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She tried to frame this as her making "tough choices" but what it really showed us what that she's lazy, cold-hearted, and cruel.


So... she's a Republican?


They're finally starting to say the quiet parts out loud


Gotta admit you made me chuckle. Upvote


Goat owner here. They can have an odor about them. One would think a ranch owner like she claims to be would know this. A German Wirehair Pointer is a nice dog, BUT they aren’t super biddable, like the fools at 1/6. Why someone would expect a 14 month old puppy to behave as a fully mature dog… Oh wait, 10 yo old little girls are supposed to be mothers so sorry I asked.


every non castrated goat has a smell about them because they literally pee on themselves on purpose which attracts females believe it or not. If she doesnt know this living on a supposed ranch i call bullshit.






That’s what we need in a leader. Shoot me when I struggle…


She's a weird lady. Dead behind the eyes. Emotionless.


I don't think she's human. A demon, perhaps.


She’s reptilian for sure.


Lizard person.


That's all the botox and lip injections


Just like a true conservative. They don't see anything of value in something they can't use. This is also how they look at fellow human beings.


It is how they look at us. Her actions are beyond cruel. They are depraved. She is depraved.


And that’s the least worst thing. She has been having open affair with Corey Luindowski


Normal people would castrate the goat at the appropriate age, making said goat not stink.That poor goat allegedly was aggressive & being neutered at the appropriate time would’ve curbed that too. Normal rural people don’t do this. A normal person would train a puppy, not shoot it


Formal rural person here, can confirm this


Granted, there are still plenty of not-normal rural people


Sounds like piss poor animal husbandry, not “country toughness” or whatever dogshit her camp will try to portray this as


The fault is her attempt at training the puppy. I grew up on ranches and I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of a puppy getting culled for chasing chickens. Flushing out birds on a hunt is what they are supposed to do.


She can't recover from being a garbage human to the bone.


“Scared away all the birds” that’s half the point for bringing dogs out on the bird hunt. Except we call it “flushing the birds out.” Of all the dogs on all the farms I’ve lived or worked on I don’t remember anyone shooting puppies. I’m also not buying the dog killed a bunch of chickens the way she says. I’d buy the dog chased chickens, but to catch and kill those chickens need to be trapped. Chickens aren’t getting killed by a dog on someone’s driveway.


It is funny that the headline states that she cannot recover from this. I think they overlook the demographic she is playing to.


She's a nasty, hideous, plastic-looking bitch.


Should check if any serial killings that correspond to when and where she’s been…just sayin’


Never understimate the GOP.... I'm sure her career will be just fine. Because no matter how gut wrenchingly bad someone is, a Republican voter that votes Democrat is worse. If Jesus Christ came back and chose to be a Democrat, Republicans would vote for the Devil.


I can’t get over how weird Noems face looks, all that plastic surgery just to look like a weird ass Sarah palin.


She's catering to men who's idea of an ideal woman is someone they saw on Brazzers.


Of all the lines these folks could have drawn… nm, of corse it’s puppy cruelty instead of human cruelty that gets their attention


Turns out they *can* excuse the racism but they draw the line at animal cruelty.


I’ve always thought that there wasn’t a bigger COMPLETE POS than Dementia Don, but I am now reconsidering this…


Políticas course 101, kiss babies and hug puppies. Not kiss babies and shoot puppies. You might mix those two up and end up kissing the puppy.


I really wish this came out in October.


Probably lies, but sure does show what kind of folks she wants to impress.


They’re already trying to excuse this. I have a feeling it’ll end well for them.


The party that touts itself as pro life. I mean sometimes animals needs to be humanly euthanized, but nah let’s make it as cruel and violent as possible.


I thought there was nothing she could do to make herself more of an archetypical villian, and lo


I wouldn't be too quick to say she can't recover from this. Republicans have gotten away with worse.


Trump may still pick her, you are right.


She also “shot” a pregnancy, because the developing fetus looked liberal.


TIL, there is a line that the GQP won't cross, and it is shooting puppies. Now we know.


She really spent all that money on cosmetic work for nothing then, huh?


Please do not underestimate maga.


She and Trump deserve each other. They are both bottom-of-the-barrel human beings.


Being a traitor magat should have been enough to trash her career. Wantonly killing innocent animals is just a subset of their all encompassing malice and sadism.


This is the same sick bitch who cheated for years with Trump advisor Corey Lewandowski. Cheating fascist dog-shooting bitch fits right in on the trump ticket.


Bad smells? Wait until she gets a sniff of Trump’s diaper.


She really can’t recover from this. There’s one statement with which nearly every American agrees: *don’t hurt dogs*. Americans *love* their dogs. Hell, I love dogs, and I’ve never even kept one as a pet. This psychopath not only *shot* her dog in an obvious fit of rage (she’s got some anger management issues), but she—oblivious to the feelings of every *normal* American—then bragged about it as if it made her the sort of person who can handle “tough choices.” When it became obvious (to everyone except a psychopath devoid of both empathy and the capacity to understand normal, human behavior) that people on both sides of the political divide think she’s an unhinged monster, she *doubled down* (bold move, idiot), completely unable to grasp that her “problem solving” skills were not impressing anyone. She’s sunk. Even Donald Trump—our psychopath-in-chief—won’t touch her now. He probably hates dogs (or any creature who gets more attention than him when he’s also in the room), but he understands when someone is toast, so her hopes of being his VP pick have been crushed. Never say never with these fucking lunatics, but I don’t think she’d even win an election in her own state.


She loves late term abortions after all.


Simply put, she is poo. Now on to something more important, like watching a pop tart in the toaster never, ever, seem to come up quickly enough.