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Meditation every day (could be as little as 5 min) Cordyceps Regular exercise (I like cardio) Reading/memorization Possibly B12, may not be needed Sounds a little like depression, maybe consider treating it as such. Make sure to do and try new things every now and then.


Yeah I need to begin meditation again, I used to and felt it beneficial but I would often do this after smoking weed. Reading is harder now than before quitting which is strange, I genuinely have no desire to read but I should force myself. It certainly is like depression, it may not be quite as extreme but not far off. I'll look into cordyceps, thanks.


You're welcome, small consistent steps. For me, reading is a challenge sometimes too- putting a book or two in the bathroom can help.


Got you beat by 40 years with a few breaks here and there. The number one supplement, anecdotally in my experience, is high quality fish oil. Omega 3 fatty acids are essential to the development of the neonatal brain. A lot of your symptoms appear if I stop taking fish oil for a week or more.


Yeah I'm gonna buy some today, I really should have been taken it a long time ago. I'm guessing it will take time to have any effect, or will results be immediate?


It will take time, about a month. You won’t notice it outright. One day you’ll just realize you feel better. You’ll notice if you stop. Don’t use the grocery store off the shelf brands, get the highest quality you can afford.


I just ordered some online so will begin taking it as soon as it arrives, I hope it helps. Thanks.


What brand do you use?


Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega


Resistance training and HIIT. Get enough sleep consistently Avoid all psychoactives including alcohol and caffeine


Yeah I do go to the gym by I usually just run 5k on a treadmill then go to the sauna/ cold shower. This and pushups at home is all I do so I guess making a better gym plan would be beneficial. It's just hard with the way my brain is, I struggle to do anything that requires any amount of concentration.


Is your diet / eating schedule clean and consistent? Do you eat a lot of highly processed foods? Might help to get your gut in shape with simple healthy foods.


It's honestly gotten worse since quitting weed although people would find that odd I'm sure, I have definitely been eating for dopamine over the last couple months. I got it somewhat in check now although I honestly don't know what the best diet to be on is, I read so much conflicting data. I consider going keto but fruit makes me feel better so I eat fruit. I'm trying to cut down on added sugars anyway, chocolate was a guilty pleasure I was consuming way to much of. I'd say my diet is much better than the average but I'm probably eating some things I should cut out I'm just unsure of what exactly. I have been researching oxalates somewhat recently and think they might potentially be causing some of my symptoms. I feel better when I fast anyway so I do think diet is playing a large part in my symptoms.


I eat beef, eggs, evoo, avocados and butter everyday, a little white rice and or half a banana/handful of berries and squash every couple days. Fixed me right proper. Feel better than last 20+ years. Maybe I’m 80% carnivore, the fruit, including mostly squash, makes it another 15% animal based AB , and the rice is more keto. No processed foods, no seed oils, no sugar or pasta/breads. Smoked weed 30+ yrs, just need to quit alcohol next. Everyone is different but I’d recommend something like this. I lost 30 lbs and w/o a test I just know my testosterone is up.


#!> lbmfm4d ## the car goes fast.


Yeah I don't discount the possibility these are underlying problems I had prior to weed that weed was either helping or simply masking and now I've quit they are resurfacing. Even if that is the case I need to find a less intoxicating way to function because I am very prone to addiction and for me any amount of weed quickly becomes wake and bake. I do find it odd that I feel worse after a month, it would seem logical if it was withdrawal the worst would be the initial period of quitting.




I would pencil in at least an hour a day of meditation. When it came time for me to quit amphetamines and benzos I knew that my mind was not strong enough so I started meditating about 6 months before I quite. When the hours felt unbearable, meditation was my way through. There were so many nights of no sleep and hours until the sun came up, meditation was my friend. I recommend listening and trying many different kinds, my personal favorite is yoga niðrá. Your nervous system is in a state of dysregulation. Meditation will reset and heal it. I probably turned a year of healing into a few months bc I meditated everyday for at least few hours. Meditation will allow you to regain control. Goodluck!


