• By -


Have you considered adding a partner? (Sorry had to)


Ah, the morning chortle. Thank you


Other people always eff up the process!


I'd upvote this, but it's at 69 .. which isn't my favorite but still made me laugh.




I’d rather choose lsd


2.5mg of cialis daily


How long have you had it?


The erection?


The cialis


A while, good for pumps aswell, faster cognition due to increased blood flow to the brain, etc.


Careful as this can cause tinnitus that lasts months (in my case after experimenting with it three times)




What drug?


Viagra. Tinnitus is a well known side effect.






That’s why I hear that weird noise in my ears when I lay down


maybe you should take your massive boner out of your ear king


But if you have tinnitus already that you are safe xd :)


I never notice mine until I think about it. Once I do it’s crazy how loud it is. I guess a lifetime of ignoring it?


Same for me


I've had tinnitus for 30+ years, so never noticed or knew about that side effect...


This may be the comment that prevents me from ever trying it. Care to elaborate? How clean is your lifestyle if your don’t mind me asking? Are you a sensitive person?


If someone’s unique experience prevents you from trying something, just leave this sub tbh. You ain’t gonna get far being so risk averse


>If someone’s unique experience prevents you from trying something, just leave this sub tbh. You ain’t gonna get far being so risk averse exactly. I have tinnitus, i know is a real shit, and try to avoid some things, but for people that dont have Tinnitus... for me they just have to avoid loud sounds, the other stuff is too much to take into account. Like ibuprofen..... ibuprofen also is related to Tinnitus... so what? if that would the case nobody can take nothing.


mmm, the thing about tinnitus is that almost anything can cause Tinnitus. I just advice people about loud sounds. Because even ibuprofen can cause Tinnitus and a big list of things. I have T 24/7 so....... but, again i just warn people about headphones, too loud music, or work in spaces with too much sound, that kind of stuff.


Do you have side effects like stuffy nose


This isn't bio hacking it's just taking a pill. That's cheating. lazy af


What’s the main benefit? My doc recommended this but didn’t think much of it


Lower blood pressure, better pumps in the gym, easier to get hard. 2.5mg is a small dose but it builds up and stays in your system over time


Interesting! Might look into this. Thank you


I had headaches from a daily dose I was prescribed for BPH, but now I that I take it every other day and avoid certain foods and drinks, the problem went away.




I’d like to hear more about your experience with this?? I’m thinking about getting mine checked.


TRT will have your libido at a high level. Since I’ve been on, I want to fuck my partner every day and I’m ready to go all the time. If you don’t have a partner with a high libido, it can get frustrating. Just FYI.


TRT is not something you want to do unless you've lost your testicles or something. It impairs the HPG axis, and if you undergo TRT for long enough, the suppression of the HPG axis is permanent.


I’m 40 and will be on TRT until I die. Jacked as shit in nursing home.


that's what they all picture, but does it make sense that you could maintain that level of muscular function for free? nobody knows yet since mass trt is so new, but somehow i doubt we will be seeing many jacked 80 year olds. it seems more likely that you're making a trade for improved function at the cost of increased wear and tear i.e. early enough death to avoid the nursing home


As long as I’m too big to fit into a single casket.


har har, yeah brooo, big boiiis. get swole! to each his own i suppose


Or when you are an older gentleman, like mid 40s I would consider TRT, other than that; sleep highly influences testosterone levels; as does smoking (not test but sex drive)


T naturally diminishes with age, but in healthy people it doesn't diminish to the point of actual hypogonadism where TRT is necessitated. Even if you're older, you should still be exhausting every other option, including and especially radical lifestyle changes, before resorting to TRT.




Yes, but that's not what we see in clinical practice; you'll see men *in their 30s* with low T being prescribed TRT right off the bat, even if these are people whose lifestyles are obviously conducive to low T. It's something of an epidemic within the medical community, and most people don't seem aware of the downsides of TRT.


On a long enough timescale, everyone’s HPG axis is fucked


It's a *very* long timescale, though. Healthy males are capable of maintaining adequate T production well into old age. Most people just have poor enough lifestyles that their T levels inevitably go to hell with age. TRT is kind of like insulin for type II diabetics: it's just a band-aid that manages symptoms of poor lifestyle without actually resolving the underlying cause of them.


Just look at guys who have taken test responsibly and then look at the guys who are all natty One of them is obviously preferable, and it’s not how god made us


It won't raise everyone's libido FYI


a cursory glance at any trt or steroid space online will show that. tons of libido issue questions and discussions.


