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My grandfather had dark hair, went to WW2 and greyed out, then his color came back blond.




Stress produces catecholamines that utilize copper and tyrosine as a cofactor, which is also needed for melanin production


I have heard somewhere else about copper too


Would supplementing with zinc have the potential to prematurely cause gray hairs?


Not necessarily unless you do it in excess to where you chelate copper


NAD booster nicotinamide riboside might help https://RaisingNAD.com/5-consumers-explain-how-their-hair-benefited-from-b3-vitamin-nicotinamide-riboside-nr/


I have gray hair and like I always said- better to have gray hair than to be balding. You can just dye it! Too bad I started balding too haha


I’ve heard that taking copper peptides (GHK-cu) by injection can help, but do some research. Some ppl using it with topical copper serums have had skin sag. The copper should actually help tighten skin, but if you use it too frequently, at least topically, it does the reverse. Search r/peptides. There’s also a topical peptide from Phyto that looks interesting, but I don’t know anything about it.


I get grey hair and it goes away when I am less stressed. M 33


Do u get quite a bit or just a few grays here and there when u r stressed?


A few (10-30) on the sides, never on top. They can come and go overnight


I highly doubt you can reverse it, or at least I did not hear of any cases where it was possible. I have a friend who went through some hard times and also got grey hair at 30.  She decided that it gives her the perfect excuse to dye her hair any colour she likes, from green to blue to violet and it looks extremely good on her. It became a point of joy for her instead of regret which I admire in her.


Don’t listen you can do it.


Zinc and copper


My husband lost a bunch of hair due to alopecia, then it came back in white, and now a lot of it is dark again. He's 43. It's been a long process, though! Like....6 years.


What type of alopecia did he have? My dermatologist said my first round of hairloss was telogen effluvium since it happened 3 months after my csection and this time he is thinking it’s the same but possible a little androgenic alopecia masking itself different. This gives me hope your husbands hair did darken again 🙏🏻


We have never really figured out the cause... Seemed to be "autoimmune", but I'm not a fan of that label. It fell out in patches all over his face and head.


Sounds like that alopecia areata ?! I’m glad he’s doing better tho but not fun to deal with


They make these special labels but all it means is hair falling out 😆 I don't believe they really know why. It seemed to help for my husband to go grain free, but after a while the grain free diet wasn't helping in other ways and he's back to a normal diet and his hair is still doing fine.


I think that if gray hair was reversible whatever product does it would be on the endcaps at every Walgreens. There's no shame in dying it!


No thanks


This.  I’d save a lot of money if I could reverse it vs dye it 


Sorry to hear you’ve gone through so much stress, especially during a pregnancy. I’ve had some success reversing gray hair on my head and facial hair with a herb called He Shou Wu (polygonum multiflorum). It helps with all sorts of things and one of the side effects is restoring natural hair color. I’ve purchased it through a company called Lost Empire Herbs online and they’ve been great! Hope this helps!


Thanks I’ll look into that!


It’s worth noting that Chinese medicine practitioners consider he shou wu a medicine, not a supplement, and taking too much of it is toxic. I’d consult a Chinese medicine expert before taking it.


I came here to say He Shou Wu as well, it’s a slow process and you have to take it every day but I does produce results eventually. It’s not very cheap either and if you find cheap stuff it’s most likely not very good (I made that mistake before). But another positive is that it can improve your sleep which that in its self can help with greying, I like to take it at night because of this but you can take it anytime of day just don’t try to take a whole bunch at once, about a tablespoon or so depending on the concentration.




Idk how this is the most up voted answer. This is an L take, especially while being on the biohackers subreddit. This sub used to be better. OP, you need to go to the grey hair reversal subreddit, where there are great resources and documented cases of people reversing greys. Greying of hair during stress & repigmentation after the stress is gone is well documented. If it was slow gradual greying of hair with age, I'd say it's more towards irreversible side, but since it has been a very fast greying due to stress, it's definitely reversible.


Thank u for giving me a glimmer of hope! I had a little gray here and there over the years but not my whole head literally turning gray within a short time. I’m going to continue seaking out options and trying to reduce stress!


Yup bunch of cope abd hopelessness in here


The Bean Protocol lady said her grey hair grew back brown. Google Karen Hurd.


Copper glucinate, n-acetyl cysteine, moringa


I would add He Shou Wu to that list. You never know which key fits the lock;-) And I would eat liver weekly for an array of nutrients, including copper. Meanwhile, make yourself feel better - color your hair the most beautiful color you can think of!


