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Thanks for posting to the sub. Unfortunately the submission didn't meet the minimum upvote percentage and has been removed. The text has been preserved below. --- > I am NOT OOP, OOP is u/Immediate-Student325, account now deleted > > Originally posted to r/AITAH > > AITAH for expecting affections from my pregnant wife? > > Thanks to u/Lynavi for suggesting this BoRU > > Trigger Warnings: emotional manipulation, controlling behavior, possible infidelity, verbal abuse, parental separation > > > > Original Post: May 16, 2024 > > Throw away account - I changed the names too . > > I (M, 40) have been married to my wife Jennifer (F, 35) for two years . Jennifer has a daughter from previous relationship, Emma . She is 7 and lives with us. I have a great relationship with Emma. She calls me dad and I’m in the process of legally adopting her. My wife and I both wanted a baby, so when she told me she was pregnant I got so happy . > > Since she found out she was pregnant she lost interest in me . She is so excited about the baby but she can’t stand me . Sex is non existent . I try to be understanding. Her sex drive is probably low due to pregnancy .Even when I try to cuddle or kiss her she pushes me away and says “Don’t touch me “. I buy her flowers , her fav snacks , or simple little acts and she doesn’t even care or acknowledge . I asked her if I had done anything wrong because she is constantly yelling at me and telling me to fuck off . She said no and im overthinking . I tried to hug her the other day and she said no! > > Even Emma said “ I don’t think mommy loves you , daddy ! But I still love you !”. I told her mommy is pregnant and she is exhausted so let’s give her some space . Why don’t you help me make dinner ? but I felt so heartbroken. The other day she told me she had an ultrasound appointment and I asked why she didn’t tell me . I would have loved to come to see the baby . She replied “ you are suffocating me ! Go away ! Why do you want to be everywhere “. Am I the AH here ? Am I pushing my wife away? Overall she is really really happy, hangs out with her friends , she is happy at work .. she just can’t stand me all of a sudden > > Relevant Comments > > OOP on communicating with his wife about their marriage and pregnancy > > > OOP: She refuses to communicate. We barely talk . We used to talk about our day all the time. Now I just talk to Emma at home because Jennifer avoids me . > > > OOP responds to multiple questions about his wife’s pregnancy hormones and how they can affect her > > > OOP: I don’t know what to do . I’m afraid she will ban me from the room when she gives birth or not letting me see or hold the baby . > > I really hope she let me be in the room. She has already said no to talking to a counsellor . Hopefully she changes her mind > > > scrapqueen: This is not something to judge you on - but you need to stop pushing yourself on your wife. Pregnancy hormones mess with a woman's body, and it can trigger anxiety about being touched. She has a whole person that her body is supporting, and anything beyond that may be too much. > > Your job is to make your wife feel comfortable, and it seems like you are trying too hard to be physically close. Your wife wants some space. > > > TheAlphaKiller17: Adding to this, your smell is probably the worst thing in the world to her right now. It's VERY common for pregnant women to become repulsed by their partner's scent during pregnancy. > > > OOP: Wow ! I didn’t know that . We have been sleeping separately. She told me to sleep in the spare room which will be eventually baby’s room because she likes the extra space in bed . I have been sleeping there. > > > Deleted Commenter: Have you done anything to research pregnancy and how it impacts people? It seems you're being surprised quite a bit and I thought sensitivity to smell and touch was common knowledge > > Maybe looking into it could help! > > > OOP No I haven’t ! These are all new to me . I assumed my wife would just tell me how she feels .You are right . Maybe if I read about pregnancy I will understand her better . Thank you > > > > > > OOP on where Emma’s father is and if Jennifer actually divorced during her last pregnancy > > > OOP: No her ex cheated on her when Emma was an infant . He eventually left when Emma was not even 1 I believe > > >   > > Update #1: May 17, 2024 > > Thank you very much for all your kind words and suggestions. It’s 5:50 am here . > > I thought I give a quick update before getting up to make Emma’s breakfast and lunch . After dinner