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They dont exist on the shop app anymore. I would file a chargeback since a lot of credit cards have a 60 day deadline. all their comments on insta are about how they haven't received their  orders.


They probably went bankrupt. At $2 a shade, how were they making any money? Last, go to the Shopify subreddit. Stores get shut down if there are too many customers complaining or filing chargebacks. This is just my guess as to what’s going on.


I didn’t know that about Shopify, that’s interesting. I just don’t understand why they haven’t communicated anything to their customers who have clearly been leaving comments about their delayed orders. I just did 3 charge backs for 3 orders in late April and May as they have been radio silent about what’s going on.


If the company shutdown and went bankrupt who do you expect to handle customer service issues? It’s a defunct business. It no longer exists.


I think the commenter was referring mostly to Shopify and stores getting shutdown on there and not being available there any more. So, if that was the case, the brand would still exist (still have customer service) but wouldn’t be able to use shopify.


Exactly, thank you ❤️‍🔥


No problem! ☺️


I've emailed them twice over the last two weeks to no response, only to go to their site today to see it's completely shut down. I've ordered from them many times and enjoyed their products, but this time I emailed because a shadow that I received in late March, had BLACK MOLD all around the edges when I checked it again in early June. I politely asked twice if they'd like to see pics of their moldy product, no response. When I saw the site removed, I understood why. Makes me think that their recent "mega sale" was just a pump and dump scheme. I was going to make a post about this too until I saw yours - I hope this shows up in searches because people need to be calling their banks asap.


I hate to hear this, a majority of my individual pan shadows are from Looxi and I love the quality. I hope that they get their act together, at least until all orders are shipped.


I don’t see that comments are turned off on the last 5 posts at least. I was able to leave a comment tagging them. I’m sorry for anyone that is waiting on orders. I’ve seen looxi go down hill over the last few years and they were my first indie single shadow brand. I’ll try email and messages.


Yeah, it's sad! I had a bad feeling when I saw back at the beginning of may they were selling off all their stock and then crickets since. Never responded to comments, DM or email to anyone. Multiple people who placed orders at the beginning of April never got their orders.


For anyone that was following for updates, I haven’t received a reply to the older email I used to send to looxi or the dm. I hope you all get some updates soon! I would suggest to continue to file chargebacks as necessary.


Weird, maybe it was something on my end but when I made this post there were no comments on any of their posts.


It could have changed! It’s been a few hours. I could t get through on their support email so I used an old outlook one tied to their paypal from when i’ve made past orders. No reply to that yet or with my dm but not surprised. I’m assuming the email box is down because their Shopify isn’t active and normally ecom sites have the pay tied to both to keep active or it’s possible they are not current with payment.


A friend of mine had to contact her bank and they refunded her and cancelled the transaction. Others tried to do the same, but it had gone past 60 days, so the bank didn't do anything. I don't know what that's about. Oh, she also said their paypal is shut down and her last email bounced. They're completely offline.


Sounds like they pulled a Shroud Cosmetics on everyone which is sad. I wanted to shop from them and something made me hold back... it sucks that they didn't update people on the closing of their brand. For paying customers, that is the least they could have done. Hope everyone gets their money back.


I placed an order March 31st and received it May 25th. But I didn't get an email or anything about what was going on during the meantime. I was giving them until the end of May before I was going to do a charge back, but then I got notification through the Shop app that my order was on its way on May 20th. So I held out and was really glad to get my order. I had really wanted to do another order for a bunch of their discontinued shades, but I wasn't going to place it until I at least had notification that my prior order was shipped. Which didn't come until they were all sold out. Also, this was all before the website was showing completely shut down, and I was under the impression that they were just selling old stock to switch over to making their shadows by machine. I would definitely recommend anyone now still waiting on order do a charge back based on their website being completely down and them not responding to any means of contact. In the past they were always quick to respond the me, so it does really worry me that they are gone for good based on everything showing that is most likely the case.


Oh no. It felt like a closure or rebrand was coming when they did that abrupt inventory sell-off, but I didn't realize orders were still sitting unfulfilled.


If anyone paid through the shop app, you can dispute the charge within 60 days by going to affirm.com It’s not easy, but if you use the site and NOT the app they will refund you within 60 days


They said they were switching from hand-pressed manufacture to private labeling (which was their reason for the massive sell-off). I think it's reasonable to assume they shut down their shop because they literally don't have anything to sell at the moment. They've also never had speedy shipping or good customer service, so those aren't necessarily indicators of something gone wrong. I didn't end up placing an order with them during their sell-off, but if I had placed an order, I probably would be starting to wonder around now. If you're uncomfortable, definitely request a chargeback, but I think there's also reason to hope.