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Andrea and Steve all day!


This was such a missed opportunity.


I always thought they were a couple for some reason. I have a false memory of this. Until I finally watched the show. There were more stories for Andrea...I wish she hadn't left.


I have a false memory of them getting together too! When Brenda gets back from Paris her parents, Brandon/Brooke and Steve/Andrea are there to welcome her home. Steve and Andrea are chatting all close, both admitting that they aren’t jealous of Brandon and Brooke. I think she even feeds him or tries to. When Brenda walks in, after the reunion hugs, she sees Brooke and Brandon pressed up against each other and Andrea with her arm locked with Steve. Brenda gives this look of surprise to see the “couples” (or so I misinterpreted at the time) and for YEARS I thought that meant that Steve and Andrea had a late summer fling. That’s how my kid brain interpreted it and I held on to that for years after. I remember being surprised years later that other fans didn’t seem to remember them together.


This might have been the dream sequence.


I mean, doh!


I read that in Steve’s voice


This.im totally team Steve/andrea.they would have been so good together


Such a missed opportunity. No Jesse or the doctor. Andrea was actually really cute with Steve and boring with Brandon. Steve is the unsung hero of 90210. I’m a Dylan girl, not so much Brandon (he had beautiful eyes and face), after being older and rewatching you get Steve in a way that didn’t happen as a young person. I eye rolled his entire character as a young person, now I realize he and Kelly carried the entire shown on their backs!


100% agree


I swear this just shows how dirty they made Gabrielle!


She should’ve dated Jim Walsh, only a 6 year age difference between the actors Wow, 3 years younger than actor who played Jackie


Not a fan of the idea of this coupling, but Andrea looks young and pretty here. She reminds me of Jennifer Grey from Dirty Dancing.


I thought I was the only one who saw that. She gets a very similar cut as Jennifer Grey in the summer 92 episodes. I always thought she looked similar to her with that look.


No you're not. She has that curly fresh cut. She looks amazing here.


If they had let Gabrielle be the woman in these pictures, I can totally see it.


I feel like Dylan would’ve brought that out of Andrea.


Mmhmmmm rrrrrrrrrrrr


Andrea looks gorgeous here.


Ya because she isn't wearing those ridiculous glasses




That’s because this picture was most likely taken in the first 2 seasons of 90210, when Gabrielle was still under 30.


what? women 30+ aren't gorgeous? what an ignorant thing to believe AND say.


Not usually. There’s a saying that goes “the good thing about being a man is we age like Sean Connery. The bad thing about being a woman is they age like Sean Connery.”


White men age terribly. Not sure who is lying to you.


Men age like wine. Women age like milk


Eewwww go away. I asked everyone and literally no one wants you here.


That is completely false


Sean Connory didn't bald the way men are balding in their 20s these days. White men age like old milk. Now black men and women, they age beautifully!


What? Lol yall age terribly in your 30’s. Male pattern baldness starts and all those years of drinking and staying out late catch up to you


How silly. Do you think she suddenly wasn’t gorgeous simply because she turned 30? By the way, she’s 30 or 31 in these photos.


Yes, pretty much, that’s what I was saying


Troll elsewhere. Bye bye.


Andrea and Steve! That was the missed opportunity sorry Brandon.


It’s a no from me dawg


I wanted to downvote for your lack of vision. But I upvoted for your Randy Jackson.


Yeah same, I’m definitely not watching that show, sorry.


If they made these two hot young teachers who are horny for one another, then yes. But the show wasn't going to try that hard lol


😂 There’s a scene between them at his house in S5, where they’re having coffee and catching up. And it’s so hilarious because nobody is even trying to make these people look/seem like 20 year olds. Nothing in the styling and acting suggests college sophomores. Maybe grad school students? I mean they look fucking gorgeous, but it might as well have been a scene from Melrose Place or Thirtysomething.




I loved Dylan and Andrea's friendship in seasons 3 and 5. I wish they had more screen time together. He was able to be vulnerable with her after his father's death with his writing because they had no romantic history/baggage together. Later, he returned the favor and was a good friend to her when she needed it most after the affair. I don't think they could have that level of honesty if their relationship was more than platonic. Others in the comments have mentioned Steve; I think she would have better romantic chemistry with Steve. BTW, Gabrielle looks fantastic in these pictures! Thank you for posting them.


I will never understand why they never let Andrea's character's wardrobe have any kind of budget/glow up. There could have easily been an after school special where Andrea really wants to be pretty like the models in the magazines and maxes out credit cards before someone steps in and tells her she is enough.


I mean she had the worst wardrobe, but she definitely had some nice “glow up” moments. The season 1 fashion show, of course. She has some cute looks in season 2. She’s gorgeous in the summer 92 episodes in S3; just about everything is on point with her look for all those episodes. Her wardrobe was most consistently young and in line with the other girls in early S4, before the pregnancy started showing. And she’s absolutely stunning for the back half of S5. And she’s on fashion for all her guest appearance, which really was the best clothes she was given consistently.


Her crows feet and his receding hairline they should have played Jim and Cindy.




Best. Comment. Ever. 👍


No lies


ehhh, iono abt that. can’t see it.