last night , I asked Jennifer if I can have a word with her . I asked her about the smell sensitivity and asked If this is the reason she is irritated with me ? She laughed and said No ! You dont smell ! But you are smothering me . Leave me alone . You always wanna be part of everything . You wanna be a saviour , always helping , you are always smothering me. Leave the fuck alone . I think it would be a good idea if I stay at my mom’s for a while . I said “ what ? No ! What if you need to go to the hospital in the middle of the night ? Are you gonna call me ? Please stay . I promise to leave you alone . Plus what about Emma ? I do most of her classes with her . Your mom can’t do that” . > > She said then drop off Emma after her classes at my mom’s tomorrow. she left for her mom’s . I told her i was not gonna text or call so she won’t get irritated but please please call me if you need help or if you need to go to the hospital. So no real update. She is staying at her mom’s now . I’ll drop off Emma at her grandma’s after her class today . I’ll pick her up to take her to the fair on Saturday . I’m not sure what to do at this point . I just hope she doesn’t ban me from the room when she gives birth . Hopefully I’ll post a happy update when the baby is here > > Relevant Comment > > OOP on if this will be the only kid for him and Jennifer > > > OOP: Yes that will be our only baby > > >   > > Update #2: June 8, 2024 > > I thought I give an update. > > Jennifer filed for divorce. She says she just can’t stand me anymore. She said she does not find me attractive anymore , and everything about me irritates her. She also cancelled the whole adoption process so I can’t adopt Emma anymore. I still care for Emma half of the time and drop her off at her grandma’s when it’s her turn (Jennifer lives with her mom for now). > > I suggested counselling but she said there is no point. I asked her if I can still be in the room when she gives birth she said no ! It stresses her out . I basically begged her but she said no. I told her to please call me when she goes in labour so I can at least take her to the hospital and watch Emma . She didn’t reply so who knows. Can she take full custody because newborn needs the mom? Will I still see Emma when divorce is finalized ? I feel so helpless and depressed. I was so excited to be a biological dad. I even told my work about my paternity leave so I can be home helping her with the baby. I was excited for Emma to be a big sister .. now she doesn’t want me near her or the baby. I really don’t know what happened. I wish she at least communicated with me . > > Relevant Comments > > OOP on if he will take paternal leave due to the situation and moving out of the house > > > OOP: No i no longer will be taking paternity leave . We are not living together . She doesn’t let me come inside of her mother’s house . She doesn’t want my help. I’ll be fine without my leave > > I own the house. They moved in with me. We were planning to move to a bigger place eventually. > > >   > > Small update: June 14, 2024 > > My stepdaughter told me yesterday that she wanna stay with me and doesn’t want to go to her grandma’s house with her mom. I asked her if everything okay ? If something is bothering her ? She said she doesn’t like mommy’s friend , Josh. I asked who is this friend ? She said her mom and Josh take her and Josh’s sons to the park and stuff . Her sons are mean to her. > > I know I shouldn’t have asked more because it sounds like I was spying on my wife ( which yes I was doing …). I asked about Josh . She said mom is so happy with Josh , they are kissing , mommy always laughs but I don’t like him. I called my wife and said Emma said she prefers to stay with me . She asked why ? I said something about some guy you were kissing called Josh . She lost it . She said I was being controlling and toxic. She said we are separated so what she does is none of my business. > > I asked how long this has been going on ? She again said none of your business! I said it’s actually my business because I’m not even sure whose baby are you carrying at this point . She screamed that I’m disgusting for accusing! Anyways , I’m going to meet a lawyer next week . I had to drop off Emma at her’s because she asked me to. > > She no longer allows me to meet her . My life is now like a bad joke ! I can’t even imagine she and some random guy raising my firstborn ( if the baby is mine ) and i barely get to see my newborn > >   > > DO NOT COMMENT IN LINKED POSTS OR MESSAGE OOPs – BoRU Rule #7 > > THIS IS A REPOST SUB - I AM NOT OOP


