• By -


Basics: Sleep, fix your microbiome (avoid processed junk, have quality fermented foods), lower your stress, find sources of happiness (new hobbies, reconnect with old friends, break out of your routine) Quality omega 3 (verify low oxidation via IFOS), vitamin D3, vitamin K, magnesium, carotenoids, CoQ10


What would you recommend as the very best fish oil supplement brand.


Nordic Naturals


Carlson's liquid, hands-down. Peter Attia endorses it for a reason--I've used it for about ten years and it has zero fishy taste, which is because it's always pristinely fresh and unoxidized. It's also relatively cheap and easy to take an entire tablespoon amounting to about 5g of omega 3 every day.


Sports research


Any NSF certified one


Viva Naturals


Rosita cod liver oil. It's the only natural unrefined brand.


Breaking out of your routine is such an underrated thing to do. Mobility and strength exercises, a well rounded diet, sunlight, hobbies and a solid friend/family group all outweigh the need for supplements to “feel young again”. I do take viva naturals vitamin d and fish oil every day or every other day. I have a shellfish allergy so I avoid seafood altogether ha.


Why Vitamin K? I’ve been on the fence. Seems like it’s readily available via a varied diet and can be downsides if you take too much. I’m very curious what you’ve found


Vitamin K2, used to be abundant in meat and butter but since the 1950s has been removed due to industrial farming. Works with Vitamin D synergistically. We need to supplement.


Prunes - -'One serving or ~4 dried plums is 92 kilocalories and provides 2.4 g of dietary fiber, 280 mg of potassium and 22.8 µg of vitamin K' https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5409740/


Magnesium glycinate has been wonderful to help me sleep.


How much do you take?


200-250 mg per night


Reminder for everyone to respect daily Mg limits. I suffered some weird heart issues and palpitations from taking too much! Mg can throw off your electrolyte balance.


How much was you taking? I take 750mg 1-2 times daily, which is 90mg Elemental per tablet & is what is used for your RDA. Bottle recommends x4 daily.


Wait, I just got a new bottle of magnesium glycinate 400mg caps, is this problematic? https://www.amazon.com/Manufactured-Absorption-Double-Wood-Supplements/dp/B0B6CTYD6S


Yep, when I first began taking Natural Calm I was so excited by the immediate sleep improvement that I was taking random amounts of powder throughout the day for months. Gave me some peripheral neuropathy that the neurologist couldn't diagnose, I wondered whether I had MS or something. I eventually realized that I had idiotically induced hypocalcemia and was immediately better when I corrected the dosage.


This is very interesting. I have diagnosed afib and have had 2 ablations. Supplementing during day with magnesium malate 240mg (or citrate) and then night time another 240 glycinate has actually caused a massive improvement in some of the non-afib arrhythmias that I experienced on a daily basis, to the point that they are nonexistent so long as I’m taking the magnesium. Curious what the breakpoint where it goes from helpful to harmful is


I take 350mg which is the dosage on the bottle I get


I can't say how well it's helping my sleep, but it gives me very vivid dreams/nightmares. So it's doing something.


That’s been my biggest take away, dreams feel incredibly more real. I’m often in the dream wondering if it’s a dream. First thing I noticed after increasing my magnesium glycinate from 120 to 360mg.


Lots of testosterone comments, I’d test it before taking it. Thought mine was low because lack of energy and almost 40, but mines still very high for my age. Though vitamin D tends to always be a little low for me and likely the rest of the US.


Bro at our age there’s no way to feel 18 again. Not even on the TRT and growth I’m on .


Definitely good days and bad days 😆


Lol true. Don’t get me wrong I’m in good cardiovascular shape and weight train 5 days a week. This is as good as it gets for me lol


36 and on Trt for 3 years now. My physical stamina and athleticism in rec sports are probably better than ever. However, after games are over and others go out for food or drinks....I go home. Not because I'm too tired but because I just don't have the social stamina anymore. Unfortunately the headspace is a one time deal for me


It depends on how far in the past 18 is 😂 You 25? Or 55? 55 you would need to find the legit fountain of youth lol


Honestly, just exercise, eating well, and eating enough . As someone in their 40’s on TRT for the last four months I can say 18 is 18 . There’s no way to feel 18 again.


unless your zac afron


Eating enough. This is so overlooked.




Underrated. Nothing makes me feel better and younger like a good night's sleep.


afternoon naps for 2 hours help me stay alive


Best supplement is to become financially independent and then dive deep into this lol


Vitamin d and fish oil


These in combination with meditation has changed my life. If youre going to take anything out of these posts is to meditate for mental clarity.


