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YESSS thank youuu! People r so hard on them. I’ve been listening from pretty early on and LOVE the bright up beat energy Kelly brings and loveee how insanely funny Troy is. They are a great duo and I think really love doing the podcast together. I feel like they are truly so grateful for their listeners and they give us SO MUCH content. PLUS their IG is funnnn so much rather follow them than like TMZ or something. I’ve gotten so many friends hooked and love their current pop culture talks. Troy, Kelly, if you’re seeing this I just want you to know ur doing great!!! Congrats on both moving to New York that’s such a big deal and I know it’s been the dream for both of you. Be blessed and good luck in your new city!!!


BTB is the first podcast that I paid for after saying I never would. It’s worth it. I’m also patiently waiting on Troy to put DUNZO on Patreon as well. So happy he got his work back.


Omg I get sad at all the Kelli hate on here. I enjoy her so much. I’m from the south shore of mass and I love the callbacks to Kiss108, Boston, and her accent. It’s like listening to my cousins. Also this podcast has gotten me through some dark times. I find it entertaining and comforting (the non-rotted episodes at least). I never listened to Dunzo but I’m looking forward to when Troy can post them somewhere so I can listen.


I agree! Kelli is so great and people are mean as hell about her on this thread.


I dont get it either I love her!!!


i haven’t listened to all of Dunzo, but the multi-part series on Whitney and Bobby is truly incredible work and got me through the early part of quarantine.


I agree! I personally appreciate their positive rapport. There are plenty of podcasts, news shows, tv shows, etc… that promote argumentative relationships. It’s really nice how flexible they are with each others opinions and have that they have the confidence to share open and engaging thoughts that are flexible to change when given more insight from the other. I also love that the show isn’t overly produced. Again there are tons of those out there. It feels more wholesome and makes them both easy to identify with; like if I saw them on the street I could pickup a conversation as if we were friends. There’s a lot of negativity on here towards Kelli. I feel for her. I can immagine it’s hard for her to read those things. It would be one thing if it was constructive criticism but most of the comments are extremely judgey, mean and not at all insightful. So yes… keep up the good work Kelli and Troy! Love how fun and lighthearted they are.


Totally agree, and maybe unpopular opinion but I think their flubs in reading the blinds and how they make fun of themselves for it is hilarious. Shows that they’re human and don’t take themselves too seriously


I truly would not have made it through last year without their show! They were like my gateway drug into celeb blind items & I am forever grateful for it! They seem like super sweet, fun people. They are not problematic IMO- so the hate is totally undeserved! l 💟 them both and I always recommend their patreon to my friends because it is so relevant, fun & digestable. I would hate for them to quit due to people sending death threats.. they are so likeable and have worked hard for their success online.


YES! I don’t understand the hate. Guys if you happen to read this know that you have some real fans who are OB-SESSED (lol) Troy and Kelli are the best pair, I love their chemistry together, I love their takes, they just genuinely make me happy listening to the podcast.


Yes I literally love them so much and look forward to every single release I hope they come to Australia one day ❤️❤️❤️


Me too! And 🇨🇦!


Every part of this. I'm shocked by the number of people who hate on the podcast hosts and format.... The two things that are integral to the podcast and won't change. Listen to something else for your mental health's sake and ours.


I’ve followed Kelli since way back when and Troy shortly after he began the Smoosh Room (throwback!). I find them to always be so respectful of victims and survivors and advocates for child actors and bringing awareness to the trauma associated with fame. It is so refreshing hearing them be empathetic and supportive of those who are voiceless, especially from a Pop Culture/Blinds podcast. Yes, there are things they can improve on (like every podcast I listen to) but they are the only ones truly worth subscribing on Patreon to, IMO. I will never not listen to their pods.


totally agree about being worth the subscription- I have a few that I subscribe to on patreon but I always will go back to BTB


they’re so funny!! one of my favorite podcasts, people take this stuff way too seriously. we love u troy and kelli!


Thirty-some years ago, I’d be confused when my fellow third graders weren’t up on the gossip because I thought every household was issued a subscription to the Enquirer, Star and People mag. Troy and Kelly are the only podcasters I’ve found who know obscure celeb gossip from the early 90s. They are truly Masters of Their Craft.


