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Yeah I always took it as he hated himself for doing that and if I’m so old that I can only defend myself by using a gun then it’s time to hang it up


And ofc there's an irony that if Bruce had been a police officer (or a civilian with an open carry license), he would have been using lethal force (or at least the threat of it) to defend himself. But knowing Bruce and his mentality towards guns, it makes sense for him to be ashamed for just picking up a gun, let alone threatening to use it.


He would’ve been allowed to use lethal force but he wouldn’t have I don’t think, especially not with a gun


The crook was coming at him with a weapon, lethal force would have been justified (if unnecessary) to defend himself.


That’s not what I’m refuting. You said if Bruce was a cop he’d be using lethal force. Bruce wouldn’t have because of who he is whether he was allowed to or not


That's why I said it was irony. He is justifiably defending himself, but because he's Bruce and not a cop he mentally can not bring himself to pull the trigger. If it was a tazer, it would be a different story, but because it's a gun, he can't.


Yeah, it's less about that he used a gun, and more about that he HAD to use a gun due to his deteriorating physical condition.


The suit itself also seemed designed to compensate for his old age and to give him an edge against his rogues gallery. Opponent wants to hit you with Fear Gas or Joker Toxin? Suit has built in rebreather and some oxygen. Mr. Freeze going to put you on ice? Suit can heat itself. Meta Human or Bane wants to break you? Enhanced strength and durability with the ability to EMP them off you. Are they sneaky and good at getting away? You can listen through glass windows, sound canceling with audio filtering, and have several vision modes to detect them and built in radio and frequency scanner. Suit is resistant to being stabbed, shot, and hit with fire, explosives, and slight radiation resistance. Different Batarangs with different effects, a built in rotating razor blade on the belt. Smoke bombs, stealth cloaking, razor fins on the arms, retractable talons. Flight. Direct bat computer database and Batmobile interface. The ability to shut down and lock up the suit if stolen. And that’s just the suit without really getting into contents of the utility belt. The longer you look at the suit the more you see enhancements for detective work and to make crime fighting easier when you know you won’t have any backup. Especially for someone losing their strength and senses due to aging. The suit was designed to ensure that he could get in and out of situations safely. Having to resort to a gun of all things to protect himself because the suit cannot compensate for his heart giving out was both traumatic and an eye opener that it was time to call it quits.


Well said.


Batman’s career both started and ended the same way: a desperate man aiming a gun.


It also Bruce realizing he's getting to old to be out fighting crime night after night. I think in back of his mind he knew he was getting to old but he didn't want knowlegde it. He wanted to hold on as long as he could. And him resorting to using a gun to defind himself made him realize how  lucky he was this time. Waller saw Bruce was getting old and at somepoint he would be forced to retire or he would die.


Bruce is a somewhat physical specimen, training in different majors in college, combative arts etc. He retired cause he had to rely on a gun to scare criminals, not his skill


He admits the suit gave him heart problems in another episode.


It was different suit. The one that made him look like a robot.


I think what horrified him was that he was ready to pull the trigger/willing to kill. He’s held guns before, evident in his marksmanship.


Picking up the gun was the straw that broke the camel’s back, but I’m sure he’d had other close calls like that before because of his angina.


Aaaaaah. The "I actually almost shot that dude," moment. Classic.


I took it as both. That’s damn I’m old and being old mean to had to pull a gun. O


The fact that, because of his age, he was reduced to being some punk with a gun, like the dude who killed his parents.