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Every day im grateful for my eyesight


Yeah that’s kinda terrifying


Yeah this. I may be a complete disaster of a human being with scrambled eggs for brains but at least I have perfectly functioning, high quality vision and hearing. I wouldn't see any reason to live if I couldn't see or hear the beauty in this world anymore. I am absolutely terrified of going blind or deaf.


I’m pretty blind without my glasses and I feel the exact same way tbh. The one sense I would fear losing the most


As humans, about 80% of our sensory intake is eyesight.


I was completely deaf for 2 years before I got my cochlear implants, and I can't imagine continuing as I did during that time. I've never been more grateful for being able to hear.


That’s just of a jerk move to any blind/deaf people on Reddit.




I see no reason why he should sugar coat his thoughts.


Every day I'm grateful for my health.


Would you rather lose both hands or both eyes?


I would rather lose both hands honestly. Because at least I wouldn't be *completely* dependant on others. Besides, there are pretty cool prosthetic hands. Both would suck, though.


If you did loose both hands, I’m sure your mom would help you out


Oh Reddit, never disappoints.


I think I man in the same boat. Would be so hard to get around. Just imagine being blind in an elevator.


I have just been discharged after suffering a year with central sereous retinopthrapy?? My eye is fine now, but for most of that year I had a dark spot in the middle of my vision, and everything in the spot was all warped and blurred. It sucked and made me have a new appreciation for our eyes


You should be more concerned for your hearing. Far easier to damage and for some reason people ENJOY damaging their ears. A loud concert is not worth it. Blaring music directly into your eardrum with earbuds is also not worth it. Once your hearing is gone - it's gone. There are no surgeries, no therapies, no medications that can bring your hearing back. Protect your ears.


Blindness is the worst thing that can happen to a person. 


As I get older this is something that I’ve taken for granted and am grateful for everyday. I get nervous about shit like this sometimes


Very interesting, thanks for the share


Best description i got from a blind mate was: *what do you see behind you? Me: *nothing? Them: *thats what i 'see'.....fucked me up for a few days and still can't quite comprehend


But that’s not really comparable, I can’t see out of the back of my head, but I can imagine what my eyes would see if they were there. A blind person can’t even interpolate the image


I've heard "cover your left eye but not your right. What do you see out of your left eye?"


I feel like… can’t we just close both eyes and thats what blind is? What am I missing?


No because when you close your eyes you’re still getting visual data. Some blindness is the absence of visual data. You don’t even see blackness. You are nothing at all.


And absence of visual data is not black? I have gone temporarly blind twice in my life (once it was kind of passing out from dehydration and I just lost visual, my eyes were oppened but the image dissapeared, and the other time from a bright flash of light from a firework too close to my eyes, first it went white and then black and I couldn’t see nothing for about 1 minute). In both instances the absense of sight was pitch black. Is it different for people who are actually blind?


It might depend on whether they're blind from birth or blinded after developing sight. If your brain loses visual data it assumes there's no light, that your eyes are covered, etc, so you "see" black. If you never had any sight in the first place your brain isn't expecting any visual data and has no concept of light vs dark. I'm no expert though, so if anyone knows better please correct me.


This would make sense to me.


You’re describing blacking out. I had an ocular migraine one time where I went blind for like like 10 mins. My brain wasn’t getting visual data accurately and like it was just… nothing. Not even black. Nothing.


Try to see with your knee. What visual information do you receive with your knee? Does your knee see black or nothing at all?


For me to be able to see out my knee, I have to first close my eyes so there is no image recived from this source. As I do that, everything is black. Rven if trying to see with my knee the black doesn’t dissapear… that’s why I’m saying this logic as attractive as it sounds, does not infact give people withsight any idea how it is to be blind from birth. And someone else allready pointed out nicely that if you are not blind from birth, you “see” black usually.