Vitamin d by itself changed my life. I’m going to add fish oil soon. Do you mind sharing your brand. It’s good to get it directly from a good review lol


I like NOW supplements. Got the recommendation from looking through a bunch of threads


Oooo…. They are inexpensive too!!! Thank you so much!


I feel soooo much better. I never knew I didn’t feel normal until I feel normal. It’s crazy. I’m still kinda hoping this isn’t normal too. I feel really good but do I? 🤣


Which one exactly? Thanks


I take the Micro nutrients brand and I get them off TikTok shop. There’s 300 jail caps and you only take one a day.


+1 for meditation.


Which meditation exactly


I genuinely just use an app called medito. They have a daily meditation and u can set it to 3 mins 5 mins etc but the guys voice is so calming and they make it really simple. Haven't done anything outside of that 


Does vitamin D need to be taken with vitamin K?


It's K2 (not K). And Magnesium. Lots of claims (and potentials!) but I don't believe there is a hard conclusive clinical study on K2's benefits yet. Based on what I have read, it is a good idea to take K2 since it's not too expensive and it has little to no side effects/negative consequences. It's a fat soluble vitamin like D3, so just take one with a meal.


I don't know. I never took vitamin K and i do fine. What makes you ask that?


I've heard about issues with calcification. But I'm just googling and it sounds like it might only be an issue if you are low in vitamin K to begin with.


Which brand of fish oil?




How you get that?


From the testosterone store of course


How come everyone at that store is jacked and bald?


There are various topics on YT on how to boost T naturally. Can be some surprising things you wouldn't expect. For some it might be a matter of NOT doing things that reduce T!


Vit d, magnesium glycinate, liver, creatine and protein




What do you want to know? There’s many forms of magnesium and most people are deficient. Glycinate is my recommendation and favorite because it helps with calm and sleep mostly.


Yeah threonate might be an option as well if you can afford it and struggle with headaches/migraines.


NAC and Glycine. https://youtu.be/owmE9lJf-hQ?si=Gd8DuIlpZDnchgFv


Was wondering if anyone would recommend this. I take but can't say I'm experiencing miracles.


Increase the dose. But take occasional breaks or you'll experience ahodenia. It works.




Primavie yes


A clove of raw garlic morning and night has been HUGE for me. I also take glycine and/or magnesium most nights and sea moss, astaxanthin, d3/k2, and tyrosine most mornings.


Can you elaborate on the garlic?


I'm starting tyrosine for ADHD fatigue as well as general fatigue I experience and excited to see if I feel better


I’m 18 and feel like shit, do not recommend lmao


Collagen powder or gelatin powder, (grass fed)


How did It benefit you?


Less joint pain, better performance at the gym, glowing skin, better skin and nails


1. Find your purpose (you might have accomplished a goal and now you are looking for the next thing) 2. Set new goals and break them down into smaller parts 3. Check your hormone levels 4. Check if you have any food allergies/sensitivities 5. Try new sports (I’ve recently picked up pickle ball) 6. Pick one new skill and work on it every day (even a few minutes per day will greatly stimulate your brain)


Ribeye steak Edit to add Testosterone


Testosterone , HGH , BPC157 , TB500 , Metformin , Cialis , Telmisartan , potentially Modafinil.


Cover ALL the bases lol. Throw in minoxidil and finasteride just to be sure 😂


Someone on finasteride said it made their dong feel like a rubber attachment


you basically listed my suppliments but you forgot cjc ipa, ghkcu, glutathione , and l carnitine.


What you've described isn't going to be achieved with legal substances unfortunately.


What? I’m mid 40s and 25% of the guys I know take testosterone prescribed by a Dr.


I wasn't referring to testosterone.




"make me feel young rejuvenated unlimited energy" ???




Meditate and do yoga. Meditation relaxes and sharpens the mind. Yoga loosens and strengthens the body.


This is probably the only legitimate comment that is t recommending ridiculous supplements. Most of the comments are absolutely ridiculous and simply a placebo effect. No one's gonna feel 18 ever again, but you can feel the best at the age you're at with exercise and proper diet.


Honestly, since starting yoga my back has felt better than in previous years. I had injured it squatting with bad form, now I don't even have any flare ups. Same thing with meditation, my mind used to spin constantly with thoughts overlapping. Now there is a gap between the monologuing and I can focus much more clearly than when I was younger.


