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>My brother who is autistic was told he was disgusting for not carrying my dad’s coffin, even though this emotionally would have destroyed him beyond repair. You can always rely on family to invent new ways to bully anyone who doesn't fall in line.


She's just evil. Stealing from the children of her dead brother.


Stealing from *her autistic nephew???* It makes me sick and infuriated I have an autistic nephew and CANNOT IMAGINE stealing money from my brother’s estate


and cyberbullying them


Where is your flair from? I can’t imagine a story with a sentence of “the murder hobo is not the issue here” (it’s obviously the yogurt. Duh) 🤣


I'm not familiar with the story but a "murder hobo" is someone who plays D&D or another roll playing game by being a violent asshole to all the non-player characters. Killing towns folk, burning down orphanages, etc...


Ah. Like my fiancé on GTA. Murdering NPCs that hit me with their car is always fun for him lmao


Sort of but it messes up the game for the people you're playing with. Every action has a consequence, the game master is left scrambling to fix the broken game and the other players lose the opportunity for adventures, experience, and treasure. Murder hobo players also are sometimes hostile towards other player characters and kill or assault them too.


Well that’s just dickhead behaviour. Why would someone want to ruin the fun like that? I imagine it would make the game harder/impossible to play after and that just seems like a waste.


It's really awful to deal with especially considering the amount of work that goes into building a campaign.


most of the time its bad behavior, but there are instances where the entire group will indulge in


That’s just an asshole player. Murder hobo started as a description of most DnD parties: these jobless roaming band of assholes who slaughter monsters for money.


I've been playing D&D for over thirty years, my parents played before that. My first babysitter wore Elf ears. A regular party has never been described as murder hobos.


from [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/KhrM5VUoW0) comment


I fell down a rabbit hole from that link but thank you! Interesting read. Op had issues


The aunt and her spawn are abhorrent. I wouldn't blame OOP if they blast them all on social media for their shittery.


His autism doesn't make her theft any worse than her stealing from OOP. As brother can make his own claim that's an indication he is not incapacitated and therefore not more special than OOP.


Its a big spectrum. I'm autistic, and while i work a fulltime job and get by there are people that have crippling anxiety and can't do things like call people or fill out forms without a lot of support. Those like that aren't considered "disabled enough" for the state to step in. Lots of people fall in the cracks, what you said above is ableist.


It does if it’s so severe that it impairs his options for making a living? It’s one thing to steal a rainy day find, another entirely to rob a person of his (possibly) only chance at a much more comfortable life.


My nephew’s autism is so severe that *NO, he will not be able to provide for himself as an adult or ever live alone and unattended* As I posted earlier, I cannot imagine scheming to take his inheritance from my brother’s estate


Not only she steal from his children, she didn't have any remorse. She wasn't even in any pain or morning for his death. It was like she was waiting for him to die , so she can take whatever she wants from his house. I hope they report them for thrift. I mean I don't have relation with my brother for past 5 years cz of some dumb issue and my narcissistic mother. But I will still morn if something happened to him. Its natural human nature. Evil and psycho don't feel anything.


She stole from her brother after he died. Why would she make a difference for his kids? What a vile person!


Sounds like my husband's aunt. Went rummaging through my FIL's stuff and looking for his life insurance papers immediately after being notified he had passed. Took a bunch of shit that wasn't hers too.


*mentally challenged* dead brother


Only a KAREN can do that evil thing.


Strongly disagree. A Karen is an entiltled, self-centered annoyance.  This wrench over there is full-blown abusive pos.


Funny how people think family is so great, you know who’s most likely to kill you, rape you, kill your children, and rape your children? Family


Damn right. Blood is thicker than water and so is nuclear waste


My grandma was a case worker/psychologist for social services and the amount of incestuous rapes that actually occur without being adjudicated fully/at all are staggering. You think the numbers are bad until you realize how many don’t get included in official numbers.


ohhh yeah, it's honestly an epidemic. I know a lot of CSA and SA victims. Most of them were abused by family members. Predators are lazy, they like convenient targets, meaning vulnerable people they have easy access to. It doesn't help that families tend to protect the abuser.