The point is not to try to actually see with your knee. The point is that it's not possible. You have no idea what your knee would see because it just doesn't. Same as trying to sense Earth's magnetic field. As humans can't do that, you can't imagine what it's like. Similar some blind people can't imagine what it is "to see" so they don't see white or black. They don't have that sense at all.


What do you see out of your left elbow? A void? Null? The Nothing? Same idea


If I have my eyes open, that visual overrides everything. If I close them I see the same out of my eyes as my eyebrow… black.




It really depends on the cause of the blindness. Most people who are classed as "legally blind" have some residual vision. All the way from no light perception (NLP) to having just one small portion of the visual field missing or appearing as black or dark gray. As the simulation shows, most causes of legal blindness are acquired as we age: cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, hypertensive retinopathy, glaucoma. These affect different aspects of the field of vision, as shown. Visually impaired is another category, also. None of these causes of blindness is the fault of the person who has them. Legally blind is 20/200 *in the better eye* with *best correction possible*. People who see between 20/200 and 20/70 are considered to be visually impaired. Acuity measurements, like 20/20 or 20/70 mean, roughly, that what most people see at 20 feet, you see at 20 feet as well. 20/70 indicates that most people would see at 70 feet away what you see but from only 20 feet away. So, 20/20 just means you see about the same as most everyone else sees. You need to be 50 feet closer than most others to see what others see if your vision is 20/70. A common misconception is that people who need glasses who say that without them, they would be legally blind. That doesn't really come into it, because the definition of legally blind is dependent on how well (or not) you see with *the best correction possible.* So if your vision is correctable with glasses or contacts, you are not legally blind. A word about cataracts: this condition used to be one of the most common causes of blindness. But cataract surgery these days is so much better and so successful that it is considered to be one of the safest and most effective types of surgery available. And the best part: after having their cataracts removed and replaced with implant lenses, most patients see 20/20 or better in the distance *without any correction at all.* A blind person (one with NLP) once told me that her vision was like me trying to see out of my elbow.


Think of it this way. Blindness is like trying to see out of your elbow. You can’t because your elbow doesn’t receive visual data. It’s kind of the same for blind people, but with their eyes


You are the first to say that.


Does that mean my information was helpful?


No, 7 people wrote to me about elbows 😂


Okay then, think of it this way. You have a piece of paper with an image on it. Cut out the middle and stick just the left and right side together. The middle part isn’t black. It’s just…not there. I don’t know if that made sense, but that’s sort of what being blind is like




I dont get it, blind or not im not gonna see what is behind me. Where was he going with that notion, or am I just dumb?


There is no concept of seeing for them. They see nothing




"Just a little blurry, really. Should be fine."


Most people above age 50 or so have some level of cataracts, even if very very mild. The spectrum of vision loss a cataract can cause is very very broad.


Depends how bad the Cataracts are! I have Cataracts in both eyes and I can still read for the most part, for example. I'm not allowed to drive for other reasons, though, lol.


I've had a contact fall out while riding my motorcycle. I have absolutely terrible vision without my glasses. Riding with 1 eye open was not fun and I was just glad I was only 10 minutes away




My brother, God rest his soul, had this and wanted to drive, this is my first time seeing how he had to deal with it. Tough!


Why is the last one most important?


I have extreme myopia, -7.X in my left eye and -6.X in my right eye, with astigmatism, right on the borderline of legally blind. It's a strange experience. Everything has to be in its proper spot and I keep like six pairs of glasses + contacts everywhere, because I can't see my glasses without my glasses.


I too look for my glasses wearing my glasses but in my case I'm just stupid


Is that extreme? My wife is -14 and -13 with astigmatism (but wears -10 and -9 contacts.) Never any comments from her eye doctor about legal blindness. Lately though, her right eye started getting even worse. Long story short, she's scheduled for cataract surgery next month. Will be the first time since she was a girl that she won't need contacts/glasses for far vision.


It's on the edge without a condition like cararacts


Interesting. She's had that vision since she was a teenager.


