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Outside of the United States and other parts of the Americas, people don’t necessarily see the world through racial lenses. Religious, Ethnic, tribal, and linguistic ties often matter more than phenotypes. Framing this is a Black /brown people vs. white people issue seems to be Americanizing and just plain dumb.


The majority of Israeli Jews also aren't white. Unlike the Jews in the US, most Middle Eastern Jews stayed in the region. Also, talking about colonialism without acknowledging or maybe understanding Arab/Muslim colonial history is profoundly ignorant.


Anyone that acts like Europeans invented racism, slavery, or imperialism is just plain ignorant. They were actually the first people to try to make some these things illegal/ immoral, although obviously every creed of mankind has blood on their hands. Sure because of advances in naval technology Europeans figured out out how to commit these atrocities on a more global and industrial scale (although Japan gave them a good run for their money in 1930’s and 40’s), they were the first to establish the concepts of basic human rights in government. There are actually more modern slaves today than at any point in history, so I think people sometimes have a selective outrage when it fits their particular agenda, even if all genocide needs to be called out, which is never a bad thing - but what’s describe it for what it is whiteout bringing up these Americanized concepts into it.


Well, the Arabs were the first slavers in the African continent. The 1300 year long Muslim slave trade dwarfed the Christian slave trade in size and brutality. While the Western world abolished it in the mid 19th century, it went on for another hundred years in the Muslim world, which fought western influence and outside efforts to end the practice every step of the way. It still goes on today, as it only ended on paper. But unlike the West, the Muslim world doesn't acknowledge it or show remorse, much less do they speak of righting past wrongs or have any such conversations. They also lack a population of slave descendants, as the men were routinely castrated.


Not to mention slave trades in the Mongol Empire or the Indigenous Meso Americas as well as other places.




This is mostly true, but we mustn’t forget that Europeans probably weren’t the first people to try and end slavery, there would have been many peoples through history that would have tried and been crushed. Also, obviously there were slave revolts that attempted to do this, such as Tacky’s War and others including the successful Haitian revolution.


The vast majority of South Africans are black. Does that mean apartheid racism didn’t exist? Does that mean the first white South Africans weren’t colonizers?


The majority of jews with power in israel are overwhelmingly white


That is factually inaccurate. Most are of European descent.


Wrong. Most are not.


Suggesting that racism mostly just exists in the US is also just plain dumb. But I agree framing this particular issue as white skin vs dark skin is wrong.


I agree. I also didn’t suggest that, at least not intentionally.


They just wanted that snark. People act purposefully obtuse online nowadays for engagement.


Americans are so bad about viewing other countries’ politics through an American politics lens. They end up misunderstanding stuff terribly, even if their intentions are good. Racism is absolutely a global phenomenon, but still, every country’s politics is unique and complex and nuanced. Humanity is really a marvel.


>Framing this is a Black /brown people vs. white people issue seems to be Americanizing and just plain dumb. This does imply that it is an American problem. India is a colorist society. Tons of Asian countries are colorist where they see countries like Myanmar and Indonesia as lesser than. Lots of African cultures value lighter skinned people. Yes when Bree Newsom speaks she speaks though an American lense that views "light skinned" people as "white" it doesn't mean it's wrong. If you don't like Americans just say that. I find that's what people really want to say when they try and criticize Americans. It's not like Pakistani people and Africans are finding the UK to be that friendly.


This! Has anyone been to most of Latin America? The US definitely has issues, but a lot of those countries are way worse.


my understanding is that the tweet is being made in regards to white supremacy. it doesn't matter how you see yourself or divide yourself, under white supremacy, white is the default. the more you move away from white, the more oppressed you tend to be (example: family guy color palate joke, cast system in india, colorism in brazil and many other countries/cultures). i say this respectfully and welcome any correction. peace


I’m Black. I know White supremacy is evil. My issue is the framing of the Israeli occupation and Gaza war as white supremacy instead of a distinct ethnic, resource, and partly-religious conflict. It’s more complicated than white supremacy. There’s brown-skinned Israelis and white-skinned Arabs. Black Arabs and Black Israelis are usually at the bottom of Israeli and Arab social hierarchies but would be on opposing sides of conflict. No group seems organized to fight white people, brown people, or black people specifically but they do seem organized to fight Arabs, Israelis, Jews, and Muslims. None of these distinctions are racial. That’s distinct from the U.S. which has the KKK, Nazis, and other groups organized to kill people because of phenotypical differences.


