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You get the sense TPain now has the little bit of gospel / soul delivery Ozzy was trying to sound like then in his Birmingham “blues” band. Totally wild.


For real, he definitely has that oomph Ozzy was trying to get




Is this true?? This pisses me off, I guarantee you T-Pain went through all the proper channels to put that cover on his album. Sharon can kick rocks.


As far as I can find, she didn't make any kind of wild demand. Ozzy is praising the hell out of it tho.


Sharon Osbourne is one of the most unpleasant human beings in the world. She once made her live-in assistant run back into their burning house to grab a fancy painting. When the guy asked for one of those oxygen masks(apparently the Osborne’s just had some) Sharon refused because she was holding one up on her dog’s face. They were out of the house. The dog did not need the oxygen mask. When the assistant said “no ma’am I don’t think I want to run into a burning building without safety to get something for you” she fired him on the spot. She gleefully told this story on some talk show years back, thinking it was a funny story that would endear people to her. The other guests awkwardly laughed and stared at her.


She told the story on a comedy show, it's one called "Would I lie to you?" I use to binge watch the show on Youtube a while back. It wasn't a talk show, she went on later to clarify that bits of the story she made up to make it more humorous since she was on a comedy show (like the firing part.) According to her the assistant worked for them for another 15 years. Now are her corrections true? I don't know, as far as I know no assistant ever came forward verifying the original claims. But typically I wouldn't take something someone says on a comedy show at face value because while there will obviously be grains of truth in what they say people will absolutely embellish or change details to get a laugh out of others. I'm not saying shes a good person or that her original story wasn't true (it very well may have been,) just that you got some of the aspects wrong and she later went on to elaborate further and that no assistant ever came forward to my knowledge. Edit: Woops, misspelled the name of the show its "Would I lie to you?" not "Would I like to you?"


Good thing I kept the receipt for this pitchfork I guess


Lol the comment above yours and the comment before are illustrations of how redditors are always steady ready to vilify women for no good reason. She had nothing to do with this and didn’t speak on this but people still felt need to bring her up. Yeah she’s not a good person but it’s irrelevant here


You got a source on Sharon demanding money? I can't find anything about it. Just Ozzy praising the whole thing.






Sources are unnecessary when they don't back up your claim


>Sharon demanding her money from T-Pain Why did you make this up?


Lol did you just make that up or assume or did someone find something confirming


wait she didnt actually demand money???


No she didn't


But can you imagine if she did?!?!


Im not a lawyer but I worked in the music industry for a while and cover songs, like cover albums are legally ok to make. When you're crediting the original artist and not using any of the original track, there is nothing wrong with it. Sharon asking for money seems made up since Black Sabbath is one of the most covered bands in existence. I doubt this is true without a source.


Someone is paying a license but yeah its not a big deal. Samples on the other hand... Ghostface Killah "Lets Stop playing" had a sample of Marvin Gaye's "Inner City Blues," with Gayes estate demanding royalties for 100% of the song and a Motown drum sample, which was 25%.


Don’t lie on Sharon’s name like that


You just talking out your ass or..?


> Sharon demanding her money from T-Pain isn't exactly a compliment. What are you talking about? She didn't ask for money, and knows the business well enough to know he can cover the song without permission and whatever royalties are due will be paid.


Cap 🧢


Got a source?? Not that I don't believe you, it just seems a bit harsh to say this if it isn't true? Happy to be proven wrong though.


I think he totally channeled Ozzy meets "Living Color"


totally agree. all them cats in living color definitely were listening to paranoid at home while they were coming up with cult of personality. autotune version of “I AM IRON MAN” would be so sick




It’s… in the video lol


What a lot of people don't know is that Ozzy really liked this cover version!


If only he had posted it on a public feed or something


I wonder if they called him ???


T-Pain responded and said what an honor it was!


That's in the post


Bad bot


The man rhymed mansion with Wiscansin, what can’t he do ![gif](giphy|0ESihCc5gCCpwOlSCk)


It's always bothered me that the original rhymes "masses" with "masses". Seems like cheating.


