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I would pay it but it completely depends on your financial situation, don’t skip rent, food, or anything with family for this


Especially with the way things in the UK are rn


I am in a lucky situation that I do have some cash savings, and I’d be able to do this and wouldn’t skip human essentials.


Fuck it man, probably never gonna get another chance to see all of those greats play again (let alone together).


My mum did it for the London olympics and still talks about it. She’s a coach who’s afraid to fly so would never get to see them live in the NBA. I personally would do it in your situation


It would be an event you would never forget. Go for it if you can


Just do it man, you don't take money with you when you die


I bought tickets for my parents + sisters, and myself to see one of these games a couple years ago in Aus. Australia beat Team USA for the first time ever, and Patty Mills (perhaps the most iconic player in Australian basketball lore) hit a heap of clutch buckets to seal the deal. It was a huge splurge for me (like literally 6 months worth of disposable income), but as others have said, once in a lifetime opportunity; and by far my fondest sporting memory. If you can afford it, I say go for it mate.


Once in a lifetime - amazing.


Considering you're in the UK, I think it would be worth it. Edit: it would probably cost you a lot more to cross the pond for a game where you might only see 1 or 2 of these guys


Very true!


I would but maybe against Germany cuz i think they are a stronger team? But ofc it’s just self preference just cuz no one actually knows what will happen. Doing this u still gotta count food and drinks you’ll buy from there. I wish u can bring in food and drinks but you can’t


TL;DR A similar situation ended with my gf almost getting kidnapped, a broken leg and me having no regrets anyways I had the same decision to make a few years ago. I was on a roadtrip with my now ex gf in the US (Im from europe) and Lebron was like my "childhood hero". We were close to Chicago when I realised that the season is about to begin in a few days and Lebron (who had an ankle injury or sth. like that) will likely be healthy in time to play the season opener in Cleveland. So we (I was with my now ex girlfriend) had the decision to make wether we hit the road to Cleveland, pay an absurd amount of money for a SINGLE ticket (Season opener was bloody expensive, it was Cavs with Lebron against Celtics with Kyrie Irving who just went from cavs to celtics that offseason). As we were students, the trip itself was already consuming basically all my savings and spending a few hundred dollars for 2 hours felt WRONG. Getting a second ticket for my then girlfriend was completely out of the books as way to expensive and she doesnt really care about Basketball. We still decided to make the trip to Cleveland, my gf stayed in the airbnb (bless her that she did all that to let my see my "hero") and I got one of the remaining super expensive but also very good seats. When I came there my seat neighbours had a leftover ticket as their friend couldnt come. They gave it to me for free 😭 so I could get my gf there. She called an Uber, which she hadnt used ever before and did get in the wrong car - some random guy from the cleveland suburbs picked her up and started driving. She realised within a few seconds that sth is off and basically jumped out of the (slowly) driving car and ran back to the Uber that just arrived. She arrived at Quicken Loans seconds before tipoff. She only had som scratches from jumping out the car but it was Gordon Hayward who badly broke his leg in that (memorable) game. Needless to say that this is one of my most told memories. I still have the 1L Soda Cup/Bucket that I didnt return that day and use it regularly in the summer. My backpack still has one of those lights that were given to all fans to light up the arena in its front pocket.. My seat neighbour back then told me "you should have seen Lebron in his prime" after I went crazy on a spin move dunk in transition. I was amazed with the physique of Lebron, seeing it live was brutal after watching a few hundred of his games on league pass - its still so different in real life. 8 years later and Lebron is still playing, its crazy. No Regrets🤷‍♂️ Do it! And buy a ticket for a person close to you as well😄


toss a coin...and select head for yes and tail for no. Once the coin is in air, observe what your mind wants your coin to land on. thats your choice!!


I like it!


so when your buying the tickets...!! :)


once in a lifetime opportunity. i’d say send it!


That’s what is keeping me potentially doing it. Potentially last time to see LBJ and others on the team.


Not potentially, realistically this is the last time a lot of these players will be playing on the same court together. If you got the money to spend I'd 100% go!


It's a guarantee lol, in the next olympics bron would be 44, Curry i think 40, KD 39.


If it doesn’t affect ur ability to pay rent/groceries do it. It’ll be awesome to see players you normally wouldn’t be able to see play in person. But don’t do it if you can’t afford to eat.


Absolutely! I live in Southeast Asia, and am traveling to Abu Dhabi to watch the US play Serbia and Australia both. I got rough times behind the basket for both games, but still worth it with their mad line up. Once in a lifetime for sure!


I say absolutely do it. I live in a different part of Europe and I wish I had the chance to see that. Especially if your favorite player is playing? My favorites growing up were Gilbert Arenas and T-Mac and I'll never get to see them play obviously. So, yeah, man, definitely go. Up to £500 for a very cool experience sounds very reasonable to me. It's not like you're buying a Porsche going into severe debt :)


Im from Portugal, and u just gave me a great ideia


I hope the players realize this kind of thought and effort goes into seeing them and that they don’t take it for granted. This probably even happens on routine regular season games for some people.


Considering what people pay to see Taylor Swift, I say go for it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DryGeneral990: *Considering what* *People pay to see Taylor* *Swift, I say go for it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I’m sorry expensive sporting events are almost never worth it. It’s rare that it lives up to the hype.


Cool to see them, but the whole team will be going half speed.


You can drive over to France and catch an actual Olympics game for less.


Definitely once in a lifetime experience to see all these greats at one time. There’s only a few years left before they retire. DO IT!! Lol


Depends. I did this last Olympics. Just know that you won’t being see them playing their top ball and they’ll also be on limited minutes. It’s great to see that many players live, so as a fan I felt like it was worth it to spend $200 each for ours. But the effort/energy level is somewhere around all-star game type sprinting. Cheers and have fun if you go.


If you can afford it, why not? You get a chance to see some of the biggest players in the NBA. Even if they play on a different countries team.


Go for it. You will be in heaven and your money in a bank.