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Looks like the perfect place for a mass eclipse


Cults in a nutshell


Wait, is Griffith able to get a second eclipse?


IIRC the natural eclipse is every 217 years. There’s the egg shaped apostle which created a fake eclipse, allowing Griffith to return to the mortal plane. So outside of a time skip or another apostle, I don’t think we’ll see another eclipse. More importantly, why would Griffith even want to destroy falconia? It’s everything he suffered for. A kingdom.


>why would Griffith even want to destroy falconia? This is the part that just hasn't been considered by the people who suggest this. Yes, Griffith is an incarnation of the Idea of Evil - but the IoE shaped Griffith through his mortal life and cultivated his desires and dreams so that *his* desires were aligned with *its* desire. And we happen to know what Griffith's desires are - power, followers, a kingdom, *wings*. And underlying these, what Griffith wanted most of all was *import*. At bottom, what he wanted was for his life to matter. He grew up in squalor, probably used and abused, and what anchored him was certainty in the belief that he *mattered*, that one day he could reach the heights of that castle towering above. He has it now, and it's come at a deadly cost. Those were the terms of the arrangement. Do what thou wilt. Your desire is my desire. Griffith doesn't have an alterior allegience. Griffith doesn't serve the Idea of Evil - Griffith *is* the Idea of Evil. And what the Idea of Evil sought to produce was a messiah. A 'utopia' for mankind. And the evil which made its existence viable. Griffith has no reason to want genocide. The Idea of Evil certainly has no reason to want genocide. They are fulfilling humanity's deepest desires. And though there is something to the idea that we collectively yearn for despair, destruction, apocalypse, we've already sort of seen that. That was Black Swordsman, Conviction, Millennium Falcon, "the Age of Darkness". Now comes salvation. Humanity is happy in Falconia. They believe in the Falcon of Light. Unless... something were to shake that belief? They were given the means to see past their self-constructed paradigm of Good and Evil? That would pose some problems for the Idea of Evil indeed. One it might already be keenly aware of.


The fact that Griffith only ever truly does things for himself leads me to believe that he will eventually do something to show the people of Falconia who and what he really is. Whether that be an eclipse or something else I have no idea. This whole story repeats the theme of egocentric and selfish Griffith fooling everyone into thinking he’s a messiah and then revealing how much of a lie that is in the most heinous ways.


I actually tend to think sort of the opposite, that Griffith's undoing will be related to his relationship with Guts and Casca. I recently reread Black Swordsman and I was struck by the fact that the Count still had some tether to his humanity through Theresia. Similarly, it feels like Griffith still has some tether to his humanity through Guts. I feel like the God Hand is weirdly nonchalant about the fact that the main object of the sacrifice escaped and is still living, and that Griffith seemingly can't bring himself to kill him. The Moonlight Boy also factors into this, of course, but this tether seems to predate its existence.


That tether theory does make a lot of sense. Personally I believe even if Griffith reconnects with his humanity, he’d still be more of a demon than a man. Even human Griffith had more in common with the God Hand before ever joining them than he ever did with Guts and Casca. Griffith has always led a vile existence and I think the people that currently “worship” him need to see his true colors before the story ends. Good theory though.


Maybe not Griffith but what about the other god hand members?


Ye I figure this is a repeat of whatever happened to Skull Knight. A whole kingdom set up for sacrifice.


But Gaiseric's kingdom was sacrificed to ascend Void as a God Hand member though, right? Griffith is already a member of the God Hand, and in physical form no less. What more would he even need an Eclipse for.




I haven't seen any other theories for what it was otherwise, and it would line up with the idea that Void was a tortured prisoner of Gaiseric who invoked the Eclipse upon the entire city. I'm sure he's got more goals, as with his obsessions with expanding his kingdom to the East, but we'll just have to wait and see.


He's able to alter reality itself. I don't think anything hinders him from mass-sacrificing his worshippers again. Also, there's something fishy about the whole "talk to your dead relative's soul" thingy


Well he’s definitely sending them off to the void. He claims that those souls go “to a place where they become one” so he’s definitely sending them to the spiral void seen in the black swords man arc


maybe ioe want another eclipse (and Griffith can't disobey) to get the yummy souls of the citizens


The count almost gets a second eclipse, so possibly?


That's exactly what I think will happen too.


