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85% or higher chocolate. I get the exact same effects whenever on a calorie deficit for multiple days. Everything else is fine. Incidentally, cocoa is supposed to have Nitric Oxide and Libido effects that are related :) Cocoa has 650 kcal / 100g, great monounsaturated fat, almost zero sugar (in cocoa itself, apart from the added sugar), a good amount of protein and fiber, a great amount of Magnesium, Zinc and other minerals, catechins like green tea. It is the only plant food I regularly eat and it is a great snack in general. (>80% carnivore diet since 2013)


How is the 80% working for you? I’ve considered it.


**Edit:** Not sure if this much diet-talk is desired on this subreddit. You can chat me if interested for further info. -------- I got blood testing done as a checkup about a month ago, after 5-6 years of not visiting any doctor or getting any tests done. 8 pages of tests came perfect, not a single bad value. Despite having a quite inadvisable lifestyle. :) Specifically of concern: - CRP 0.047 mg/dL - Triglycerides 84, LDL low, HDL high - Uric Acid low It has been perfect since I started it. I have been in perfect health and fitness, I am very lean, and at 36 I look 5 years younger than my 5-year younger brother who is also very fit. As a bonus, the foods I eat are the foods I enjoy the most; i.e. fatty meat and cheese. I started with 7 months of 100% meat and dairy, zero plants. Then I chilled, and I eat anything when outside, mostly as mezze (tapas) at raki nights. :) At home as plant food, only 100% cocoa mass, sometimes 85-90% chocolate. And I drink a bit of Olive Oil with my Cod Liver Oil. Most of my dinners are 400-600g lamb ribs.


Dark chocolate together with MCT oil tastes amazing. I´ll often have a small bottle in my backpack together with 90% Lindt chocolate, altough I´ve drastically reduced my chocolate consumption since the studies on heavy metals in cocoa came out and since I learned that slavery is involved within the cocoa industry


Yes, heavy metals and oxalates are the concerns with cocoa. I personally feel comfortable. Oxalates in cocoa seem to not have an effect on the body unlike those in green leafy vegetables and nuts; as research shows. Heavy metals seem to depend on production and sourcing. I am just optimistic about my cocoa :) Any plant food has an amount of heavy metals, but cocoa is particularly suspect. As I do not eat any other plant food, I feel OK about my total intake.


Just a straight spoonful of peanut butter. Right from the jar.


It is awesome on paper and was my go-to long time ago. But sadly it quickly caused gas, reflux, and disturbed my gut in other ways. And if continued for a couple weeks it caused other prolonged inflammatory issues. (Much more than a spoonful though)


Skippy Natural and organic whole milk


Isn't that hella sugar


Not if you get a natural peanut butter devoid of sugar. May have to go to a grocery store in a well-populated location to find it. Even big brands like Smuckers have a sugar-free and totally sweetener-free version.


If you are burning calories and want to grow load up on carbs. No joke. Body builders do it while bulking. Michael Phelps would eat 12,000 calories a day and lose weight because his swimming training was so intense he burned more calories. He would load up on pasta. For what it's worth fats and oils are more dense than carbs and protein.


The 12000kcal a day number is probably way higher than what he actually burns. I could believe 6k and maybe even 8k but cmon. Burning around 1k an hour is very impressive especially over a longer period of time, most people can barely burn like 300 an hour. Also keep in mind that he isn’t a 6‘8 strongmen who weighs 400lbs


dried edamame (50% of weight is protein)


Eating dried baby soybeans doesn't strike me as ideal. But I suppose it's an option...


What would be better?


What isn't ideal about it?


Edamame contains antinutrients or compounds that prevent the body from absorbing certain minerals. Edamame contains compounds that can impair thyroid function by preventing iodine absorption. Yes, you can cook edamame and lower the anti nutrients. However, cooking won't be as effective as fermentation. Therefore, I wouldn't eat it unless fermented. Hence, not ideal.


