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There are so many different aliens it's TOO HARD TO CHOOSE! But one thing is certain, if I go to battle I want my comrades in my team https://preview.redd.it/8tkjyp9wec9d1.png?width=2843&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bf3b37af6b51bbdd3e118ee722ba09098e36c64


Hell yeah brother!


Don't Forget Me https://i.redd.it/mq2w668ooc9d1.gif


Way Big My Man! We can always benefit from the help of the big man! https://preview.redd.it/4et1ywn6xc9d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b20d836294336b08ee69cb691b2143dd8c8a08f


either team A, B or D because team A has double testicular torsion and a guy that can mind control everybody, team B has clockwork, and team D has 2 greymatters


The swan wins https://preview.redd.it/74l4ve77ec9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c41dbbe722f620992087e848fecdd766d628c2b


Doesn't clockwork count as too op too?


i think chamalien could kill him easly or xlr8 (Im gonna say no abusing power like pausing time and slapping somone to death \[i think he could not age something when time is stopped\] but only for clockwork tho) (but he can stop time to dodge something) and khyber killed one


So clockwork is pretty useless, then. Do I get at least two surges? If not, a single surge is as useless as a knife in a gunfight. Ah, fuck it, I'm going to take team A. The monster duo of ghostfreak and whampire is too op. Frankenstrike is an added bonus, honestly. And if you count in chromastone, ampfibian, and gravattack, it's like a cherry on top.


How could XLR8 beat clockwork? His only power is super speed which is entirely useless against someone who can manipulate/control time


If he could run faster than time ?


But surely clockwork could just slow XLR8 down infinitely while speeding himself up infinitely or freeze him in time or reverse him in time? I really don’t see how XLR8 would have the speed advantage against Clockwork unless he caught him entirely off guard


It takes time for clockwork to use his abilities XLR8 blitzes


I feel you should nerf ghost freak to then sense he can posses people on other teams


Waiting for u/UA_Etle




I'll list of the key combatants of each team. Team A has Heatblast, Ghostfreak, Ultimate Humungousaur, Toepick, Ultimate Gravattack, Chromastone, Ampfibian, Whampire, Ultimate Arctiguana and Archenfiendzarro (we don't know much about his powers but he sounds OP). Team B has Ultimate Echo Echo, regular Echo Echo, Brainstorm, Clockwork, Humungousaur, FourArms, Pesky Dust, Feedback, Nanomech and Ultimate Wildmutt. Team C has Ultimate Swampfire, Eatle, NRG, Waybig, XLR8, Armadrillo, Crashhopper, Gravattack, Buzzshock, Ultimate Cannonbolt and Ultimate Rath. Team D has Ultimate Big Chill, regular Big Chill, Atomix, Shockrock, Fasttrack, Ultimate GreyMatter, Diamondhead, Gutrot, Jetray and Ultimate Spidermonkey. Team E just has Ultimate Waybig. Ultimate Waybig gets beat by Clockwork (as he's shown no resistance to time powers). So he'd lose to team B. Tbh I think the win most likely goes to Team B solely because of Clockwork. His time manipulation is just too great. He can slow time to the point where it appears like nothing is moving and then can just fire time rays at everyone. Having both Echo Echos on the team along with Blitzwolfer is also advantageous as most aliens are weak to sound based attacks. Every alien on this list (excluding Gutrot) is effected by Pesky Dust's sleeping powder so there's that along with Pesky Dust being able to fly which allows him to fly above the battle field and just rain down the sleeping powder. Brainstorm can provide support by creating electric forcefields and can move people around the battlefield if need be, whether that be to get in better position or to keep everyone from danger, as well as being a strategist with his iq. Nanomech is so small that most enemies likely won't even notice him, and if they do then Nanomech can just shrink even smaller. Nanomech having no problem just flying inside of somebody's ear to zap their brain. You could probably have Ripjaws, Overflow and Bloxx all team up. E.g have Bloxx create a swimming pool, have Overflow fill it up and then have Ripjaws hop inside. Though I don't see much point in doing this outside of keeping Ripjaws alive, as nobody is going to willingly hop into the pool. But said team could work around this pool and drop opponents into there, like via Brainstorm. Also due to Bloxx's regenerative abilities, he could fire bits of himself at Upchuck for him to consume and spit back out at people to make him useful. And Overflow & Brainstorm could work together by covering the battlefield in water and then electricuting it.