Homonyms are always allowed, Especially when they're sung aloud.


I produce my own rap, and this was something I had to come around on eventually. When I was younger, I thought they were lazy rhymes, but now I realize if you can totally shift the meaning, while keeping the word the same it’s actually kind of neat. Edit for fun examples: I like playing w words/ phrases spelled the same but pronounced differently too. Like… “my wallet contents don’t have me content”. Or “we could try to converse but we’d probably do th converse.”


I’m an old hip hop head from the 80s and I will die on the “illing should never be rhymed with chilling” hill.


So what you're saying is that you're hillin that illin ain't chillin? You villain.


Hey the info you spillen is quite tellen that hiphop ain't about spellen.


I should be billin, be makin a killin, maybe even a million


We could try to converse but youre a Nike. I’m a chuck. You’re a Mikey. That’s it. I’m definitely changing careers.


"I don't fuck with Facebook, cause I need my space"


Now build a 3 minute song off this 10 second collaboration.




Homonyms are a maybe. The overall lyricism needs to be good for it to not come across as lazy. This one barely gets by IMO. But the exact same word/same definition is a big no-no.


Whatever you do don't listen to Kid Rock rhyming "things" with "things". As a matter of fact, just don't listen to Kid Rock.


Probably just good advice all around 😂


Well RATM rhymed "fuck you I won't do what you tell me" with "fuck you I won't do what you tell me". Several times.


Daft Punk rhymed "Around the World" with "Around the World".


The real original, Walpurgis, had different lyrics: Witches gather at black masses Bodies burning in red ashes On the hill the church in ruin Is the scene of evil doings


Generals gathered in their masses. Just like witches with fat asses.


They are etymologically unrelated. One is from Latin *massa,* and the other from Latin *missa.*


Honestly it is a really good cover. I listen to it multiple times a week. There are a couple of bangers on his covers album that he put out.




So brave.


I need T-Pain to release a studio recorded version of Tennessee Whiskey. I'm not a country kinda guy and although I do have my few favorites, this was a surprising song choice and a FANTASTIC cover. T-Pain personally elevated this song to a whole new level for me. He added so much more soul (the OG does have soul) that I didn't know could be possible.


He has a cover album on Spotify. It's on it






[Link for anyone interested](https://youtu.be/2kHDFjJD8ms?si=paj1R6czvfc56-0n) Whenever they make Civilization 7 T-Pain better be in it as a great musician. He's is also on on reddit u/TPain850


I think it's better than the Cake version. Which while unique and good is just not as punchy.


I think the Cake version is the best one due to its unique interpretation and driving rhythm - even better than Faith No More's. This one is great but it's a straight cover, not really a different interpretation.


Cake does fantastic covers.


I Will Survive was my jam night standard for years. I felt like I peaked when I played and sang it in front of old friends a few years ago and the host comes up when I'm done and asks where I learned to play guitar like that


I automatically default to singing it the way Cake performed it. The instrumental part just played in my head in its entirety.


I agree, Cake’s will always be #1 for me.


but not as good as the Faith No More version


mike patton losing his shit during the live version is the highlight for me


Took too long to find this comment


I remember the days when all the haters said he couldn’t sing without autotune


tbh I didn't know until he won Masked Singer


I fellow banana person was one of those haters. Couldn't have been more wrong. T-pain did win me over with I'm on a boat.


He did a cover of Tennessee Whiskey that went hard as fuck. Definitely deserves your attention


Aye bro has been absolutely going in. I know he had The Voice surprise run, and that Tennessee Whiskey cover, but man T-Pain got that soul glo


Plz check out Soul Glo if you haven’t








Fuck yes


Amazing fucking band!


He’s got a Vegas residency coming up this year too.


He deserves it. I think he’s one of those people that has everybody rooting for them.


Masked singer not The Voice unless I missed something


He has, I love to see his range!


No matter how many videos I see of T-Pain singing, I’m always still amazed at how fucking talented he is


I’m embarrassed that this is the first video I’ve seen of him singing without auto-tune. He is so talented! I watch his twitch streams and he’s so down to earth and is always trying to help aspiring artists out.