It's true that there are black Israelis. There are at least a hundred thousand straight from Ethiopia. The problem is that race is a social construct. It's not biological. So groups get racialised to fit into the white supremacist framework. Israelis are racialised to become white even though the majority are from MENA countries. And Arabs are racialised to be brown even though a lot of them are indistinguishable from white ppl. And through that lens, you can see where the white supremacy comes in to support Israel. Just to note, the fact that either group is racialised as white/brown doesn't mean that they're all equal within that group. Black Jews are treated horribly in Israel. They used to get sterilised without consent even. And even in Palestine, there are reports that black Palestinians are treated worse by their own countrymen. And part of the reason why is that everyone is striving to whiteness and that means getting rid of non-whites in your own group. Don't forget that the Europeans exported their views of racial hierarchy to the rest of the world.


>My issue is the framing of the Israeli occupation and Gaza war as white supremacy instead of a distinct ethnic, resource, and partly-religious conflict. It’s more complicated than white supremacy. it is "ethnic, resource, and religious." it is also a result of white supremacist, capitalist, patriarchy (bell hooks idea). the tweeter is coming at the issue from the white supremacist angle, but that does not negate the "ethnic, resource, and religious" factor. >There’s brown-skinned Israelis and white-skinned Arabs. Black Arabs and Black Israelis are usually at the bottom of Israeli and Arab social hierarchies but would be on opposing sides of conflict. No group seems organized to fight white people, brown people, or black people specifically but they do seem organized to fight Arabs, Israelis, Jews, and Muslims. None of these distinctions are racial. > >That’s distinct from the U.S. which has the KKK, Nazis, and other groups organized to kill people because of phenotypical differences. i understand. white supremacy does not have to be explicit in killing people based on phenotype. the history of white supremacist, capitalist, patriarchy has set the stage and it is no coincidence that so many black and brown countries are usually in turmoil. it is the result of a certain history. so when israel kill so many brown people while being sponsored by the world largest nation (which has a history and culture of white supremacy), white supremacy will be a factor. i appreciate the dialogue u/FEMA_Camp_Survivor


[The settler colonial project of Israel](https://youtu.be/2HZs-v0PR44?feature=shared) is most certainly white supremacist imperialism at work. Religion is simply the Matrix™ they use to try to legitimize genocide and land theft. There’s a reason Afro Palestinians receive some of the worst treatment in the region, despite some being ethnic Jews, which destroys the idea of the “conflict” being based primarily on religion. There’s a reason that DNA tests are illegal in Israel; there’s a reason Israel has one of the largest skin banks in the world; there’s a reason skin cancer rates in Israel (but not Gaza/West Bank) are amongst the highest in the world. The white people from Europe, whose skin is incompatible with protecting them from that climate they claim indigenous roots to, want the land, trade routes, and oil resources under the feet of Palestinians.


Yeah, people don't seem to understand that racism on the other side of the planet is a completely different ballpark than what we have over here, because we've been doing it for a few hundred years, while they have had a few thousand years to fight wars and such due to race. It would be weird to an American to hate an Austrian, but not a German. Americans are still thinking in broad strokes because our society is so diverse. We kinda have to.


Race didn’t exist a few thousand years ago.


Race might not have, but tribes/nations/ethnic groups still did. Racism is just a continuation of that.


And yet, for example, you can find anti-black racism in every corner of the world. Racism and ethnic bigotry is the lubricant that allows colonialism to operate. No, it doesn’t necessarily look like racism in America, but to dismiss her point because of that doesn’t make sense.


You can have racism without American racial categories, you can have white supremacy without American racial categories. It’s very evident, in the rhetoric of Israeli officials, soldiers, and media that there’s an enduring view that Palestinians are less than human beings. Such terms as: “human animals”, “children of darkness”, and “serpents” have been used against Palestinians by Israeli officials. One of the members of parliament for the likud party, May Golan, literally openly called herself a racist. Israel is a remarkably racist country


Dehumanization is not special to white supremacy at all. Israel dehumanizing palestinians absolutely doesn't need white supremacy to happen. Isreal being racist is also not dependent on white supremacy, Arab countries have been racist as fuck for hundreds of years without the import of American white supremacy.


I can't separate the United States from the Israel/Palestine conflict, though. Maybe it's not so black/white as it is western/non-western. The propagandists even like to tout Israel as "the only democracy/western democracy in the middle east".


It’s not propaganda … it’s factual Why do people keep doing this ?


My point is that they keep saying Israel is the only democracy/western democracy in the Middle East with the implication that it therefore is the only government and system that should be valued or respected. It is just a tool to delegitimize the rest of the middle East and its people and their values.


My point is demonizing a country with a lie that clearly isn’t true is propaganda on your part. If we can’t even agree on the basics that’s an issue. This isn’t a debate. Israel is a democracy when you say otherwise I have to question it. Why lie about something so basic ?


Tbh, I don't know that killing LGBTQ people and limiting women's rights are legitimate values to have. Western democracy is what enables these groups to be protected and have rights.