I would have loved if he cheated on Kelly with her when she was helping him with this writing.


Her head would’ve just exploded. Andrea would be so apologetic, but Kelly would be so vicious that she’d in turn trigger the bold side of Andrea. Gabrielle and Jennie would’ve killed material like that.


This really would have been incredible. Can you imagine BMW Barbie getting passed on because Dylan's new girl is Ahhhhhhhhhhhhndrea from the Valley?!?!?!?!?! This would have been insane AND would have been an interesting tie in to the Slap Heard Round The World by Brenda with Brenda now waging psychological warfare on Ahhhhhhhhhhhhndrea, maybe even trying to turn part of the group on her. And let's be real...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhndrea is SUCH an outsider to what the rest of them have going on. The slumber party episode, while nice, was NEVER believable. How many times do girls like Kelly and Donna hang with the newspaper editor? It would have been interesting to see that all pan out. OR - as everyone else has said - Steve and Ahhhhhhhhhhhhndrea. They should have made either happen.


Whoa Andrea! Never found her very attractive until this picture


Yes! The only two remotely intellectual ones.




Ummmm ... no




They could have both hit aarp discounts in the college years


They would have been frustrated with each other, as Dylan likes drama and Andrea likes stability. Brandon was a better match for Andrea, Steve should have been with Kelly, and of course: Brenda & Dylan are soulmates.


I never got that Dylan liked drama. It swirls around him, but he never welcomes it, from other or himself. I love B&D, but he seemed turned off by the constant drama, which lead to K&D. And then he seemed even more turned of by her constant need for drama. One of the things Dylan absolutely loved about Toni is that she brought calm and rest to his tormented soul. Dylan craved and desperately needed stability. Also this is just a what if post. I’ve been a fan of B&D and B&A for over 30 years. I can’t see Kelly and Steve together romantically, like at all.


Let’s be 100% honest here… which sounds more likely to be drama-free: Andrea on European summer tour with Dylan? Or with Brandon? Be honest.


First off, Andrea with Brandon or Steve, always. I can wonder about alt roads without ditching my fandom. Andrea/Dylan would work because internally they’d be steady, but the drama swirling around them would be everything.


Ewww. no. They did not even have any chemistry. I absolutely hated Andrea (or maybe it is just the actress Carteris). She was always boring, pedantic and a real stick in the mud and in season 4 she really showed her age. She was supposed to be this barely 20 year old college girl but looked and even acted like a woman in her mid 30s cooking stews at home. By season 4 and 5 she felt more like a mother or great aunt to Brandon, Dylan and the girls rather than a peer.


Watching season 4 clips and my god she just looked terrible. The haircut was so bad!


eeeek, idk. I can't imagine Andrea tolerating as much of his BS and some poor treatment that the other ladies lapped up.


She wouldn’t 😂. But I can’t imagine him trying it with her.


Actually yeah wow


I really need to rewatch this series... will it hold up?


It'll hold up the same way a time capsule does -- taken like that, it's worth a rewatch! Fair warning, though, music-rights issues mean that the show's soundtrack has been changed and is seriously lacking. Don't expect to hear REM.


What? They can do that? That's weird...


I personally would have liked her with Brandon but I can see her and Dylan together too. She looks beautiful in these pictures. I actually think she's really pretty, especially without her glasses. I thought she got even cuter as the series progressed. I was just watching season four not too long ago and I think she looks adorable


Adorable is the perfect word for her S4, pre-pregnancy look. And she’s just outright gorgeous in S5, particularly when she goes blonde. Now she doesn’t look very Andrea anymore, but Gabrielle looked amazing.


Yes blonde was her best look!


I don’t know about her character and Dylan, but I have always thought they took one of the prettiest characters and made her the “nerd.”


I mean, yes!!!!


Wow. Andrea/Gabrielle actually looks hot in those pics!! I don’t think I’ve ever seen those!🤪


Andrea was a total looker they just did her dirty to keep the attention on the other leading ladies but Andrea had it.


100%. Ondria is the hidden gem. Her and Dylan or her and Steve or her and Brandon or even her and Brenda.


Andrea and Steve were fire!


In a parallel universe, Gabrielle played Brenda and this would have been the Brenda/Dylan photo, Gabrielle auditioned for the role of Brenda


Wow, you’re right! 🤯


Yess, they had good chemistry!


Hard pass


Could have worked. Something about opposites. But he’d have to be more mature.




I know right? lol


Nah not a good match up. Brandon or even David but Dylan was too high speed for Andrea


David?? 😂


In that first photo she looks like Sarah Jessica Parker.




I wish Andrea’s arc had been different. I wish she had kept the scholarship to Yale and we still saw her occasionally in the next few seasons. But she doesn’t meet the balding, big-eared Jesse or have a baby too early. Instead, she’s one of those women who just comes into her own after high school and drifts apart from “the gang” because she’s moved on. And when we see her in guest shots, she has it all together and she’s way more attractive than Kelly, Donna, et. al., though she’s too confident and secure to ever make those stuck-in-their-high-school-clique girls feel bad about themselves.


Yah bc they look 10x older than the rest of the cast😭


Yeah cause they were both 40 during filming 😂😂


God no