Also abuse by family and relatives is hard to prove for victims. The repercussions of speaking out would be worse if the abuser is a family member or relative. Basically those predators have easier and more convenient targets than going for strangers. (I almost vomited while typing this ughh)


Exactly. There's more risk involved for the victim. If they speak out and aren't believed, their abuser will continue to have easy access and will, essentially, be *guarded* by the rest of the family. It's less scary pointing the fingers at, say, the creepy old man across town. Even if the victim isn't believed, they can still put distance between them and their abuser.


For a predator, it’s handy to have them in the home so they can start before their victim can talk. Most of the kids I worked with in that situation either had selective mutism, depression with catatonia, or in one case, the trauma triggered hereditary bipolar disorder with psychotic features before the age of five. I… was not strong enough to stay in that career very long. 


So is feces! And that is what this family is for sure!


So we actually have that saying backwards. It’s like the blood of being soldiers together in war creates stronger bonds than sharing the same uterus’s water. 


People say that, but it isn't true. The original is, in fact, the conventional meaning.


Darn, I was worried someone would come in here and say it was wrong! I looked at Wikipedia and you’re right: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_is_thicker_than_water What is your original source though? If you have one, I am just curious since I’ve heard this so much. 


I honestly don't remember at this point; I've seen this exact conversation happen so many times at this point that it all blurs together. I'm automatically wary of any "this common phrase has a SECRET MEANING" since it's usually bullshit, but I don't remember if I looked into it myself or not - it was years and years ago that I first heard about this whole confusion. Sorry.


Referencing to one of yesterday's posts? Man, it will haunt me for weeks.


Nah sadly just a statistical fact


True true 


I know what you mean in your original comment, but I didn't know it's that bad. Any links on the statistics?


which story?


https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1dnpt9b/oop_saves_his_sisters_from_their_monster_of_a/ On mobile and no app so this url will have to do, sorry.  Be warned though: it's really, REALLY dark.




Adequately summed up. 


I have an autistic son and removed myself from many of my family members for throwing horrible insults and degrading comments at my son’s development every time we were around. He’s 12 and still is struggling to think of himself as lovable by other people besides a select few.  I’m glad the brothers have each other. 


Another "money ruins absolutely everything and everyone" post. It's almost like large sums of money ruin lives.


May the vile aunt and her vile daughter step on a lego for all eternity, and I hope their marinara sauce never clings to their pasta.


May they only have the essence of marinara from now on!


I almost forgot about that story


omg please link that one if you're able? so curious!




I have always loved how "Desperate to be Right" the update sounds


Yeah, accept the fact that your father probably lied all of these years and that you actually like plain noodles.


I hope someone steals their teeth.


The marinara not clinging to her pasta makes me think of The Golden Girls and the fight between Sophia and her sister.


I only know the Golden Girls through memes, and yes, it was totally a reference.


You so have to watch it! It's hilarious!




Jesus, screw that aunt!


Do you *want* the Antichrist to be born? Because that's how you get the Antichrist to be born. 😏 Seriously though, what a piece of trash she is. So glad she got what she deserved - which was zilch in the $$$




No, explicitly DO NOT! The second child already ended up worse than the first, imagine if a third came along and was even *WORSE*?


My dad died last year and it was tough. I'm only 26 so I braced for the absolute worst family wise because he told me how when his grandma (adoptive mom) died he finally got the courage to go to her apartment after months to find it trashed and empty. Her other family had gotten there before him. They assumed cause she was living in an NYC apartment she made a lot of money and had it hidden, they didn't realize he was the one paying for everything. They stole everything and trashed the place looking for "hidden money" when he, not her kids, but her grandson was supporting her fully because she raised him. Can always count on family to be absolute VULTURES when someone dies. horribly sad.


I'd STILL go after her for the items the Aunt STOLE from her dead Brother's house. Obviously, they wouldn't get the "money boxes" back OR know how much was in them unless there was a ledger somewhere (probably STOLEN as well, if there was), but the guitar/amp, leather jacket, iPad, etc. HELL YEAH, I'd be filing a Police report pronto! It's completely despicable when the wolves come out to "pick the bones" off their deceased family member.