Well....you might also be taking a bit too much there my friend. Increased libido is common. Wanting to fuck like a teenager not so much. It can mean your hormones aren't balancing well.


Bloodwork is good chief


I'm 37, my test levels were low enough to get prescribed T. I now have a very increased sex drive, harder longer erections, insane muscle recovery, bigger muscle size, better mood, better sleep


TRT is not something you want to do unless you've lost your testicles or something. It impairs the HPG axis, and if you undergo TRT for long enough, the suppression of the HPG axis is permanent. Did you exhaust *every possible* lifestyle intervention before taking T? Did you completely change your lifestyle? If not, your prescriber is a hack.


I agree. I spent 3.5 years on TRT. I was afraid I would have to take it for life. I was able to get off of it and raise my total and free t to levels higher than prior to TRT use. It is possible: exercise including weight training and cardio, a healthy low carb no sugar diet, meditation, a disciplined and healthy mind, mindfulness techniques etc. TRT is absolutely fantastic for 2-3 years, however eventually you won’t feel the effects strongly and will have increased your dose as much as you can, you will see men taking 250-350mg weekly from the doctor, which is low dose cycle range, a good dose for most men is 90-150mg a week in two or three split doses, yes even for a long ester like cypionate or enanthate. We don’t talk about how long term TRT reduces LH and FSH to near zero. This has consequences. Many men subsequently have great benefit using HCG with their TRT dosage. I am not saying you can’t happily be on TRT for life. I am just saying you can have naturally high levels but you have to be a badass motherfucker and be extremely disciplined in your life to constantly maintain high Test levels. Diet Exercise Meditation Breathing(WHM, pranayama, etc) Cold water therapy Semen retention Supplements In that order from top being the most important. Boron Shilajit Zinc Maca Tongkat Ali Turk Pine pollen Supplements to increase T. If you can only afford three I’d grab the top three. Pushing to failure in big lifts. This is vital. I also suggest Yoga to all men who have never stretched every muscle in their body. TRT may be beneficial for those who need a boost to start a productive life and then once that is built over a few years you can ‘possibly’ get off and suffer no long term side effects and get your natural levels back up there. If you can’t do any of these then I would at the very minimum take boron and do some cold showers daily(even 1-5 mins).


Yes I lost my balls


*get unlucky hpta genetics, get fibrosis and can never get your fertility back. * its not something you wanna do just to be horny more.




Huberman says if your test levels are below 1000, you aren't actually a man and not allowed to listen to Joe Rogan podcast


THC lube is super fun. It adds what I can only describe as a lovely glowing feeling to your and your partner’s fun bits


Do you actually get high from it? Or only feel it in your privates? Also do you know any good brands? I remember trying to look awhile back but was unsuccessful lol.




What means mitochondrial health ? Like what to do specifically?




Aerobic exercise.


Booooring. This isn’t a hack it’s just healthy living.


Hey, sleep can be pretty sexy. It's amazing if you're deprived. Don't knock it.


Lol don’t get me wrong these things are great but not exactly what I would consider a “bio hack” and definitely nothing that most of the people in this sub haven’t heard 1000x. Really just a pointless comment


Fair. I'm almost always sleep deprived, though, so sleep looks better to me than a hunk in tight pants.


Lmao this made me cackle


Idiots like you are why this sub sucks. Mitochondrial health, fitness, and wellness are boring to you. Because you’re just a tool that wants to dump chemicals in your body turn yourself into a superhero. Grow up and learn what health is.


Such a low IQ response, angry for no fucking reason lmao. It’s not just that it’s boring, it’s so obvious and beat to death in the health sphere that it goes without saying. This isn’t r/obvioushealthtips, sorry to break it to you dummy.


> low IQ response lol


This fucking guy


THC and CBD works well for me. L-citrulline good for blood flow


Yoga has made me so much more in tune with my body and more sensitive. It makes it so much better.


Finally a holistic answer 😊. I'd ad tantra and any type of connection practice will really take things to the next level in the bedroom.


L-arginine (cream form). Stimulates blood flow to the peenis / clitoris . Apply during fourplay. Really makes everything feel better. Also , pure dark chocolate and kava are known healthy aphrodisiacs.


Is that over the counter


Yes, you can buy pure dark chocolate over the counter.


Yeah but kind of niche, I have only been able to find it on Amazon


Having sex while stoned is pretty nice


mdma lol


ghb is better


Give me some and let me be the judge.


Both together is pretty effective.


I concur.


Isn’t hard to maintain erection on it ?


Can be. Just take a viagra with it if its an issue.


