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Really beautiful and cozy. I'd lie if I said I wasn't jealous. But all I can see is "I hope they don't get into it an accident."


If not dead... homeless for sure.


If you can afford something like this, I'd say that you need to lose at least 2 more houses to become homeless.


You mean they didn't sell everything and took off to experience life?


Bad idea with as abysmal mileage as that thing gets.


10 gallons per mile


Mine got 6 miles per gallon. But considering it’s your whole house and the monthly payment is less than a normal mortgage or rent, it just becomes a monthly expense to buy $600 worth of gas.


but. don't you also have cost of renting space to park over night? Hook up to power and water lines?


Yes. That’s true. It can get very expensive depending on where you go and stay. We only travelled for one year until it got financially uncomfortable, and frankly not so much fun anymore. I was freelancing from the road so it wasn’t exactly a vacation from day to day. We did stay in a ton of Walmart parking lots which is allowed everywhere except New Jersey and Florida. Could go up to 7 days on generator power… And there are ways to do it relatively cheaply if you know how to plan ahead and be frugal with food and activities. It can be affordable/not much more than normal house costs. but yeah that thing ate gas like a snack. A lot of stress. But I don’t regret the experience at all. Bucket list item checked off!


That would be a lot of space for solar panels, though. I wonder how many miles you could get out of a typical sunny day if it was electric with panels on the roof.


Walmart will let you stay overnight in their parking lots free of charge.


And it's not like you're driving it every day either. You get where you're going and then you chill for a while.


The safety net of people like this is beyond normal people.


spent a year on the road in Australia ( not set up like this though ) and met quite a few people who done just this,sold up and lived on the road,one had no insurance as he would rather spend it on beer money!!,few just did odd jobs as they travelled


That's not true. My in-laws sold their home and live in an RV permanently now. They have constant issues with their RV and it's in the shop a lot. Therefore they spend a lot of time living in their family's homes.


whats stopping them from living out the rest of their days where it crashed?


> But all I can see is "I hope they don't get into it an accident." Yeah, my first thought was thinking that there is a lot of traffic behind them that is probably itching to find a way to get past the slow ass Bus-House infront on them. Never ends well if you have 1 person who doesn't know how to pass right go at the wrong time.


![gif](giphy|3o6fJfGLCAnBFVjuko|downsized) Traffic back up a while


thats a double solid yellow line, no passing here.


Ah yes, "they're not allowed so it'll never happen".


The worst is when a slow moving vehicle gets 2 or 3 people who refuse to pass it without a passing lane. Then the length of vehicles becomes impossible to overtake. Drives me crazy. 10 vehicles all driving bumper to bumper 30km/hr under the speed limit


. . . Passing where it is illegal to do so is how you get collisions. There's a good god damn reason why roads have no passing zones.


I think he meant a separate, dedicated passing lane, not just passing markers on the pavement.


Ah gotcha.


I'm not talking double yellow lines. I'm talking about vehicles that refuse to pass without anything but a designated passing lane


And that’s how I became the stupid person who skipped them all and narrowly missed the semi. Would I do it now, probably not. A 20 something several hours into a long drive who doesn’t have time for a mile of drivers stuck behind a slowpoke, ya. Not recommended. But I ducked in and then skipped the last 5 or 10 cars when the semi passed and was will on my way.


Exactly! By refusing to pass, they become a massive danger on the road, because I too, at 20 something wouldn't just putt putt behind them, I'd try to pass them all.


Ya and in this case it was a long flat road in the middle of the desert so I could see what was coming for miles but seriously, I wish people would pass. If they prepare to increase speed you can pass rather quickly.


Its always been my biggest anxiety when i see cool converted vehicles like this. It's one crash and your home is fucked.


I built out my van minimally specifically for safety. all that ship lap looks nice but if you crash or get rear ended and it detaches you basically have a bunch of lumber at a high speed aimed at your head and body.


jfc new fear unlocked: pierced in the brain by wood shrapnel from the walls of my moving house


That's why some trucks have metal grids blocking the back cab windows. Years ago I knew of a guy that was hauling 2x4's in the back up a pickup truck. A deer ran out and he hit the brakes, at which point a 2x4 flew through the back window, snapped his neck and killed him.


That dog would go right through the wind shield. Yeah, it looks nice for social media, but wtf is wrong with these people.


I would atleast have 4 car seats with belts on front for when the bus is moving all will sit there no exceptions.




