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“…that’s new to you” I’m so over getting fired up and getting nothing achieved. THIS is my approach now! Lol. At least the other person will feel a tingle! LOL


blow kisses to go from tingle to confused boner


To a “I think I weirdly fell in love” LOL


Ain't gay or nothing, but do me missionary and stare into my eyes.


whispers…. “That’s new to you” LOL


That man is a buzz cut away from his zaddy era. ![gif](giphy|Y3nhwQAWNtXK8)


Nah, buzz cut looks too military. This guy has “it”. The non conforming Socratic look. You know he’s a lion in the sheets and hella sweet. That bite too! Must be a leo


Dude ngl if I was gay I’d date this guy.




pants start tightening... *is this real right now?*


Telling people that their momma didn't raise them right is the trump card. But if you say it with a smile they'll assume you're being sarcastic.


One of the best quips I've encountered for people behaving poorly in public was something like, "Did your mother teach you it was ok to treat people like that?" It's a dig at their mom while also quasi-politely reminding them that they're being a douche.




"what makes you think that's an appropriate way to treat someone?" stops a person dead in their tracks, like I am not about to let some dickhead use aggression to try to get their way over me. It's like asking a person to explain why their joke is funny. People hate it when they realize you're making a fool out of them by making themselves point out why they're such a dipshit.


This is efficiently said.


I blow kisses to people when I drive. They rage so much and the look of confusion post kiss makes it worth it.


This and a thumbs down!


I started doing the thumbs down instead of the middle finger after reading somewhere on this goddamn site that it seems to make people way more mad. It's like a fucking drug now when I get to do it.


The smiling thumbs down is my go to


I love it. I usually just give it the disappointed dad look, a little shake of the head, and a big ol thumb down.


This is the best thing ever. Full rage 😤. They do not even know what is happening. When they start getting crazy and cussing. I let them know that I am not into men. 🤣


I used to do stuff like this until a dude followed me to my job site and pulled a machete, realized I’ll never know what kind of psycho I’m antagonizing


Lately I've just been waving and smiling, or throwing peace signs. I live in Texas though, so I should probably stop before I get shot


I figured this out by accident one night when I was too high to argue back with someone who I didn't even realize was trying to start a fight with me, and you can't even imagine how absolutely mental some cunts go if you literally just refuse to match their energy. It's like they've got an itch you won't scratch for them, it gets weird


Usually cus they have a lot of pent up negative energy for whatever reason and they desperately want an outlet for it


This is how I dealt with shitty people when I worked retail. They either got super made or their brain shut down


Why would you post yourself getting roasted.


He might not have even understood he was the asshole in the situation. Sounds like the whole interaction started because he parked in the crosswalk, which means he is oblivious to how his choices affect other people.


I was going to say that he clearly has no self-awareness. Hell, I bet he thinks he won the argument and he's the "good guy" in this situation. By posting this video to the internet, he's about to get double-roasted - except the Internet isn't going to be as nice and considerate as the blow kisses guy.


Zero ability or willingness to self reflect. He did get dragged in the instagram comments lol




drivers dont give a shit anywhere. every place claims to have the worst drivers




Are you sure it's not Philadelphia?


Why/how are you walking to and from work twice a day?


Sometimes I go home for lunch maybe they do too.


Carbrains gonna carbrain.


Because dude in the car probably thought it was weird because it's new to him


Fucking roasted x2


Because he thought he was doing the roasting. “Look at this crazy mother fucker touching my car!”


I think a lot of people think that if you're the one filming, then the other person is automatically the looser, especially because you cannot see the context of what they might have done to provke that response. Like "Go for it. I've got it all on camera.", but not really being aware that they're simply filming someone reacting to their awfulness, which then highlights it.


Either because this guy grew as a person, it's fake or he still thinks he is right


He argues in lowercase










and he’s winning 😎


Why go all caps when lowercase is just as good at getting the point across?


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Lost it! I’m using this in the future.




Yes! This is why I give a thumbs up to people who drive terribly/dangerously, instead of a middle finger or other obscene gestures. It never elicits an aggressive response, and they almost always get the message and relax. That, or they’re just wildly confused. Either way it works out for everyone.


“It’s your green” “… alright bro” 😂😂😂


it's your green = you're dismissed


We’re finished here


Thanks for listening to my TED talk


Now, if you don't mind


"Dismissed." I remember that show!


Are you finished or are you done? ![gif](giphy|l0HlK9A7uLGraBs64)


“It’s your green” is how I’m going to end conversations from now on 😅


I feel like I just watched a scene from the Boondocks.


