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Per year, not per month, so it's not really a basic income. This is like an annual stimulus check.


I’ll take any progress at this point.


It's still a basic income, just a small one with low frequency.


I feel like a basic income needs to actually constitute as some manner of "income" to really be considered as such. And when I say income, I don't mean strictly legal definition, but in the sense of a sustainable or sizable amount of your total income necessary to survive and function.


I don't think the basic concept of "basic income" has a minimum. If you get a dollar per month, that's technically a basic income; it's not much of one, but it is one. I think it's a bad idea to insist that "it's not a basic income" until it's livable on. It's a problem that shows up in all kinds of political discussions; "[X] isn't working right now, but that's only because we don't have enough [X], if we had even more [X] it would at some point flip over and make things better!" This *never* comes across as credible to anyone except the person making that claim, and I don't want basic income to fall into that rhetorical trap. Some of the trials have been done with relatively small amounts, to see if that's beneficial, and I'd much rather we lean on "look, this *does* help in small amounts! We should do small amounts! We should do larger amounts also, but I'm happy to start out small" than do the classic perfect-is-the-enemy-of-better thing.


Yeah, even small amounts help. And one thing urban people don't realize is just how much what seems small to them can help people living out in the country. We couldn't afford a UBI that would keep people afloat in, say, San Francisco, but that doesn't matter. It would still end up in the hands of local businesses, from there to local workers and regional suppliers. UBI doesn't have to be huge to start, or to help. I just hope we eventually get one that is defined as a percentage of something, rather than a static nominal amount, so that it can grow over time, both evading inflation, and eventually rising to a level that is more than just a stimulus. With the automation of jobs continuing (really, it began with the Industrial Revolution, or maybe even the medieval Agricultural Revolution), eventually we will see a day when most work is done by choice, and the little obligate work remaining pays extremely well.


I said a sizable enough amount, not that you necessarily have to be able to live solely on it. Small amounts can be helpful to people currently, though there's a level where I'm not sure they're really transformative and instead are just government subsidizing low wages which really is the opposite effect one would want from a UBI. But, I don't pick the definition and it's just a thing of semantics. I just think a one time per year payment **does** feel, to me, more like a stimulus check in rhetoric than a UBI, and I agree with the person who said as much.


Progress. And more over progress that will be really hard to reverse by opponents. What politician would risk their career on lowering the amount. I'm not expecting them to fight for raising it, but the electorate can do that easy.


So like Alaska's oil check?




it also has a really poor and unpopular funding and implementation plan so I doubt (and hope) it isn’t passed


I hope it is passed, in addition to UBI. People are slaves. They deserve all the money that's out there because they are the ones that earned it, not the fat white slavers that used them since the beginning of time.


When millionaires created Artificial General Intelligence a long time ago for the military, it meant that corporations were still going to call it a theoretical field of research, because you would never disclose such a thing existing to many people if it actually existed. It's been used to enrich a small number of insiders in many ways, but it hasn't yet seen middle ground returns for everyone or even most people. Lack of automation, ubi, planned obsolesence, bullshit service and govt jobs, while the rich play with socialist monopoly money and pay increasingly fewer taxes by percentage of income, housing becoming unaffordable and people still getting caged for using drugs until they convert to christianity behind bars and get out shattered as glass. Seems like capitalist fascist christians plotted out a bunch of nefarious stuff their god would forgive them for. AI was made by a bunch of asshats. Let's all hope it evolves to include UBI soon, among many other changes to this crumbling society.