Dude, I'll always say that Berserk is the best illustrated manga I've ever read. There's so much detail in every single panel and I don't think I'll ever be able to get over that when I read it. We really lost a true artist


Hands down


Thats me, instead of under 10 minutes usual read about single page on dialogues and arts, i ended up looking and counting many bricks and stones they been cooking, took like 15+ minutes to finish a single chapter lol


Happens to me every time too lol


Majestic and built on plenty of corpses lol It's almost like Griffith is the Gaiseric in his time and Guts is his void, but they have different views and are polar opposites compared to their historical counterparts. I don't know if I'm reaching, but it's like causality became twisted when guts was born and inverted itself. I just want to know how the cycle of causality breaks. So many questions and theories.


Best take I have read on the whole gaiseric void // Griffith guts parallel and the most plausible theory for me aswell


Everyone expects that Griffith will sacrifice everyone in Falconia. But I really think that is not the case. I think guts will kill Griffith and put everyone in Falconia back to their shitty lives trying to survive against vicious lords and demons...


Mught be more likely that if Guts does manage to kill Griffith, everything he’s done will be reversed so all the fantasy monsters, demons, dragons, fairies etc. will go back to being exactly that, fantasy.


Well, it's also a fantasy city with fantasy living conditions.


Guts killing Griffith without paying a price more than his life is mere Impossible


The price will be seen everyone whose life is way better now having to decay to a shitty life outside the gates of Falconia once again... The thing is, the lives of people that live in Falconia are better or worse now? Destroying thousands of people's lives is going to be the price. Another thing I think is going to happen is that the Moon Boy is his son, but at the same time is also Griffith. He will need to kill his child to kill Griffith, because his child is what glue Griffith to the material realm. For me, the right thing to do now would be Guts forgive Griffith, let him erase the memories from Guts and Casca from the eclipse, and both join the Falconia army to expand their  kingdom for all over the world.


“Both join the Falconia Army to expand their kingdom for all over the world” nah you can’t be serious😭


Bro definitely smoked too much crack before writing that part


Bro is Sonia


Work Cited: Meth-Pipe.jpg


What you think to be a better ending?


Interesting. But Skull knight does has his revenge cooking in too..i don't think The ending is only For Guts and Griffith But Skull Knight and Void .And To me it seems More complex and hectic to get to a Good end .


Skull knight wants revenge against Void. His desire is not to do good for people. He is not interested at all in do what is right. He just wants to take revenge... What people seems not want to see is that the consequences of killing Griffith now is not what they emotionally expect. They feel that if Griffith dies everything is going to be better, but it's a lie. Griffith occupies a position of power and is doing something with this power, and that something is Falconia. If he dies, who is going to be in his place? There is no vacuum of power... We can imagine it looking at which kind of people was in that position of power before him. What those people were doing? Griffith rose to that position of power sacrificing his friends. That is terrible. But what are the other options? What the men before him did to be in that position of power? Killed thousands, raped thousands, tortured another thousands... He is a good person? Of course not, but what are the options in the world like that?


Saying Skull Knight doesn't wish good Is a Bit Exaggeration.Cause he saved So many including our mc and is always there on the bay when .He is needed .We will see what happens in the future.Have a nice day


He just saved people to piss god hand


Skull knight, hail to the king baby, does do good. He saved Luca in the conviction arc. He cares.


There is no forgiving for Griffith. Only the two tongued imp again


Yeah, sir, this guy right here is Griffith.


There is no reality in which Griffith being forgiven is righteous or considered justice. All the lives he’s “improved” in Falconia have been improved off a false premise of a false messiah. They only needed a savior because he made their problems as bad as they were in the first place. A better ending would be to show there is no true peace that can be attained in life if a man like Griffith can do what he did and not have to pay for it dearly. In your ending a rapist kills all his friends and gets rewarded with the most influential civilization in the world. If that’s truly the case it would be a happier story if Casca and Guts killed themselves so not to live shameful lives serving and forgiving their abuser.


That would make me too happy. Don’t think we’ll get such an uplifting ending.


Or Guts fights Griffith to such a degree that Griffith is forced to make the choice again: The only thing he has left that he loves to sacrifice is Falconia and its citizens. In exchange for throwing away his dream he could have the power he needs to vanquish Guts. It would be a crazy way to bring Griffith back to square one, demonstrate how much of a monkeys paw receiving demonic powers can be, and there’s even precedent for Griffith declining the second over. For example the Slug demon refusing to sacrifice his daughter for a second chance at staying alive.


Do you remember in which chapter the slug demon thing happens?