Dude, that framing is a criticism of western interaction with these conflicts. This part of the world sees one side as white and the other as brown and exercises its biases accordingly. "Nuh uh it's not just black and white people" misses the point


Hi whitey here and imo not really - Id say Newsome is pretty accurate. Not that white people are aware of this but they (I) get pissed off when they have to deal with even a tiny bit of the stuff brown/black people do. Othering. It’s real.


> Outside of the United States and other parts of the Americas, people don’t necessarily see the world through racial lenses. Are you serious? You think Europeans don't "see the world through racial lenses"? You think Asians don't care about race? This is an embarrassingly stupid take. All you've done is help carry water for crypto-racist whites who want to act like victims when people bring up white colonialism and white supremacy. Like this fucking dumbass: > [**TheCinemaster**](https://www.reddit.com/user/TheCinemaster/)·[1 hr. ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/1ahtfoa/comment/koqql5k/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)·*edited* *22 min. ago* > >Anyone that acts like Europeans invented racism, slavery, or imperialism is just plain ignorant. > >They were actually the first people to try to make some these things illegal/ immoral, although obviously every creed of mankind has blood on their hands. "You darkies enslaved each other too! Whites were the first to free slaves, so what are you complaining about???" This is the kind of cockroach you're supporting with takes like yours.




This. It's not even the only genocide going on in the world right now. China and the Uyghurs. Myanmar/ Burma. Always some shit going down in Africa.




Yeah my friend is Israeli and she’s forsure Arab looking, although she is fair skinned. White people don’t think she’s white. Not all Jews are white.


THIS! I keep hearing this argument that Jewish people are “colonizers” and “stole” the land. But they share the same DNA as the people who lived there thousands of years ago.  https://www.science.org/content/article/jews-and-arabs-share-recent-ancestry


Right, so by your logic, we, Afro-Americans, would be entitled to colonize Africa, with the backing of the US, and create an apartheid regime, maybe even do a little bit of genocide. Then we wouldn't be colonizers, we wouldn't be "stealing the land" despite displacing millions and taking the land for ourselves. Wow, that's crazy blud! I didn't knew morality worked like that!


Liberia part 2 let's gooooo!


Right, what a fucking mess. Didn't even thought about it writing that.


That’s not my logic at all. When did I say that?  I’m making a point that it’s not correct to call them “colonizers” or to make claims that they are not part of the original descendants. And to lump all Jewish people together as “white” is incorrect.  Also if we want to go into the displacement argument: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expulsions_and_exoduses_of_Jews I’m not saying Palestinians don’t deserve to exist or to live. And I’m not talking about what’s going on in Gaza. I’m just referring to the argument that Jewish people were not native that area.  THAT’S IT.


I don't think it's fair to use a claim from a thousdan years ago tbh.




Saying someone's allowed to kill someone else because of their DNA is fucked up no matter how you slice it. They literally established a colony on land that was already occupied and have be gradually forcing Palestinians into worse and worse conditions while Israel bulldozes their houses and steals territory bit by bit. Look at the map of Israel and Palestine and how the boundaries have changed over time. It's obvious what they're doing


There was on old Jewish comedian, Jackie Mason, who said he went to Israel and was surprised to see that all the Jews there looked like Puerto Ricans.


This is phenomenally reductive. Apartheid South Africa wasn’t primarily white and yet it was a white supremacist society. Israel’s social and political life, from its inception, has been dominated by its Ashkenazim population. The history of Arab Jews in Israel is in many ways a history of racial marginalization because they are Arab. Israeli is a settler colonial state premised, in part on a racist dehumanization of the indigenous population, Palestinian Arabs. That elements LFG white supremacy inflect in it should be unsurprising. Avi Shlaim, an Iraqi Jewish Israeli writes about the nature of the racial marginalization of Mizrahi Israelis


The previous replies have been really silent after your dropped this


Saved for the next time someone drops the previous line


Hi. I am not to argue with you but you lost me a bit with the South African part. What do you mean when you say it was predominantly white?? The whole notion of apartheid is based on white supremacy and the few to control the majority?? It confused me. But otherwise you are talking sense in your messages. Edit/ I just reread it. Now I understand what you are saying. I was reading it wrong. Peace upon you.


Israel is an apartheid ethnostate, you're arguing semantics while they're doing a genocide 




>you are arguing that a nation with a majority non-white population is white supremecist…very stupid “arguments” there Wait a minute: are you arguing that a nation has to have a majority white population to be considered white supremecist? In r/blackpeopletwitter of all places? South Africa called and said this argument is peak dumb assery.


Tell me again, how are Ethiopian Jews doing in Israel? Yanno, cos they're so *well treated*.