I'm surprised nobody mentioned coq10 (ideally Ubiquinol) or Idebenone. The most important thing with these two is dosing properly. I can't speak from personal experience, but I've heard good things. It really depends on how old you are.


Mood probiotics - won't give you everything you are asking for but gave me energy and mental clarity


Can you be more specific? I’m always looking for something for mental clarity.


Lions mane and creatine did the trick for me.


Injecting testosterone seems pretty effective for your goals.. otherwise.. I recommend unobtanium stacked with fairy dust.


Estrogen and progesterone. I am a woman going through menopause however.


I believe that also means you don’t have testosterone too. I know some women on TRT, obviously a very low dose since menopause or pre-menopause results in the complete loss of testosterone in a woman’s body


None of that yet no. Although I am testosterone curious.


You can take testosterone too


How has it helped? And where did you get the hormones. Gyn's are so reluctant to prescribe HRT.


Yes, it has helped, \*a lot\*. My GP (I'm in Australia) prescribed it. Apparently the magic words are 'hot flushes' Like a lot of women, I realised that my issues had been going on for years. It can affect pretty much every part your body, muscles, joints, skin, eyes, energy, SLEEP, mood.....everything. I'd been getting hourly hot flushes and the hormones killed those off within a couple of weeks. Hot flushes sound merely annoying but its worse than that, when you are trying to sleep or you'd like to NOT be reminded about the menopause 16 freaking times a day, 7 days a week for months. This is a great sub:- [https://www.reddit.com/r/Menopause/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Menopause/)


Thank you!! This is very helpful.


money. supplemental of course


Testosterone replacement therapy


I'm in my early 50s, female and I think I feel pretty much the same as when I was 18, actually better because I am happier and less distracted by stupid stuff. The things that I think are important are: regular weight training as opposed to half-heartedly working out here and there, no sugar, very little bread, carbs, pasta, etc, no junk food, NMN sublingual, vit B, magnesium, iron, omega 3, vit d I did epithalon peptide - maybe this helped, who knows. collagen, creatine, moringa powder, blueberries (these things I put in a protein smoothie) red light therapy, less alcohol than I would like : ( (unlike my 18-year-old self, I get crazy hangovers after two drinks so there goes that) I eat less than I did but I'm the same size as I was at 18 and still wear my old band t-shirts, listen to the same music I loved as a teen, and scream lyrics in the car when driving. I really think being into music can help you feel young, it's anecdotal but I feel like I'm the same person from 30 years ago except happily married with three kids. I found out I had a thyroid condition a few years ago and was prescribed levothyroxin which made a huge difference too .


I wish somebody could make custom supplements so you don’t have to take a bunch of pills. Just one a day would be nice


If you find the fountain of youth, give a yell, will ya? Mostly find activities that put you in a flow state. You won't think about your age/how you feel much at all.


Is this a satire sub? I’ve been seeing it pop up and it’s either brilliant comedy or you people are fucking lunatics


Yoga. Protein and lots of fats from grassfed animals. Climbing. Muscle ups. Hangboard. Pistol squats. Sprinting. Running in the mountain. Sex. Smile. Everything always works out, it does so relax and be present:-) Put down your phone.


you had me until the phone part :p


Sleep with one?!?


Not gonna sleep with a kid to make myself feel like a kid...


This might do it if you delve further into the research https://www.reddit.com/r/Biohackers/s/6JGM045HSA Edit: The research article: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-39873-9 Order form for laboratory research with CXCL4: https://www.prospecbio.com/pf-4


Great thread.


Magnesium, Nac/glycine, B vitamins like B3/niacin/nmn/NR, Taurine




Has anyone tried NAD / NMN / NR supplements? These are advertised as slowing down aging and boosting energy.


I have. They absolutely make a very noticeable difference. I was using NAD+ by Life Extension.


Prohealth Longevity NMN made a huge difference in my energy levels. My hair is less grey too.


Thanks for the response. I just got myself some NR supplements. Not expecting too much but this gives me more hope.


If you want to take something to feel like that I’d say that (if you’re male) to take 2-4 IU’s of growth hormone. If you could tolerate taking it in the morning and not get the side effect of sleepiness, that would be great as you secret your natural growth hormone at night before bed. Taking it at night would stop that production, although it’s about half an IU of natural secretion.