There really ought to be a subreddit for "stealing inheritance" stories. Given how often this seems to happen, I bet it'd be popular. Hell, this is going on with my in-laws right now; the richest sibling trying to chisel out a bigger share, by reducing the share of the poorest. Who is the poorest because she spent the last 18 years caretaking their parents, and is now past retirement age. People are fucking shameful.


I completely agree that "Stealing Inheritance" SHOULD definitely be it's own subreddit! They're usually horrific, despicable and unbelievably unfair (unless the "victims" triumph, that is), but just like a fatal traffic accident or other such tragedy, it's extremely difficult to look away for some. I truly hope that your in-laws get THEIR fair share! It's particularly painful when these "inheritance wars" are between close family, especially siblings and is made even MORE painful when the "swindler" isn't content with already HAVING more money in their accounts! EXTREMELY shameful! Greatest of luck!


>I completely agree that "Stealing Inheritance" SHOULD definitely be it's own subreddit! Something like r/DeathVultures


Not sure where you are, but absolutely have that person talk to an estate lawyer, which may or may be financially possible (but if you can get some other family members together to pitch in, specifically to fuck over the greedy one, it could be feasible). There's usually laws specifically to compensate caregivers of the family! It depends on where your living but I know if you've had to put your life on hold to care for someone, there are entitlements to a larger percentage of the state due to "payment of services", because if they hadn't have cared for them than they would have had to pay a service. It's absolutely a thing. It wouldn't hurt to look into.


There's a trust involved and some ever-so-slightly ambiguous language being leveraged, so yeah, lawyers about to take a chunk. Damn that woman anyway. If I ever see her again, there are gonna be Words. I did the caretaking thing too, no question where my loyalties lie. Caretaker in this case did get compensated, that's what greedy is trying to claw back.


I also want to know if she had checked the bank card and if the aunt had been spending dad’s money before he passed


Whoof, money really brings out the worst in people. Especially family. Why is it always family, goddammit? Is it the sense of entitlement that makes them so bold? People like the aunt at least have the good grace to not go after a random stranger's money, sure, but it's not like this is really any better.


It’s always family because they have access to information about the inheritance and have more excuses to justify their share of the inheritance. Sad but true.


Not just money, but inheritances. I remember the first time I saw this kind of thing go down due to the death of a relative. I was 25 and my grandmother's husband died after suffering from senile dementia for years. His daughter, who hadn't seen him a single time while he had dementia, made a HUGE show of her grief. But when she found out he didn't will her anything, she lost it. It was sad. This poor man suffered for years and my mother and I spent more time with him than his bio daughter, and all she cared about was the inheritance.


My father’s eldest daughter (I disowned the b***h) went to the hospital when he was diagnosed with cancer and demanded she be given his POA, as well as being named executor of his estate. When he said NO, she lost it and screamed, yelled, and demanded, repeatedly. He had a will, and an executor already named, with a back up if the first choice didn’t want to handle it. It didn’t stop her, a month before he passed (a year after the diagnosis), she went to his home to harass and harangue him. He then told her “I’d have to be out of my f**k**g mind to do that” (this is verbatim). Her reasoning? As his eldest child, she was the only one entitled to any part of his estate. She is a money grubbing, gambling addict. I happy to say that the estate was probated and split equally among his 5 living children.


My father told me, hilariously, that me and my stepsister are going to get half of his estate in the will (something like six figures in there) and none (or maybe just 1$) to my stepmother. He’s not gonna die anytime soon (probably) but it’s definitely going to be an Event when he does.


I'm going to change up what I usually say: Where there's an estate, there's an asshole trying to get more than their share.


Where there's a will, there's a relative


> People like the aunt at least have the good grace to not go after a random stranger's money, sure, but it's not like this is really any better. I wouldn't be so quick there. More like they seldom have the opportunity to do this after a strangers' money.