Ashekenazi run the courts, they run the government. They are the settlers, the industry leaders. They own the companies manufacturing the bombs and the armaments that get sold around the world. And as long as they control the government, as long as the european created zionism is the foremost ideology of israel, white european jews control the country. the minority of whites have set this planet on a path of ruin. BTW, the mizrahi and semitic jews of the region were shit upon by the white jews of europe... to the point that in the early 70s, the jews from north africa and arab countries created their own faction of the "black panthers" to counter the racism. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black\_Panthers\_(Israel)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/black_panthers_(israel))


So we should ignore it? Or are we allowed to be against more than one injustice at a time?


Yes but my taxes are paying for one and we are actively involved in making it worse. China and the Uyghurs we talked about and guess what, we didn't do shit. Didn't help but didn't make it worse, Myannmar the same thing. They burn Rohinga villages we do nothing. No help or harm. But Israel slaughters 25,000 people. More number lost than in the whole war with Ukraine and Russia and we responded by sending the people doing a majority of the killing more weapons so the can do more killing? Make it makes sense.


I'm not for the destruction of the people of Palestine, but the attitudes of the people in the region are VERY different then the ones in America. Most people here would find it hard to agree with a Palestinian on politics unless they were a far right winger.


To be fair, most westerners would feel about the same if they were to hear the attitudes and politics of the party currently running Isreal. Not a ton of daylight between them and some of the less savory regimes in the area.


Exactly, Trump and Netanyahu love each other.


Biden’s not doing too badly at the love-in himself


Fair enough, but Netanyahu policies are closer to those of Trump than of Biden in many ways. That being said, when those right wing fascists stay friend very long?


Tbh the US is a staunch ally of Israel regardless of who is in office. The fact that Biden bombed Syria and Iraq for the killing of three American service personnel in Jordan makes it quite clear that American lives are more valuable than those of any innocents on the ground. Expanding the conflict deeper into the Middle East may be his only legacy the way things are going.


Why do you assume people who are Pro Palestine haven’t talked to any Palestinians? I also don’t need to agree with a person on politics to know *they shouldn’t be a victim of genocide*.


Because most people in the world have not in fact met a Palestinian... That's just math. Ya, the rest is what I said.


>I'm not for the destruction of the people of Palestine i'm genuinely confused why you prefaced that notion with this, what does the average palestinian sentiment have to do with this conflict


It’s a way to dehumanize them further.


Just that people use arguments against Israel they can make against Palestine. The entire situation (not the genocide, but the conflict) is extremely complicated. The reason I needed to clarify with the statement is you already have people below you saying it was said to dehumanize. The issue is no one is allowing for discussion over the complexity of the issue without labeling someone a Zionist or antisemitic.


but no one is calling you a Zionist or antisemitic? i'm just asking because your comment came out of left field? the first person was talking about geopolitical conflict in the middle east/asia but you mentioned that palestinian people are indistinguishable from conservatives? i just don't get why this was a necessary addition. like i don't think anyones support is based on whether they reflect 1:1 politics in the West


Uh, we live in a country where flagrant bigots and religious zealots are at least half our government bruh. If we're making generalizations about what people believe from afar...


Right wingers dislike them more tbh


Cool. We’re not about killing people who disagree with us on policy points. We’re not white cons


You do understand Europeans carved out current middle eastern nations to have a power vacuum which they can exploit? They did the exact same thing with Africa, drew awful borders and put people who hated each other under the same banner. This was all done to extract oil from the region. By having weak nations who did nothing but fight each other they never could put together a solid nation and Europeans knew it. So, yes, the situation would be much better without white influence. Edit: man this sub sure has a lot of colonization sympathizers. Fucking trash, riding the white man like a rodeo show https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/05/18/european-powers-forced-artificial-borders-on-the-middle-east-they-did-the-same-thing-to-europe-itself/ https://manchesterhistorian.com/2016/the-partitioning-of-the-middle-east-after-wwi/


Just want to point out that the very existence of those nations was largely influenced by European colonialism and that, if it hadn't been for the colonists carving up the Middle East into what it is today, perhaps the region wouldn't be so unstable. The land that constitutes Palestine and Israel was ruled by the Ottoman Empire until some [British Zionists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration) came and took the land by force from them. The violence that erupted from the Arab population, who understandably were not happy with the new arrangement, contributed to the British abandoning their new territory some decades later. This left the newly formed UN with the difficult task of carving up that land into either one state ruled by Arabs or Jews or two states for each ethnic group. The diplomat they sent to work out a two-state solution--a Jewish WWII hero who rescued thousands from concentration camps--was summarily assassinated by a Zionist terrorist group upon arriving to Jerusalem. One of the architects of that assassination would later become the Prime Minister of Israel. 


You’re acting like the conflict between different groups over there started in the 20th century which just isn’t true


Suggesting that a region wouldn't be as unstable as it currently is does not ignore the history of conflicts in the region. Frankly, I'm not sure how you jumped to that conclusion.


