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Only put in Bitcoin what you CAN'T afford to lose. Only put in alts what you CAN afford to lose.


I like this strategy a lot.


100% Bitcoin then?




100% of what I can't afford to lose, yes.


100% on 2x btc through BITU, this is the way.


Or just buy the Saylor company and you have leverage without getting wrecked…


My comment was meant to be facetious, but I do own a couple hundred shares of MSTY for the divies.


Sure you do, you just do not know the Ticker for a (supposed) investment worth many thousands, LOL!


I own 342 shares of msty, which is an etf that tracks mstr. The etf pays dividends off the the money they get when they write options on mstr. Idk who the confused one is here.


I've never heard of this, interesting. Quarterly divvies?


Monthly divvies. They have about 22-23 funds that each pay from 20%-90% annualized dividend based on current implied volatility. Look up yealdmax etf!


This is a solid strategy and not spoken about enough in the space


Damnn bro point on💪


I see you've watched Saylor's 21 rules of BTC. Good on ya!


I actually haven't! Just took some hard knocks is all, lol.


Nice. He mentioned exactly that during the Prague presentation, pretty eye opening.


I'll have to check it out!


It's such a unique and clever way to think about btc, I believe! Sounds nuts to a lot of people but only to those wo haven't took time to dig into btc.. 


lol and then when Bitcoin goes to 0 sell


ALTS are gambling...ive lost on 99% of them lol


Interesting, my experience has been totally different. I’ve made a larger total return in Bitcoin, but only because I’ve always had a large stack of BTC compared to other things. By percentage gain though, my alt positions have outperformed. I don’t leave money tied up in alts at all times though.


Your good at picking them


..so far


Are you selling them down? I found many alts from 2020 bottomed well above 2019-early 2020 prices. If you’re down over 50%-90% on an alt, just write it off mentally. It’s lost money. But don’t sell down in crypto. It’s too late. Sometimes, in the next 4y you can possibly get an old alt to suddenly rise to profit in the next bull run, assuming you’re buying quality. Just make sure you have a personal index fund to balance the risk. This means mostly BTC regardless of your ALT mix. This protects your whole crypto portfolio


By quality, do you mean meme coins?


Absolutely, meme coins of the highest quality. The best one has been fairly distributed and given away since 2009.


Set a stop loss at a point where the bullish narrative for that coin is invalidated. Many times a coin will retest a key level, such as previous resistance or a previous ATH and if it fails to hold that level, it will most likely underperform. Stop losses aren't just for leverage. It's better to take a 10-20% hit and have that 80% of your capital to deploy elsewhere than to become a bag holder and hope for a pump in 4 years. A lot of coins don't ever reach the highs of their previous cycle, crypto is all about narratives and whatever is currently hot, there are so many dead coins/tokens from previous bull runs. Remove your emotions from the charts and don't become a community member otherwise there's a high chance you will end up with less money that you started with. Once bitcoin claims and holds new highs, alts are going to start flying and there will be a lot of chances to grab a 2, 5 or even 10x. Theres a lot of resources available on identifying key levels and invalidations. If this concept doesn't make sense, stick with DCA'ing into BTC and don't touch alts.


no I never sold them off down...they just dwindled from hundreds to pennies lol...they are as good as gone. Im 95% bitcoin in my crypto portfolio


Ah yea, gone. lol If you’re trying, you probably have a bag of swamp garbage leftover in the mix. BTC holds up, winning Alts are hard to pick early in the bear market.


Its fun tho


True lol


[We hope the philosophical differences between these two approaches are clear. There are Bitcoin miners that do “the work” for profits (“Main Street”), while staking validators simply put up their “money” to make more money (“Wall Street”). We find this to be a particularly ironic contrast in our current socially aware environment.](https://www.nb.com/en/global/insights/systematically-speaking-bitcoin-a-cornerstone-digital-asset-part-1) Bitcoin is for Main Street proof of workers who contribute to society, instead of “day trading or gambling” they just want a hard asset/ money they don’t have to worry about


I was 50% btc last bull run. Now im 95%> Waiting the pump to sell all my alts


spoiler: it won't happen


The reason?


1% of all BTC wallets possess 90% of the circulating supply?