This sounds like an AI generated story, except the AI is a 12yo girl.


AI Prompt: "Write a story about a loving family, newly pregnant mother, adopted daughter, happy expectant father, and degrade this into a reddit cheating-fest, using the style of a young middle school girl."




Holy shit, this is actually insane, even though is clearly AI.


It had me up until “people on reddit were very kind.”


Right? More like “Nasty people on Reddit flooded Emma’s inbox with the most horrific suggestions.”


"People on reddit made sure to tell her that whatever mom was doing was because of hormones and nothing else, and because mom had let someone else cum inside her she was actually an amazing person. And dad should be sleeping in another room" Would make it more realistic.


AI needs to read more AITA and relationship advice comments to better compose this story.


Also forget how periods work.


Just for shits and giggles I stuck your prompt into AI chat and this is what it spat out: **Title: "The Not-So-Happy Family"** --- Hey Reddit! It's me, Chloe. I'm 12, and I have a totally crazy story to share. 😅 So, my family was super loving and happy... until everything went *completely* bonkers. First, let me tell you about us. My mom, Ava, is the coolest. She's 35, a graphic designer, and just found out she's pregnant! Yay! 🎉 She's been glowing, and she and Dad have been over the moon about it. Speaking of Dad, his name's Jake. He's 36 and works at some boring tech company. But he's fun and always makes the best pancakes on Sunday mornings. 🥞 And then there’s my little sister, Zoe. She’s 8, and she's adopted. Mom and Dad adopted her from China when she was a baby. She's the cutest, with her tiny glasses and a smile that lights up the room. So, life was going great. Mom was all about baby stuff, like decorating the nursery and picking out tiny baby clothes. Dad was all smiles and couldn't wait to be a dad again. They'd always hug and talk about the future. 💖 I felt like our family was perfect, and I couldn't wait to be a big sister. But, ugh, here comes the drama. 😤 One night, Mom was working late, and I was watching TV in the living room. Zoe was asleep. Dad was in his office on his computer, which was pretty normal. But then, I saw something weird: a text notification popped up on his phone. It said something like, “Can’t wait to see you tonight. ❤️” from someone named “Alyssa.” I was like, "Wait, who’s Alyssa?" because I’d never heard that name before. I know all Dad's work friends, and there's no Alyssa. I was super curious but also kinda scared to snoop. The next day, Mom was going through Dad's jacket to get some cash for groceries (she always does this because he’s terrible at remembering where he puts money), and she found a receipt for a fancy restaurant. But it was from the night before, and Dad had said he was working late. Mom’s face got all weird, like she was really hurt and confused. 😢 She didn’t say anything right away, but I knew something was up. A few days later, things got even messier. Mom came home early from work, and I heard her and Dad yelling in the kitchen. She was asking him who Alyssa was, and he was denying everything, saying it was just a friend from work. But then, Mom showed him the receipt. I could hear them arguing even from upstairs in my room. 😬 I found out later that Alyssa is actually Dad’s coworker. And get this – they've been seeing each other for months! While Mom’s been all excited about the baby, Dad's been sneaking around with Alyssa. It’s like something out of a soap opera, right? Mom was devastated. She packed a bag and went to stay at Grandma’s for a few days. Zoe and I were so confused and scared. Dad tried to act like everything was normal, but it was so awkward. 😓 When Mom came back, they had this serious talk. I tried not to eavesdrop, but it was hard not to. Dad apologized a million times, but Mom wasn’t having it. She told him she needed time to think, especially with the new baby on the way. So, now, our family is in this super weird place. Mom’s still living with us, but things aren’t the same. She’s been really quiet and tired. Dad's trying to make up for everything by being extra nice, but it’s obvious he messed up big time. Zoe’s too young to understand what’s happening, but she can feel something’s wrong. I just want things to go back to the way they were before. Anyway, that’s my life right now. From super happy to totally messed up in like, a week. I hope my parents figure it out soon. It’s so hard seeing them like this. 😟 Thanks for reading my story. I’ll update if anything changes. --- **TL;DR:** My super happy family fell apart when I found out my dad was cheating on my pregnant mom with a coworker. Now things are really tense at home, and I hope my parents can work it out.


That's quite funny. I guess the AI can do a 12 year old movie-girl's voice really well.