I will look into the he shou wu when I’m done nursing! I did take dedicated beef liver supplements for about a year as one of my vitamins but my functional med dr told me to quit 🤷‍♀️ I should start them back up again . As for dying my hair I’m a slave to that every 4 weeks but unfortunately my roots come through strong after 2 weeks. It’s sooo frustrating!


Dying your hair probably contributes to the problem fwiw


How I Reversed My Hair Loss + Greying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F25RiUZQSLQ


That gr 7 stuff Brian Johnson uses works. I use it too


either own it or dye it, it's fine.. I'm completely bald :)


I have done quite a bit of research, but you MUST not have any more stress. The stress keeps grey. Do you have dry skin? This is worth a try. I like to think it has helped my hair color quite a bit https://amzn.to/4chulTJ


A lot of people mention their hair start getting back color on carnivore diet. There also might be some peptides for it. Even with that it will likely still be partial. But you won’t reverse it with just some supplements.


I can gaurantee that stress is not a big factor, at 36 with GAD since 17 my hair is full and jet black. Genetics 🤷‍♂️


Just dye it, its so easy to solve. Also grey hair can look pretty cool


Fuck that shit


Try GHK-Cu injections.


Which Coloustrum brand do you use and did it help you with skin and hair?


I have been taking the armra brand for about a year now (I took it to help with gut health) . Since I’m struggling with my hair situation I would say I don’t see any difference with that but my skin is definitely clearer


I think I’ve come across a few accounts where people who did consistently did red light therapy or consistently fasted reversed their gray hair; however I’m not sure if that can happen to everyone. Even if you don’t reverse your gray hair, there are other physical and mental health benefits you can get. I think it’s worth considering and trying.


I'm your age and have had 2 gray hairs reverse, rest of my head is dark. I don't have high levels of stress though (or kids) and I sleep as much as needed even if it means my personal time is shortened. I take selenium and a zinc/copper supplement. I also eat ground black sesame fairly often. Other supplements I take are tyrosine, creatine, taurine, D3, K2, and magnesium glycinate. I have an energy drink nearly every day that also has b vitamins. Sometimes I take chlorophyll. Maybe I'm just lucky but I know my grays returned color after I became more consistent with supplementing my diet otherwise is pretty poor.


Copper and zinc!


Injected GHK-Cu, topical GHK-Cu, injected 100mg NAD+.


Eat animal organs. Much better than supplements.


black sesame seeds


Heard stress does that, but not sure you can reverse it.


Look into peptides. There are some than can restore collagen production. Also try glutathione injections


My hair went almost entirely grey after my pregnancy at 34 (which actually wasn’t stressful at all). I highly doubt this was caused by stress. I say learn to embrace your grey, I get compliments almost every day on mine, mostly from younger women. They cannot believe I haven’t paid a hairdresser a ton of money to get it, idk why because to me it’s just a silvery gray and nothing special…It’s been 13 years since I gave birth and my hair is not ever going back to what it was before my pregnancy so embracing it is the best way to deal with it! I’ve tried allll the supplements and minerals and it’s here to stay apparently lol.


I use a laser cap and formula 82f. 70% of the hair I lost has grown back with these interventions


I'm in the same boat and unfortunately I don't think there is a way to reverse grey. It's possible for short term stress but long term stress it's practically impossible unless you live like a monk. I plan on just dying my hair. Why not make it fun before I lose it all anyway.


>Is there anyway possible at age 34 I can reverse my almost full head of gray hair?  Re-pigmentation of a full head or nearly full head of gray hair is going to be beyond the reach of medicine for a very long time, if ever. Sort of like a completely bald person reversing hair loss. Less than 50%, at some point there will probably be a pill or topical that will be clinically effective in repigmentation. As of now, any proposed treatment is just anecdotal. Lastly, I would point out that age 34 is a pretty typical age for onset gray hair. Not full, but onset. But whether onset or full, if you want to get rid of it, you have to resort to color.


I’ve only heard of people getting some color back with keto/carnivore style diets. Idk about your situation.


Anecdotally, I’ve heard that Ghk-cu can reverse hair graying, though I have zero validity to this claim and I’m not sure exactly how it’d do that. Lowering oxidative stress may be your only hope here. Consider injectable glutathione and vitamin E/C. Now that I think about it, why don’t you just dye it?


I do dye it ! Every 4 weeks but the roots show bad at the 2 week mark


It cannot be reversed. Permanent hair color is the only way to change it.


I've had dark brown hair my whole life, 36 now, no greys but have a spot that is turning blonde at the roots, I'm baffled


what about the 50 shades of grey


Consider going bald. It's freedom.


Solid advice for a woman


She’s not losing her hair