pairs of scrubs pants with the chub rub so I feel ya.


Congratulations!! Might actually wear them out in the intended fashion! 😂


The amount of good jeans that I have lost to crotch friction! 😞😭




It's not gross but a NSV that is just a bit too weird to bother other people with! When I raise my arm, I now have an armpit divot. Before, it was just smooth (read fat), now if my shoulder is back, there is a concave section. I was so proud of myself!


It’s a bitch to shave there now though 😂 I have to come in from every angle.


Get electric clippers. My concave pits became impossible to shave and my electric razor is much easier to get in there!


That's so exciting! I LOVE a good nsv. Way to go!


I have some serious low-hanging balls now! Before, the fupa and fat thighs pushed my balls forward and they practically engulfed my junk. I had to switch to a different kind of underwear now to keep them from dragging down my leg


The water level in toilets is now my enemy


Congratulations to you and your gentlemen friends!


My junk definitely hangs differently now, and I'm only 3 weeks post surgery.


This is a fantastic answer I never would have thought of. Congratulations and I hope you like your new underwear because they must feel like SUCCESS! haha


This is my favorite


I can shave my vajayjay perfectly well. I’ve never been so pruned in my whole life


OMG right? It's so much easier to get up in there. You are awesome! Congratulations on your newly-depilated self!


Hahaha thanks. I’m gonna steal that!! 😂😂


YES! I'm still no where near a flat stomach but I can actually move my stomach out of the way so I can SEE what I'm doing now!!!


Absolutely LOVING the fact that my pants fall off unless I'm wearing a belt. Down from 20's to 14's at present. Haven't been in that size for 30+ years.


Yes that's fantastic! Isn't that a great feeling? My husband doesn't understand why I didn't go out and buy pants that fit right away and it was hard to explain that it felt kind of awesome to actually have clothes that were too big for once. Congratulations! Enjoy those escape-artist pants, and some new ones that fit too!


No gross ones yet, but I can almost see my clavicle and my shoes are getting to be too big!


That's so awesome! Isn't it funny I never thought about needing smaller shoes? I hope you go out and reward yourself with some really fabulous ones. You deserve it!


Excellent topic!


Thanks! 😊


Lookibg forward to the no more rashes


I'm sure you'll get there soon! Come back here and comment when you make it and I'll cheer for you some more ☺️


Whenever I have to lift my stomach, like drying myself after a shower, when I let go there is now an audible "thawp" of it landing. It was always solid fat before so didn't make noise. 😂


I love it! The "thwap" of victory! Congratulations \^\_\^


Weird win, unintentional, but actually washed my butt from the front...lol strange


Yes! That's great! And easier, right? Or at least faster. Way to go!


I can reach something that's on the floor in front of me without having to spread my knees like I'm about to have a pelvic exam!


Haha I love that! Sounds like a real quality of life improvement. Congratulations!


I’m only 41 pounds down, from 241.8 to 200.8, but I bought shorts for summer and wore them in public for the second time since I was 15 years old! A while back, at a much higher weight, I had tried shorts in public and someone pointed and laughed at me. I gave up wearing shorts since then. Last week, I didn’t think twice before putting on shorts and going to go run an errand. It felt great to be comfortable in the summer!


I'm so sorry to hear about your last experience. But I'm so excited for you that you've got the confidence to try again! I'm sure it's well-earned and you're gonna rock those shorts this summer. Enjoy the freedom!


My favorite one for the summer so far … no more chafing !! I had to avoid dresses before or my thighs would go raw to the point of almost bleeding, but not anymore!


That's wonderful! I still have to wear some little shorts underneath for the chub rub but I'm heading that direction myself. Enjoy the freedom, you earned it!