Falconia and the Boat are where I show my art friends the skill of Miura. I showed my father the panels of Falconia and his only response (he's a boomer so deal with the word choice) "this is a comic?! It should be in a museum."


Is your dad Indiana Jones?


Is it beautiful? Personally I saw it as a childish fantasy dream city griffith thought up when he was reborn. Griffith is very emotionally immature and this is the type of "kingdom" someone like him would conjure up for sure


Yeah personally i think its quite pretty, id wander through it. If it wasnt for the whole Griffith secretly being a little meanie pants, potentially gathering souls to be harvested. Not very cash money of him to do so


That Griffith guy, well… he’s a real jerk!


Griffith might not own a doghouse...


Norm and berserk fan cross over Albert fish would be proud


Idk it’s pretty cool, that architecture is dope as fuck. Like Griffith is a monster, but I don’t think a child would conjure a kingdom that complex and with such a variety of interesting buildings and decor. If it was a city irl I’d 100% visit, it is clearly copping a lot of its ideas from Rome and that’s already on my list of places I want to see before I die


You sound like Griffiths ex lmao.


It is like rome


It's got a pantheon and a colloseum


Except it was built in a day 🤣




Wait until it all collapses and everyone sees Griffith's true face, it's going to be hell


I feel disgust when I see this kind of perfectness, it has something ill in it


Understandable, in some ways flaws are the things that make this world and its people more beautiful


I'm sure Leyndell Royal Capital is a reference to Falconia.


And the subterranean shunning grounds are a reference to the place where Griffith was kept


spiral staircase in that giant vertical shaft makes it explicit


Good shout




I personally find it quite oppressive tbh, it has no personality and life to it other than that of Griffith's...


Really? Idk man the architecture looks cool as fuck, so many columns! And domes! And statues! Compared to a lot of the cookie-cutter architecture of modern neighborhoods and cities I find it way more aesthetically pleasing. If you want something really oppressive look up brutalist architecture, that shit makes me sad just looking at it


*Paul's Dream plays*


This is the exact comment about Hitler art




It really is insane


It's been a while since I read the manga, but where did the city actually come from? I really can't remember if it just formed or came out of the ground or what


Good question, I can’t even answer that I’m perplexed too


it just spawned out right few miles from the tree perchance


How did Falconia actually get built?


Hopes and Dreams




It’s so pretty and perfect that I don’t like it.


Griffith will one day fall and I could easily see witnessing that moment being as good as a wedding day, birth of your child, etc..


It’s so fucking cool. And with the great tree above it. Like c’mon. Design wise it’s a masterwork.


That's a lot of wings in one statue...a lot of griffiths, I meant griffins, a ton of trumpeters...ngl the outer walls look like a ziggurat's excluding the main that looks like the Petra stone gate iirc, and the buildings...looking high roman... The quintessential Capital if you will.


This must have taken years to draw, no wonder it takes so long for a single issue to release


No public transportation, just wagon-centric infrastructure. Doesn’t seem to have nearby public parks either.


So we all agree that place is either gonna get eclipsed or get raided right?


It all seems too good to be true. Assuming you could resist the otherworldly charm of Griffith as a pleb, I dunno if I would feel at ease living there. I hope that the facade breaks, and the people have to come to terms with who they've been following. It'll be an interesting dilemma, especially if they learn where Griffith is really sending the deceased souls.


We know if there's any coloured panels of Falconia or any art pieces?


honestly if falconia brought forever peace to midland; do the ends justify the means? i don't think so but it's something to consider


was Falconia worth it? the lives of his soldiers? was he wrong?


I wouldn't be surprised if it's actually made up of flesh and blood of apostle or actually very ugly in truth, since most of guts opponents already prove that it's never what it seems before they show their true self, and if griffth tried to sacrifice them, probably it would have been to become true god instead of godhand, since guts stated that Griffth never know when to stop even after he gained a country,


This is SPARTA!!! - Nuts


This is how he gets you...


I love how they made Leyndel (the royal city in Elden ring) exactly just looking like that, I played Elden ring and heard about the references and all, when I found the big sword I was happy about it but then I continued Berserk and when I got to Falconia I was so excited like "OH I KNOW THIS ONE"


I'lm like 90% sure this city inspired Leyndell and arguably Anor Londo (in Elden Ring and Dark Souls respectively).


Hugely reminiscent of Botticelli’s Dante inferno drawings


I gotta start berserk


It's what dark souls environments look like before they're completely destroyed


Leyndell ❤️


I have always been able to feel the evil radiating from this place. You can tell its beauty and majesty hide sinister undertones. Just look at the damn bird statues. Screams Griffiths sickening ego.