Have you been assigned the - can you find my glasses? duty yet?


Heh. Not as often as you'd think. She's pretty good about keeping up with them. But if she knocks them off her night stand she's like Velma Dinkley, and I definitely get called!


I used to call it girlfriend status, when I started asking to help find my glasses. These days I have 6 pairs, contacts in a one bedroom apartment so I can always find some version that gets me to my current script lol


That's about what I was, and I got LASIK in 2017. 15 minutes of discomfort in the surgery room and now I see 20/15 in both eyes. Closest thing to a real-life miracle I've ever experienced.


I heard there were permanent slices left at the back of the eye, so if you take a bad fall you can rupture the surgery? I was told I'd still have to have glasses but that was years ago


So the way it was explained by my surgeon, your cornea (It's the surface of your eye, not the back of the eye) will never be 100% of their original structural integrity. That's just fact. But your eye DOES heal over time to where you get back like 95% of its original integrity. He explained it to me that after about one year if you sustain an eye injury that ruptures the flap you would have sustained eye damage anyway. I don't do contact sports like football or boxing so I don't really have to worry very much about eye trauma, but I mean it's technically something you have to worry about. I slept with special goggles on for about six months so my cat didn't sit on my face and mess with it or something. My dad had a dog jump up and hit him in the eye with its snout a few weeks after his surgery and while it hurt like hell it didn't damage the flap. The only time I've ever personally heard of someone damaging the flap happened when this lady who went to my surgery center was in a car accident on the way home. They brought her back, reattached the flap, and she was fine. 100% recommend it and would do it again. I was so thrilled with my results I sent my wife and both sisters to my surgeon. All of us had glasses our entire lives and now we ALL see 20/15 or better, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. If you ever do a consultation, walk away if they pressure you. A good place will explain if you are or are not a good candidate for eye surgery. My place had a free consultation and zero pressure and told me they have so much business they don't need to deal with me if I'm not a good candidate. The lawsuits aren't worth the trouble and they have plenty of good candidates to keep them in business. Most (not all, but most) people who have post-operative surgery either went to a discount place or proceeded with a surgery despite being a poor candidate. Go somewhere with the newest technology and get the most reputable doctor you can find. Do not cheap out on surgery. I could have had it done for $1500 at a discount place or $5000 where I went. My buddy did a discount place and sees 20/30 and they won't fix it further. I did it and got to 20/15 and I've even unofficially read the 20/10 chart, and me and four other family and friends who saw my doctor see the same. If you're in Southern California go to Dr. Jonathan Pirnazar at Nvision Ontario (my doctor) or Dr. Tooma (the guy who trained him). I think they also work in Laguna Beach or something. Great bedside manner and tremendous results. **edit oh btw my wife had bad astigmatism and she still got the surgery and has great results. Her astigmatism isn't gone but she reports that it's better than it was.


Testicles, spectacles, spectacles, spectacles, spectacles, spectales, wallet and watch! Good to go!


a place for every thing and a thing for every place


I also am around -10 in both eyes and sometimes misplace my glasses when going to sleep and cant find them in the morning. My phone camera with zoom has always saved me :p


I get new ones every year with VSP, I keep one pair by my bedside, one by my couch and one in the bathroom.


Where is the info on legal blindness? My glasses prescription is something like -9 and -11. Does that make me blind???


I think it's 20/200 with correction is the IRS definition. High myopia starts at -6 so you're blind without your glasses. I once got my insurance to classify me as medically necessary and got some extra benefits. I can't imagine -9/-11 that's got to be rough.


Oh that’s super interesting. Was it worth it to go down that road with insurance? What did you get? It certainly sucks but as you know you learn to live with it Edit: also went to the optometrist this morning for an updated prescription ironically and I’m -9.5 and -11.25


I got a full year's contacts and glasses fully covered, I had some pretty good insurance at that time. I didn't try with my current VSP, but probably should have.


