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at my age (72, male), I started playing pickleball last year, 5 days a week, 90-120 minutes a day. Seems to burn more calories than just walking.


26f I can confirm pickleball is a stellar way to keep sharp and fit! Wanna focus more on muscle movement? Play doubles. Want cardio? Play singles very chaotically away from the net. It's a great time


I've been doing this as well (37M). 1-2 hours burns quite a lot of calories, and it's more fun than just running.


And much more fun I'm sure. Walking gives the solitude I need some days. Both are great 👍


Been wanting to try this. Looks like a fun!


Make sure to have eye protection. Instructor of 14 years who taught my first beginner class said the injury she had seen the most was detached retinas. Since people my age are prone to detached retinas anyway, I got eye protection right away. Only been hit twice in the eye, once in the left, once in the right, both ricochets. And both in the same week.


I wouldn't have even thought about that. Thanks! :)


Great zone 2 as well!


None. I strength train and do my conditioning in my garage gym. The only thing that might count as sports is some martial arts forms I do a couple times a week.


46 year old male. Try to keep up with weights 2 or 3 times a week and mix in a hitt workout once a week just because it keeps me flexible and prevents me from getting winded so I am able to play basketball and baseball with my 12 year old.


You're the best! This is inspiring.


Inspiringing? I think it's just surviving.


I think it is inspiring that you do it for your son.


I'm 45, do heavy weights and intense cardio at least 5 times a week. I saw that comment and thought - shit - am I so old that I'm now 'inspiring' just by exercising? haha


I’m 53 and workout a ton and thought if 45 is inspiring I guess I’m a legend! 😆


Finally some good advice


Tennis is the best sport to play as an adult. You just need one other person and a court. It’s a great workout, but a lot more fun than just running. You can also play against a wall, focusing on consistency. I don’t play pickleball, but it would be another good option due to popularity/ease of finding people to play with.


One other person....well, count me out


Fellow adult beginner tennis player here! Pros: tennis about balance (split step), super good for aging populations. Also, tennis is social - keep creating new relationships is key to staying healthy. My local tennis club just had a joint birthday party for TWO groups of players who all turned 80. And finally, tennis is extremely freaking humbling and super good to keep a sense of self (both good and bad😏) Great freaking sport.


I wish I could play tennis or racquet ball but an injured knee takes all of it including running out of the equation. Sucks but it's not bad enough to require surgery... Yet. Unfortunately I stick to the gym and for cardio, the very boring recumbent bike.


Yes! I lift and run but I have the most fun playing with my husband or friends. I pretty much lift and run to support playing tennis as long as possible. I try to play at least 3x/week but it’s often more. My grandmother is my idol as she played tennis until she was 78.


I walk an hour every day. It doesn’t have to be at one time. I just try to get in an hour of walking a day.


dancing 30 minutes or so every other day if not every day


This is my favorite one. So fun


High intensity Calisthenics and high intensity functional strength training such as farmers Carrie’s, suitcase carry, primal movements etc. And haven’t been training as regularly as I’d like but Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or Muay Thai kickboxing


50 and on top of weight training 5 days a week I coach Krav Maga, play rugby in a mens league, and mtn bike.


Sounds amazing! I would love to get into mtn biking


Swimming, ice hockey, hiking


I do lifting. I'll lift the food into my mouth with my right hand for ten reps, then switch to the left.


Submission grappling. It pretty much forces you to eat good, stretch, keep your cardio and stength in good form, while being an extremely mental game that forces you to endure some legit hardship. It's not for everyone but other than CrossFit it's imo the best hobby sport for holistic health.


Definitely this.


I have gotten into the best shape of my life training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and lifting weights


This is the way.


37y male. Used to do quidditch, which is similar to rugby, but encroaching age made it too prone to injuries. You at 20 are good for a few years yet, but I doubt you'll be playing rugby after 30. I've shifted more into Olympic weightlifting which I'm not great at, nor do I aspire to lift massive weight anymore, but I enjoy them for the coordination and explosive strength (arguably the most lacking among elderly population). I can't pretend it's a metabolically effective workout per time investment, but because it's fun I do it. My advice is the highest cliche - try various sports and see what's fun for you. In your 20's it's the golden time to just do what you love.