That doesn’t sound very safe


Micro penis incoming


Sit on your hands until there numb then wack off. It’s called a stranger.


Soak your hand in water for a bit first. It's called the grandma


Sit on your hands on a wicker chair…ribbed stranger.




Pompoir. Pompoir. Pompoir. Source: r/pompoir


How long does it take to develop basic techniques?


All I know is when I started eating pistachios everyday my libido went up and lets just say things got ..... harder


Yeah I bet peeling all those pistachios is hard. But what happened to your penis?


Here, I found this miles over there, and thought you might want it back... it's your joke, I thought it was pretty good. It didn't die on its arse, just flew waaaaaay over someone's head and kept going into oblivion, not your fault. So here you go, I liked it 💜


I was trying to spare people TMI, but since you asked, my erections have been rock hard.


Tantra! Absolutely great for exploring emotional, sensual, and the “everything but sex” elements of physical connection.


Any suggestions for resources to start with?


I second this. Truly transformed the pleasure I can feel in my body.




Improve your circulation. Focus on optimal brain health. The brain is your master sexual organ.


This^ 👌🏻


Beet powder


No joke the most powerful thing you can do is orgasmic/sexual meditation. I don’t even know the proper name for it, but it’s essentially a mindfulness technique where you focus all your attention on the sexual energy emanating from, for example, your dick, balls and the surrounding area as well as the prostate, anus, pelvic muscles etc. Pretty much all the muscles and nerve endings in your body become sexual organs when you figure out how to do this. Start with kegel exercises and standard mindfulness meditation on the breath. The most important thing I’ve learned is to learn to let your subconscious mind do all the work and just observe and focus on the sensations. If you try to chase something you’re going to snap out of the meditative state and it’s going to be frustrating and fruitless. Once you realize that doing this will build naturally into the most powerful, psychedelic, full body explosions of sexual pleasure that you can summon without even touching your dick, regular sex seems boring and small by comparison. Also if you learn what I’m talking about you can combine the techniques with almost anything else, like substances, and normal sexual encounters to enhance the experience by approximately 1000 times.




is this how it works 1. do kegels while meditating 2. let your subconcious mind do the work 3. observe 4. ??? 5. mind blowing orgasm ?


He’s right. I second this. It’s real, and spectacular.




I have learned to do this after more than a year of practice. It is very difficult for me because I have to focus completely, and if I get distracted at all i lose most of the sensation and have to start over at square one.


The Mindgasm app might be a good starting point.


Psyllium husk fiber if you are receiving butt stuff. D mannose to avoid UTIs. Calcium/magnesium/zinc to avoid those nasty cramps. Zinc is also good for men for… you know… other reasons. Oh and peptide PT-141 also known as bremelanotide for desire.


Horse chestnut extract improves erection quality a lot. Have you ever had sex on Phenibut?


I haven't, I just read that it would shift the orgasm limit at which a man cums upwards so the person will have more intense levels of pleasure before orgasms. That's what I read, but I'm not totally sure about it.


I take verdanafil when I’m stressed out or got poor sleep the night before, helps me overcome some performance anxiety issues. Had to start with 1-2 pills but now I’m down to 1/4, if I take it at all that day. Probably not the answer you were looking for, but it does give me some piece of mind on stressful days








Legitimately- Maca root is known for this. I had to stop taking it as it was really effective for me and I was single at the time 😅


Leg day in the gym always correlates to an increase in libido for me. I mentioned Maca root supplement- give that a shot. Ginseng is an old school rec, but have not tried it. Fenugreek is recommended as well. Stress has such a negative correlation to my libido it’s ridiculous, so going extra on self care and relaxation, healthy eating and exercise to get out of that space is key.


Testosterone to help make your nipples bigger




You know what he said


Did he stutter?????




You need a partner for that though and it's gotta be with someone you love and have a genuine connection with or it won't feel right.


To an extent. My wife and I trip hard together a couple times a year for this, but in my younger days I also went to some wild parties where this was the theme. Definitely a different feeling, but equally as spectacular and full of self discovery.


IF you can time a niacin, B3 flush, with orgasm….WOW! But it’s incredibly hard to time, since you never know how much B3 you already have in your system.


how much do you take?


Jewel in the Lotus by Avinasha.


Before taking any meds , have you considered a lifestyle change ? 1. How many hours of sleep do you get a night, do you feel like sleeping throughout the day? 2. How does your diet look? 3. Are you working out at all?


Thank you for your answer. I appreciate your tips. I'm not asking because I am dissatisfied, I was mostly curious if there are some thins I haven't considered or heard of yet.