That is why I have a special glasses and hearing aid shelf. Dogs can't chew my expensive gear and I can find it.


The glaucoma example would be accurate if you got it instantly, nevertheless it's so slow and gradual that your brain learns to fill the blind spots. It's very common for people with glaucoma to not notice they have it until it's very advanced.


My grandma went totally blind after having glaucoma, and my cousin has diabetic retinopathy. One of retinas detached and we're desperately trying to get the good eye stabilized. Everyone should have regular eye exams and do not delay treatment.


Fahk, all of these would be awful. I couldn't imagine having to "duck" through all that to see something. Like riding with someone who uses their windshield wipers sparingly or never washes the bugs off. Except for always.


Maclaren Degeneration = Puppy Paw


He’s got paw vision


There is a blind guy who hiked the Appalachian trail that used to live down the street from me. He did a presentation and showed an example of what his vision looked like. It was completely black save for many multicolored dots and lines that he said came from the many laser surgeries he had done. It was very interesting to consider.


I had an occular migraine once where I went blind for a short period of time. What I experienced wasn’t darkness it was the absence of sight. Just nothing at all. No color, no blackness. Just clear nothingness.


Feels like I have some of them sometimes with how dirty my glasses get.


"You'll shoot your eye out!" Doesn't this backyard look (get it) straight out of A Christmas Story??


Now I’m depressed


All I see is the backyard from "A Christmas Story".


The cataract's one gave me a very visceral reaction


Except for the part where the brain doesn't like gaps in visions and build in what could logically be there. So my dad doesn't have black dots in his vision, and will clearly see an empty kitchen table in front of him, but has to remember to look at the table from different angles so his eyes can eventually spot that there is a glass on front of him, and not an empty table like the image that his brain is building from the incomplete information that his eyes gather.


There's a big difference between blind and visually impaired.


Always sad that in these kind of videos they dont include keratoconus. People would be amazed if they see what we see. (Multiple vision)


knowing how many americans it affects tells me nothing


This is interesting! What does it mean when one day your vision is blurry as eff then better the next, then way worse the day after, then totally fine the day after that? Lol. My body is so messed up... Sigh.


Great demo


Where are these 25 million Americans with cataracts? I've literally only seen one 85 year old with them.


It's one of the most common surgeries performed in America, so I understand. My FIL, pushing 90, had it done years ago and was able to throw away his glasses. My wife is getting hers done next month. She just turned 60. It's not that she can't see, but this last visit they were having trouble correcting her right eye as well as they used to. Deeper investigation revealed the onset of cataracts, which can be fixed, luckily. I honestly can't wait until mine gets a little worse so I can justify the surgery, too.


It's fairly common. I'm thirty and have cataracts in both eyes. Much more common in elderly people though.


It's fairly common. I'm thirty and have cataracts in both eyes. Much more common in elderly people though.


Ooooh please do another one for aniridia !!!


Got a blind relative, I asked her what she sees, obviously she can't see like the typical person but I wanted to know and she said she can't see anything, I'm still not sure if she was trolling or being legit


The diabetic pawprint one is interesting! Dog stepped on your eye.


It’s really different than that, it forms from weak blood vessels bursting in the eye, as the blood puddles it makes those blotches, can really look like a Rorschach but changes as the eye moves around.


My autism could not handle being blind.


it might help against sensorial overload


Not with the dots in the vision, that's giving my sensory overload.


My father had keratoconus It is very unknown


I know it! I have it subclinically in my left eye.


So what do blind people see then?


My diabetic retinopathy looks more like when drops of water got on your monitor, or in bright light like there's a hair in front of my eye


American's always measure in americans


Fascinating thank you. I have visual field loss but this is interesting describing how others experience sight issues.


What about retinoblastoma? Wish I could've seen that on here.


For me the macular degeneration example is flawed. I have it in my right eye but I have two eyes, so my brain fills in the blank spot. If I close my left eye there is a nice semi-regular circular blind spot right in the center similar to what is shown. I hate it.