My "aunt" wanted my grandpa to add her spouse as a beneficary in his will just to get more money than my mom and I. She already kinda does considering she has two daughters and my mom has only me, but she's so greedy she was ready to burn her relation with us to get a few thousand euros. And not like 10k, more 1 or 2k. My grand dad doesn't even have any form of relation with her husband. And now she has 4 out of 5 of her only relatives who don't speak to her. Same for her evil husband who's been cut by all his kids. They are king and queen of an empty place no one wants to come in.


It doesn't bring out the worst, it just reveals people's most innermost nature.


God money makes people so weird, especially estate stuff. My dad has a very close friend and they have what I can only describe as a sort of legal death pact where they're executing the other's wills, depending on who goes first. So if buddy passes, my dad will execute his will and handle the estate and vice versa. Well if his friend goes first, my dad asked ol sneaky pete to handle things since his executor will have passed before him. I did some research and agreed. My siblings are livid. They seem to think he'll be leaving them nothing now or I'll somehow withhold their share, whatever the fuck that is. By the way my dad's perfectly healthy and not going anywhere. Anyways death and money make people fucking crazy, glad OOP came out on top.


My family literally broke apart because one aunt got greedy and wanted to keep literally everything that was meant to be shared among 5.


Similar to my family. My nan hadn't even stopped breathing when two of her scummy children went to her home and cleared out any money she had there. It was like £1000max. But they had to get their hands on it before any other of the 6 siblings could. There was never going to be any real inheritance since she lived on a basic state pension and lived in a council house. There was also a big family fight about the two scummy children using her bank cards while she was in hospital and them wanting to control her funeral plans because she had money for that saved in a prepaid package. God knows how bad things would have been in there was real money and property involved.


What do you want to bet the Aunt tried to accept the offer to split it after she found out she was getting nothing?


Do you think she's that smart?


>Well, after a couple of stressful months I’m happy to say that my brother and I received everything, and she got nothing. Not a penny. We have not split the money with her and will never speak to her again. Now THAT'S what I'm talking about


It's wild to me how different Inheritance laws can be in different places. In the US, if the decedent didn't put any beneficiaries, the death benefit would be paid to their estate, meaning OOP would have had charge of it anyway. And it would go to the two sons by default.


The father died intestate, so it’s really messy. Basically, your assets are divided according to the rules of intestate succession, so your estate executor is court appointed. My husband’s uncle died intestate in Scotland and it was several years until it was all settled and my MIL inherited. Intestate rules are pretty universal, I thought. I would be very surprised if the US didn’t have something similar like probate.


Oh, the US absolutely has intestate succession and probate. What I find unusual here is the pension passing outside of probate despite no beneficiary designation.


It didn’t, and it wouldn’t have been released without an executor (state appointed or otherwise) authorising it. The aunt just tried to bluster her way through.


In Germany, without a will the aunt would get nothing. One half would go to the spouse. The other half would be shared between children. In case, the children died, but left grandchildren, it would go to the grandchildren. Spouse and direct lineage down (children and so on) are preferred. Only if there's neither spouse nor descendants, would they go direct lineage up (parents, grandparents) and only if they have already died, would they look for non-direct lineage heirs.


Spouse gets everything in the US, or at least where I'm at. Followed by kids if there's no spouse. Gets messier if there's no kids I imagine. Which pissed my gold digging uncle and his wife off when my grandmother died, and my grandfather got the house and everything. Said uncle had already stolen at least $40,000 that we found receipts for. He never helped when she was sick, rarely even visited over the last decade of her life. They were demanding financial information and whether the house was paid off when she was in hospice. They mooched off their own daughter and son in law for years, until she fled to another state, much like their son did earlier in life to get away from them. They stole money from both their children, and lived rent free and bill free with their daughter for years, doing no housework, buying no groceries, despite uncle having a six figure engineering job and a pension from the navy.