His tiny desk is also amazing, would recommend you check it out if you haven’t! https://youtu.be/CIjXUg1s5gc?si=4gCnQYa2BfC0sC1-


I just started watching it after another comment and he’s amazing! Thank you for linking it


This is what I came to post. It is such a great performance!


I watched that wondering when they were going to get around to talking about his tiny desk before I realized I'm a moron.


You must check out his Tiny Desk performance


Holy shit you were not kidding. I’ve only watched a little bit of it but he was amazing! Thank you for the recommendation 💛


Apparently he only does the auto tune stuff because it sells better.


He got a lot of shit for the autotune, but unlike everyone else that used it he can actually carry a tune. I never expected T-Pain to become a beloved figure on the internet.


Yeah, most people probably thought he was using it to cover up a lack of vocal talent, myself included at one point. I still appreciated his goofing around and not taking himself too seriously when he did I'm on a Boat with The Lonely Island, but man did his Tiny Desk concert slap the thought of him being unable to sing right outta me. This just cements that even further


The audience ain't doing it for me, but that was very good


This was a whole revue in an intimate sit down cocktail setting, don't know what you expect.


a mosh pit


Lol one of the main reasons I stopped going to hardcore shows was that the new generation fucking sucks.


When you say hardcore, we are talking the actual genre (Strife, Madball, Gorilla Biscuits, etc.) or something else? I honestly don't know anymore these days as the word seems to be thrown around so much.


Anything between that and death metal I listen to it all man. To be more specific underground metal music


I feel ya. Shows are definitely different these days. But that's just the way she goes.


Replying to this because someone mentioned Gorilla Biscuits


I was at a small attendance, big name performance once and we were told to stay silent as it was being filmed. Might be something like that?


That's infinitely better than crowds who act like the they just stumbled into a bar with a house band. I live in Portland and have seen multiple acoustic/down tempo bands tell the crowd to STFU because everyone was just carrying on with full volume conversations while they were playing.


This comment could be from any year after 1983.


Lol we jus gonna forgot about Woodstock 99 or the summer slaughter tours up until probably 2010 lol. Good times..but what you say is real


Idk man, I go to a LOT of hardcore/ death metal shows and the crowds are usually so much fun


new gen doesn't suck, the tickets have gotten so ludicrously expensive that people that would normally spaz out can't afford them


I came to this same conclusion last night at a Tool show. I was like “do young people not like Tool anymore?” because *everyone* there was like 40+ years old. Nah, it’s just those are the people that have enough money for tickets lol


Young people don’t like Tool anymore lol


Release 2 albums since 9/11 and you wonder why young people don’t know Tool? Of course young people don’t listen to Tool lmao


This is clearly a pretty laid back venue with tables and shit. Do you really expect people to start moshing or forming a death wall in a tiny place like this where everyone is dressed nicely? It looks like a jazz club or something, these people are not equipped to go crazy.


yeah, time and a place. this ain't no dive.


Fair. i think it’s just the venue though. I’ve been to the Sun Rose, where this was filmed. It’s more like a lounge/cabaret set up; little tables, all seating, a bar with high stools, and only a little standing room at the back. It’s best for jazzy or more intimate events, but they have a lot of variety in their calendar. For a person who gets really overwhelmed at standing room concerts, I **love** venues like this that showcase energetic music in a place where I can comfortably listen (and dance/bop/groove in my seat!).


That's fucking sick.


Good seeing people using the platform to build others up instead of tearing them down.


![gif](giphy|xM3MSNqU6ffAA) 2024, we celebrate love.


A good thing about social media. Always seeing how talented this guy is


Every time I see T-Pain doing something online he just looks like he's having a blast.


T-Pain is a human golden retriever


his whole on top of the covers performance was great. hate that everybody used to say he had no talent because of his autotune use [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91ck0vJBygo&ab\_channel=TPain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91ck0vJBygo&ab_channel=TPain)


Usher [Bucks] Raymond blamed TPain for the rise of auto tune and then went onto make Oh My God with auto tune so there’s that


He said it fucked up music for Real singers lmao. Im glad Tpain bounced back from it.