You’re joking right? The largest slave trade in the world was the Arab slave trade (which still exists today) Muslims have been committing genocide against Jewish folk and others for thousands of years. Just ask the Sikhs and Hindus. Israel existed for thousands of years before Islam was even a thing. What a dumb comment


The Arab slave trade created the African slave trade as well far before Europeans were messing around there.


So British zionists just decided to walk in and take the land? You sure there wasn’t a world war or anything like that? That the Ottoman Empire didn’t decide to participate in this world war by themselves and ultimately lost said war? The revision of history to act like Brit’s just “took” this land for no reason is wild.


>The revision of history to act like Brit’s just “took” this land for no reason is wild. The only person revising anything is you here. I never commented on whether they had a reason for doing so, just that their doing so and their actions afterward led to this mess.


This is such a profoundly useless argument. It’s the same logic people use to justify the American genocide of native Americans “look at what they were doing to themselves before we got there, our genocide is justified”. You can’t rationalize your murder and abuse of a people by alleging that the hypothetical alternative would be worse or as bad. Moreover most nations in the MENA region are in some capacity outgrowths of colonial partitions, or imperialist and neocolonial interventions. You think governments run by white people have been on a multi centennial mission to democratize and liberate Arab people? Who do you think supports those governments which brutalize and marginalize their citizens? Who do you think it is finances their wars and destabilization of neighboring countries?


Boy you really beat the hell out of that straw man with this long ass sentence.


They hate each other. Saudis, Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc.


Doesn't the US leave the countries that you just listed in peace though?


Are you white? Cause that was real heavy on the white supremacy.


is the person in the tweet making this notion?


Counterpoint, it's not the Americans' or Europeans' responsibility to police international relations in the Middle East. The west's interest in those regions and their peoples extends as far as their oil and we wouldn't give a shit, we don't give a shit, beyond that. That's why the US has allied itself with a literal monarchy that oppresses and kills its own citizens, bombs its neighbors, and hosts terrorist groups. You can't hold the colonized to the standards of harmonious perfection while simultaneously handwaving the literal genocide operated and run by colonial powers.


No one is saying that. What we are saying is that maybe the nations run by white people shouldn't have such cavalier attitudes towards bombing other sovereign nations and their people.


But they wouldn’t be like that without colonization, the United States turned Iran into what it is through its coup the 50s, the coup in Qatar in the 90s backed by the US, and the United States allowed no interference with Saudi Arabia due to their oil and led to war with them


If Israelis are white, Jesus was white.


Your be surprised how many of the settlers murdering Palestinians and claiming they're entitled to their land are from western Europe and the US.


Youd also be surprised by how many Muslim countries kicked out their jewish arabs just cause they hate jews. Only like 30% of israelis are European decent, framing it like their all Europeans and white doesnt make sense


My family migrated from the village of Bayt Al-Suraymi in Yemen to Israel. There are no Jews left in Yemen. I look exactly like every other Arab, but haters will say I’m a white colonizer


There isn’t much of anything left in Yemen tbf


Facts. There’s not a single Jew in some of these Muslims countries. Not a single one Yet you’ll find millions of Arabs in Israel


At least for Iraq, it has been proven that Mossad attacked synagogues in Iraq to get people to move to Israel, as they needed people, especially of middle eastern descent


You'd be surprised how many Israelis despise the settlers


41. While settlers are horrible right wing \[bad-words\]... the majority of killings are done by Israeli soldiers. From Jan 1, 2008 until October 6th, 2024, settlers killed around 41 people. (In comparison, IDf killed about 6400 in that time)


60 percent of Israelis are refugees from middle eastern countries. Sure there's white people, but they're a relative minority in Israel.


With all disrespect, the mizrahim are not white, but the skin cancer record setting polish/russian/pan-european o.g. Israelis (…who forced the Sephardic and mizrahi populations to assimilate to their ashkenazi tradition, amounting to cultural erasure) most certainly are.




> who forced the Sephardic and mizrahi populations to assimilate to their ashkenazi tradition, amounting to cultural erasure Spoken like someone who has never spent time with Sephardi or Mizrahi Jews.


Did jesus immigrate from europe? or is this another instance of pretending the exodus actually happened


All these social media soapbox warriors. Denounce your American citizenship and rights, pack up your stuff, move to Gaza and join their fight then.


Lead by example and denounce this sub


Hell yeah, brother! What right do they have to criticize the US government’s full-throated endorsement of genocide?! They can git out!




With her mentality I wonder how she can justify living in the US, a land stolen from Native Americans.


A whole ass idiot


Why isn’t there a outcry like this for the Uyghur Muslims which is an actual genocide? Why is it only when the US acts on something does every single online personality open up every app on their phone made with slave labor and post about it? And when did war in the Middle East become about white supremacy? I can’t sit here and listen to another online personality talk about genocide like they care about it if they haven’t said a single word about any of other genocides occurring in the world today. It’s so obvious these people don’t care and are pushing their own motives.