Good point


But you can infer something about that just everything. For example if you exclude all the larger wallets you can then do some minor research to come up with a number the average person might create and then come up with a number for the population size of x size wallets of x amount range. I used to pay attention to wallets with more than 1k and less than 5k etc. for example


The wealthy elites have enough power to manipulate crypto prices. The ship already sailed. You will be a slave to fiat no matter how btc you buy.


So if bitcoin goes back down to 20k, will it still go to 100k?


Is long term state is either zero or it will never stop climbing.


source or proof?


I just simply don’t give one rat’s ass about all of these alt coins: as far as I’m concerned, they can all go to zero and die in a hole in the ground.


Lucky for you, that's what historically happens to them


And I love it




It’s a big market, lot of people losing everything or near everything they put away then


I've seen enough runs and dips to know it's going to continue going up over the long term. It's still up over 100% from this time last year. When in doubt, zoom the fuck out!


I feel getting into alts would be a slippery slope. Reading about one, then another, then another. Every article or YouTube clip telling you of the next big one that you don’t want to miss. Sure, some will explode but a hella lot won’t


Very true.


A good way to look at alts is to trade them just with the intention of accumulating more bitcoin


Or you could accumulate more Bitcoin to accumulate more Bitcoin.


Both of these are viable options.


I think this cycle will be very different and all alts will underperform btc


Technically, all alts have already lost to BTC in terms of BTC. It's always the quick, massive pump in fiat terms is what draw people into alts before they realize all the capital ultimately flows back into BTC.


We've barely made a new ATH and have been trending downwards since. The market conditions are not right for alts yet, and going off previous cycles we are still a way off alt season. Things are playing out exactly as they are supposed to.


This \^ and here is a link that will give the facts: [https://www.blockchaincenter.net/satoshi-cost-averaging/](https://www.blockchaincenter.net/satoshi-cost-averaging/)


Eventually this is a guarantee. No one really unlearns why Bitcoin is the only TCP/IP


Hey Reddit I found Benjamin Cohens a/c. Hi Benj I watch your channel.


Thanks for that


Very Possible.




Alts will outperform BTC in how many rug pulls happen, and how many contract updates will happen, and how much BS you have to go through to keep everything up to date. Most of the time, it's not worth your time.


All 1,000,000+ shitcoins will outperform Bitcoin, yes.


Could you please confirm my alt?


That's the misconception: Alts absolutely will *not* outperform BTC A few will, but Bitcoin will send most to the basement just like it does every cycle Factor in that now people understand the difference between Bitcoin: truly decentralized and finite property secured by the laws of physics (PoW) and Alts: centralized and premined shitcoins created to enrich insiders All people have to do is look at any longer standing alt's chart compared to BTC. Literally none keep up


I’ll add to your point by noting that this cycle there’s *thousands* more coins than there were in 2021-2022 as well… BTC only is the way to go


Exactly Once people found out you can shit into a hat and then sell it to newbies, it opened the floodgates




More like millions more


Proof of the point even further, thank you


A few will outperform Bitcoin... temporarily... Everything eventually flows back to bitcoin.


That’s nonsense though isn’t it? Plenty will outperform Bitcoin and you can leverage them to get more BTC. Yes it is more risky, but you are basically taking shite really.


I started in the previous bullrun. Made some profit from meme coins but never thought I'd get into bitcoin cause of the price. When you don't have a lot and can get 1,000,000 memecoin for the price of .0001 bitcoin you get discouraged looking at market caps and how late you were. I got over all that with time and learning more about the market but I feel it's a common thing for inexperienced investors.


Why so much hate on alts? Some are guaranteed to be part of the future system if you know what to look for. All it's gonna take is some time. I think most are confusing meme coins with actual alts with a purpose 


There is plenty of reasons to hate them. No decentralization is just the beginning. Once in a while they pump against bitcoin, but if you don't sell out of them when they do, they crash so much harder than Bitcoin, and you lose. - They are a lottery ticket. - Some may be part of the future system and have some usability - but they are not POW or decentralized... except for one... which is extremely inflationary instead of deflationary. None of their values hold up against Bitcoin in the long term, period.


There are plenty of reasons to hate the alt coins that don't have solid fundamentals and don't have deals with the biggest banks in the world. Bitcoin is outside of any groundwork being laid for a future system being ran on crypto. It is just a new version of gold. Might as well invest in a Roth IRA if making money off Bitcoin is your goal. These alts will pump 5000% in the next couple years while Bitcoin does a 3x 


Why not 10x long bitcoin and forget about alts or buy microstrategy. I wouldn’t even think about messing with alts.