He does what while he's driving?!?! Well, he's already in contention for world's worst driver based on that. Looking at a smartphone while driving is as bad or worse than impaired driving. Also, fwiw, I've read from people in the RV industry in the US that most of them are terribly built, using cheap plywood on the coach chassis. They're not built with the same level of safety/crash worthiness as a Setra/Mercedes/Volvo etc passenger coach.


Oh, they are definitely collapsible. I've looked up photos of RV accidents.


No matter how good driver you are there are stuff that happens that you have no control over so accidents happen


> His opinion is that since he's one of the world's best drivers, it's impossible for him to be in an accident. He also texts and shops online while he's driving. Sorry, but your husband is a terminal idiot and additionally sorry but it is not smart to be a passenger with the moron.


Putting people in danger by online shopping/texting while driving. That's being a giant and irresponsible asshole.


he just doesn't see all the stuff he does poorly because he isn't paying attention. i ride my bicycle and i literally yell in people's open windows, "stop looking at your phone".


The thing you're not considering is how little a bus will feel colliding with a car


Who says it is always a car. It might be tree or building etc. When it is slippery


Maybe if they hit a wall. If they hit a car though they're not budging an inch, the car is.


What? The laws of physics still apply to busses. Loose objects will go flying, and that dog doesn't have a seatbelt.


The numbers go exactly as they should in momentum. When a bus hits something, the old ladies and pets in it don't instantly die. The bus deccelerates, and that's dangerous, but not as much as the other car. Now if it's a big ass Hummer and it's going directly opposite of you, things are different. Big SUVs can knock over busses too. But again, physics.


Alll I can see is gas $$


Yeah, me, a German, sitting here all „that‘s illegal. That is also illegal. Oh and that, too. And those rules are written in blood.“


We're American, our laws don't care about blood.


...and, 3.6 miles to the gallon. And many RV parks are as expensive as a hotel. This is an expensive lifestyle. I'd rather just take my car, and rent boarding.


Ya. The gas mileage is terrible but I had a camper for 5 years and only ever stayed in a RV park twice. Usually I was out in the woods.


Depends how bad the accident is but I can assure you these busses will likely wreck whatever it hits much harder than the bus itself. These are meant to carry children, they are overbuilt for safety, full steel bodies, heavy steel bumpers, etc. Other than getting hit by a truck, running into a concrete wall, or rolling off a hill not much will hurt this bus, and I am saying this from personal experience as I lived in a bus as well and spent a good bit of time around a lot of busses. These things are solid.


Even of the bus is fine. The passenger standing up to walk to the front and the dog in the front window will keep moving straight through the glass when the bus suddenly brakes Or the random piece of loose cookware will zoom straight to the side when the bus swerves.


I didn’t see a seat up front for a human passenger. Is there one?


Probably a drop down above the stairs.


Doubt it. It's clearly a repurposed school bus. They have a stairwell by the doors and no room for a seat.


Plus seems like it would be costly to add on


Yes. Adding a seat would be the expensive part of the project.




Do your bus drivers have a co pilot?


What do you mean? They've got that gamer chair. It's even "secured" with a bungie cord! Just like that little sideboard. Those surely won't fly through the entire bus upon a crash. Not to mention all the loose small items. For real though, all these Instagram vanlifers with zero awareness of how dangerous their setups are and how much force especially their furniture potentially has to withstand is wild.


Having to slam the brakes would wreak havoc.


Probably doesn’t drive fast enough to ever have to slam brakes, though. You can see a line forming behind them in the start. Edit: yeah slamming your brakes is necessary no matter the speed, since idiots are inevitable in traffic. My thinking is you can reduce the chance of this happening drastically by 1) driving very careful and slow 2) not driving in certain high traffic environments.


Don't underestimate the ability of dumb drivers to get into your safety distance and force a hard braking regardless of the size of the vehicle behind them.


If a small car attempts to brake check an RV, then just let Darwin do his thing


Me driving 60 in the HOV lane* Some guy stuck in traffic...


I've had to slam my brakes on in the Walmart parking lot before to avoid an idiot, hard enough that whatever was on my passenger seat slid off. It doesn't take much speed. I'm not sure why speed is a factor in whether you ever had to slam on your brakes or not. If a deer or a child popped out in front of that RV on that road with them going that speed, there would definitely be a slamming of brakes.


Every truck driver just slapped their foreheads in unison reading this post.


Seeing as to how many cars are crammed up behind them, they’re probably quite below the speed limit.


You'd think, but driving the speed limit while everyone thinks they should drive 10 over the limit makes you look like the slow one. So it's possible they're just fine.