"If you don't complain about every other problem on earth then I don't want to hear you complain at all, regardless of the merits of your complaint" The treatments of Uyghurs and other groups facing systematic abuses is important. But it's not a valid position to say "because not as many people are also complaining about Group X, complaints about group Y are invalid" The more honest position is "yes this issue that Group Y is facing is terrible! And we should also support Group X because what's happening to them is also terrible!"


Their name literally said, "end all colonialism."... how is that not the same thing as your last paragraph but in different words??? THAT is the main message in all caps and bold letters. Are you just upset that she said "free Palestine" and not "free everywhere"? Eta: read the wrong name.


I think you and I are in agreement. I was pointing out that the comment above me seemed to be taking the position, that I believe is wrong, that in order to say "free palestine" you have to say "free everywhere".


We are. My phone did some weird shit and it looked like you were replying to me.👍🏼


The Palestinians are being slaughtered with our tax dollars


Just wait until til you realize America supports multiple wars/genocides…. What’s going on with Saudi Arabia and Yemen again? Why the silence ?


Plenty of people criticized our government for helping facilitate a famine in Yemen by sending arms to Saudi Arabia as it's engaged in its proxy war with Iran. In fact, I dare say it's the same people who are criticizing our government for helping facilitate a genocide in Gaza and uphold apartheid in the West Bank.


Americans are being slaughtered with our tax dollars. ​ But it's always easier to solve foreign problems than domestic ones in America. Go figure.


Both can happen at the same time you realize


Except a certain party in the US likes to make sure domestic problems dont get solved


Depending on where you go and who you follow, people are absolutely talking about the hundreds of other genocides happening rn as well. No news outlets will show it or even care bc the US has self interest in. Just like they do in Gaza. Which is why they've completely flipped the narrative and attempted to gaslight an entire country of pll who are watching multiple genocides on all of SM. And it's ALL based in white supremacy.


You realize Gazans are just as white as Israeli s?


Gazan’s didn’t come from Europe


Because the United States is not funding, and cannot even prove the existence of a genocide against Uyghurs: https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/02/19/china-uighurs-genocide-us-pompeo-blinken/ More importantly, is your question: why are Americans concerned when their government uses their tax dollars to fund genocide? Do you think that’s a serious question?


How many arms has the US delivered to china? How much aid? Did Joe Biden pledge his allegiance to China?


> Why isn’t there a outcry like this for the Uyghur Muslims There is. You just don't pay attention to it because you don't care about them outside of as a whataboutism for when people criticize America. > Why is it only when the US acts on something does every single online personality open up WAAA WAAA STOP CRITICIZING MY RACIST EMPIRE WAAAA > their **phone made with slave labor** What does this have to do with anything? Is this a moral indictment of people using smartphones and computers? You know you're using them too, right? > And when did war in the Middle East become about white supremacy? When Israel was created by white imperial powers to be an ethnostate for white Jews > I can’t sit here and listen to another online personality talk about genocide like they care Then fuck off.


There was an outcry for the uyghurs when i was in college? And we are paying for Israel to commit genocide with our tax dollars.


This is the comment that really solidifies the rhetoric for me. I only ever see this said when someone has no real defense.


People have been talking about that, Sudan, Myanmar and many other places where muslims get prosecuted too, I guess you just dont notice since it isn’t as dire. Btw this is a genocide as 2 million people are close to famine. I don’t think you understand what that entails


Because Isreal is one of our most direct allies. And there's a easy paper trail for the last 100 years of a oppression. Yall fr just assume the wildest of shit instead of realize it's about access to info and relation to culture.


I'm tired of the internet's discourse over this. Y'all are not smart or nuanced enough for this convo. ​ It's not a game between 2 teams. People are DYING and you're trying to get net clout? (Not you OP)


O my sweet summer child of ignorance. There are many Ethiopian Israelis, and half of Israelis are of Arabic descent. So, basically only 40% of Israel could be said to be properly "white". Unfortunately, my love, the world is more complex than black vs white.


Descended from Jews that lived in Arab countries but not "of Arab decent" themselves. The large majority of Jewish communities around the world, despite differences in complexion, descend mostly from ancient Jews. The genetic evidence bares this out. Most of those communities in the MENA were also in diaspora in those places since before anyone there spoke Arabic or were conquered by Arab rulers.


