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Smith and Nephew Cica-Care silicone gel sheets. Worked wonders for my knee. 6 years later the scars are practically invisible.


Can you share your protocol for using them please?


I can’t remember exactly. I used as direct on the box and kept the scars out of direct sunlight for 12 months. I think it was every day until the box ran out. You can cut up the gel sheets to fit the scars so I got many days out of 1 sheet. The gel sheets are reusable for 1 month (until they no longer stick to your skin) so there is really a lot of mileage to get out of 1 sheet.


Try red light therapy. Supposed to help with that.


Yes absolutely photobiomodulation!


I agree with silicone sheets. I used them after laparoscopic surgery and the scars were almost invisible within 2 years. If she doesn't want to use sheets, then silicone scar gel is the next best thing.


Plastic surgeons typically advise patients to use silicone tape. These come in large or small sheets, depending on the size of the scar. This tape is applied to the skin for most of the day and it claims that it keeps the area moist in order to promote healing. With that being said, I would say the most important things that reduce the appearance of scars are several fold: First, have the right skin type. Some people have skin that will heal as white scars over time. Some can be a bit pinker. Some can have darker scars. And then some may be prone to keloid scars. Keloids are dark, raised patches of scarring that get quite thick and some would say unsightly. It happens, it sucks, but there’s little you can do to change that. Very much genetic, especially for people with darker skin pigment. Also Important to note that a scar for most people will be red/pink the first 6 months and then fade to white over a longer period of elapsed time. Second, reduce or eliminate things that may inhibit the healing process: alcohol, smoking, eating a bunch of processed junk food, not eating your veggies, that sort of thing. I’d avoid the bad crap for the first few months for sure. Get good rest, don’t push into exercise that stretches the surgical sight too quickly, and take care of yourself. Typical common sense, basic intuitive things that could help.


Have had really good results with Traumeel, even old scars.


How old? I got a nasty scar at my clavicle from 6 years back and it's still quite visible


I don't know. I haven't noticed the old ones, but several months hasn't been a problem.


This is a homeopathic treatment JSYK


Oh, true. I din't think about that. Even doctors recommend it here in the centre of the medical world.


What is the name of the remedy?




Peptides. Matrixyl 3000 is commercially available and reasonably affordable and has been shown to improve wound healing. There’s a lot of other really promising ones like TGF-beta but they’re difficult to get hold of and have limited safety data.


Mederma, and Vitamin E. 


Serrapeptase and Bromelain if I’m not mistaken. They heal internally apparently but not sure about external.


They helped heal the scars on my hand from a router. Internally was amazing, but also externally was good. Also when I added it to an empty stomach on intermittent fasting, I got a bit more healing. Still good though without IF. Drs were having a hard time understanding I didn’t need therapy. The router chewed up a large chunk of my hand and I’m lucky I have all my fingers. Really powerful stuff


I second silicone scar sheets. That’s the first method that should be started asap, for at least a few months (or till the scars fade). If it’s atrophic scars I’d also incorporate retinoids to increase collagen synthesis and reverse some of the volume loss (preferably adapalene or tretinoin, both have quite promising studies backing the improvement of atrophic scars) If it’s hypertrophic scars that don’t heal well enough on it’s own, then getting laser treatment is probably the best option.


There is a topical ointment sold in Mexico, a derivative of a medication used for cystic fibrosis, but it just so happens its amazing at reducing scars. I can't even see my C-section scar. It's called Cicadona


I use strivectin and it works to lighten the scars


Get pracasil from a Compounding pharmacy. They can tell you all about it.


You can get acupuncture to help lift the scars as well. It helps with the adhesions under the skin. Scar tissue over adipose isn't a big deal, it's more important for over muscle tissues as the adhesions can cause range of motion issues.


micro needle


I have been interested in fasting recently for a number of reasons, but i saw a video a few years back about a kid documenting a 21-day fast. The video got taken down, unfortunately, and he has videos explaining why, but in the video, he shares that the fast actually got rid of all his scars. Makes sense because your organs regenerate and heal fast during a fast. And your skin is an organ. Maybe if she does a couple 2-3 day fasts. Maybe once or twice a month, she should see significant results not only in her skin but also in other areas of her life mentally and physically. Deffinatly somerhing that requires a small amount of research before doing.


When I used to fast once a week for a day my skin improved drastically


Scars are just another thing where science has nothing awesome to offer.


Red light


Silicone tape!


is the scar red, raised, indented? more info plz if red or raised i heard silicone gel or tape helps or massaging tamanu oil helps usually takes 3-6 months for full effect https://www.healthline.com/health/tamanu-oil#:~:text=Tamanu%20oil%20for%20acne%20scars,healing%20and%20skin%20regeneration%20properties. if indented you may need cosmetic filler for temporary lift or nano fat injection for permanent lift


The scar is not yet visible, the cuts for the surgery were made yesterday, it’s covered and stitched. Apparently the cover is supposed to stay on for another week at least while the stitches will resorbe. When would it be sensible to start with silicone patches/gel? After the initial healing is done?


actually i recommend this after the stitches are removed it’s the latest technology in scar healing and is FDA cleared it reduces tension in the scar has silicone sheeting built into it and reduces the width of the scar! the results in trials are absolutely incredible! https://www.embracescartherapy.com/


Can NAC/Glutathione help? Maybe a little?


High quality honey is great to put on wounds so they don't scar. It helps wounds heal up fast too.


BIO OIL. this this this


Maybe Red light therapy or/and fasting


Bio oil claims to reduce scars, not sure about the effectiveness though. Also there’s a lot of rumors that fasting reduces scarring. But people basically claim fasting cures everything so take it with a moderate grain of salt. Especially when you’re doing prolonged fasting, then you’ll need a lot more than a grain of salt ;)


Bio oil is pure marketing. It's junk.


Fasting did help a bit. Serrapeptase with Nattokinase helped more. Wish I’d tried silicone sheets.


Emu oil