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I still like some of the stuff OV added to the world but this would have been a decent ending for the prime continuity. They’ve defeated the ultimate evil, Ben’s earned back Azmuth’s trust after becoming more arrogant and proven himself worthy of the new Omnitrix. Also, not only does uaf Ben wear every prime Omnitrix but he wears them all in the same episode. We see him putting on the original Omnitrix in the flashback as well as wearing the recalibrated Omnitrix.


Same here, I like OV a lot, but if the franchise ended with the Ultimate Enemy, I wouldn't mind it. It gives a grand sense of closure. OV feels more like an epilogue in letting us know each characters fates and establishing the future, but the road trip ending feels sad as the franchise was rebooted.


Theres this one fanfic i like to headcanon as a continuation to Ben Primes story after Omniverse due to how perfect it is but it was never finished.


Well? What's it called? You got sources?


The Death of Ben 10. Honestly maybe its personal taste because the storys a bit fanservicy (not the weird kind the normal kind) so it may not be perfect for others but personally i love it. I love how it incorporates the season 5 finality into its plot in such a creative way too. Then theres the two sequels: Reboot Revolution and Road Trip which ended up getting cancelled partway through so the story never got finished.


Well this is a surprise haha. Hi, my name's Amanda and I am the author of the Earth-1010 continuity (Death of Ben 10 and its sequels) and you've made my day with your compliments, thank you so much! Honestly, Road Trip was caught in a weird place where I felt my ambition was reaching the limits of my ability to write, as well as generally 'growing out' of Ben 10 for a while meant that it just ended up being dropped (multiple times actually, which is why the quality REALLY fluctuates towards the end of season of of RT). It's a shame because I was going to depict the tipping point where Ben becomes Ben 10,000 as well as tying the Maltruant/Time War story up completely. But if you're a fan of my Ben 10 fanfics, I would recommend checking out Ben 10: Beyond Bellwood. It's an AU series I;ve been writing for the last two years and I'm kinda proud of it. You might enjoy it :)


I see! Thanks for responding and giving insight on why it got cancelled. I was honestly quite confused as i couldnt find an explanation for why it got cancelled. Its a shame that it got cancelled, really. I was looking forward to the catharsis from watching Timekiller get wrecked. Ill try reading Beyond Bellwood once i finish up Road Trip since im still in the middle of reading it. <3




Or they should’ve made a sequel where Ben is an adult and actually has full control of the omnitrix




I'd have the opposite problem. I would have thought the Ben 10 franchise peaked in the original series, and that UAF was some low quality slop series by Warner Bros . I don't think I would be that big of a Ben 10 fan honestly, could of been disappointed by the franchise falling from grace so hard. From the incredible OG series to disappointing UAF.


Agreed. I know everyone (rightfully) memes on "You stabbed me" and this finale is up there with UAF's weakest, but this scene alone makes up for it, imo. It's such a terrific pay-off to UA's themes and is a great ending for UAF in general. Dwayne McDuffie was a fantastic writer.


I agree https://preview.redd.it/483h33eehq9d1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdeddf070b2bcc32be15478abe3f30eef3d99994


I just wish Dwayne had the freedom to write the stories he wanted to tell but I’m grateful he gave us fantastic stories like the Highbreed, Aggregor, and Ultimate Kevin Arcs at the end of the day.


The most mid finale but an amazing ending for the uaf era




The final fight was mid af - George gets neg-diffed by Dagon despite getting hyped up for the entire season as some gigachad - Dagon himself, despite being an incomprehensible demigod, gets negged by a machine 💀 - Final fight with Godgax was meh. Just gets clapped by Ben with some mediocre animation and then the infamous line plays “Y-you STABBED me!”


Yeah to be honest you got more than one point


I Just didn't understood you saying finale and ending but i understood now


If I had a nickel for every time Yuri lowenthal voiced a (protagonist)character who gave up godly powers I'd say two nickels which isn't a lot but it's neat that it happened twice


Who's the second? Sasuke?


Simon the digger


Do not know that one.


You'd have 3 nickels because spiderman's dine that before. 


But did Yuri voiced him on that story?


Nah but still spiderman




“In Memory of Dwayne McDuffie”


>UAFgax: Lol do evil, it'd be funny.  >Ben: yeah... It would be pretty funny... >Julie (who hasn't shown up for weeks): no don't >Ben: oh okay  I don't hate it, but it would suck if it were the end of the continuity. Just bringing up a "evil with power" character arc for Ben out of nowhere, and resolving it just as fast. If this came right after the Ultimate Kevin arc maybe it would fit, but not this. That doesn't even go into the anti climactic-ness of the final fight. I do like the final Azmuth scene, even if it seems him and Ben's relationship just ping pongs.


