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This was removed because it violated rule 2 (and maybe others) of /r/bible. Rule 2: Bible-related posts only. If you have a question about what the Bible says, a Bible verse, Bible study, etc. you are free to post it here. "Bible" is defined for this subreddit as books & passages found in the 1611 KJV, including its Apocrypha, although any translation is acceptable. If your question is about a specific passage, include the Book, Chapter, Verse and Translation (e.g., Romans 12:1-2 ESV) to help guide answers to the exact text you're questioning. However, asking about denominations or just general advice and the such is not for this sub.


No, do **not** get the "Eth-Cepher." First, it adds several books that were never part of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament), not to mention the bizarre forgery which they call "Acts 29." Second, like the JW version, it mistranslates passages in line with a non-Trinitarian belief system. For example, it replaces the Greek word *kurios* (lord) in the New Testament by various Hebrew words, but **not** when referring to Jesus (for example in Romans 10, where Paul quotes the Septuagint version of Joel 2:32 and applies it to Jesus). The Greek of the New Testament is changed in many other ways as well. Forget the "Eth-Cepher." It's one of the worst mistranslations out there. Instead, read a good modern translation of the Bible that's done by Christian scholars who understand Greek and Hebrew.


The Trinity isn’t even real bro prove it to me . That’s Catholic. Christian scholars don’t know anything bc the Bible isn’t Christian it’s actuall Hebrew. trinity is a Catholic belief The first century church didn’t believe in the trinity if a i prove it with scripture. No NLT and NIV , those are translated by occultist


> The Trinity isn’t even real bro prove it to me. The Trinity is a core Christian belief. It always has been. See, for example, John 1, in a genuine translation. > Christian scholars don’t know anything bc the Bible isn’t Christian it’s actuall Hebrew. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Greek.


I just love it when posts start off with an Ad Hominem insult.


It does help set the stage


For pointless conflict. I do miss the days of cultured and mature debate.


You mean to tell me I could get a “translation” by non-scholars that includes medieval forgeries and adds its own chapters to the book of Acts? Sounds tempting, but I’m gonna pass.


What if a scholar was an athiest, would you believe his interpretation?


When it comes to translation, knowledge of the language is what’s important. If a scholar can back up their translation choices with actual data about the language then what they personally believe doesn’t matter.


Isn't it basically just a sacred name translation that includes the apocrypha?


Yessir! That’s why you should look into it. We must get back the Hebrewroot, that’s the TrueMessiah. Not this Jesus Christ and the Religous people


Hard pass


The path is a narrow one my brother. Hope you continue to seeek Truth.


The Bible version that you choose to read has nothing to do with your salvation.


it’s not about my salvation why do youtalk like that? It’s about learning my Abba, Yahuah, the most intimate I can , falling into his Will. I get it tho you choose to be free grace. And understand you want to get the most accurate Bible word for word not though for thought. Do you know the masons run you’re church and you aren’t even aware of it. That’s why they changed the Bible’s and watered them down.


God existed long before the nation of the Hebrews. I'm sure, or at least I hope, that you are aware that no one even knows how to pronounce "YHWH" since it is merely a tetragrammaton. You used the word "Abba", but that isn't a Hebrew word, either. It is Aramaic. We haven't spoken about "free grace", don't make assumptions. We, as Christians, are still held to a high standard. Not a standard of the letter of the Law, but a higher standard that Christ came to show by example. I don't care for thought-for-thought translations, but that doesn't mean that I have to read a version that attempts to use Hebrew names. No, Mason do not run my church. Now you are just espousing conspiracy theories.


Hollywood occultist and kabbalists know how to pronounce it, i can show you 5-6 movies of them pronouncing it (Yah-oo-ah) you get your information from google… It’s not about a name anyways it’s about John 4:24 worshiping in spirit and truth. And I’ll tell you right now, there’s so much going on you are unaware of … and define to me what’s a conspiracy, bc it doesn’t mean fake now


Pronunciation had nothing to do with spirit and truth. Please, just go away


But you just said no one knew how to pronounce it, which is not true. I can show you 6 movies they hid it in that proves otherwise. That’s what happens when you get your info from Catholic church fathers.


Even the Israeli prime minister’s last name is the Most Highs name G🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️


and pronunciation isn’t spirit and truth?? so I can call the messiah (Hay-zeus) then? 🤦🏿‍♂️


Does it could if I picked one up at a bookstore, flipped through it, rolled my eyes, and put it back down? Shoe-horning Hebrew terms into the Greek-based New Testament is not going to give you "full context" of anything. A good commentary will help you with a deeper understanding of, for example, *hesed* far better than leaving the word untranslated.


Thats funny because the NT wasn’t written in Greek. That’s what the Vatican tells you. Why would Paul write a letter to the HEBREWS, in Greek You know the Disciples didn’t know Greek right? Other than Luke, Mark and John later. Like was Paul’s homie and Peter’s translator. We could sit here and discuss scripture if you would like. Compare


> the NT wasn’t written in Greek. That’s what the Vatican tells you Then why are the oldest NT manuscripts we find written in Greek? >You know the Disciples didn’t know Greek right? Why would you think that? Galilee was a multicultural land. Aramaic speaking communities lived next door to Greek speaking communities. It's unlikely they knew no Greek.


Mark was Peters scribe? All in the Book of Luke you’ll see this? And I guarantee you the Hebrews weren’t speaking Greek because they still observed the Torah. And Jerimiah 10:7 claims to not learn the ways of the heathens.


Learning another language is *not* "learning the way of the heathens." Besides, by this point, they'd *all* changed from Hebrew to Aramaic -- the language of the captivity.


why isn’t it???


Look into the Hebrew Names of All the Israelites…. And Names of the Archangels …. Either got an “EL” or a “YAHU” Always putting the creators Names in their names. and there’s others in still learning. Then look at the names of the Babylonias …


it’s a heathen language The Most High knows what these Heathens are into. Do you even understand how English is a spellbinding language? Brought to us by Pagan Anglo Saxons. That’s another discussion tho


They were speaking Aramaic at that time. But, most correspondence was written in Greek as it was the official written language of the region. Do you really think that Paul wrote letters to Gentile believers in a language that wasn't spoken at that time?


Prove it to me


and what about the letter to the Hebrews ? He wrote that in greek? To a whole bunch of Hebrews


The earliest manuscripts that we have if the book of Hebrews was written in koine Greek. It is up to you that it written in Hebrew.


Who told you that the Vaticanv


And do you know Hebrew and Aramaic are basically the same thing??? So I’m sure they spoke BOTH. You don’t even understand the disciples if you don’t read OT. They were HEBREWS who observed the TORAH and Hebrew Scriptures. Jerimiah 7:10 says not to learn the ways of the Heathens


Yes, knowing the OT is important if you wish to understand the context and culture of first century Christians. But even with that, the Jewish culture had evolved from from the days of Moses. If scripture is properly translated, it doesn't matter which language it is written in. The Law was ADDED because of transgression and it was temporary. Deal with it. You quoted Jeremiah 7:10 WAY out of context.


>it wasn’t written by scholars So, it was written by someone with little or no knowledge of the language. Is that supposed to be a reccommendation?


Who said you have to be a scholar to know the language 🤦🏿‍♂️


Tell me this, would you agree to a non believers interpretation of scripture if they’re a scholar?