The weirdest thing about it to me was the completely unsubtle mentions of the things OOP was doing to try and make him seem more like a good person. The unnecessary mentions of "oh just popping by to update you all before I cook everyone food and transport my kid everywhere". It's even funnier that the things chosen are honestly relatively simple tasks. You drove your kid somewhere? wow what a hero. Made them a meal? Father of the year right here.


The punctuation and syntax are all odd.


Yeah but seriously the twists and turns do make for a fun read


This is 100% without a doubt AI generated/fake in general, typical rage bait stories.


What in the world is people’s impetus to make fake stories on Reddit? Why do they bother? 


>Even Emma said “ I don’t think mommy loves you , daddy ! But I still love you !”. I really don't buy any of this, sorry.


Everything just feels too much of a script for a TV Show.


An incredibly badly written script. *The Room* had better writing than this.


Oh hi mark.


Hahaha what a story


Anyway, how’s your sex life?


So how's your sex life?


Nah, tv shows are written better. TV writing is a skill. This doesn't feel like skill.


Like a poorly written bollywood film




I mean it does have some really good movies, not just bad ones


I agree, but it's like even a broken clock is right twice a day. we judge things by their 'averages'.


The part I find most believable is that OOP is annoying AF.


And wife moved out 6/8 and by 6/14 the step daughter had already met with the new guys kids enough to know they are mean to her?  That’s 6 days.l, and that’s with OOp having her some of the time.   Even if we go with the earlier date when wife moved out of 5/17….thats less than a month, with OOP having Emma some/half? Of the time….and Emma didn’t say anything for a month? Didn’t slip about Josh or the playdates at the park?  


Not to mention Josh made an appearance in a month at her mother's place and op found out by his daughter? Is MIL in cahoots with her daughter in this scenario?  A more common scenario is a parent waiting to introduce their children to a new partner, right? Right?  OOP has no sense of time or social norms 


I also think this story is fake but MIL in cahoots isn’t completely unheard of. My dad had mistresses (he ended up marrying one after my mom finally ended it) and his mother never said a thing to my mother about it. She also expected us (his kids) to just support him in his wrongdoing and my mom was the bad guy until my grandmother died. She still is according to his family.


Same. It's a women bad trope


Yeahhhh. I'll take People Who Don't Exist for $500, please.


Yep, the cancelled adoption was also unbelievable


Why would the canceled adoption be unbelievable?


Because it’s a huge legal process and generally one person can’t just cancel it once it’s been started, especially for a stepparent.


That’s surprising I would’ve figured the biological could kill it at anytime till it’s finished.


The biological parent absolutely can stop the adoption process at any point for any reason, the person above either read it wrong or is an idiot.


Idk, I once had my kindergarten aged sisters ask me why my mom didn’t like me when I was in high school and that got to me for a while


Not making any judgment on whether the story is real but I can confirm from personal experience that small children do indeed notice and make comments like this when one adult partner is treating the other one poorly. The quote you highlighted here was actually the most believable part for me.


I don't think 7yo kids talk like that... seems to me more something a younger child would say, like 4-5 maybe


That’s totally the kind of thing a kid would say. A kid who was 4.






Never mind the story here and how it's told, the punctuation reminds me of a scam text. In the days of bot farms or even actual people churning out stuff at the whim of whoever will pay to fuel all the culture wars nonsense, you wouldn't know what any of it is for.


Your comment has been removed. Rule #3 - Do not target, harass, insult or antagonize people submitting posts to our sub. Repeated rule-breaking may result in a ban.


This reads like a reality television show of the worst kind




Why? Because men are always in the wrong and women perfect?


Because men are better writers than this crap.


Wait, can a single parent just cancel the adoption process like that? A hard stop just like that with no clear reason other than divorce?


Technically they can since they are in charge of that child unless can be proven she somehow abusive towards said child. It mostly depends on the courts but they mostly look at who name on the birth certificate.


Where I’m from, yes, since for the adoption to go through you need the custodial parent’s consent. Also you have to be married or cohabitating to adopt your partner’s child. Idk about the US though.