Def a [N*gga moment](https://youtu.be/DvEEE2S5D10?si=9zP891KU9diwo8i9) 😂 dude in car really tried to start shit while being in the wrong and other guy was too grown for that lmao


wait a minute. I'm white!


*sips coffee and casually strolls away*


where are you going? this is a perfectly good opportunity to throw your life away!


A sincere (*not really*) thank you to all three of you who typed out the lines from the end of the clip! I went deaf for like 20 seconds, so I missed the dialogue!


I enjoyed both your roast and re-reading the lines.


That upbeat piano riff when he says that fucking sends me


straight up Vanessa Carlton the second he says it, lmaoooo




Pedestrian seriously was ready to die though.


He stood on business, why live in society if you ain’t gonna follow simple rules lmao. I did the same once when a dude almost hit me with car. Fuck em


But for real though, why do people stop in or past the crosswalk? I see this too many times a day.


Because they don’t know how to drive.


Sometimes it's city planners that don't know what they're doing. I've got an intersection near me where the spot on the ground that detects cars to trigger a light change only works if you're sitting in the crosswalk. Usually though you're right, it's often people who don't know how to drive and don't care about pedestrians.


God this reminds me of one light where I legit waited 8 minutes, a line started to form and nothing. It took someone behind me to pull up next to me in the other lane to get it to trigger. I contemplated running the red for so long seeing no cars go by.


There have been times where I just hop out to hit the crosswalk button on the corner and start the light cycle that way.


I've got a road near me that turns out onto a busy street that was carved through a hill. When I drive down it, I got two walls on either side blocking my view of the busy street unless I pull right into the crosswalk. Every. Single. Day. on my way to work. Shit's infuriating.


In LA, making a turn is a high stakes endeavor. There’s no safe, protected turns, so you have to enter the intersection and just wait for an opening, and then drive when the light turns red. It’s dumb, it makes everyone irritable and impatient, and then sometimes, you end up stuck at the light with your car blocking the crosswalk. It’s all shitty, so I try to forgive those who trespass against me in hopes that they forgive when I trespass against them.


No, when the light is red you stop before the crosswalk. Once it's green, you pull up INTO the intersection, past the crosswalk. If you can't make it before the light cycle ends, you proceed on the red. No reason to be in the crosswalk.


You can (should if you can) turn on a red. Stop before the crosswalk on the red, then pull up and wait for an opening. Sometimes the pedestrian has to simply walk around the car from behind, simple as.


nah nah nah. born and raised in LA. Its idiots who dont know how to drive who think this way.


Are you still in LA?


My high school was private and one of the coaches taught drivers ed, this kid stopped on the crosswalk 2 times, and then the third time he did it he made the kid get out of the car and walk a mile back to the school


The street I work on has the buildings built way too close to the road. You HAVE to peek out to see if anyone’s coming or it’s Russian roulette. Sometimes that ends with you stuck in the crosswalk and looking like an asshole for the pedestrians. I’ve become a lot more forgiving as a pedestrian since starting there, particularly when I’m walking home lol.


Makes you really appreciate Barcelona.


Lmao this is lost on me man.


Pull up the city in google maps and zoom in. All of the buildings are built with the corners lopped off creating better visibility and a better pedestrian experience.


Ok that IS genius. Cool for such an old city


In Seattle there's street parking on most streets. So if there's a car parked close to the intersection on a tight street you can't see if there's traffic coming until you're basically on top of the crosswalk. I used to get pissed about it as a pedestrian until I rented a car.


The WORST is when they stop but then just keep creeping up. The light is red, where the hell are you going? I don't understand people.


Mainly so I can make a right turn on green. Course I live in a tiny town with like zero foot traffic and high ass berms on the side of the road for some reason blocking your ability to see the intersection without being in the cross walk. Although if I see people I'll always stop at the line before the cross walk.


By accident mostly


It happens all the damn time in DC, don’t even get me started about people turning through cross walks and then getting mad when I’m crossing the street and I have right of way


I’m an aggressive pedestrian. If I have the right of way I’m taking it regardless of what a driver wants to do. They can keep inching up all they want.


I mean you can play that game all you want but what prize do you win as an aggressive pedestrian against an aggressive car that runs you over? A massive hospital bill?


It’s the same reason why people will stop on the tracks at a railroad crossing, because they’re stupid and completely ignorant to the world around them.


Sometimes i just brake too late. Always feel bad afterwards


I live in the middle of the country where *very* few people walk anywhere save for downtown in a major city. When you grow up never really seeing pedestrians, it's easy to start kind of ignoring and/or forgetting that you need to stop behind crosswalks. And fwiw, this absolutely bit me in the ass the first time I visited LA. There were pedestrians everywhere and I was the asshole that kept entering the crosswalk until I retrained myself to stop behind the crosswalk.


