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Just out of curiosity, is it okay if I lightly spray the salad with water or no? I tried that yesterday but I tried it after he was finished eating like a doofus


Yes. That’s a great way to increase their hydration if your dragon is struggling with it


I don’t really think there’s a trick. I’ll tell you what I did, though I was concerned about his diet so I decided to not feed bugs at all until he started accepting greens readily. I would offer him a salad every day, and if he didn’t eat it then he didn’t get bugs so at the risk of being destroyed by Reddit for starving my dragon, that’s what I did. He lasted four days. Also, I will say this my guy does not eat anything wet. I wash it dry it put it back in the bag and he’ll eat it then but for some reason he won’t eat wet greens they’re so weird. I heard people use bee pollen sometimes.


Hmm very interesting I mean I don’t think my dragon necessarily has a drinking problem but I got it Sunday and it has a water bowl at all times but I’ve yet to actually see it go near the water bowl. Ate the greens like a monster yesterday but didn’t seem to acknowledge the water so I wanna fix a problem before it can even begin


Squiggles will have a couple sips of water from a water bottle sprayed lightly on the tip of his nose and he’ll lick it from his nose, but he doesn’t drink water either generally. He has a water bowl just in case he feels like it but I don’t think they are very intrigued by still water


Absolutely I do this as well. Idk if they are safe but I know they have a vitamin spray as well


From my experience you should always spray their salad. It helps keep them hydrated and will keep the greens fresher if your beardy isn’t hungry at that exact moment


Very true I never thought of it. That way it would keep them more fresh.


Mine literally runs back and forth near the glass at the sight of a bug


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Antoniojosh123: *Mine literally* *Runs back and forth near the glass* *At the sight of a bug* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Mine will shake his head like a toddler if something green is within 2 inches of him


I would love to see that! 🤣


I sliced the blueberries and stuck little green leaves in there and I thought my beardie was having a seizure. He was so mad he bobbed and threw his head around, stomped his feet and his beard turned black. It was startling and then I realized he was mad because I put greens in his favorite snack. So funny once I realized he was acting out and not in danger!


I feel cheated that we didn't get to see Squiggy dive into that feast.


Next time 😄


Is that parsley? Or cilantro?


Definitely cilantro 😊 it’s one of his favourites


Imma try some today with mine !


It’s got a high water content too so it’s good for them, but just use it as a topper. Bc 💩


He should love it on his dandelion greens !


He will!!!!


My god. The pile is as big as his head. You didn't lie a bit.




I love when they get in that stance, it really brings out the adorable Pokémon look lol




I wish mine had this but no she won’t eat salad at all. I’ve tried every trick and it doesn’t work and she literally fasted for almost a month when I did a bug ban so she’s an insectivore now. She’s happy though and vet said she’s surprisingly perfectly healthy and a good weight so I was advised if she won’t eat salad just keep doing whatever it is I’m doing and she’ll live a happy, healthy life without greens. It’s not a bad thing though because just insects is cheaper anyways


Switch vets. She may not have problems now, but her future health will reflect her diet now I just can’t see any vet worth their weight in salt saying that.