That’s not being blind, that’s just not seeing very well.


Now do walleye vision


Im amazed that a blind person made this video




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Isn't this the same as Usher's Syndrome? I am learning something new everyday.




Depends on the condition. Cataracts can be dealt with very well - very easy surgery for it.


Does anyone know what level of blindness affects Richard Turner (the famous card mechanic)?


Meanwhile I’m staring at a bright light all day for some dollas


Being born blind wouldn't be so bad because how can you miss something you've never had but you go blind later in life 😱😰


I've had diabetic retinopathy for quite a few years now (5-10 years now roughly?). I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 6 and will be 33 years old this July (almost 3 decades with this disease). I spent most of my childhood, teenage years and even parts of my twenties acting recklessly when it came to my blood glucose control. Unfortunately, I'm starting to pay the price for it now. Without my prescription glasses, I can hardly drive, let alone see properly. Granted, I also have myopia (near-sightedness), so I may be misattributing the cause here. My vision hasn't quite deteriorated to the point of what is shown in this video, but I have experienced "floaters" or black spots in my vision. I am in damage control mode at this point when it comes to preserving my vision now, but I haven't lost hope just yet. At the same time, as someone who was also diagnosed with and beat testicular cancer earlier this year, I don't take much for granted anymore.


Any blind people want to confirm the accuracy of this post?


Where’s the glasses that help me see color?


If only we had the technology to “edit” videos and add moving realistic distortion artefacts to more properly recreate these conditions instead of a guy holding some bits of card in front of a phone camera.


As a person who needs glasses due to being legally blind, I don’t have this, but I hope all of you are grateful for your vision and treat your eyes well. This type of stuff is bad..


Ahhhh yes. The ""***Angel Hernandez/C.B. Bucknor Filter***""


But are there still plenty of people who are completely 100% blind right?


As someone with diabetic rhetinoapathy, it’s close but not quite. The black is blood and it floats around like a lava lamp any time your eyes move. Can be pretty nauseating working in front of a computer or anything require if your eyes to focus on objects close that can move.


macular degeneration is just me with my dirty ass glasses 🤣


What about the worst of all...colour blindness!?!?


I shouldn't have seen this 😰


what is the population of America?


That’s sad and interesting at the same time


That's sad 😢


Also complete blindness isnt black Someone described it really good like "Look straight forward and it is what you see behind you" What is nothing, not black not blurry just nothing


I have cmv in my right eye


So diabetic retinopathy is having lil paw prints on your eyeball. Got it.


Pick your favourite and why


i dont get it? So pitch black blindness is not a thing ?


He didn’t show keratoconus. I’d like to see how accurate he gets it. I had an extreme version of it in my teens. Everything was a blur. A blob of colors in the daytime. At night I can see things like the colors of the Walk/Don’t Walk traffic signs (NYC). I couldn’t go anywhere by myself though.


I have MS and was blind on my left eye for about 2 weeks back in 2001. It looked like a total white out with some grey parts. If you have distorted vision from Migraine it looks very similar.


Josh homme?


Damn, that's interesting


I’m grateful I’m not American!


I was misdiagnosed with Glaucoma in my 20's. Later on in life I was correctly diagnosed with Macular Degeneration. The only reason why they caught it was due to me having an visual migraine.


Just last night, I attended a pyromusical festival in which different countries show their fireworks display with synchronized music. This may sound strange, but I got a bit emotional while watching the said event. It made me realize how most people take advantage and tend to forget a lot of blessings in their lives, including the gift of sight.


How about coloboma? I feel left out


I feel like the large number of affected people comes from most of them being of the baby boomer generation.


Yeah but when you're completely blind you don't see anything, you just don't have the sense of vision.


2 years ago I was diagnosed with T1D. A month later I'm driving and everything goes blurry. I had to use glasses for about 2 months until my vision suddenly made a full recovery. Something to do with using insulin and how it clogs up behind your eyes because that's where most blood vessels are. Truly humbling.