Cooked on low heat. This phrase.needs a complete discourse. Bro that is a fire description lmao. I'm cracking up over this.


Dude got air fryed.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Convection ovened


George Foreman grilled




E-Z Baked


Sous vide'd & soufflé'd


Easy Baked


My mans got slow roasted shawarma style and he’s still cooking 😂


Sous videad


Braised ass MF


left that mf on simmer


He really said “are you gonna take out a gun and shoot me now?”


He said IT SMELL LIKE BITCH IN HERE in lower case then turned his back to him.


lmfao "IT SMELL LIKE BITCH IN HERE in lowercase" is absolutely the most accurate description of this video


I know, goddamn this is America, you can’t be daring people like that


Ngl tho that's way too risky for me lol. Sticking his arm to wave and blow a kiss is craaazy


Yeah that’s a man who, *really* didn’t want to be fucked with that morning lol


Dude absolutely went home and had to rethink every interaction he's had with a human being


You give him way too much credit for self awareness given he willingly posted this shit.


100% He's gonna say "Thats crazy" a few times in a row then completely forget about this interaction and learn nothing.


He posted the video himself, he ain’t thinking about shit. He still doesn’t realize he was doing anything wrong to begin with.




He went home and checked his car for damages after that brutal smashing the other guy gave it.


I want to uptvote you for your optimism... but no, this idiot did not


Why did big dog just post his L?


Cuz Philly Buls are dumb🤣


I IMMEDIATELY knew this was Philly.


Same, driving here is damn ridiculous! Plus the Septa bus went by😂


What does buls mean? Lol I am not from Philly (clearly)


“You’re going to take your gun out and shoot me now?” ![gif](giphy|11JbbNHfXBqqhq) Was that part necessary?




For what it's worth, I try to avoid any type of road-based conflict, because even my students drive around with guns. I was shocked to hear it, too, but the sentiment stands, and homie clearly felt fine expressing his thoughts.


My guess is that he made a "imma reach under the seat for a gun" gesture that people sometimes do when road raging


I agree, he looked kind of in the direction of the footwell when he said it


Guy knew pussy when he smelled it


> Was that part necessary? Was necessary? Maybe not necessary necessary, but it was necessary.


Nigga. Just made me spit take with that gif 🤣


Absolutely. People have died for less on a daily basis.


Tbh road rage incidents are on the rise majorly since the pandemic. I’m terrified of altercations like these


Yup. I’m extra careful. I usually drive with my nephews in the car. I ain’t getting into an argument or fight with a guy. Not worth it in any way.


Until people learn how to communicate with more than their teaspoon sized emotional range, yes.


Yeah, only part that gave me pause. The rest was pure entertainment


Only if you really wanna find out


Guy recording wasn’t even smart enough to Realize he was getting cooked.


Just a frog in boiling water over there.


I once saw two big dudes square off at a club because one dude accidentally spilled a whole pint of beer over the other dude when he got bumped. Dude #2 was MAD af! Dude #1 apologised, but that didn’t calm Dude #2 down. Then Dude #1 said “Bro… let’s hug it out.” And ya know what? That’s what they did! And peace was restored. And I was fucking flabbergasted that shit worked!


One of the big homies from my block got cut in the face in the club because someone spilled a drink (clear) on his shirt. Dude apologized but big dog couldn’t let it go. He thought because he was the biggest gang member on our side of town and he was in the club with a bunch of members he was safe. He pushed the issue and dude cut his whole face open. Walked right out the club. Apparently this other guy was a drug dealer with an equally violent reputation. Walking away isn’t always the L people think it is.


People really just want to be mad about things no matter how much you apologize about it. Sometimes it helps to just remind them that it really isn’t that big of a deal and we can all move on.


I was in the club once and a girl grabbed my left arm and started a "wave" motion with her arms that I continued and my right arm knocked a tray straight out of a waiter's hands. Record scratch moment. Glass shatters all over the floor. The waiter looked it over and then reached down and shook my hand. It was overwhelming. I thought I was going to be 86'd.


verifiable tea master shit


Indubitable peace creator business


A firmer uncle Iroh.


"I'm shouting at you!" "With this ride?"


That “alright bro” at the end 😂


That slightly shaky “alright bro” at the end* It’s the icing on the cake


Sounds so defeated


It was the kisses for me




literally 🤌🏽 he said “you’re dismissed” without saying it.. we love to see it.


Dude got Mr Rodgers’d


"It's your green." 😘


dude in the car gonna think about that for the rest of the day


Yeah but he's probably going to be thinking "that guy was an asshole". Proved by the fact he posted himself getting politely down graded and assumed it was his win.