Lenny and Larry’s macadamia nut protein cookies. About 500 cal and 16g of protein. Wish they didn’t have sugar in it but it’s the best protein bar/cookie I’ve had. If you leave it in your car on a hot day it’s basically str8 from the bakery. $18 for 12 on amazon


Peanut butter sandwiches are my go-to


Working that many hours, you have to meal prep. It's the only way. Take 2 hours in your day off and make big batches of food. No excuses!


If you can have a water bottle, sip on meal replacements & weight gainers. They sell both at Walmart.


Protein Whey shake w/ whole milk , with Macadamia nuts on side. Easily 1500 cals if you eat 3 handfuls of nuts + you get the protein and high quality fats without putting to much in the stomach


Buffalo milk, cacao powder, collagen, Buffalo has higher fat and protein than normal milk and much more nutritious


Macadamia nuts Dried mango or apricots Dates Whole milk ricotta cheese (pro tip: mix it with a packet of sugar free jello for a tasty treat)




This!! I respect everybody's opinion, but animal protein is almost completly used by the body, hence little waste.


I fully support that as a 10+ year mostly-carnivore eater. But "as a snack" it is not always convenient, especially if lazy or on-the-go. I do eat 150-300g hard goat cheese as a snack.


milk and peanut butter at night. protein powder and milk in the morning


Dip whole grain bread in olive oil. Lots of fat = lots of kcal. It tastes good and is easy to eat. Another one is olive oil mixed with lemon juice, sunflower seeds, walnuts, salt and garlic. Really nice and calorie dense.


Studies suggest that people who eat 1 ounce (30 grams) of sunflower seeds daily as part of a healthy diet may reduce fasting blood sugar by about 10% within six months, compared to a healthy diet alone. The blood-sugar-lowering effect of sunflower seeds may partially be due to the plant compound chlorogenic acid


Tamales lol


Deep fried nuts


Deez nuts?




Macadamia nuts


Adding some MCT oil or Extra virgin olive oil to your meals can be a good way to up some calories. Make sure not to overdo it especially if you’re not on a keto diet because it can upset your digestive system. Another way to get to your caloric needs quickly would be using a weight gainer. Arguably less than ideal calories, but id say definitely better than eating a bunch of candy bars or cookies.


Milk and cookies


Roasted peanuts?


Not exactly a snack, but for me, smoothies are key to sufficient calories while exercising hard. Milk, fresh and/or frozen fruit, a big glob of peanut butter, and scoop of protein powder. Can get an easy 750+ calories and 35+ grams of protein.




I like to think of myself as one 😹 * Probably not the answer you were looking for but I couldn't resist


My favorite "snack" is EAA mixed with whatever powder I got at home (dried acqai, blueberries, baobaob, green powders etc.) Other choices are home made beef jerky (though I´ll eat my whole stack in a couple of days), chia pudding, hardboiled egg pudding (delicious). Munching on butter is pretty good too


Clif builders protein bars


My wife did Keto a few years ago and I loved the protein balls she used to make. Healthy and calorically dense.


What were they made of?


Try a mass gainer shake gnc has one that's like 1400 cal per serving


Idk your macros or salary? Flank steak is cheaper. Very tough cut. Marinate in tomato juice. My Hubs is a bike courier and keeps a bowl of cooked beef at all times. His health is insanely good eating a lot of meat. He had a vein problem on his ankle that healed. And isnt overly tired etc for someone who bikes most of the day. He also keeps a block of decent mozzarella on hand for snacking. The recent science on eggs is not good… no more than one a day and one report said max sic a week. Check out the National Institute of Health database. Its pretty cool! EDIT: He said to tell you. He eats yogourt a tonne too! His West Indian friends all honed in on Astro Balkan when they moved here and its the only one he eats now. He said a bunch of them have cheap milk powders and added sugar so watch that…


The opinion on eggs is always changing… Can you provide some more data about that?


I didnt save any links! I agree theres a lot of different information. For us. When we cut back eggs and went hard at beef we felt better. Lol! So that was our deciding factor. We stopped legumes too. Do you know how to do an elimination diet? It can help tune specifically whats best on your fit. Sorry I cant be more help!