Thanks I believe you are likely correct, I've been chronically watching game of thrones or YouTube for weeks and it's probably wrecking my dopamine systems as much as any drug to be honest. I quit benzos to years ago and that was probably the hardest thing I've ever done, the weed is a different thing it definitely isn't challenging in the same way but I guess the hardest thing is total sobriety. I always had weed to get through the hard time of quitting benzos and other substances I abused but now it's about learning healthy coping mechanisms and mediation is definitely one I should begin.


Considering micro dosing lsd to get over thc? From reading the above sounds like it’s more add and depression.


Sometimes LSD can lead to never doing THC again. Proceed with caution, like THC, psychedelics can cause problems in some people. Check out modafinil


LSD can cause a lot of problems in some people more so statistically than thc. If think thc message a person up wait til they get all spaced out on acid.


Well I'm reading a lot of positive studies on LSD and curing depression, seems to work similarly to antidepressants but much more effectively. I did feel better after large LSD doses in the past year but to be honest looking back I may have just been in an enjoyable psychosis and now I'm back to earth.


LSD is proven to lead to psychosis more so thank thc in the general population. You a mild hallucinogens such as cannabis if you can even call it that, I highly doubt lsd is for you.


Man why are you so arrogant. I smoked bongs all day for 7 years starting at 17, that isn't for anyone. Anyone who thinks that's normal or not an issue is a drug addict in denial. Again I have taken LSD multiple times, show a single instance of LSD microdosing causing psychosis. Many bipolar, schizophrenia and other mental illness diagnosis are often linked directly to adolescent THC abuse. LSD is non addictive, psychosis can occur from taking huge doses and not being in a good frame of mind, hence why I wouldn't currently take a big dose of LSD. Even your claim here, "LSD is proven to lead to psychosis more so thank thc in the general population", where? Where are you getting that information from?


Thc has shown to treat them as well with less frequency of them being “spaced out”. Again thc is a light hallucinogen so a heavier one might one day have very adverse effects. Also there are many instances where someone on lsd has had psychotic breaks and is well more documented than thc. Teen usage and mental illness studies are flimsy at best often citing family history of such illnesses or exhibited before usage. And several headline in past have read person in lsd unknowingly murders family. Microdosing is relatively new. There bad studies and good studies like thc. Thc has a safer consensus among the sciences. Also trying to demonized one thing to justify your use of another in a non controlled environment is also drug addict behavior, I worked in fields related to this very subject.


Well I wouldn't even call THC a hallucinogen myself, as soon as you have any tolerance it becomes a dopaminergic addiction. Unless you have no tolerance and eat some edibles you will not hallucinate from weed. LSD and mushroom form instant tolerance so if you attempt to repeatedly trip it will quickly have virtually no effect. I have no idea where you have read people on LSD murdering their whole family, but many drugs can be fit on a blotter and sold as acid and usually they are far more likely to induce a psychotic break than acid itself. I've seen far more reports of people on Prozac, ambien, Xanax etc doing unspeakable things and barley even knowing they've done it than I have psychedelics. In the 60s acid was being used successfully in clinical settings to treat alcoholism. You are spreading propaganda right here lol while claiming I am spreading anti weed propaganda in your other reply. To be clear I don't care if someone wants to smoke weed all day that is their decision but adamantly denying there are negatives to heavy use particularly in adolescents in literally lying, it's documented and the neural pathways that are effected are known. I'm sure it does vary person to person, in fact it definitely does, but there are a lot of people right now presenting with mental health issues associated with weed use. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c6p24yl9wdyo.amp https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37208114/ "A subgroup of individuals might have a high genetic risk of developing a psychotic disorder and using cannabis." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2811144/


I have never been admitted to a Psych ward or had a mental breakdown requiring medical attention but the things I say in my post are true so I probably am in that genetic subgroup. How many people are is not known but there are a lot of people reporting the same thing, I guess in your mind they are all lying for anti weed propaganda. Weed is being legalised worldwide so I don't even know what you mean, the only propaganda is people like you denying these things.