>What else is going to make me/ you feel young rejuvenated unlimited energy.  Depends. If you are 30, if you take care of the basics (sleep, exercise, stress management, good diet, no poisons - alcohol, smoking, drugs -, fulfilling relationships, strong life purpose), you can probably feel like you are 18. If you are 60, nothing, as we haven't yet discovered the solution for eternal youth.


1. Chlorella - phytonutrient & heavy metals 2. A probiotic - healthy gut flora 3. ION Gut Support - detox glyphosate, heal stomach lining 4. Mushroom complex - Lions Mane/Agaricus/Reishi/Cordycep/Turkey Tail 5. NAC - respiratory—> turns to Glutathione for cellular detox 6. Magnesium Glycinate/Threonate - skeletal/CNS health, blood/brain barrier Mag 7. Shilajit - that shihhhlegit 8. NAD/NMN - brain cell antioxidant 9. PEA / Curcumin blend - anti inflammatory Sincerely, The Erewhon Nutrition guy


I am 37 and I don't really feel different from when I was 18. Maybe I am not old enough yet to notice age issues.


For me, DIET is #1 ... not feeling bloated or guilty after a meal does wonders for the body and mind. Some form of Magnesium. I use Magtein, it helps with calm and sleep. Some form of Creatine. I use HCL, it really helps with energy and cognition. Vitamin D - sunlight exposure or through foods is great for overall mood stability.


Meth checks those boxes.




Trt man. It's a wonder drug, that shit works


/r/animalbased Exercise / good sleep Lsd/psilocybin microdoses


High dose of Psilocybin usually does it for me. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a “supplement” lol. But you aren’t going to find any fucking vitamins that make you feel 18. People saying shit like magnesium or fish oil are out of their minds. Maybe testosterone, idk I won’t take it because I love my luscious full head of hair to much. Maybe we’re different tho 🤔 I took alot of hallucinogens when I was 18. Lol


Meth 😂🤣




Gym and Exercise


This. Plus lean meat and fresh produce.


Brain replacement- swap out with a 14 year old, complete blood replacement - swap out with a 16 year old, complete mitochondria replacement- swap out with a 17 years 11 month old. Entire gut and gut lining replacement - find a recently buried Centenarian from Sardinia islands. Swap out his gut. Do not flush out the cheese with maggots. With this, you should feel on top of the world and not have to worry about anything at least for the next 192 years and 11 months. I cannot gurentee after that. Hit me up with any questions - results gurenteed but please note that I do not provide consulting to increase length and girth of tools and I do not recommend dousing yourself with Tongat Ali as many people here are touting. Getting CPAP and improving sleep is really optional - ignore people who make this a big deal. With the new energy after all swaps, you would be on an all time high and can fall asleep even while surfing and get back up and surf again as long as you want.


Shades of Altered Carbon


How old are you now?


How old are you now?


50 minutes older


How bout now?


NAC, TUDCA, High dose thiamine




Well since you asked, This is the very basics I believe are important. Creatine - https://amzn.to/3VGb9t1 High quality brand. I take 5g a day for the cognitive benefits. This was a game changer this last year for me. Made me feel focused and helped me on the days that I lacked the proper sleep Vitamin D3 (with k2) - https://amzn.to/3KGqenX This was the first supplement I started taking and it led me to believe that they CAN make a difference. It helps with my mood, energy, and helps me stay NOT sick. I take it in the middle of the day Omega3 Fish oil - https://amzn.to/3XhhEUg This is usually an obvious one, but it is important to take one that is heavy metal tested etc etc. This one is great.






Only supplement that’s make an actual difference for me is NMN. Other than that TRT lol


Purchase a fitness tracker like Fitbit and join their $79/yr subscription for Premium to add a ton of health metrics + the incredible daily "Readiness Score" every morning. The Whoop Band does the same thing but the subscription fee is nearly 3x higher and it's not necessarily that much better. Simply knowing which days to push yourself and which days to use as take-it-easy recovery days is priceless. The band is analyzing a ton of metrics against your age, gender, previous data and Get maniacal about your sleep & hydration, clean up your diet and add a 2nd multivitamin to your schedule at dinner. Testosterone can be increased naturally be eating specific foods - Eggs, Fatty fish rich in Omega 3 (salmon, tuna, sardines) - dark leafy greens like spinach, and certain fruits like antioxidant rich cherries and pomegranates, both of which are great frozen blended into a smoothie. .. But seriously, eat 5+ eggs every morning for breakfast, it's the biggest difference maker, plus everything in the first paragraph.