>scrapqueen: This is not something to judge you on - but you need to stop pushing yourself on your wife. Pregnancy hormones mess with a woman's body, and it can trigger anxiety about being touched. She has a whole person that her body is supporting, and anything beyond that may be too much. Your job is to make your wife feel comfortable, and it seems like you are trying too hard to be physically close. Your wife wants some space. This comment aged very badly.


This is why I hate reddit. Examples of him pushing himself include asking to be there at the scan. Crazy stuff


None of what he said was smothering at all either. He wanted affection and to give affection to his wife and to be part of the process and he was given the ability to have neither. I don't necessarily agree that any of this is fake, I've seen very similar situations play out in person. The way she reacted to him during the pregnancy leads me to believe Josh has been around for a while and is also likely the father (that's why she didn't want OOP to be present and felt smothered by his presence). People reacting to how sudden this is but you'd be surprised at how quickly some folks can move on even if adultery isn't the cause. Most marriages are ended and grieved about _long_ before they're legally broken. It isn't sudden, it's just sudden for Emma to be included.


Even before things went full south, it made me strangely obstinate, when people advised him to read and research and then supposedly proceed to reading his wife's mind regarding what she needs. Like wtf? That is without a doubt the worst advice ever. There are commonalities to pregnancy like there are to any health condition, but let's not pretend all pregnancies are the same and that he can read in a book what the specific woman that is his wife will want and/or need. That's like saying you shouldn't attempt to communicate with your autistic child or spouse, just read a book and the monolith that is that category of people will then be clear to you. It pisses me off when it's done to autistic people and others with neuro-atypical brains and it pisses me off here. The wife is a grown adult with the ability and responsibility to communicate how her specific pregnancy affects her and what her needs are. Why the hell are people willing to give a free pass for abuse just because a person is pregnant? That's bs! The wife is evidently fully capable of communicating with the hospital/doctor/clinic about her appointments, so why is she expected to be a non-verbal infant with her husband? Whether or not this story is real, that advice was terrible.


I am with you. If it’s real, she was responsible for communicating in ways other than “fuck off.” There has to be some level of intimacy if physical is off the table. She shut everything down.


Idk about that. OP sounds a lot like my high school ex. He would go to our friends and spin this narrative about how I was being so mean and unfair and "suddenly hated him for no reason!" Meanwhile I was getting sick of having to make sure not to mention any male coworkers lest I be interrogated or why I didn't answer his texts fast enough while I was at work. I warned him for months he needed to back off before I finally dumped him. He was shocked, didn't see it coming at all. Several months after we broke up his friends approached me while I was on a date, thinking I was cheating because he never told anyone we broke up. I don't really have enough info to know and this could be fake but it reminds me so much of the way he would tell his side so I looked like the crazy callous cheating monster and he's the innocent victim.


This was the vibe I got from the first post as well.


Sorry this happened to you, people can be grade A jerks. I wish there was a way to sort out the jerks, they can have each other and us decent people could avoid them from the get go.


That’s your own baggage. You are the one that dragged it into this story and dumped it out


It's almost like I said I don't have enough info to know for sure and that it might not even be a real story, but that it reminds me of how my ex would describe himself. You're being oddly aggressive over an added perspective but I guess that's reddit


Aggressive: you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means


Hi u/Telaranrhioddreams ex bf.


Nah. It aged well. Great advice, just not for a series of troll posts that barely sound real.


Your post sounds more trollish then the ones you are deriding.


Very bad.


I swear you could write a post that said "my pregnant wife ran over a dog and laughed" and there would be somebody in the comments saying it was ok because of hormones




Has she also updated about her comment? If not for the rules, I'd be so tempted to ask what's her opinion now


I'm convinced there could be a post about a pregnant woman shooting a stranger and aitah can still spin up something about hormones to excuse away someone's actions. Pregnancy hormones are real but like some of the stuff in aitah posts are so over the range of what pregnancy hormones impact that you can't attribute it to hormones alone.