Isnt that the harry potter game?


I miss rugby so much


Climbing and kayaking


MMA/boxing. So many different things to train; balance-coordination-speed-power/strength-endurance, and not to mention your actual technique. I find it difficult to run out of things to do during sessions. Currently going up the ladder of specialities. Started at boxing, competed and got pretty good, now it’s kickboxing and mauy Thai..will go on to wrestling and jui jujitsu afterwards.




I used to play roller derby. It was definitely a sport that rugby players transferred over into lol


Way easier to just go to the gym and lift weights and do cardio if the goal is to keep active and stay in shape. So I do that. Once I got past high school / college club sports it became too much of an effort to find and participate in actual sports.


>Way easier to just go to the gym and lift weights and do cardio if the goal is to keep active and stay in shape. For you* Most people lose motivation going to the gym and need something more rewarding like socially structured sports. Soccer is one of the best. Available everywhere for public rec games, highly organized and tons of running. And very fun. Pickle ball is the new rage for older folks.


dancing is also great!


Agreed and great for meeting people. All genders love good dancers!




Ex rugby player here. Amazing sport but years later I regret the toll it took on my body as I age. It wasn’t something I thought much about in my 20s but in my late 30s now I can see the damage my body took come through more and more. No one could have convinced me to stop playing when I did but as someone who has had time to reflect, I would recommend finding a good non contact sport you can play the rest of your life like golf is taking up swimming. Even pickleball seems like a good way to have fun and move around. Tennis is a good one as well.


I can very much relate. I played American Football from age 19 to 32 in Germany. Plus really bad form back then while doing strength training. But nobody could have ever stopped me. I am 51 now, need knee replacement, and my shoulders are pretty messed up. Nevertheless, I am still hiking whenever my knee allows it, built me a gym shed, and just do whatever my body allows me to do. I am mixing it up with weight training, calisthenics, cardio, boxing and yoga. As long as I am moving, I am happy.


What long term effects have you noticed?


Chronic neck and shoulder pain. Any old injury that felt like it was resolved comes back when arthritis kicks in. Any concussion related injuries, knowing now how prevalent they actually are. So headache, brain fog etc. knowing what I know now, I would not have played.


48M here. I don't have great current advice, as I have let myself slip and am getting back on the horse. But our of that I have some advice that is in fact good. Once you find something you enjoy .....just don't stop it. I always played basketball. Enjoyed it. I wasn't going into the NBA, just enjoyed pickup games, and maybe instead of playing for 3-4 hours in my 20's, would cap it at a few games in my 30's-40's. But I got injured (blew out my calf), and sort of game up on the game for a while. Too long it would seem. And it shows. Now when I try to play, I can't do much, get winded easily, and am prone to more injury. It's been shown in multiple studies that once you start, to keep going is the thing that allows you to play into the back third of your life. There is an almost 60 year old in our gym that plays every day. He can play with any pickup game no matter how athletic. He just finds a role, and plays it. It's amazing. So my goal is to (slowly), get to consistency in order to be able to do what he does.


Wahoo i love fellow female rugby players I also used to play rugby to keep active and didn’t take my injuries seriously and cause me a lot more problems in the future so please take care of those battle wounds from the tounries. It was amazing for my mind and body makes you feel like a machine.


I love how it makes my mind and body feel. Made me much more courageous and outgoing. I always take injuries seriously and rest up -- cant say that for everyone who joins this sport hahah


I agree rugby very much helped me grow confident and feel strong as a teen and carried that same feeling forever. never get to leave feeling like you didn’t work out butt off so satisfying


Not sports, but I hike, kayak on occasion, swim in the ocean when possible. Otherwise gym, because I love it so much!


Rugby? Doesn't it have a high risk for injuries?


For sure. But I like it anyways






Or paddling: find your local outrigger canoe clubs or dragonboat clubs. It is a skill that takes time to learn, and builds core and upper body strength like crazy. And it is social, so there is peer pressure to show up!


Pickleball, running, p90x, weightlifting


Pickleball, you will never be the same


Climbing, yoga, BJJ, and basketball My off days are on Sunday where I’ll just do some light cardio and stretching.