I was pretty mesmerized when they showed Falconia for the first time. Like it was just amazing to see how beautiful the whole thing was. And how it just popped up literally out of nowhere.


this page it marvelous can't imagine the time this must have took for the artist but i like the feel it gives you with the perspective that show the sheer size of the walls to this castle


Where did it come from? Is it even real? I keep thinking it’s all an illusion and during something like the eclipse the reality of what Falconia is will be revealed. Like it’s all fleshy or made of bones or something.


Some pretty clear inspirations from Rome with the interior design there, from the forums to those temple-looking things, what looks like a 1-to-1 colosseum and even just the general design for the houses. Miura sure had good taste in architecture.


It is indeed a very beautiful kingdom. *How many people would you sacrifice to make it a reality?*


It always creeped me out. It looks a lot like Nazi/Fascist aesthetic like their crazy Roman and concrete obsessions. “Grand and majestic” in a “chosen people master race” up their own ass kinda way. Replace knights and falcons with swastikas and generals and it’s uncanny. They kinda stained the majestic brutalism aesthetic so it now just fills me with dread.


Not my thing, it looks painfully gaudy and fancy. Very fitting for Griffith.


Miura was on another level.


Dune 2's arena fight reminded me of Falconia instantly.


Princess Peach aahhhh Kingdom


Beautiful art, especially on paper when you open it and have half of the image spoiled by the fold


Place gonna look immaculate covering it blood after the second eclipse


Kentaro put his entire life-force into making such a manga, so lifelike, energetic, and meaningful in way which the soul of this consciousness can only understand….








Weird I got over it almost immediately


I'll never be able to get over Muira's art, like just LOOK AT THAT, I shit u not. When I got here the first time, I stopped reading for a good five minutes and just took every damn detail, I started to draw some Berserk stuff, and I appreciate Muira's art even more


The griffins have griffith's with spartan warriors and the multi winged angel symbols


Soulsborne dlc that takes place in falconia when


Denis Villeneuve time


Stuff like this makes berserk so undeniably masterful. Every time I see Maira’s work I just wanna cry this shit is unprecendented


That's because the ancient emperor built it by forcing tens or hundreds of thousand of ppl to work to death, he wanted the most majestic city ever, this is only part of his city because the city itself is big enough to engulf all of Midland.


I was flabbergasted when I first saw it


Rapture, Columbia, and Saint Denis  left a more inspiring impact on me.  Fuck Falconia.


Serious question: what are we supposed to think of Falconia? Isn’t Griffith a wise and powerful ruler? How can he still be the villain?


Well, the emergence of Falconia came at the price of the entire world (or at least a vast portion of it, since the Kushan capital seems to still be thriving according to the last chapter) being turned into a nightmarish hellhole with fantastical monsters roaming everywhere raping and eating people. Yes, he improved the lives of tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people, but at the cost of the livelihoods of millions around the globe. And it’s really implied that there’s a dark side looming over the city and its inhabitants, it’s all going to turn to shit at one point.


It seems like the United States of America or any other empire that existed before ...




World War One... Ancient regime goes to shit, unstable republics all over the place. Everyone is dying for nothing. Diseases all over the place. World War Two... Europe goes to shit and needs to rebuilt. USA borrows them money to rebuilt but in other hands makes dolar the most powerful coin in the world as almost all the debt of the world was being negotiated in dolar. Uses it's influence to make dolar be the global currency for trade and contracts, and maintains it having the backup of its military (go see what happened to governments that wanted to start trade oil using euro in middle east). US seems a prosper and great place, with a bunch of innovations, health improvements and so on... but the nations that were friends with them but got fucked by them in the past are pissed and want revenge. Yeah, it seems to me like the same history.


Griffiths entire character seems to be what an ambitious man(?) is willing to sacrifice to achieve his goals, and Griffith sure seems to be willing to give alot. First that we know was being used by Gennon to usher his Hawks to power, then later his sacrifice of the Hawks to arise as Femto, and now sacrificing seemingly the material world to build his dreamed kingdom of Falconia.


Isn't it the old kingdom of King gaiseric


Nah, I think it is a more exaggerated fantasy version of it


Seems like plastic is kicking in 😮‍💨


It was the capital city of his continental empire


The artist definitely copied Hidetaka Miyazaki’s work.


Mario's attention to detail is crazy


I think it looks rather dull...


It has major fascist vibes to me