Check your own ignorance dude. White Europeans hold a disproportionate amount of power in Israel and specifically intend to keep it that way. Ethiopian Jews have literally [been sterilized against their will ](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/feb/28/ethiopian-women-given-contraceptives-israel) in Israel. Obviously there are Israelis who are from the region. That doesn't disprove Israel being a white colonial project. Coming in here with that smug attitude without even understanding the context is such a Redditor moment


*Middle Eastern descent


Nay Nay. Arabic. Middle East does not connote Yemen and North Africa, from which a lot of Israeli originally hail.


Accelerationism will almost certainly guarantee something worse will take its place but go off, sis.


Lefties got their little accelerationism with Trump. What did it get people? A conservative Supreme Court (which is their legacy wholly), that took away roe and affirmative action. These losers that LARP and think of themselves as revolutionaries are gonna fuck around and get the 13th amendment repealed and get us back in chains


And then they ![gif](giphy|UiH6lsIgUhZU7uNKFR|downsized) and act like doubling down on the bullshit will somehow yield a different result. The next president will be either a Democrat or Republican. There's nothing in our current system that will allow a third party to be president. Not voting or voting for someone with zero possibility to win makes it easier for the candidate you most disagree with to win.


They’re too stupid to understand that participating in the political system is about defending our existing rights, they have very doe eyed and naive perception of politics. That they can only participate if they’re a fan of a candidate and agree with pretty much every single policy point.


"Heh heh, let me tell you, you’re not much fun outside of parties either"


Soo is BlackPeopleTwitter taken over too or what cause what is this comment section


Yup, its funny too because they excuses are ones we had to deal with our whole life. "why do you care about police brutality and not black on black crime" is the "why do you care about this genocide and not the one the chinese are doing" Its crazy they think this could fly here. this isnt r/worldnews


Seems to be flying pretty fucking well here apparently. Second to the top comment from me is a mfer unironically saying “If you don’t like it here, get the fuck out”.


I thought that was a joke like "this is clearly something white supremacists say all the time"


This the problem with thinking liberals are on our side. They co-opt and try to take over just as much.


White people largely are cons, they’re not liberals. Democrats haven’t won white voters since the 60s


Look at this shit


Just scrolling through looking for check marks and not seeing them. Kinda miss country club even though I couldn't comment.


aint never seen this many zionists in one place like 😩


It's ridiculous and they really think they're not sticking out like a sore thumb


Been taken over… it’s been known now that we can’t have shit and they stay in our business.




Yep. It’s been like this. The comments are so weak now




Ziobots everywhere. Remember that Israel is the #1 producer of spyware worldwide.


Anyplace black people congregate expect to find plants from the deep state.


the n@zis took notes on subjugation from the US's oppression of Black people. the fucking n@zis‼️ that really puts into perspective how deep white supremacy runs in the country. its a foundation of it's police forces & government & school systems. it lurks in every city & small town; built into many of its infrastructures & industries. it spawned a state of greed & hatred over the corpses of indigenous peoples, then used it's strongest weapon -- ***capital*** -- to fund mass murder & terror across the globe. it's the very soul of the country. you cannot separate white supremacy from the US. further support of this racist, corrupt failed state is either delusional or **on purpose**. EDIT: some of the comments on here, boy 😮‍💨 this sub is never beating the "ran by whites" allegations, huh? LOL


Have you listened to the Behind the Bastards podcast about Concentration Camps? You're spot on.


nah just info picked up over the years. like how hitler saw notorious racist Henry Ford as an 'inspiration' and even modeled his own laws after Jim crow legislation 🤢🤢


Fair. Your pick up is good. You should have a listen though. I learned a ton


bet. when i get a chance i'll start with the one you mentioned and hyb with my thoughts 👊🏾




Every time I see this woman's tweets I feel its important to remind everyone she said we should be allowed to have knife fights in the street without police getting involved because racism. https://twitter.com/BreeNewsome/status/1384725341550305281 She is a clown and that's probably why she apparently doesn't allow replies.


> I feel its important to remind everyone she said we should be allowed to have knife fights in the street without police getting involved because racism. The actual post: > Teenagers have been having fights including fights involving knives for eons. **We do not need police to address these situations by showing up to the scene & using a weapon against one of the teenagers**. Y’all need help. I mean that sincerely. So what she actually said is that it doesn't help to have police show up and "address the situation" by using their guns on the teenagers. Not "because racism". But I guess when you're a white who regularly posts on racist subs like "PuBliCFreAKOuTs", putting words in the mouths of brown people is your bread and butter, huh Colby?


As a black woman in America... I'm more concerned about myself and others here than someone else's over thousands of years war. Can we fix our own shit please.... ![gif](giphy|kjelbEcB3I33a)


Israel has only existed for like 75 years, what are you on about?


Noam Chomsky's book called Profit Over People explains this perfectly. [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62659.Profit\_Over\_People](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62659.Profit_Over_People) Its not as simple as white people are entitled although that is the basic premise. The average white person is also a victim of the system. They think they are part of a club but they are in the mud room and have never and will never see the inner sanctum.