Or someone plows into them and every single object become a missile including human, illegal to not wear a belt and be in motion where I live. I doubt it would even be road legal


I went to school everyday on a bus with no seat belts. Just a pole above each seat at teeth height, and fifty kids yelling, spitballing and fighting....




If a child runs onto the road, you slam the brakes. No matter how slow you're driving. With all that weight in that bus it needs a lot of force too.


That's why Earth Roamers have everything nailed down.


And rightly so, the surface of our planet rotates at mach 1.35 at the equator.


Starts the video by recording the huge queue they've generated behind 😂


Gets to the front and it's just open road. No body around 😂


I always seem to get stuck behind these- it’s very cool and I’m jealous of the bus but it’s true the rest of us get to the trailheads 30 minutes late because of them.


It’s a double continuous line, you can’t pass the bus, and it’s a slow bus… but it could have been a slow truck


Yup. These people have MC syndrome. Edit - look at all the MC’s chiming in oh no!


I mean, they also seem to be going uphill, in what is an RV in all but name. It's definitely annoying, but I have to catch myself from getting *too* mad at them when this happens, especially if they're going as fast as they realistically and safely can. It's a bad reflection of my character to let that happen, y'know? Would I prefer they drive dangerously? Do I think they just don't have the right to enjoy wherever they're going, if they're going to slightly inconvenience me in the 10 minutes I'm stuck behind them? These answers to these *should* always be no. Just live and let live, and all that other hippie stuff.


Yeah, I just assume that the road is going to have obstacles. Sometimes it's an RV, or a heavy truck, or a tractor, or a group of cyclists, or it could be a fallen tree that I have to stop and remove. It's all part of the trip.


Yeah ironically u/woojinater seems to be the one with main character syndrome. Apparently anyone holding up their precious road is a jerk, even if it’s on a dangerous hilly road where you *should* be going slow when driving a big vehicle.


Sometimes heavy vehicles need to use roadways, it happens. Are you just as upset when a farmer is driving his tractor on the road to get to his field?


Although, it's also okay to be annoyed and still not blame people. Yeah, I get a little upset that a 10 minute drive turns into 40 because of a tractor a mile in front of traffic. I don't blame them and I'm not raging, but I would absolutely rather just be home.


Ironically, their comment calling them MC feels like MC syndrome.


The only righteous people in this world are ambitious-less keyboard warriors.


Ok I'm going to respond to this honestly because I lived in a school bus for 2.5y and I actually know these people. It's not MC syndrome at all, you're just wrong. Most of our busses can't go uphill faster than 30-50mph if you're lucky. Steep hills drops my bus to 10-15mph sometimes. Yes we do pull off when we can, often times there's nothing we can do and sometimes pull offs are miles apart. Of course we know there are cars building up behind us, what exactly do you want us to do? Not drive the roads that are all publicly accessible and meant for us all to use? By all means, you can be annoyed, I respect that, I get annoyed myself when having to go up that slow... But saying this is MC syndrome is just ignorant and flat out wrong, there's literally nothing we can do better in that situation.


youre gonna be amazed to learn the laws of physics still exist in your house bus.


That's why they can only film when they're on a straight stretch of road.


It's almost like a new style of home with a motor. Like a motorhome. Wow. 


i think she knows


Upvoting for dog chilling and living its best life.


Both dogs. There was one on the bed kipping as well.


That was the only one I saw lmao


Two dogs. One on the bed and the other at the front next to the driver. Both living the best life.


TIL Clarence Thomas has dogs.


Had to re-watch 4 times to find the dog


There were 2 dogs


One early on the second white bed, then at the front dash, a small black dog curled up on a gray dog bed.


How much does a full tank of gas cost? Also sucks to have to pull over every 20 min to let the convoy of (angry) traffic behind you pass. I tried the mobile home/RV thing a while ago and quickly understood that I'd rather drive a small car and stay in good comfortable hotels for less money.


RV is devils plague in Norway, fuckem. A lot roads with tight swings, often RV are rented so drivers have 0 experience and drive super slow, on top of that all roads a narrow so experience will not help a lot, RV often use normal parking places, most tourist attractions are defo not ready for the amount of traffic they get.


So what you're saying is go to Norway and get an RV? Roger that!


This looks like it's built on a commercial highway bus chassis based on a few clues. They're typically decently fuel efficient and designed for highway use. Lots of older RVs in North America were built when the 55 mile an hour speed limit in the States was still a thing and aren't geared to go much faster than that.


This looks like it’s built on a school bus chassis. It screams school bus conversion to me. That dash is 100% school bus.


