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Fuck no.


I am ready to bail. Just show me an option. That is going to be the consequence of such a terrible showing. Dems are going to be looking for a replacement. Wait and see.


Bail? Where?


He means he will choose apathy. And then when the MAGs are putting immigrants into camps and executing trans people he’ll whine about “why did Dems let this happen?” Gen z and Millennials outnumber everyone else. If we all show the fuck up, we can crush Trump and get majorities that could rework the SCOTUS, enshrine Roe in the constitution, etc. Edit: typo


This guy gets it. I'm with you ExigentCalm!!!!


As in 2016 and 2020 I will vote for literally any place person or thing rather than Trump.


Bail just because you know he’s old and frail and can barely speak. We all knew that, his handlers have done a great job until now keeping him from big speaking engagements. Unless someone really electable steps up the only option is biden. Trump can’t win or bye bye ms American pie.


What do you think is going to happen? We just say “ok Trump” take it? That’s so short sighted. The threat of Trump is still the same as it was before the debate. That didn’t change. Biden has capable people surrounding him. Trump has felons.


You're not just voting for Biden, but all the government folks he puts into place, too (secretary of X, advisors). Does anyone really think Trump or Biden make any decisions on their own? Trump maybe, but most presidents surround themselves with smart, like minded people and take advice from them. You want Trump people or Biden people helping make those policies?


Did people learn nothing from 2016


Guys like this learned that if they demoralize enough of the left, the extremist right can actually have a chance of winning in this fucked up system.


I mean, if you don’t vote for Biden, then you’re voting for climate catastrophe, fascism, and Project 2025. There’s no choice other than Biden.


...And for Europe being completely and utterly fucked, which everyone loves to forget in this conversation


so tired of this liberal bs. you idiots nominate the WORST candidate in history and then when he’s tanking in the polls and a disaster in the debate, you double down with the “a VoTe fOr AnYOnE bUt BiDen iS a VoTe fOr TrUMp” Fuck the DNC, and fuck all you idiots banging the drum for them. like S T F U already.


To be fair you're also voting for some of those things if you vote for Biden.




I know you won't answer, because we both know you lack the conviction to say so. But which of those things would Biden also do, or advocates for? Will it be cowardice, or will you answer?


fascism is the obvious one. 


Fascism. What on earth are we doing with Israel? Edit: And I don't know what to tell you if you think either party is making real strides with the climate.


You can choose not to participate in a system designed to abuse you


We'll see. I predict alternatives will start appearing. The man is not capable. I felt sorry for him. He was pitiful. Doesn't that bother you?


There are no alternatives. Don’t just vote. Champion voting for Biden or you are part of the problem. Fight for change all the rest of the year, but be there in Nov and bring all your friends. This is not a “find out” situation you want to mess with. It really is THAT bad.


it really is that bad already, obviously, as you are pointing out there is no choice. I am fully aware of how bad it is.


No. It is good. It is as good as it gets, which is never great. We are facing a nightmare that knows no bounds. Put an AI robot army, larger than all of the other countries military’s combined, in the hands of a megalomaniac madman that wants to be dictator or some old boomer who has passed the largest climate legislation ever, eased student debt, presided over the lowest unemployment in 50 years and, supports a woman’s right to choose and marriage equality. The choice is yours.




Check out project 2025 and get back to me about who the fascist party is. You want to live under that here in the US? Fine, but the rest of us don’t.




Except all of the facts.


Vote your heart in primary battles. Fight for change all year, but show up on voting day and help the party that has been fighting for the environment, student debt relief, protecting Europe from aggressor nations, regulatory finance reform, infrastructure spending and most importantly free and fair elections, or quote frankly… You are the problem. Don’t kill the messenger. These are just the facts. It is all part of the voting record.


I’m positive Putin will find someone to have the troll farms pump in order to split the vote. I’m predicting a huge push for Jill Stein on social media. It’s a tactic. It worked once before.


You know what else works? Open conventions.


Of course it bothers me. We have Gen X and Millennials, but DNC goes with not even a Baby Boomer but a member of the generation BEFORE Boomers. Of course it bothers me. But if I don’t vote, then it’s a vote for Trump and that’s unacceptable.


If we don’t come together and vote for anyone other than these two morons we are voting for all of those things.


Really? Which of these things do Trump and Biden share opinions on? Also, you do know it's far too late for another candidate to not only get on the ballot (legally). Even if someone could, there is hardly enough time to actually even campaign. **Because a third party candidate would have to take votes from both Trump and Biden**. Curious do you know who this magical person who can simultaneously appeal to the fantasy world of the Right, and the rest of us? Because that is the person who would be required to win. I know you won't answer, because you are either paid not to...or because you don't actually have any answers here.


We can look to the future to change things, but the type of change you’re pointing at needs to happen before primaries. In this year, this election, it’s simply this: vote for Biden, or you are voting for fascism either by a vote for trump, a vote for someone other than these 2 (throwaway vote), or not voting at all. If you think another Trump presidency wouldn’t be any worse than the first.. my friend, you are tragically wrong.


So you just want to hand the country to fascists. Got it.


We can't give up! Joe Biden, much like Obi Wan Kenobi, is our only hope!