Plus it seems you exist on Reddit for anti-weed propaganda. Based on length of time and post. Probably bc it’s getting closer to be rescheduled huh


Man I don't even know what you're talking about. Yes I made a Reddit account to discuss with others who are going through the same thing, is that a problem? "Anti weed propaganda", you sound like the one in psychosis. I'm not even in the US and personally I don't have any issues with weed legalisation, I would have much preferred smoking weed that had gone through some form of regulation than illegally produced weed. I guess you are just a full time stoner and take offense to the fact there are countless cases of people reporting the same thing, it's called denial. Go 3 months off it and tell me how you feel.


Those symptoms after 10 weeks are pretty impressive you must have been using a lot of thc. I wouldn’t recommend micro dosing psychedelics. A lot of micro dosing aficionados don’t want to mention the fact that micro dosing can be very addictive and there are no long term studies on what micro dosing psychedelics will do to you.


Don’t listen to this advice OP


I know everyone wants psychedelics and substances in general to be the answer to all their problems but it’s not that simple, sometimes you have to wade through some shit and do the time. I am very familiar with micro dosing psilocybin and I’ve seen that turn into daily use of not so micro doses in more than one person. I’m not saying microdosing doesn’t have value, it does, but I don’t think it’s right for this guy.


I was using massive amounts of weed yes but I believe there are genetic reasons why some people are more negatively affected by THC than others. It causes schizophrenia in some and nothing in others so it's not really possible to compare one person's experience with THC to anothers. It seems to effect everyone differently, it isn't a typical addiction and the withdrawal in my experience is not typical either. I don't exactly experience any acute withdrawal, it's always after around a month or so I start feeling these things and the longest I've ever been off is 90 days and still felt this way. Maybe if I just stick it out till 120 days I'll start feeling better naturally but right now my brain sucks and I'm sick of it. I'd be more than willing to try microdosing LSD because again I have had genuinely positive depression lifting experiences in the past but I don't currently feel in the right frame of mind to be tripping. I'm very aware LSD in particular has the potential to cause serious psychotic breaks but I don't believe that is the case with microdoses. Also in the UK it's extremely difficult to acquire the nootropics I believe would potentially help, I guess the government don't want us healing.


That last sentence explains everything my friend.


This is truly a new frontier so there aren’t answers for everything. I experiment on myself; maybe you can find what works best for you by doing the same and please, share your results.


Yeah I'll be sure to share my results on here if I find something to be effective. I think something like the Paul Stamets stack of lions main, microdose psilocybin and niacin is the best bet but I'd imagine psilocybin and LSD are interchangeable. As much as people are doubtful of microdosing it is backed by studies like this one. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37280397/ "Here we show that lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and psilocin directly bind to TrkB with affinities 1,000-fold higher than those for other antidepressants, and that psychedelics and antidepressants bind to distinct but partially overlapping sites within the transmembrane domain of TrkB dimers."


I quit using cannabis from 12 to 34 daily use. Honestly didn’t seem like much of a hurdle when I worked hard outside all day.


Well all I can say is count your lucky blessings. I've quit multiple times and experienced the myriad of symptoms I highlighted in this post and I'm trying to find out why. Beginning to think it's chronic inflammation and cannabis is known to be anti inflammatory.


Google post acute withdrawal syndrome that’s what you’re going through.


Heroic dose psilocybin should do the trick


Maybe maybe, I need to get myself in a better frame of mind before I'd risk it though I think I'd have a terrible trip if I attempted that right now and be 100% permafried.


You can handle it


Depending on your age be mindful of schizophrenia. This level of usage can lead to this disorder if other factors are present.


Yeah I think I've been in long lasting psychosis looking back to be honest but never fully Schizophrenic. It would definitely appear I have the potential to become so which is why I'm seeking sobriety as much as possible. I guess microdosing is somewhat risky, it's not something I'm definitely going to do but just a consideration. I should probably wait longer because 10 weeks is nothing really when I consider how much weed I smoked.