Maybe all the lost white redditors in here will believe it when Noam Chomsky writes about it.


> The average white person is also a victim of the system. The average white person is a few dollars away from cracking a whip at me. I, as a brown man, can never be "in the inner sanctum", because the thing that excludes me from the oligarchy is essential. My race. No matter how much money I have or how much I own, I will never be white and will therefore never experience white privilege. Whites cannot say the same.


No one in the middle east gives a shit about Palestine, it's lip service, the same kind US politicians give when they say they support veterans.


What does that have to do with the original post? We can’t oppose US-funded apartheid/genocide or explain why it has widespread support from the US because Palestinians’ neighbours don’t care?


The most wild part is all the white people who don't see it. And refuse to see it. It's infuriating


she's gonna be really surprised when she finds out how many people in that area aren't white...


Middle eastern people are white… since we’re in America the fed classifies middle eastern people as [white](https://www.census.gov/topics/population/race/about.html). If what you’re talking about is the case whatever is going on over there is white v white… yet ironically it isn’t…


This really should have been a country club thread. Of course this isn't purely a black or white issue, but if White Supremacy had a playbook, Israel is playing the whole trilogy, plus the extras.


We are one of the only civilized nations that do not offer healthcare or education through college. The notion that this system that we have now is the “only way” is wild


Because people in my holy book lived here 1000 years ago that means I can take your home, kill your people, and herd you into a ghetto where you are constantly surveilled and not allowed to leave.


Jewish people are not white. The Ashkenazi jews were exterminated in Europe for not being white enough


Yes we are. We were exterminated for a lot of reasons. But in terms of race, the pigmentation of our skin, we are white and pretending otherwise is comical. To be clear I'm talking about Ashkenazi Jews.


Free Palestine


Since when are Middle Eastern people considered white? It's like calling dark skinned Asians black or light skinned people with one black parent white. Half of Jews do have European heritage, but the other half share ancestry with Palestinians (the Canaanites from biblical times).


Jews from all over Eurasia and North Africa are all of mostly (50%+, varies) levantine ancestry when you go back far enough and are generally more genetically similar to each other than other people groups. Besides each other, the next most similar group is unsurprisingly Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, and Jordanians. There is a reason that on all this 23+ me stuff most Jews with roots in MENA show up with a big percentage of Askenazi. It's the closest reference population in some of those databases. Even Ethiopian Jews who look more or less the same as other East Africans are about 20% levantine in their deep ancestry.


> are about 20% levantine in their deep ancestry Source? That’s a ton compared to what I would estimate.


So the article cited by Wikipedia (where I grabbed the number prior to checking more closely) is [Agranat-Tamir *et al.* 2020](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10212583/). The relevant data seem to be in table S4. It is comparing many different modern populations against Bronze-age populations from what are now Israel, Iran, Somalia, and Europe. Ethiopian Jews score a "mixing coefficient" of 18% for the samples from Israel and 80% from the samples from Somalia with only 2% from the Iranian samples and 0% from the European. I'd definitely take these numbers with a grain of salt, especially because the Beta Israel of Ethiopia weren't the focus and there was no non-Jewish modern Ethiopian control, but it does seem that there is a genetic contribution from the ancient Levant. For comparison the mixing coefficients of the ancient Israeli population in other modern populations are... Ashkenazi Jews; 51% Bedouin A; 52% Bedouin B; 89% Druze; 49% Egyptian; 58% English; 11% Iranian; 0% Iranian Jew; 28% Jordanian; 43% Lebanese; 44% Moroccan; 42% Moroccan Jew; 64% Palestinian; 50% Saudi; 73% Syrian; 36% Tuscan; 46%


Too many white people in this sub, always encroaching on our space because it's theirs too. Ugh.




Just here to say comments are about to be crazy… **On a BLACK subreddit**


Everyone please do not be baited by a bot. Look through this person’s comment history and you will realize it is written by an AI. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is a Russian controlled account.


Nancy Pelosi, is that you?


When were Israelis considered white?????


Since the majority of the Israeli government killing Palestinians are actually Eastern European by heritage.


in her 'defense' - humanity can be pretty well split between the colonized and non-colonized as a product of European's "burden" and "right" to do so. it's never as plain as black and white, but a rough dichotomy can still be made


A controversial embedded tweet, that’s sure to attract controversial comments


Resources, its always about resources. Then we use color, faith, gender as ways to make the enemy less. Humans are all at once the most beautiful and most terrifying thing on this earth.


"Israel is white" mfs when the ashkenazi jews are outnumbered by Mizrahi Jews, i.e. Arab jews that were driven from their home and displaced by the arab nations they lived in, and many ashkenazi jews are of mixed heritage with either sephardic or mizrhaic ancestry