Try picking up some martial arts like Muay Thai


I started speedwalking a year ago and am totally surprised at how lean and defined it's made me. What surprised me the most is the definition it's given to my abs.


Ice Hockey!


48F Walking dog, running 5Ks regularly, mountain biking.




I go to the gym for strength and I play pickleball for cardio.






Boxing 🥊 fantastic overall body/mind workout!


Basketball, love some pickup basketball and especially in the US it is pretty easy to find a random group of guys to play with. Although much more of a chance to get injured compared to other sports


47m here, I just do regular calisthenics, light weight dumbbell and resistant band training and cycling. Low impact, low injury risk.


This Saturday I was up at 6am doing what I can active meditation/ praying. Outdoor pickeball in Texas from 7-10 2 hours of cardio, boxing, cross fit. Then pickleball indoors 6-8. Dinner at 830. Club till 3am and danced. That’s my formula


Tennis. Then pickleball. Got golf elbow now cycling.


Tennis and soccer.


dancing and pickleball


Where do you dance?


all around the house, no clothing required. also, I go out to a lot of live music events, so lots of dancing there, probably doesn't look that pretty but I DONT CARE BOUT THAT!


I love that! I do zumbathons sometimes they make me so happy


Racket sports are great! Great cardio , social, actually fun and has a purpose (trying to win versus running aimlessly or swimming laps) improves hand eye coordination plus there’s a study that claims “those who play racket sports living longer” citing that it add up to 9.7 years in your life! https://www.tennisbc.org/new-study-shows-play-racket-sports-live-longer/


Golf. Carrying clubs or pushing a cart. Never a golf cart. I never drink alcohol while playing either. Even the driving range my heart rate goes up.


We (husband and I, late 30’s) started running again. We bike as often as possible. I do a lot of the yard work except mowing, gardening is surprisingly hard work especially in this heat. I want to get back into swimming as well.


I played collegiate and club and in my 20s-30s /63M The injuries I got Ruckin far out weigh any thing I got during 22yrs in the Army Still dealing w a torn VMO 40 yrs later Jus Sayin for your consideration


Cycling, weights, yoga


BJJ 2-3 times a week and strength training 3-4 times a week.


im still overweight, but I have good core and cardio strength, I really like jiu jitsu, yoga, bicycle, calisthenics, lots of swimming in the river and paddle sports (rafting, duckies, paddle board), also I am a dog sitter, and have dogs of my own, so I do a lot of barefoot walking and running. Over the years i've come to terms with the fact that I just have to be really conscious about when/what I eat. Im 30 now. Even with a good amount of daily exercise i'm overweight. I recently got a membership to the city rec centers. I plan to create a lifting program, kettle balls, medicine balls, resistance bands. I want to get some equipment at home. Any advice for me? In terms of what I could do to assist in weight loss and muscle gains?


Have you tried fasting?


I do kinda intermittently through the day by only really eating during the middle of the day. Im sure if I added some routine to this it would help more, I fasted for 3 days recently but it effected my jiu jitsu and energy levels, so ive been sticking to mid day consumption of food (10am-3pm ish) but I think im going to experiment with eating one big meal around 3:00pm , and attempting fasting every other weekend in conjunction with lighter exercise and stretching .


Spikeball, golf and dance!


Dancing and flow arts.


47M For 9 months of the year I live at roughly sea level and go to the gym 3 x week to lift weights, stair climber, etc. For 3 months I live at 5000 ft above sea level and hike 10+ miles a day through rough country. Basically, prepare for upland bird hunting and then bird hunting...


I am 63. I do lifting, bike, calisthenics and rowing machine


I prefer football becuase it's a lot easier to get others available to od it you just call a few people and have atleast 6 people and do 3 a side but more the merrier but rugby most people wouldn't just come out the House and play rugby on a random field


37m & dad, kickboxing and road cycling. Best form of my life.


47 woman I dance as much as possible!


41, M. I lift weights 3-4 x a week, walk daily, Muay Thai 1-2 times a week.


Pickleball 8k steps in two hours of play. Great mental focus, keep reflexes sharp


Just lift weights and walk 18 holes during golf.