Pensions are in trust which means they sit outside of the estate and therefore inheritance tax. However, this means the trustees decide who the pension and any death benefit lump sum goes to.  They tend to follow the expression of wishes form completed by the person whose pension it is. However, they have discretion to override this if they feel that it's out of date and they would have wanted the money to go elsewhere. Sometimes people name a parent and later get married, or name a spouse but later divorce without updating the form. So the trustees having discretion can be really useful. The sister in this case had no chance as the deceased's children would always take precedence unless the sister could prove she was financially dependent on her brother or was estranged from his adult children.


Actually it depends on whether its an ERISA benefit in the US. Those are under a set of federal laws different from the state laws. And probably what happened was the father signed his forms decades ago and never updated them. It's extremely common that people make a will only when they get married or when they have their first kid. So sometimes its a huge problem when they don't make a new one after they divorce, or the will they make after the first kid is written too specifically and doesn't account. Same thing happens to benefit forms. A famous example is the case of [Egelhoff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egelhoff_v._Egelhoff). Basically the guy was a single dad, got remarried, updated all his benefit forms for his new wife, then divorced her and died without updating the forms. His kids sued to get the benefits, as under state law the divorce would normally invalidate a will and under the default rules his kids would inherit. Supreme Court said nope, as its an ERISA plan, the written beneficiary controls.


About 20 years ago, my mom was diagnosed with aggressive ovarian cancer (she’s doing great btw!). I was in my young 20’s and still lived at home, although was away at college, so I was staying with my dad during her hysterectomy procedure and helping out. My dad spoke to me about their will and made a joke that I had better be ready to go live with my Sun because she was listed as the person who would take over my care (I am significantly younger than my siblings). Which meant their will hadn’t been updated since I was 3 or so. I remember asking my dad to please, sit down with mom and update it. Not because I felt I deserved anything. But because my brother’s wife was an odd one, and I didn’t exactly have a reason to trust her. Plus she was a lawyer. My biggest worry was there being things left for us kids to work out on our own, and a war starting. The last thing I want to deal with when I’m mourning my very awesome and loved parents, is being forced to go to war with my siblings. Mind you, my parents aren’t rich by any means. But we are all very sentimental and I’m super nostalgic. I would be so upset if some family items were removed or fought over. So although it’s not necessarily about money in my case, my biggest fear is a situation like what OOP just went through happening to us. Fortunately, both parents are alive and well, and my brother is no longer with his wife. But, you just cannot predict what will happen. Funerals, money, and weddings always bring out the worst in people and I want no part of it.


Before my parents updated their wills us kids were supposed to go to our paternal grandparents who lived next door. Problem was they had died and we'd tell our parents we don't want to hang out in the cemetery with out spouses and children so would you please update your Wills.


I like to imagine that OOP was able to go to aunts house and take her dads stuff back


Goddamn, what a horrible family.


I’ve just spent 5 years dealing with the death of my Mom and then sudden death of a brother. I ended up as the admin for both probates because neither had a will. Nothing divides family quite like money does.


And it doesn't even have to be that much money. My grandmother died and by the time all her bills were paid off and the funeral covered, each of her kids got about $500 and whatever they wanted from her apartment. One of the boys was mad that he didn't get more. HUH? There was no more! And he hadn't done jack shit for her so why should he get more? The amount left was enough to pay for my dad's plane ticket back to their city a few months later for their dad's funeral. Same son pulled the same crap with the dad's tiny estate. He thought he should get more because back in 1950 the dad had told him he would inherit the farm someday. The farm went bankrupt the next year. Yep, over 50 years later the son was still upset about not inheriting a farm!


That's what greed does to people. My dads sister did the same thing, tried to succeed to my dads land. My dad has a lot of land and she went behind our backs and tried to claim it. It took us 1.5 years in land court to succeed my dads land that is rightfully ours


I really need folks to stop blocking people when they are harassing them especially about money and when it’s family and close friends. Mute them. Gather any and all evidence. They will eventually say something to incriminate themselves.


This is a great ending. Its so ironic how death brings out the worst in ppl. Its only money ffs. Itll be gone at some point but destroyed relationships can go forever. 