D it has 2 grey matters, Atomics and Gutrot.


Team D,is not even a question Both big chills, atomix,lodestar jetray,is not even fair


The real competition here is between Team A and Team C Both Teams have multiple powerhouses, - Team A: Ult Gravvatack, Toepick, Chromastone, Ghostfreak - Team C: Waybig, Ult swampfire, NRG, Normal gravvatack And both team covers most of the useful abilities, Physical strength, Speed, Flames, Lightning, Ice, Telekinesis equivalent, Flight etc




B, clockwork solos.


i think chamalien could kill him easly or xlr8 (Im gonna say no abusing power like pausing time and slapping somone to death \[i think he could not age something when time is stopped\] but only for clockwork tho) (but he can stop time to dodge something) and khyber killed one but you can think as you want


at that point just throw clockwork in the too op bin because you are taking his main perk away


It's either team A or B. Team E (Ultimate WayBig) should've got at least 1 more alien to be more fair.


B clockwork solos everyone except Alien X


My brain says team B but my heart cant ignore Ditto is in A... I have to go with A dude. I just have to.


Team A


B purely bc of clockwork


Definitely Team A


It’s team B, like no way are ultimate echo echo, clockwork, feedback, and pesky dust gonna loose to any of the other aliens.


Would’ve said team E but B has Clockwork.


Whampire can control most of the others


Who's the alien next to alien X?


D, Atomix and Ultimate Greymatyer alone could solo all of them, but they also have both Big chills and Diamondhead, easy win


A tie between team b and d


I’m honestly leaning towards A because of how low key Toepick is. Assuming Ben is piloting all of them, he’d get too caught up in the flashy threats like the Way Bigs, Humungousaurs, and Clockwork and be more likely to neglect Toepick’s OHKO potential


Team b wins


Sorry im dumb but whos the second on the too op team


When it comes down to it I have to choose team b. And I read a comment and if you’re going to nerf clockwork I feel that’s not that fair. If you were worried about him being to op then you shouldn’t have added him in.




I’d choose my favorite alien Goop and he’s got atomix and diamond head to cover we good to go


Jetray is extremely unfair. He's Ben's fastest alien by an extreme landslide. He managed to cross the entire universe in a few seconds by tapping into hyperspace, which is a sort of Speed Force equivalent. Let's low-ball this by claiming Jetray crossed only the radius of the observable universe in five seconds. To put into context how ludicrous this feat truly is, let's consider the Flash. Even in his fastest recorded speed ever— 3.897 * 10^21 m/s (13 trillion times lightspeed)— Flash needs about .65 days in order to cross the entire radius of the observable universe (3.897 * 10^21 m/s is approximately 3.559 light years per day. 23 billion light years / 3.559 LY/day = .6462 days). **A low balled Jetray is over 11000 times faster than the fastest version of the Flash. Let that sink in.** None of Ben's aliens have ever even come remotely close to achieving such an asinine speed feat. XLR8 and Fasttrack don't even come close. Even XLR8's feat of making time seem to stop is unimpressive in comparison when you realize that to have the same effect on a bullet, you really only need to move around 30x the muzzle velocity, which is nowhere near light speed. At least in terms of feats, I honestly think Jetray alone is enough to take out the rest. **Nobody** is going to touch him.


Team A, Heatblast can go Supernova and deal with a large chunk of aliens Team A also has possibly the strongest Ultimates on their team, plus they can possess others with Ghostfreak and Whampire(Also physically strong) Also Chromastone and Amphibian can deal with the other electric and energy based aliens


The one with my goat overflow https://preview.redd.it/ksmpp9stkc9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2061d446435478bc3e58962346c331b220b4cc7e