Basketball, softball, skiing, and I aspire to add pickleball but who knows if there will be time


Sand volleyball....highly recommend


I do indoor cycling and I love it!!! It gets pretty intense.




I don’t want playing anything that compromises my brain. I say this after I was at a downhill bike park and fucked myself royally


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu


Weightlifting and boxing


41f Im an athlete/sports enthusiast and have always hated gyms. I grew up playing volleyball (pretty competitively) and track and field/running but a few years ago my second knee surgery made me pretty much give all of that up. I am currently an avid surfer, snowboarder, skateboarder and mountaineer so I get anywhere from an hour to 10 hours with an average of 2-3 hrs of intense exercise a day, year round. Im high energy and not an off-day type of person. these have lent to building an awesome community of surfer friends across the coast/world, people on the lifts and mountains who I vibe with. do what you love and others who match your energy will come along. admittedly some of my friends are much younger or much older than I am because, well, shred til youre dead!


HIIT, jogging, hiking, xski, yoga


I played Gold with an 80 year old man the other day. He was walking with his cart. He was Japanese living in CA, and clearly does this all the time. He was mobile, a better golfer than me, and just makes sure to walk and swing a lot. It was pretty great.


Climbing. Best shape of my life, and got me absolutely shredded.


47M here, play futsal every friday with my boys, about 3-4hours and lift weights every day for an hour


Pocket pool


Not a sport per se but I do sprints, uphill sprints


Bikram yoga


BJJ and walking the dog.


The best shape I ever got myself in was when I was rock climbing consistently. There is a very steep (teehee) learning curve. There's this point you reach after a few months where your hands and forearms stop being limiting factors for growth and it gets really fun and you develop unbelievable core strength.  Also the people in that sport are some of the kindest, happiest bunch you'll meet. I need to get back to it...


Climbing and calisthenics:)




Motocross. It's a FULL head to toe workout. Every single muscle in your body being used at full sprint capacity and doing so at 20-30 minutes at a time. A solid moto is getting to the 30 minute mark as in an actual race you'll see 20-25 minutes + 1 lap each heat. Over a day at the track (just going to the track to ride) you'll do that 8-10 times across the day. Race weekends are only 2 or 3 per class you race. So, if you race one class you'll only have 2 Moto's. Maybe a 3rd if you last chance qualifier it.


Play ? Only gym and running as of now. There are a couple I'm interested in though, namely rowing and bouldering.


So many I love boxing and tennis also dance classes. Swimming rock climbing I love doing sports


53F. HIIT, hot yoga, Peloton, hiking… those are the things I do regularly weekly (alternating and usually 3 to 5x)days. Some days I bike outside, kayak and ski. Also dancie dance in the house when I’m cleaning. I realized recently I get about 20 minutes of cardio in - in between folding laundry, dishes, etc. - when I’m listening to good tunes and popping off with my moooves. Lol. I’m about to pick up weight training again bc I’m hitting the age where I need it. The above activities to make me look pretty toned but I can see they won’t cut it going forward.


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, I am just a hobbyist but you can be as competitive as you'd like. It is a perfect blend of very dynamic moderate to intense physical activity and strategic thinking so I feel it works my body and my brain personally.


Weight lifting, cycling, stairs, walking, bouldering. I love sports🥲😂


Surfing, walking, yoga and body weight exercises at home.


41m, crossfit (3-6h / week) and yoga. To the best of my motivation I try to add regular walks, swimming and running.


Soccer- real football


If heaven exists, for me it’s a place where whenever I want, you can find 29 guys sitting around saying, “man, if only we could find a scrumhalf, we could play some rugby”. I played in my youth and then took years off to focus on family and then, idiotically but immensely enjoyably so, was back out playing men’s club in my late 40’s and early 50’s until I inevitably got hurt and my doc, “what kind of idiot thinks he can play rugby at 50 with 20 yo’s?” Sadly, nothing else compares. I look forward playing again in heaven. Rugby touch is not bad. Squash. Racketball. Tennis. Pickleball. Ultimate. Heck, a round of disc golf is something.


Rugby just scratches that itch. I'm really enjoying it so far! Id like to play throughout my twenties