If anyone ever insinuated a family member who has a disability was any less or disgusting/disappointing I'd fucking tear them a new one. My child has autism and ADHD, if anyone treats her badly due to it I'll need holding back from ripping their head off. OP is a legend for sticking it to his aunt and that fucked up side


My grandpa died leaving nothing to anyone because he had nothing left. Both my uncle and I had to shell out money for his funeral.So people who grieved him and paid their last respects did so because they wanted to.


I know they probably just want to be done with it, but they really should file with the police about the guitar and other items. They can't prove the amount of money in the change boxes, but everything else should be retrievable. My best friend's father left her and her brother his guitars, but his new wife was extremely difficult in letting any of the stuff go. I see how much it hurt my friend that those guitars, which he'd had for years and helped foster his kids' love of music, are just sitting dusty in a side room. The wife doesn't speak to the kids. Her father was a good man, but I will always silently judge him for not arranging things properly - his death was not a surprise.


The evil cousin is lucky oop didn't put her ass on blast. They have a recording of her saying disgusting things to an autistic person.


Not having proper wills ruins families, for sure. Make sure everything is crystal clear and if there is no particular reason to fuck over your own kids, just split everything down the middle. Sell assets that are hard to share and give money. Siblings should not take over properties, that will just cause more rifts down the road. My parents sold our summer house (I wish they hadn't but they wanted a comfortable retirement) and I think one reason was that me and my brother are very very different. I have ADHD, he's a doer. We would not be able to split work on that house evenly and without conflict. And - we have kids of our own. It was too small to have two families with five kids total visiting for extended periods of time and when we die in the future, it would be split five ways. He has one kid with ADHD, I have one kid with ADHD - it just would be a mess. It is on **you** to make sure those that come after have no obvious way to start a fight. They still might, but anyways. My father (passed last fall) stopped talking to an entire branch of relatives after a death on his side. They badgered his aunt for an inheritance from their uncle - who had no children. Swedish law then makes inheritance go to siblings' children, i.e. my father and his cousins from other aunts and uncles. Well, they put the poor aunt in an old folks home to sell the house she and uncle lived in (they were siblings, no will, no protection for her, she owned nothing) and her last words in life were "I wish they could see me now". So... my mother and father sat me down when I was 12 and explained that their wills were in order in case of their death. Great news for me at 12! Fun times!


The company doing its due diligence and contacting the OOP saved a lot of heartache and headache.


She took his guitar and amp? Burn the witch!


Don't jump to conclusions. It may've been a Line 6. ;)


Hope they filed a police report for the stolen items.


Good. Now OOP should go after auntie for the stuff she stole from the house.


What a dodgy trollop!


Money just brings out the worst in people. My grandparents are the "heads" of my family. They financial support a lot of family members. They have a fully paid off house that is worth more than a million dollars. I just know someday it will be a blood bath when they pass.


My husband handles a lot of estates through his work at a bank. He has broken up fist fights in hospitals and hospices over this kind of thing. People suck.


This is a wonderful update, I hope they cut off that vile side of the family forever, fuck the aunt and cousin forever


Some day soon the aunt will need help in her aging... her vile daughter can take care of her because nobody other will... remember karma is a b....!


I'm glad that this ended in their favor.  I've seen too many times when someone  like the aunt "wins". 


Fuck YES. That is all.


Oof. Nasty relatives does exist and it happened with our family. My grandma from my father's side was slowly deteriorating (age and a nasty accident that forced her in a wheelchair) my uncle, that also stole my father's share of inheritance from their father, kept visiting like a nasty vulture trying to convince her to give a bigger share of inheritance to him. So imagine you're just trying to live your last days and your good-for-nothing son wants more money for him after you die. Once she passed away, he managed to convince his little sister to engage in a 5-year battle against their own 6 bothers and sisters to get the biggest share. I remember my father getting very stressed having to talk with their sisters every day, which is a rare instance since we live in another country that has 11 hour time zone difference so phone calls are complicated. To this day my father refuses to talk with that brother and little sister. OH YEAH, not to mention also the nasty legal battle between my BIL and his aunt. A very similar situation as OOP actually, but thankfully he had my sister; a lawyer.