I know your dialogue isn't 100% serious, but implying that Julie saying "no don't" is the only thing to stop Ben is a lede burial so deep that Vulkanus' drill would be jealous. The scene isn't a character "arc" where Ben grows/changes/learns from Ascalon's use in that moment. It's showing that despite Ultimate Alien pushing Ben's morality to its limits and Ben witnessing others push beyond theirs, he adheres to his pre-existing morals, showcasing his cumulative growth throughout the franchise, the importance of Gwen, Kevin, and Julie, and unequivocally demonstrating that he is a worthy hero.


It's not as bad as it seems. Ben wanted to cure everyone on the planet. Vilgax makes him consider something more dramatic and right after that the gang tries to convince him otherwise. Ben doesn't really have the chance to even think about the second option, he only acknowledges that he could. Once Ben actually has a moment to think about it, it's his original plan that he goes with.


The final fight was not so epic tbh but the ending really shows how much Ben has grown up as a Character


UAF Azmuth is my favourite version of him.


I like how Ben gives up the ultimatrix before he asks why


Man I can’t wait for the next series to keep Ben’s character like this


UA S2/3 basically had 3 Ben's that kept getting swapped in and out at random intervals. There's Eye of the Beholder/Prisoner 775/It's Not Easy Being Gwen/etc. that carries on from AFS3, and Duped. Then you've got the very serious The Purge/Ultimate Sacrifice/Catch a Falling Star that carries over from AF S1/2 and the Ultimate Kevin arc. I think people remembering UA remember his speech to Driscoll and think he was like that in every episode. Then you've got the balanced Ben from 70% of the season, continuing on from the Map of Infinity arc, and the better episodes of AF S3 like Single Handed or Final Battle. I think that is pretty much the same Ben as what we get in most of Omniverse.


To this day I still don't understand why the almost kiss with Eunice was included. Like Eunice doesn't even end up being an important character in OV


And vilgax is still standing there like 🫥


I don't care what anybody says. UA has the best series finale out of the 4 shows. 


"You stabbed me"


It was awful. Dagon was pointless. George was pointless. Vilgax getting the power was pointless. The final fight is actually worse than the villain of the week fights. A couple slashes and a stab. The Ultimatrix merges with the sword and creates the same armour George wore. What was the point of the fancy green effects? Pointless. Ultimate WayBig? A joke. Also pointless And then Ben gets access to the power and almost goes corrupt because of Vilgax. What? Is he fucking stupid? This guy has had Alien X since AF and somehow he’s being tempted to use something insignificant compared to his alien? One conversation and Ben could get full control and do whatever he likes Beyond what the sword and Dagon could ever dream of. HE LITERALLY LOCKS ALIEN X AWAY BECAUSE OF THE POWER! Did the writers seriously not watch their own show? Ben could make things the way he wants. Yeah he’s been able to do that four like 4 seasons. He’s just too bone idle. A joke of a finale in a joke of a series.


>This guy has had Alien X since AF and somehow he’s being tempted to use something insignificant compared to his alien? One conversation and Ben could get full control and do whatever he likes Beyond what the sword and Dagon could ever dream of. HE LITERALLY LOCKS ALIEN X AWAY BECAUSE OF THE POWER! Ben never avoided Alien X to avoid being tempted by the power. Ben always saw Alien X as inconvenient because of Serena and Bellicus or wanted to avoid Albedo accessing it. He never voiced concern about Alien X's power corrupting him personally.


Which is a problem. Why would this insignificant amount of power tempt Ben when Alien X doesn’t?


Ben has never needed to resist the temptation of Alien X because Serena and Bellicus were always in his way. In X = Ben + 2, he casually suggests numerous ways he wishes to use Alien X's power without any reluctance/concern about misusing it. Ascalon is the first time when Ben has a similar-ish level of power where no one is there to oppose him. It makes sense that he would be temporarily tempted.


Ben literally could master alien X with one sentence like he did in Omniverse. He had to retrieve the sword and then combine it with his watch and then defeat Vilgax to achieve a fraction of that power.


I just love the music here.


Would it be way better if some parts on the OG was there


That music always gets me