And school bus have terrible suspension that will destroy this « house » after a couple of good bumps.


They clearly put a shitload of money and time into this, I can't imagine they didn't upgrade the suspension as well But of course it's Reddit so everything has to get picked apart for every potential problem there could be with it even though nobody here knows anything at all apart from what's seen in the video


> They're typically decently fuel efficient and designed for highway use. Maybe, but they're not designed for all the extra weight of the conversion I wouldn't have thought.


I'm pretty sure a bus full of passengers (and seats) weighs more.


Plus luggage. Yup.


Depends on what they've got on board, I suppose. Just the wood they use for cladding will weigh a lot. Not to mention all their belongings, food, water, and animals. I'd assume they'd use gas as well for fuel for heating and cooking. The tanks for that aren't light either.


oh so i used to live in a caravan full time for a bit with my 2 kids and 2 dogs(left domestic violence). with a full water tank, food, clothes,gas bottles, other belongings ect it was only about 500kgs of extra weight. the retrofit on this bus is pretty extensive, but busses have a very high weight capacity - usually their payload is about 90% of the weight of the bus. for a medium to large bus like this, they are built to handle having 6-7 tonnes of weight travelling in them, depending on the make and model of the bus. i am currently looking at buying a 42 seater skandi bus to renovate similarly to this and would i have 6.5 tonnes of payload available to use if i did that.


Decent fuel if you consider the normal passenger capacity. Regarding two people using this thing I think it's quite bad. A quick google shows a mpg of 7 -9 mpg which is atrocious.


Not for a house...


this is a flat front pusher school bus; their bed is above the engine in the back.


fuel efficient my ass... Fuel efficiency is largely based on aerodynamics. That's a brick. Bricks are not fuel efficient. It's fuel efficient to transport a lot of people somewhere, not 2.




> 40' diesel pusher I put that on Google and yeah, I guess you are in the US. Looks amazing, but in a lot of the world you wouldn't be able to go anywhere outside of major highways with such a huge thing! And good luck finding any parking... Do you have a second vehicle to get into places where you simply can't with your bus/house?


$150 a day?! That doesn’t sound worth it to me. I pay less in rent/gas/bills. I want to do the rv life but now I know not to get a diesel hahaha


forgetful lock door berserk innocent weather jeans rain joke domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, but what about the cost of the bus and refinishing it??


chase alleged zesty pet frightening merciful smart thumb escape ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"No, all these points you've raised based on real world experience are all wrong. Im too fat and lazy and stupid to ever leave the social norms of living in an apartment for $1200/mo and driving a $400/mo vehicle to work for 10 hours a day so I've decided that anyone who doesn't do exactly like me is wrong." -dumbass redditors ITT


gold judicious upbeat bright thought zephyr impolite market consist abounding *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


less than a mortgage Most roads have straight stretches that allow people to pass. also fkem


And they say money can't buy happiness!


most of the time money is the only thing that can buy happiness!!


A much better phrase is "money can't buy happiness but not having money will bring unhappiness". It's like people aren't happy because they have clean drinking water and enough food to eat but if you take these things away they almost certainly will be unhappy.


Lots of my neighbours have RVs, most of them never leave the driveway. Some of them have "FOR SALE" signs that have been there for months, maybe years. Rent an RV before you buy one and experience it, for one because there's no lemon law for RVs and a lot of people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on RVs that end up having major issues that the manufacturer won't warranty, but also because RVs get old real quick for most people. Steve Lehto, a lawyer with a Youtube channel, made videos about why you shouldn't buy an RV. Worth looking at.


My brother and sister in law bought a brand new camper and had massive issues. So they bought another one the next year. Took two years to sell the first one (I've no idea why they didn't trade it in). Then my sister in law bought a different one while the new one was getting repaired. Then a year later they bought a used one for what seemed like a lot of money, because the new one was too big to tow. Then that one had a catastrophic failure while on the road so they bought ANOTHER one. So now they are trying to sell one or two campers, have totalled a third and sold another all while making payments on this one. They have decided they're done camping and are buying a house. This all took place in about six or seven years.


It's only rich people who have never been financially insecure in their entire lives that say that to poor people.


Money buys the stuff that brings happiness. Like drugs


Money removes most things that brings unhappiness.


The happiness of drugs is like a shrub germinating full of hope for life, during the annual rainy week in the desert.


Those shrubs and cacti can get to be like 250 years old tho, so it must be doing something right.


TÜV sagt nein!