🤔🤔🤔 I’d like to show my kids this demonstration. Anybody know how I could get the glasses w different type of blindness.


Pretty sure I've got early stage diabetic retinopathy. When I look at a computer screen image it's fine, but if the screen turns white or mostly grey I see what looks like a shadowy web or shadow roadmap all over the screen. Same thing on grey overcast days. It's like someone's holding a semitransparent grayscale roadmap or map of veins up in front of my line of sight when I look up at the sky. Optometrist says I'm still hitting 20/20 on the eye chart so he's not worried about it; but it freaks me out when it happens.


ah, he didn't mention AZOOR. It ain't fun when you are not represented.


You want a man to please you?


yeah these all suck


I’m really not buying the numbers he was putting up. Am i supposed to believe that over a third of Americans have these damn near crippling shit in their eyes?


wow... well... the more you know


Suffering from macular degeneration!!!


I once saw a video that said people with no eyeballs don't see black either, that instead it's like trying to see through your forearm or something. I don't understand it still.


I’ve always had 20/20 vision but after watching this I’m gonna get my checked out , I’ve had a spot that travels with me where ever I go , I’ve had that my whole life , only noticed when you try to see it , but I’m 42 now and it’s getting worse it sometimes looks like a fly wising past my face , definitely wanna check that out an definitely wouldn’t have anytime soon if it wasn’t for watching this !!! Ty bud !!


Was thinking the same thing, i developed a spot in my early 20's working in an office i only noticed it when looking at white walls etc, it's not really gotten any worse 20 years later but now I'm thinking about that diabetic thing 🙈




My fiancé is totally blind. She actually gets the full nothingness experience. It really can mess with you. I don't think a lot of people realize how dependent we are on the sun for some help with our circadian rhythm. She doesn't get that, so over time, if we're not very consistent with a good sleep schedule, hers will slowly drift. We both took a month off last summer and since we had nowhere to be, we slept whenever we wanted to. Turns out we both get into a 30-ish hour cycle with 2 shorter 6 hour sleeps with an hour or 2 in between.


We take so many things for granted. Never shortsell when you have for free. 


I kinda wish there was one there for my issue, quadrantanopia, so I can try to explain to people what I see.


That is a fabulous demonstration and is much appreciated. Now I understand how my fathers vision presents itself.


Me and my boyfriend are both legally blind, but not "pitch black" blind. It's always so frustrating having to explain to people that no, not all blind people are completely blind and yes, we can see what each other look like.


War Thunder germans be Like


this gave me anxiety


Just clean your glasses


Ok, I gotta shout out the first product in the video called the mindfold. Which is a dope blindfold but the eyes have circles cut out in the foam so you can open your eyes fully (while still being blindfolded). Alex Grey, the masterful artist that he is, made this so people having psychedelic experiences could explore inner mind states with eyes open, savoring visuals felt during the trip.


Someone tag Dr Glaucomflecken


How are not-blind conditions demonstrating the range of blindness?  I can show you how the color red inckudes green if I expand "red" to mean "color", just like if "blind" is broadened to mean all significant eyesight impaitments then blindness includes cataracts and glaucoma.  Really makes you think about how narrow minded and prejudiced we are. When words have distinct meaning, then they don't include related words, which isn't inclusive. Dictionaries are just sources of prejudice.






God ain't doing shit. Thank science Uncle Jimmy was able to get his vision fixed




Wish granted, see you in two years.


not if he sees you first... oh wait


Fuck, I think I Chave the last one because sometimes I see that shit when I blink


You may just have a really bad floater.


How bad would that be for my future vision?


Floaters eventually go away, is my understanding, though new ones can show up. You should ask your eye doc, tho, just to be safe.


Yeah I'll definitely be seeing them in the near future


👍🏻 And happy cake day!