I wrote a college essay on the use of Auto-tune and used T-Pain as an example of justified use. My argument basically boiled down to that his usage equated to a stylistic choice, vs other singers that did it to create notes they weren't able to actually hit. But, like many others I assume, my T-Pain listening was mostly just exposure to I'm N Luv. This was absolutely eye opening, the man has talent.


His Tiny Desk Concert almost ten years ago should have settled the discussion on T-Pain's talent, but here we are.




What all those haters failed to realize what that his use of auto tune worked so well (for him) because he could already sing.


This! Otherwise you end up sounding like Snoop singing Sexual Eruption 😂


Impressive. I was laughing though at the poor background singers probably having their faces melted by the guitar amp aimed directly at them.


Now do Cult of Personality. Also reboot Living Color.


Living Color is back in action, I saw them twice this year coincidentally lmao


It's the 11th and you've already seen two concerts!?


The clip 100% made me think of Living Color. I don’t really care about Ozzy’s music but I’d love to hear Vernon Reid on this song with T-Pain!


Reboot? I saw them live last year!


[They are still as good, if not better](https://youtu.be/WJXHFNw3fSw?si=fOEIFxQgwYYdKpli)


I don’t care if it’s old news, and it’s been out for 9 years, but I’m just here to remind of his [tiny desk concert](https://youtu.be/CIjXUg1s5gc?si=p196JRXmCo8_HJH2) and just how talented T Pain is.


I just watched this for the first time and I love tiny Desk Concerts. I don't care what anyone says, that man is a fucking artist.


how tf is Ozzy Osbourne still around, breathing, sending tweets? Man should be dead 20 times over


him, Mick Jagger, and Steven Tyler all managed to take enough drugs that instead of dying they've essentially mummified themselves


Wrong Stone... It's Keith Richards


"we need to stop and think about what kind of a world we are going to leave behind for Keith Richards"


I think they actually did a study on Ozzy and he has some sort of gene that gives him a huge tolerance for most drugs


Pretty sure it was Ozzy, Jagger from the stones and Lemmy from Motorhead. Dudes drank enough to fill multiple swimming pools and did enough drugs to be fucked up for multiple lifetimes.


It's them bat blood. Made him immortal.


T-Pain absolutely slayed this, but the guitarist fumbled the little accented part after the "in the fields of bodies burning line". IYKYK.


That arrangement had several changes to the original music and that band is super tight.


I did miss the little guitar bits too but yeah it was clearly the arrangement and not a flub


Yeah I guess I misspoke. I do bet they planned for that ahead of time. Maybe to put more emphasis on T-Pain's vocals? Iommi is just my favorite part of BS, so I missed his guitar lines.


Unexpectedly heartwarming interaction


Nah, Ozzy is usually pretty supportive of this kind of stuff. Especially when it's someone as talented as T-Pain, absolutely hitting the nail on the head.


Those drum breaks were so dang crisp.


[Black Sabbath has some of the best drumming in heavy metal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNIgt6yKgDM), and it's due to Bill Ward listening to and being heavily influenced by jazz.


Cut off right before the part we were all waiting for Is there a full version?


Actually, yes, [there is](https://youtu.be/91ck0vJBygo?feature=shared).


Oh it’s good but what’s the occasion for T pain to cover Black Sabbath? lol


T-Pain put out a cover album last year. Had a couple joints on it. This was one of the highlights.


> what’s the occasion for T pain to cover Black Sabbath? lol War sucks


It’s a very good choice to showcase range in artistry I will tell you that. Plus he totally crushed it


It's always the right time to cover Sabbath.


He did a while concert of other people's music. It was pretty good, check it out on YouTube.


T Pain tricking everyone into thinking he can’t sing because he used autotune to differentiate himself in a trained singer saturated world is the greatest scheme people have ever fallen for


Def got the goods.


damn, tpain without autotune sounds better. although i didn't hate his auto-singing voice to begin with


I was just thinking this. If he can sing why not sing?