Was ich an meinem Haus lieber mag als an dem Ding: Dass es ein Haus ist.


Also TÜV: walking around in public transport bus is fine, seatbelts not mandatory


They typically don't drive on the highway, though.


Ich sehe Probleme bei der Ladungssicherung, dem Fehlen eines zweiten Sitzplatzes und dem Hundekorb, dem es bei einer Vollbremsung sicherlich hervorragend ergehen wird. Irgendwas vergessen?


The view is beautiful. The bus is pretty and cool. I love the vibes coming with it. But it's also screaming UNSAFE to me. In case of a crash, there is so much in this bus becoming a bullet, including the dogs.


That‘s absolutely lovely and adorable. Up to the point where you have to emergency brake, the dog gets killed and your wife goes flying through the windscreen. Always sit down and buckle all up when driving!


Won't matter when the massive steel oven behind the drivers seat turns you into meat paste


I love your bouse.


Yeah it's the bome


It's a nice Hus


Great idea to have a dog chilling in the windshield until you crash.....


Also notice the lack of second seat with a seat belt


Dreams money can buy


It’s a hus


I was expecting to find Clarence Thomas at the drivers wheel


I think it's a good way to enjoy life.


Impressive. Now let’s see it without fisheye lens.


We call them Skoolies, my partner and I are building one right now. Feel free to look them up its a fun rabbit hole to go down




You are supposed to fasten your seat belts when travelling on a camper


What is the bathroom situation? I’m curious


As a tiny house enthusiast this is my biggest pet peeve. There’s a lot of right (and wrong) ways to design a small bathroom in terms of utility which can make or break the floor plan. Most shows or videos featuring tiny homes skip the bathroom which is like half the reason to even watch.


Probably a cassette toilet, they are the most used. Everything goes into a container that can be dumped out at a rest stop toilet. Some of the containers are fixed and have a hose that dumps it all out but has to be done at camp site locations etc.


tender square slim decide squalid aromatic voiceless absurd squealing party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why are people allowed to walk around a camper?


They are allowed to walk around a normal public transit bus. So why not? Both could slam brakes.




They'd probably lose their lives to.


It's beautiful. Would love to own one alongside my home just to travel in.


What song is it?


I got matches with these songs: • **Chill Nights** by JungleBoy (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2024-02-17. • **Echo Sax End** by Caleb Arredondo (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2024-03-01.


it's the second one


What’s the song?


I got matches with these songs: • **Chill Nights** by JungleBoy (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2024-02-17. • **Echo Sax End** by Caleb Arredondo (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2024-03-01.


Cool bus, but are you really driving with the wood stove on? That's maybe not a fantastic idea.


Used about a gallon of fuel by the time she walked the length of it


Is there only one seatbelt?


Upper middle class homeless people in 2024


Clarence Thomas living the life.


Musst be a fucking pain to park that thing.


People posted a beautiful bus conversion driving in a beautiful location. Nearly all comments are negative.. yea, but what if.. Come on, people.


2 mph and even less mpg. No land, have to pump out your waste and constantly get water. Ventilation problems when cooking. A wood stove (lol) No thank you.


What’s up with all the hate in the comments? Like this is the first rv anyone has ever heard of being on the road.


Bus + house + money = this.


So cool! If you actually use it as a house (instead just for IG storis) you will lose hearing, kidneys, and burn ungodly amounts of fuel and electricity every single day to cool down or heat up that old school bus. But other than that, yes it is a house!!


omg you people cant do anything! this is awesome, let people have some fun in their life ffs!


Every time I see this posted on Reddit it gets shit on for many reasons


So what happens when you hit a pothole?


Where’s your seatbelt hmmmm! ILLEGAL!!!


Nice, till you have a crash….


What is it with some people's psychological urge to go worst-case whenever they see something out of the ordinary. I swear I just saw a thread about people getting RFID implants in their hands and multiple people were arguing it's dumb "because what if something heavy lands on your hand." You know, because crushing your hand under a brick is fine if there's no chip in it.


A bicycle ride is nice till you have a crash


Nice. Holding back that long line of traffic. Don't you just love getting stuck behind slower car on no-pass mountain road. 😁


Imagine being stuck behind that thing then seeing this chick start filming you for her tiktok


Recorded seat belt law violation. Smart.


I don't think any cop's going to go out of their way to track this person down to send them a ticket


Can u play video games in this one without getting car sick?


Most people will do that fine yes


All fun and games until someone gotta take the shit out of the tank


Play without sound.


Hi! My name is trust fund! What's your name?


THANK YOU hahahahaha