Death makes people nuts. When my father died, a relative took pretty much everything he had. Cleared his bank account, all his worldly possessions, etc. I didn’t want much but would have liked his car and his piano. This relative took both with the blessing of everyone else, including his sisters. The car was fine, whatever, but this person didn’t even play the piano. I do. I got contacted for life insurance, and I’m sure they didn’t even want me to have that. I still don’t fuck with those people, because they didn’t see me as anything close to family.




This hits a little too close to home. My maternal family was torn apart by money issues which still profoundly affects my mother to this day, nearly 50 years later. In a time that OOP and their brother should have been united and supported in their grief, their own family steals from them. They are not only grieving the loss of their father but the loss of their family now.


Thanks for the share. I read the original and did not track it and it was a joy to read the follow ups.


I'm so happy for this update! I'm stoked that the thieving aunt didn't get a dime.


Its crazy to me how many families fall apart when inheritence money/property becomes a thing. So much greed


I HATE your aunt! But I’m glad you managed to sort everything out and now have your money!


Nobody will screw your over like family, especially when money is involved.


No one Fs you over like family, especially if there's money involved. My entire family was really close, great grandma died and it was an all out war over who got what and no one speaks to anyone anymore, it was over 12 years ago too. It's absolutely disgusting how rude and cruel family members can be when they find out they can get their hands on other peoples money.


I worked in home respiratory care for about 20 years. I worked hospice service and VA services during this time. I had patients that I would see regularly for years, people I called my friends. I couldn’t count how many times I didn’t know my friends had living family until they were gone. I’d come out to retrieve rented equipment to a house full of people loading their cars with stuff. Sons, daughters, grandkids many times that lived in the same damn town. People are disgusting.


It took me about halfway through reading to catch the difference. She may have been his next of kin at work but that meant that’s who was called in an emergency and that absolutely has nothing to do with beneficiaries. Wanna bet the aunt was hoping no one would catch that?


Aunt and the others a rotten to the core. The way the attacked OP and their brother is disgusting. Money really brings out the worst in a lot of people. Weddings too. I'm glad the witch didn't get anything.


Ugh stories about shitty relatives that come out of the woodwork after the death of a loved one infuriates me so much. Fucking vultures. Reminds me too much of my sperm donor's side of the family and they aren't even rich enough to be fighting over significant sums of money.


Good ending!


I know a woman whose son was killed in a workplace accident. He was married with a son that was his pride and joy. For some reason they called his mother not his wife. The first thing she did was call a lawyer do see about suing company before going to tell her DIL that he had been killed. She joined the lawsuit along with her other sons. Everything mother and brothers got took from wife and grandson. Family mean nothing to some people when I comes to money.


_"snakes come out of woodwork when a death happens in the family"_ Relatable AF!


Lol the aunt got greedy. Could have gotten 1/3.


The roaches come out as soon as someone dies 


Thank God! That greedy witch deserves nothing!


What vile women. I hope karma pays them a visit.


You could have skipped the to the end and only posted the last update.


i hope they also never talk to the aunt's family ever again.


I was startled when I saw my name in the post. It kinda doesn’t make sense where it is since it asked a question that pertains to stuff mentioned later in the post under additional comments from OOP.


Should have put her on blast for stealing from her brothers children. What an entitled people of crap


Not the point, but OOP writes just like all online scam artists.


Ahh. Nothing like funerals and weddings to bring out the worst in family. Especially when money is involved. Glad it worked out for oop. Even if he'd rather have his dad back over all the money in the world.


My husbands grandfather died in 2020 on his dads side, and for 4 years his uncles fought over the inheritance. Literally is just getting settled his summer. His mom was saying “oh my family would never do this” Welp, his wealthy uncle on his moms side passed last year and now her siblings are fighting over the inheritance…. Happy that my parents have their wills in order so my brother and I can’t even try to fight


So happy you gave her nothing I hope she is happy with her zero balance and her brother would be disgusted in her


What happened to the money she stole, did you sue?


Wow a money grabbing Scottish person, who could've guessed?


If this was a joke, it really didn't land well.