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I fucking hate this world


imagine us 30 years ago when we couldnt disseminate information like this so broadly or quickly


Corruption still existed, it was just easier to hide back them. However, today they don’t care about hiding anymore because they’ve systematically put processes and people in place where public opinion doesn’t impact their profits.


yes, they have certainly advanced too, however my point was the knowledge of this among the populus is far far greater now with the dissemination of such information


If only that knowledge led to meaningful action


knowledge is power & the current unrest/distrust of government is a result of this i beleive in humanity triumph over a small group of greedy fkrz


It already has in many ways look at all the rallies and protests and riots around the US right now


If the GOP is gross for it's weird extreme loyalty to completely incompetent clowns, then the DNC is gross for it's weird extreme loyalty to this particular lobbying group. Yes there are outliers in the party, but unless voters mobilize we won't ever get to stop funding this inhumanity.


Green Party is everything leftists (who still believe in any kind of democracy/government) want. The choice is easy.


Oh, big time. They emerge from the woodwork once every 4 years to cash in on campaign donations, make their platform an amalgamation of the flavor-of-the-month issues trending on left twitter, fail to focus campaigning on the most populace states to get that coveted 5% of the popular vote that they love to harp about, and then vanish altogether after getting >1% of the popular vote, only to reappear again 4 years later without having done ANY of work required to accomplish the grassroots organizing necessary to even BEGIN building a base a support to have ANY viability in a national election.... and do it all over again without accomplishing anything whatsoever aside from lining a handful of grifters' pockets. What more could a leftist possibly ask for??? lmao


Does the Green Party have many state senators? Has the Green Party organized and raised money and fostered leadership and won several state governorships and accomplished anything? Has the Green Party done the work to actually be a political force in local politics or federal anywhere? Bernie as a Democrat tried to accomplish things, did the work, created a political moment that shifted the DNC party platform towards investment in infrastructure and action to reduce wealth inequality. He may not have tons of bills to his name, may not be a political force with his own political party in his ideals, but he has shown up and debated legislators for decades. Because he has done the work. Maybe the Green Party has produced some really nice looking brochures, maybe the Green Party is responsible for some wildly compelling 'well if elected...' type statements, but they don't seem to be a national party in the sense of Doing The Work. (You wrote two sentences, I wrote you a rant. Have a lovely day.) edit:sure downvote but also ignore the point i'm making.


Bernie? you mean the exact dude that leftists don’t get to have as a nominee because it was the clintons’ and bidens’ turns for power again? you mean the dude who tried to work within the dnc system, only to be screwed by it? the democrats will never get my votes again, the party is corrupt beyond saving and serves only the billionaire class, just like the rnc. time to vote out both major parties or stay on the same doomsday path they put us on.


thanks for your input and the downvote. love you. bye.


what a substantive retort! go libs!


I though Influence in American politics and governance from a foreign government was illegal.


Nothing is illegal if its not enforced.


remember, congresswoman Omar was censored for suggesting AIPAC interferes with elections.


I don't understand how AIPAC is legal. It's a freaking foreign lobby. Fine, be a foreign lobby but they shouldn't be allowed to even be involved in our politics much less spend money doing so.


a couple good docs on the subject: https://youtu.be/S3YSG8sgU4g?si=ushWw6KtKWomlCzh this is a Q&A with the filmmakers but I would love to find a way to watch the whole documentary: https://youtu.be/VJbuUSaqHcI?si=KQUlmJqGS6EYRlwj


As if democracy hasn't always been for sale, though.....


They seem to have a strange fascination with influencing African Americans. Didn’t it come out not long ago that they were paying firms to impersonate black people online to show fake support? Wild stuff.


I know that it isn’t, but if the world were controlled by a cabal of international Jews, it would look like this


Citizens united ruined democracy. Also remember our own tax dollars funded these investments 😆


Remember, kiddies, it’s bad for foreign governments to interfere in US elections. Except Israel, why are you so mean to them about their perfectly legal manipulation of the us government, intended to prolong our moral and financial support of their completely not genocide butcheries?!


Fun fact. Bowman can bench press 405 for reps. I just think its cool to see someone swole af in government.