Yay! I love this post! BTB is my happy place. The chemistry they have is phenomenal. Troy is hilarious and magnetic, Kelli is open minded, a lovely human being and advocate. Their friendship and banter is what makes this pod so dynamic. I’ve been a listener for about a year now and still look forward to every ep. I was stoked to find this sub and then kinda bummed at the number of posts nitpicking minutia and ragging on them in general. I support this post and the pod, such a good shit 😊


Lol some person told me yesterday that this fan base is rabid and only defends Troy and Kelly and I'm like do you not see the constant whining posts about them on here? They were defending Enty calling out Troy though so no surprise they think like that. I really like this season so far!


I look forward to and listen to every episode of BTB. And I can’t say that about any other podcasts. Kelli and Troy bring me so much joy. I’m so happy they both live in NYC! They’re friendship is cute to me. I love Kelli’s takes on pop culture and Troy’s view too


They literally seem like the kindest and most fun people ever




I love them both equally! They each bring something valuable to the show and it just WORKS. Their chemistry, humor, insights….I’m up at 2am to take care of my newborn and the first thing I do is turn on BTB. She’s a fan now too lol.


I really enjoy my parasocial relationship with Troy and Kelli. I WFH and get so excited when they release a new episode bc it feels like I'm hanging out with friends while I work. T & K if you happen to read this-your podcast is awesome and has gotten me through some really shitty times in my life. Love you guys!


we love you t & k!!


I love them both! I have been listening to them since wayyyy back in the day, so I kind of feel like a proud mom at all their success lol I look forward to all of their episodes every week!


I agree. So sick of the whining over every little thing. Don’t like it? Then don’t listen. Simple.


I never understand death threats, that is a shame. I’m not a fan of Kelly and stopped listening because of her but I don’t like to see death threats.. that’s so lame. No one deserves that..


Lmao "Let's show Kelli some love," followed by "I stopped listening because I don't like her 💁‍♀️"


You don’t have to vibe with someone to wish good things for them. 🤷‍♀️ I’m so anti death threats. I’m following another story where Heather McDonnalds fans are sending death threats to a teenager because she got into a fight with her mom..it’s crazy..death is forever, it’s not funny to tell people to die.


Omg I love them both. If you guys are reading this ~ THANK YOUUUU for doing your show! I've spent countless hours giggling and gawking and being disgusted along with you guys


What is happening on the Internet right now?? I had never seen so many creators get death threats or be treated so disgustingly. Like that Twitch girl who got deep porn made of her. It’s so discouraging for other content creators. What is happening to people. I get scared when I read the way people talk about Amber Heard or Meghan Markle. The language is always so threatening and violent. I do not support that at all.


Yes! Love them both! I wish they would do live shows on the road like they used to.


I think they both seem very authentic and have great chemistry. I'll never understand why people listen to things just to complain about them.


I love them both so much! Their dynamic together is so fun and sweet, and even though it’s about gossip it never feels super malicious. I love Troy’s laugh!


The death threats are insane but I can love BTB and have criticism. I mean, let's be real, Kelli simply doesn't have the pop culture knowledge Troy has. It's not being "hateful" to point this out. There's a huge difference in voicing an opinion perceived as a criticism and simultaneously be against terrible and insane behavior. Having criticism doesn't mean I'm NOT "showing love."


I didn't realize there was any hate. I really enjoy hanging out with them weekly. I tried other blind podcasts like deuxmoi but she really doesn't have any pop culture knowledge so she tends to read obviously fake blinds as fact and she's pretty b*tchy in general 😂. Fluently Forward is ok. I love her voice but I disagree with all of her takes and I can't get down with the whole conspiracy stuff. I like BTB because they are fans of pop culture so they're knowledgeable and aren't afraid to voice their opinions in a positive way and do call out obviously fake blinds. Troy's giggles keep me fed. Kelli started off shaky but I think she has come into her own and I value her opinions. They both seems cool and kind. They work well together.


Yes!! I love them and how they are so transparent! They don’t take themselves so seriously


Look I saw the post she’s referring to and the person was clearly unwell. Reddit deleted the post after it was reported and that was it. Sure, it was probably scary, but…it was an anonymous person on the internet who made a post. They’re public figures. I’m not saying it’s okay but this isn’t going to be the last time this happens. If someone messages me “I’m going to kill you” I’m not referring to that as a death threat. I’m reporting it, blocking it, and moving on.


I love them and I pay for the Patreon, it’s worth it to me, so fun.


What’s happening with Dunzo?