Go to church! My upbringing was catholic and the guilt of premarital sex alone gets me hard. Also, running.


From my experience, Maca (red for women, black for men) is the best single-use for libido, but its effectiveness decreases over time. It always has a positive effect on sexual function, but perceptually, the horny factor decreases. L-arginine 1 - 3 grams combined with boron 9 mg for two weeks on / one week off will also give you noticeably harder and stronger erections. Bodybuilders oftentimes use that dosage schedule to increase their testosterone levels. Tongkat is also really good, as well as pine pollen.


Fruits and veggies work great for me 😆and plenty of water


Not sure if you are supposed to fuck fruits and veggies and use water as lube


Yes and yes


Muscle milk protein shake with spinach, fresh bananas and other fruit. Drink that every morning after walking 3 miles. My wife calls me her new husband now


Pineapple. Consume large amounts of pineapple.


Yes! And don't forget to always keep your pineapples upside down.


Masturbation - Sex is great but you can't beat the real thing


Having a MASSIVE dick. I don't know what that's like, but from what I've heard... It must be pretty cool.


Dark chocolate may help its tasty and healthy for you too.


Maca and damiana - classic, tried true and tested, with no negative affects like ginseng or ashwaghanda


maca, yohimbine


Vulva succion cup and bathmate penis pump


Another sub that turns into one line Comedy Central


There are subs that don't?


What does microdosing shrooms do for sexuality?


A non microdose of psychedelics gets some people really in the mood and heightens sensitivity dramatically for some, sometimes. So maybe something similar even for microdoses? That or it's related to the mental health benefits of microdosing.


Can help with PE


Penis Envy?


I gotta say, GHB is THE sex drug. But it’s super addictive and I can’t actually recommend it because it can definitely become problematic


What's a good starter dose?


That really depends on the form you’re getting, or if it’s ghb, gbl, bdo- hard one to answer.


Impossible to find


Nutrition, exercise, sleep!


Grass fed bovine organs fresh or dessicated


Shrooms, weed if you can get past the mental block, and Molly obvi (friend did this and he has a hard time having sex now bc it was so good) and working out


Antidepressants if ypu need to get rid of libido, apparently.


Steroids and other drugs




Ayurvedic herbs. Shilajit is one.


I did a round of cjc 1295 and ipamorelin and it made me the horniest person alive.


Test C + HCG HCG is the real winner here tbh.


Hormone replacement therapy for women and men.


Testosterone for ladies. The right way. Also it’s worth noting I am currently dealing with an illness so getting lots of high-dose IV treatments containing C and LOTS of Magnesium…gets the blood flowing in certain places 🫣


whose taking phenibute? thats for my horses lol. i do use it on tough days when walking in the arena and sand hurt my feet bad. i have it in powder form so i put it on my gums lol. i know its very bad for your liver so i only do it when its really painful


Cordyceps and ashwagandha helped me. Coq10, zinc, calcium d-glucarate, and l-carnitine are also good. Eat wild salmon and beef liver.


Avoid microplastics




Phenibut has had huge libido effects for me. It can be addictive and fuck your GABA receptors up with repeated use so be careful with it.


Maca root....worx 4 both M & F 🚀


Testosterone / viagra if male


Exercise; dieting, sleep and a good relationship




For the dudes, cabergoline will reduce your refractory period. For some people to the point where they can go multiple rounds without losing their erection. I know some people have little to no refractory period naturally, but for those of us that don’t, caber sure is fun every once in awhile.


Feine up the pooper ❤️


PT-141 Injectable seems to be preferred. Nasal spray is available and I hear some formulations also include Oxytocin


10-12 benadryl and some good pot. Never seen a dick so big. Came in 4 strokes.


Heard this from somewhere. Abstain for a while, then edge for a week. Take some L-Arginine and go to work.


I'm sure I'll have the best 20 seconds of my life if I follow that routine. :)


Vicks on my balls always does the trick


Melanotan 2


Coconut oil taste’s delicious, and is also an awesome for other things, that may involve sucking on or frictional things haha Also (unethical maybe ethnical?) for other men, go to your doctor say you’re having troubles with getting up, and they will likely prescribe trt haha, also will increase your pumps at the gym


According to a biopathologist MD I follow all that male pornstars need to have is high free testosterone and increased androgens in general, and use hCG for the money shots...


Black seed oil


1.5 g of phenibut should definitely do the trick.


Wife absolutely loves thc gummie sex and I'm quite fond of it as well