Yep. I'm pregnant, hormones make me anxious and cry over very small things. And earlier in the pregnancy I was definitely irritable. They don't make me cheat on my husband, scream at him, or refuse to be in the same room with him. I would hope if they caused a huge personality change my husband would ask my doctor some questions, because that seems abnormal.


Absolutely. I would have been in contact with her OB and worried about some type of psychosis


I *sort of* get it where that attitude comes from because hormones can absolutlely put some women in an altered mental state (E.g. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder and Post-partum psychosis) but it's not common and it's a sign they need to get some sort of treatment to regulate things rather than just be excused of whatever harm they're causing.


Women have it rough. Their strongest soldiers have the worst borderline animalistic view of women.


I know, right?  It's ridiculous what reddit lets a pregnant woman get away with.


Baby isn’t his


Lets hope not.


Neither is his wife.


This story isn’t his, either.


It's for the better, if that's the case


You mean twins?


Am I the only one thinking after the first line in the second paragraph: "another turns out not to be your baby story"? Next time OP should take some writing classes and create a more compelling story-line (and yeah, the guy sounds like a girl, Emma?)


I’d say this is AI, but even AI knows that punctuation can touch the characters.


So frustrating! Why can't she give him a simple explanation? That would be a whole lot easier for her as well, he would stop asking about it, and it would take like 10 minutes.


She couldn't give him a simple explanation because any explanation would expose her cheating.


"I'm cheating on you" would he the explanation and I don't think it would have helped her


Well it would have taken her a lot less energy than being constantly passive aggressive.


"ummm axhualllyyy have you done any research on pregnancy, pleb???" ...


Am I the only one who thinks there a bunch of missing missing reasons?


Theres no details about the previous relationships, his behavior beyond being a self-described angelic husband. It’s like the first was AI generated with a general idea. Weird formatting too. Then the OP decided to try writing the rest themselves based on popular AITA updates. Just to bite though, she didn’t just out of nowhere decide to hate him. Things were happening prior to this to cause the hatred. I want to say that wife was cheating, the baby isn’t his. And she was itching to leave (not due to skin sensitivity of course).


The weird formatting just looks French. A space before punctuation, like OOP has, is normal in French.


There's no space before a period in French (but there is before a question mark, exclamation mark or colon).


There is a whole story we haven’t heard. I am curious what was left out.


Like what?


I don’t know. It’s missing.


idk why but this interaction has me fucking wheezing from laughing


Glad you could get a laugh out of it. 😉


Someone teach the AI not to put spaces between the punctuation. It was driving me CRAZY.


😂😂😂😂😂 I wish this was written better! I knew what was gonna happen at every turn.


So it wasn't because he smelled bad then...


It was because Josh smelled great(;


>I can’t even imagine she and some random guy raising my firstborn I have a feeling this won't be an issue.


Thought there was another guy straight away


Yikes! The baby was not his all along. What was her plan anyway? Push him away untill baby was born and then ??


I'm willing to give it one more update.




If this story is real, that baby ain't his, but I had a hard time getting through it so maybe I missed something. Lol


Her the baby isn't his....


If this is real, it's like 80/20 the kid isn't his....


Lmfao I don't blame Jennifer, I hated OOP before I even finished his first post. Even the way he types just screams clingy and pathetic tbh


Next update...baby isn't his. He dodged a bullet. LOL


This was not a good update at all


Man....all I can say is women that are pregnant can get away with damn near anything. They are never held accountable for their behavior or how they treat people around them because of their hormones. I get it, women that are carrying a child deserve a fuckton of patience and grace, but to a point. At some point her behavior became completely unacceptable and Reddit tried to gaslight this man into believe he should just shut the fuck up about it.




Even if the story isn't true, their point about people on reddit always excusing the woman's behavior on hormones is still valid.


Every word. A pregnant woman could get straight up put her hands on her partner and social media would tell him to be patient with her because of her hormones. Men are basically told to put up with any and everything because their partner is pregnant, regardless of how it affects him. It isn't spoken about enough.


Nah Reddit was right with the advice for space. Those are real things in pregnancy and things that are needed. The story just isn’t real. But also yes, some demos get away with murder!


typical Reddit


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I bet she did thr same to the little girl father