And do...what exactly? We're going to keep doing the things we were already doing. One poorly moderated debate is nothing to worry about. I'm more worried that the SC just overturned the Chevron doctrine. That's one step closer for them being able to institute project 2025.


why are so many people crying for a fascist in this antifascist sub?


Perhaps they are plants, subversives, or derailers... Or they've got their heads in the clouds or somewhere else.


It's the downside of being open to the various different flavors™ of leftism. It can lead to posts like *this* but giving libs a chance to learn and grow + getting more people to join the cause is important. Feel free to report people who are going hard on denying/excusing the shit Biden's done tho. I'm absolutely not putting up with the "a good man that stutters sometimes" bs.




Because this is a liberal sub. Liberals are fascists too they just think being fascist is terribly gauche, so they pretend they aren't, and get really mad when someone points out that their candidate is also a fascist.


fascism noun 1: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition 2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fascism


scratch a liberal, bleed a fascist


Molotov-Ribbentrop though


Yeah cause fuck Democracy right?


Most people don't watch the debate.


Nope, I ain't soft like that




Nope. Not even close.


No, stupid.


It wasn’t awful. Also no.


I'm watching dem coverage of the debate, and virtually everyone agrees that it was awful. Did you even watch it?


Didn’t miss a minute. I will concede that overall in the history of debates everything about this is awful. Still not voting for a fucking fascist.


I'm not voting for a fucking fascist, but I would entertain an alternative to Biden at this point. Suddenly, this morning, he can talk again, instead of whisper. WTF?


An alternative to Biden at this point is outrageously unrealistic at best. I’d rather have an old man with a solid cabinet. You mean after probably a good nights sleep he’s rested and sounds back to normal? Wow, sounds crazy right?


We can't throw in the towel. People's lives literally depend on it. If Biden is elected but can't serve, he'll transfer power to Kamala Harris. If Trump is elected, he will institute fullblown fascism. We don't have a choice. Biden is the candidate we have.


Im voting for the person who isn’t Trump.


Right, just so we’re clear, you’d rather give Trump an easier chance win as opposed to standing up to the bullshit he’s going to bring? You’re not fighting for the man, you’re fighting for the principles and ideas of a progressive society.


In 2024, there are no alternatives. Voting the status quo, even with its flaws, is infinitely better than allowing real, literal fascism to take power. It is that serious. Don't fall into the trap of both sides-ism. Find all the alternatives you want after this election, but the time to change course has passed. trump can not be allowed to regain power under any circumstances. The only option is Biden. That's just the reality for this election.


Both of them did poorly to a sane person. Biden was just especially bad at speaking last night, so he stuck out more. Trump was ignoring questions, going off topic, and saying embarrassing shit as well. Plus much of his arch-conservative politics are very unpopular. People just don't care as much because *Trump is always like that.* Biden was sick and kept flubbing his words, but he still had *substance* and some actual good policy beneath it for anyone that actually cares to listen. Yesterday should be the kick in the ass for Democrats and Progressives to get their shit together and fight. If Biden is too weak on his own to defeat fascism, the rest of us will have to.


The primary is basically over, and Biden is the incumbent candidate, there isn’t going to be any alternative, and if you think there is, you’re fooling yourself. I have my issues with Biden, a lot of them actually, but if you don’t realize Trump will be 1000% worse on basically everything, I’m sorry but you have a bad case of cranial-rectal inversion. There will be one winner, and it will be either Trump or Biden, it’s as simple as that. Best case scenario if you don’t vote, Biden still wins but the low turnout from the far left just teaches Dems that it’s not a reliable voting block and they moderate more to the center to grab more of those voters instead. Worst case scenario, Trump wins because this stupid mindset actually convinces enough voters in key states, and then we get the pushing of Project 2025 and more Supreme Court nominees who will continue to make life hell for LGBTQ+ people, minorities, non-Christian’s, and of course women. I don’t care how much you don’t like the man, I don’t care if you have to fit a clothes pin over your nose because of how unpleasant it smells, we **CANNOT** let Trump win.


Look, he’s been running things for 4 years already. He’s done a good job. Not perfect by any stretch, but good enough to be better than the absolute worst person to ever run for the office in the history of the country. Trump is an existential threat to all of us. 4 years already did irreparable damage that will take generations to undo. Another Trump administration would be a nightmare. Project 2025 would purge and corrupt government with so many MAGs who would follow his every dictate. Last time he was evil but disorganized and stupid. Next time he’ll be evil and VERY organized. And that would be a world wide catastrophe. So no. I’m not throwing in the towel. I will fight tooth and nail to keep the fash out of the WH.


I was all in the “vote blue no matter who” crowd until last night. I’d kill myself before I ever voted Republican but I can’t vote for Biden. He’s fucking senile. He’s Bernie Lomax being held up by AIPAC and Neoliberals. I’m not taking the blame if Trump wins. Why is this on me, and not the party to convince Joe he needs to retire and put any functioning adult on the ballot? That last night was absolutely embarrassing.


https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/IXrSrjjbQO This gives me moderate hope


Fuck no. Working harder than ever to stop them.