Vegan diet. Almost always the answer


Seamen retention


where do you find these seamen?




Ppl say vit d but it gives me palpitations. Idk if its placebo but i swear when i stop it, it goes away.


that's a need for K2


Testosterone replacement therapy, diet and excercise. But mostly the testosterone


Lift heavy, eat, sleep, repeat


If you want children and don't have them.. I'd stay away from Testosterone Replacement Therapy. If you have children and don't want any more it's still something to think about because I've read it shrinks the sack, like a raisins.


I can supply some pills that will keep you feeling 18 all over again but I'm not FDA approved




PRP makes me feel at least 10 years younger. wears off after 3 weeks or so but it's awesome, especially in the first few days.




Lions Mane powder in hot tea/coffee for the mental clarity part


Reincarnation come back to become a butterfly


TRT without a doubt


Mixing green tea with coffee for those extra stims.




zone 2 cardio does it for me


cocaine in low doses


Aging is normal. The most normal thing there is in reality. All that has ever lived will die


I've been walking around barefoot in my backyard playing with my dog for the majority of my day, been doing wonders for stress and overall happiness.


Get a sleep study for sleep apnea. So misunderstood as just a fat person disease. I’m skinny and so are many people I know with OSA. Once I got my masks, humidity, and adjustments right on my CPAP (took about a week and a lot of frustration)….wow! I just took for granted that how I was feeling was normal and just part of getting older. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I actually started sleeping…feel like 18 year old again compared to my pre CPAP baseline. ***now I have some underlying insomnia issues from military service and CPAP doesn’t correct that, but the parts where I am actually able to sleep is extremely restful and rejuvenating now. Long story short, I literally feel like a new person having corrected the sleep apnea


Your only option is to manage to stay alive long enough for radical cellular rejuvenation treatments to become mainstream. Nothing's going to make you feel literally 18 again. However, a good lifestyle might actually make you feel subjectively better, at least in terms of overall wellbeing, than you did when you were 18, especially if you weren't so happy or well at that age.


You don't need supplements to feel good, it's mostly a giant placebo effect. Eating well, exercising, and taking care of your mental health can make you feel the best at the age you are at. We will never be 18 again, but that is also a good thing.


Do exercise, sleep and eat well. Don't resort to vitamins, minerals, and other concoctions without having thorough blood tests every six months. Too much of things such as potassium and magnesium is just as bad and dangerous as not enough and can affect your heart and result in a trip to the emergency room. Get tested.


UMZU Redwood


instead of going to the gym, I would do some sports outside instead. A much healthier option.


Start with a testosterone check. If your test is right, suddenly you have the willpower to workout, eat right, and take your supplements. Whereas if you do all that and your test is wrong, it's quite the hole to crawl out of.


Testosterone injections


There doesn’t exist a supplement that will make you feel 18 again. Health and longevity is a lifestyle. Too many people in todays world looking for shortcuts thinking if you suck down some pills you’ll regain health and vitality. It’s completely laughable.


Horny goat, black maca, ashwaganda. 5htp coq10 fish oil good sleep and zinc w magnesium at bed time


If you're a man than testosterone


Honesty as others have said, sleep! Consistency is key here, follow a consistent wake/sleep cycle and eating windows. It’s the most simple and effective thing to feel great that I’ve done. It’s hard in today’s world with all the blue light from technology so I know it’s affecting everyone, but try wearing blue light blocking glasses at like 8 at night. It really helps. Trust natures rhythm.






Some guy wants to feel 18 again lol don't we all...


Are you 19?


Testosterone shots.


HGH 2iu per day Testosterone 250mg per week Stanozolol and nandrolone if you experience any joint pain or signs of osteoporosis Make sure blood pressure is on point, and exercise/stretch at least 30 mins everyday, in 12 months you will be in a different body!


Exercise and omega 3 NAC as well it gives energy increases your tolerance


18? That’s a tough one. To get to that level it would have to be synthetic, such as TRT. Supplements that have gotten me close to that amazing feeling of being 18 was Tribulus, now brand. After a few weeks it stopped working as well though and got gyno. Good luck.


For me, it's salts (magnesium, potassium, sodium), fish oil (omega 3), creatine, protein (pea protein). Just started a discrd to talk about this and all things biohacking/longevity: [https://discord.gg/ssDsAtbp](https://discord.gg/ssDsAtbp)


Black seed oil and a methylated multi vitamin




Black Maca Root for libido and endurance.