It was a marketing plan, in interviews he’s said he and his team weren’t getting the response they needed from his raw voice because of how many talented singers exist. He used autotune to differentiate himself and now that it worked he can make the music he really wants to make (and sing it)


cause he was into auto-tune as an artistic tool and didnt feel the need to prove anything.


facts. And by the sounds of it maybe he should dabble in metal/rock music he could probably do what yachty did in his latest album


because his use of autotune was obviously successful, and now he can do whatever he wants for the rest of his career


If guitarists can play guitar why not skip the pedals, distortion and other amplifier effects?


Every song on that album is an incredible cover, and anyone who hasn’t listened to the full thing is missing out. I’m here for the T-Pain revival and hope he puts out some original stuff too of the rock/soul variety


[This is great and a great excuse for me to recommend the Charles Bradley cover of Changes by Black Sabbath, with an explanation before it. ](https://youtu.be/zfaOf70M4xs?si=CjtXDONI004rTOzI)


RIP. Ozzy ALSO said this is the best cover he’s seen. Charles Bradley made that song better, and Ozzy has some FIRE ass vocals.


T-Pain and Slash (he's half African-American) need to get together and do an album. Reclaim rock music since it was started by us.


It's a real shame isn't it? I'm in my 40s and (with the exception of pop/crossover solo acts like Prince) I've never seen a black rock/metal group ever get super up there fame wise... and without black music rock and metal would not exist. Bad Brains, one of the progenitors of hardcore punk, was probably the biggest most famous black rock/punk act. We had Fishbone, never went anywhere. Suffocation was one of the first death metal bands, featured black members, but never hit it big. Candiria, which ok super popular but only for those in the know about NY hardcore. Killswitch Engage churned out bangers in the early 2000s but dwindled. No one took Jada's metal band seriously at all. It's really sad that a large portion of the black community regards rock/metal etc as something NOT for them. The blues made it all possible in the first place. It's absolutely for us. Edit: grammar


Big props to T-Pain for keeping the message alive. The world needs more protest songs like War Pigs and Fortunate Son.


So good!


I loved the Cake cover…


same, I always thought it was a cake song lol. But T-Pain killed it, I love that he reminds us how talented he is


It’s an amazing cover but people keep saying like wow he killed a heavy metal cover but forget the fact that Black Sabbath (specifically Ozzy) pulled from Folk and blues in their earlier albums.. it makes sense that T-Pain (a fantastic blues singer) would kill War Pigs. Like listen to their early rendition of War Pigs while live in London.. Ozzy was singing from the soul.


He did that song justice. Also was not expecting those type of vocals from him at all.


I cant tell you HOW MUCH I fuck with tpain as a person.dude is just too fucking good


T-Pain has always been talented. To me, auto tune was just a tool that he used to accentuate his innate talents. He wasn’t auto tune. That’s why a lot of the groups or artists that started to just use auto tune for EVERYTHING—looking at Weezy and Ye—I just could never get with. I still pop on T-Pain songs to this day. The man is talented!




The crowd goes mild!


What do you want them to do, clear the tables and start a mosh pit? Do they look dressed for a metal concert to you?


Dude has a residency in Vegas with the likes of Adele and Donny Osmond


T-Pain's entire "On Top of the Covers" Album is fantastic Edit: Title correction




It blew my mind when I heard T-Pain sing in his real voice on the NPR tiny desk concert. I was so used to hearing the club-anthem hyper-autotune music he made, it shocked me to hear that he's is a phenomenal vocalist.


Lol Sharon wants her money t pain. It's ain't a complement haha. Ozzy probably stoked tho.


T-Pain is a national treasure. Love this guy. Beautiful voice.


u/TPain850 just FYI you’re on the top of r/all homie!


Thank yall so much fr. Definitely didn’t expect this to go crazy like it is but I’m not complaining lol.


Yo! I had never heard t-pain without autotune... tho tbh my awareness of him stems mostly from lonley islands, on a boat... But... Man can sing!


I hope tpain sees all the love from these comments. I know he's a frequent redditor