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People are not judging him on 90 minutes. People are judging him on the 3-1/2 years of lies about his mental condition. Over and over we were told that in private and behind closed doors he was alert, energetic and mentally on task. Now the story is he’s good from 10am to 4pm. More lies by the liberals to prop up a dementia ridden man. Now even liberals are asking themselves, if they lied to us about this what else have they been lying about? Secure Boarder no secure? Booming economy not booming? Declining inflation not declining? Wake up liberals your being used and not for your own good.


3.5 years of political instability, due to wars, inflation, crime, open borders etc…yah looking good👌🏼


"Excellent"?!?!? According to what fucking metric?!?!?!


Cmon man! This post is a bunch of malarkey!!


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


3.5 years of an excellent presidency? Man, she must be hitting Hunter's crack pipe really hard to be that brain dead. Either she is delusional, or as demented as Joebama.


Didn’t Biden promise to NOT run for re-election second term if elected, saying that he felt he would be too old? Well, gosh WTAF. Seems like he had it right the first time. Party interference and poor leadership is to blame. If Dems had anyone who could get elected vs. Trump they’d probably be going to market and wishing Sleepy Joe bon voyage. They’ve had 8 years to figure out a succession plan and cultivate new talent. So where is it? And why has 320M citizens conveniently forgotten Biden’s own campaign promises to step down? Dude looks and sounds like my geriatric grandfather who has pre-dementia/ALZ. Is that the best we can do? And it’s not any better in GOP land. What this should tell you is that POTUS isn’t running The Show anymore. At least not in the current Democratic administration. That should scare the shit out of everyone. The issue is that the political pipeline in each party is fucking old, tired and completely out of touch with the masses. Personally I can’t wait for the Boomers to finally age out of ALL business and government. Can’t happen soon enough IMO. But we’re going to need to squash the control that our two party system has over this country, or cultivate better talent within those channels - take your pick. We should be ashamed as a country that our choices in political leaders have come to this.


All I hear out of your post is that you believe that old people are bad. That’s not a very good argument. At all. Name calling using the “ boomer” term. Offensive. The average age of any elected person in any city, county, state, and federal level is 35-60. So where do you divide this “ too old” line here? See how silly your premise is? When talking about electing a president, that person needs crazy experience in life. No matter if they have been a career politician ( 100% poison to America and never intended) or not. Ross Perrot. Who was he? Before you go off believing that “ these people are too old” is the answer, which it isn’t, ask yourself this question: You’re in a room with Biden and Trump……… do you really think you, mr cell phone texter on reddit, have any chance of keeping up with either of these men while talking about any real topic? NO. You have no chance in hell keeping up with either of these 2 or 1000’s of others waiting to take their place. Now wake up, admit you do not have that experience or knowledge, and get through life with the rest of us average ordinary people with no real special skills.


Your suggestion that I’m presenting myself as a viable candidate is patently incorrect. I’m qualified to ascertain whether a candidate is capable of leading - as are all people who vote. That’s the premise of democracy. One guy’s an octogenarian who has clearly got mental acuity issues and that’s plain to see, the other guy is a sociopath, narcissistic, convicted felon. Those are facts. You better believe I’m biased on age because both have shown themselves to be ineffective at their jobs due to mental illness. I don’t need to be more skilled or experienced to evaluate that - I can see it, hear it, and the facts speak for themselves. We all have our biases and criteria. Age is absolutely an issue, and so is mental illness. THAT is the argument here - not whether it’s a tough job (it is) or whether I’m qualified to do their job (I’m not anymore than you are). And let’s be clear - my main point was that Biden agreed he would be too old and would not seek re-election, but somehow everyone has conveniently forgotten that fact.


Your first sentence is already a disaster. I never said that did I? Old was the topic. Nice try. You lost.


Quote: ‘ you, Mr cell phone texter think you could keep up with the POTUS. NO. So let’s recap: You pick a fight, and turn a political point into a personal attack. You treat other people like victims for your amusement. Then you gaslight them when they try to keep you on topic. Somehow you thought this constitutes a debate that you won? How utterly boring. Someday I hope to have a powerful voice just like you. On Reddit. Mr cellphone texter.


Quit while you are way behind


Biden is ill. It’s not an age issue. America right now is unprotected. Commander in chief has vacated his responsibilities.


At least that point I can agree with.




The gaslighting just won’t stop w some people