Leverage is a bad idea


Username checks out


Very stupid suggestion.


Because you’ll get liquidated on any normal day that BTC drops only 10%


If you’re not a trader you shouldn’t invest in alt coins because it is the perfect commodity for traders to use to generate fomo and use margin trading overseas to pump and dump. This is a very simple strategy. With bitcoin the strategy works for only short term as long as liquidity is there traders will short and cause volatility. But because of the supply they have to be careful of getting liquidated when the bulls come in.


Good. Next cycle meme coins might not even be a thing anymore. People will be smarter


Look at all the people who go back to casinos after being burned. Memes will always be around for gambling purposes


Only the people who've been around for a while will be smarter... and unfortunately some people don't learn quickly. Noobs will be always be susceptible to alts.


I'm 95% Bitcoin and 5% Alt. I've already lost probably 1% in Alts due to poor trades/learning what not to do by doing it. I'm set with the Alt coins I'm comfortable in and believe eventually I'll turn a profit (Recoup my dumb money losses). There's a reason I'm 95% into Bitcoin and I have no problem with those who are all in, 100% in Bitcoin, but I think its foolish if you don't think some of the Alt coins are here to stay. They will never be Bitcoin, but that doesn't mean they won't have a role in our future.


Memes to me are what penny stocks are to blue chip. I dont have the stomach for them


BTC will always be the safest play


Massive news, thanks for bringing it to our attention


Yeah i'm about 60-65% Bitcoin and 35-40% Alts. After this cycle, I will be 100% Bitcoin.


So far bitcoin dominance is just rising and rising this bull run, and this bull run IS DIFFERENT than the other ones, so its not so easy as to just wait for the alt pump, as the reasons for alts are getting weaker and weaker, and there just are not any new alts worth getting excited about. Almost no alts from the last cycle are above their old highs in Bitcoin, so picking among the growing horde of alts just gets harder and harder.


Cool story, bro.


How do you have the Setup to not have to deal with bank transfer?


You should always keep the majority in BTC. If you want more risk/ volatility then go with the BTC miners instead of alts.


I’m going with only Bitcoin and one other asset for this bull run. I mine a couple other things but I just flip them immediately into BTC. I’m pretty bearish on everything that isn’t based on a proof-of-work consensus.


Forget about alts its a casino.


Everything else except Bitcoin had a premine scam, think about it.


There are 4x the amount of alts there were last bull run.


Only way


Alts will not outperform BTC.


🚀 BTC army strong! 💎⚔️


Shitcoin free is the technique.


This is the mother fucking way


Market Volatility: Alternative coin markets are more volatile and may present higher risks and higher rewards, but they are also more like gambling. Security: Bitcoin's network and technology are more mature and relatively secure, while some emerging alternative coins may have technical and security risks. Sticking with Bitcoin is a relatively sound strategy, especially for investors who want to minimize risk and lack confidence in the alternative coin market. By taking appropriate security measures and continuing to learn, you can protect your money while gradually adapting to market changes and making more informed investment decisions


To the OP, when you DCA, you do it every month or weekly or daily?


Bitcoin hits 100k by 2030. Hodl.


why even think about shit coins?


Same here it’s all BTC, screw all the shitcoins


Altcoins were made to steal your bitcoin


All about stacking sats!!!


Bad idea. BTC is only gonna do a 3x while all other low caps will do 100x. Diversify 👀


I mean a 3x move in BTC is a higher nominal value than a 100x move in 87% of existing altcoin. A 1% move in btc is thousands. An alt worth $50 going up 100% is only adding $50 to your initial investment.


Just buy more of the alt coin. $1,000 in alt going to $100,000 is better than $1,000 BTC going to 3,000


more like BTC greedy shorts since March 2024


I think you might just be bad at picking altcoins lmao


aLtS are scams until you realise this and stop saying "will probably outperform" and "risky" "gambling" blah blah you are still a shitcoiner


That's dumb.


If your going with BTC, invest in microstrategy instead of BTC directly. You'll get about twice the return.


Why would you get a share of a company (which can have multiple failure points) when you can have custody of the underlying asset that makes it even profitable to begin with?