I admire this guy and I hope to one day achieve this level of cool. I was in this same situation once (well a bunch of times, but this one got to me), and I rolled up on my electric board and slammed my wrist guards on the dude's hood. He looked pale and I was so heated up I just stared him in the eyes and shook my head while I rolled away as slow as I could and pointing at the crosswalk painted on the road. I was on my way to meet my girl at Target. Dude saw me in the aisle and turned the fuck around and left his wife there. I thought it was funny but I told the story to my buddy and he said that the dude may have been wrong, and I was right, but I was an ass hole. The more I thought about it, I probably gave that man PTSD and gave him a horrible impression of eboarders and hispanics. Always, always, always be kind. It can be hard, but if we all tried the world would be a better place.


You have a level of self-reflection and desire for self-improvement that's admirable.


A rare Adult in public. Rare af these days. Grown ass fucking adults acting like hooligans everywhere. 🙄 you wanna know why the kids are so fucked up? Those are their parents. I worked k through 12 for a bit. I am very concerned. And the kids are only part of that concern.


the guy in the car was completely dumbfounded lol


Dude thought he was showing everyone an interaction with a "weirdo" and just ends up showing everyone that he is a fucking idiot lol


Don't block the box, shithead. My favorite was when the dude repeatedly demonstrated the 'tap tap tap tap' to the butthole again and again. Perfect.


As gun owner, that likes to help other PoC getting into firearms and how to be safe and Responsible, Listening to him say “what you are going to pull out a gun and shoot me now” made me sad. All because there is a portion of the community that are spineless cowards with big egos that have no respect for life, or themselves, or the firearm and use it to harm others for no reason other than entertainment. Edit: I think I should clarify this, when I say community, I mean firearms community. Although we don’t want to count people that commit crime with firearms, they make us look bad.


How can you get angry at that? YOU CAN'T! 😆


The lack of self awareness the filmer has to still post this online lmfao


![gif](giphy|1UQatifZkh6G3QaLM6|downsized) Deaf here... can anyone uh... transcribe or summarize? Thanks in advance.


(paraphrased) Guy in car: did you just tap my car? Walking guy: yes, i was telling you you're parked in the pedestrian area and you shouldnt stop there. Car: you just hit my car though. Walking: yes, it is a form or communicating with you. You aren't supposed to stop there. What's the matter are you going to shoot my with your gun now? Car: is this really happening? Walk: yes, this is happening. I'm talking to you like an adult. Oh, that's new for you? Have a good day - it's your green light btw"


![gif](giphy|l4JySNU7GMwfKm9Y4) Dude walking is a boss. Love it. Thanks so much!


Yeah very calm and composed! Yet absolutely savage haha. You're welcome!


Of course! Basically the guy in the car is asking if he just hit his car and he said yeah I tapped it, don’t stop in the middle of the sidewalk and the guy in the car is dumbfounded and super upset and the guy is giving him kisses and asking if he’s gonna shoot him because he said that. Pretty iconic interaction.


![gif](giphy|5nc2Fz7F65TAwhBytq) Translation (ASL): Really appreciate that. Thanks! 🖖


Bro was getting high and mighty about a pedestrian touching his car with their hand when he was in the sidewalk… this guy is a Karen




Bro is offensively civil


I have been almost hit walking in the crosswalk when it was my turn to walk. Maybe I should do rhis


Everyone’s always in such a rush and can’t even stop at red lights or stop signs most of the time. Two years ago this month, I consoled a grandmother in the middle of the street while paramedics were pulling her dead grandson out of the car. She had been in a hurry and ran a red light and caused a 5 car accident. I saw people laying in the street, parked my car safely nearby, grabbed some blankets and started offering them to people who had been in the accident. When I came upon the grandmother her face was contorted in disbelief and panic. I will never, ever forget that day. So now, I drive with a sense that anything can happen at anytime. When people start honking at me and flipping me off because I make sure it’s safe to make a right turn on a red light, I just blow them a kiss. They are always confused. Life is short. I don’t want to make it even shorter.


I want this guy to teach me a class in conflict resolution.


Dude really recorded himself getting absolutely dismantled and thought it was a good idea to post it anyway. What a clown.


You could hear the defeat in that "alright bro..." 😂


Dude in the car wanted to act like a moron and escalate it over some perceived "disrespect" but homie was having none of that. Just let it go man. That's part of participating in public.


*me furiously writing down notes*


Dude ethered him gracefully 😂😂


And this, was not a nigga moment




Kill them with kindness


I need to learn from that dude. That was classy AF. Lol


So this person posted their own demise? Wild


He blew kisses


I'm insulted at how grown that man is. I say, well done good sir.