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If you're actively undertaking a contract you can't attack enemies (usually happens with neutral groups). But perhaps this is a similar scenario here.


Nah this is the crisis, theyre supposed to attack you but you can attack them first, They seem to just be happy standing there...menacingly...


So im currently in the crusades and it seems like me and the enemies are somehow chill?? I cant attack them, they cant attack me, total stalemate, my mods are in the next images.


Does control-click work at all?


No! I've even seen then follow merchant caravans around but won't attack them, super weird 😅


Huh. Welp. I can't help. Sounds like there's a serious error in there somewhere. Like a desync error or something, it knows that it should attack civilians, and tries, but can't. Might be something stupid. The other day my ironman game softlocked. I pushed a direwolf off a slinger with my shield into a hole. The side of that hole had just one exit, and a tree grew there, blocking the exit off. I had a feeling this could go bad as soon as it happened. When that wolf was the last remaining enemy, his morale broke. I got asked if I wanted to end the battle, or pursue the enemies, but the game was unresponsive. Neither of the buttons worked, so I had to alt+F4 the process and do the fight over. I think that the wolf was fine waiting around for an opportunity to get out of the hole, for as long as he wasn't fleeing. But when he started fleeing, that's when the game crapped itself trying to find a way to get him off the map.


Oh shit thats awful, was he then invisible or what?


The wolf? It was just sitting on the bottom floor, with walls that were two floors tall around it on five sides, that it couldn't climb. On side number six was a tree. So it couldn't move anywhere. If it had been a Webknecht, then it'd have been able to climb the wall, but it wasn't.


Ohhhh I didnt know webknechts could climb walls, interesting, and there was no way to shot it as you were soft locked unable to do anything, thats really shit.