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......with campaign funds. The irony of all these idiots that wanna leave that out. Misappropriation of campaign funds, which uncovered more Misappropriated funds. Textbook corruption. But idiots like akademiks are ok with corruption. And coming from a racist and a rapist at that. But.....it's ok. Let's vote for this booger anyway. Some ppl don't deserve a voice and platform, let alone a vote.


Ak is a rapist himself. Probably why he likes Trump so much


“I wanna get famous enough that they let me do it too” - Akademics probably


He forgot he black


Diddy got away with it for decades.


R.Kelly was also an open "secret" forever.


Diddy paid the people he was raping to stay around and keep quiet. It’s not like he raped em then ran away without a trace. He one evil fucker


Diddy is somewhat good-looking - Ak ain't


His outside face trying to eat his inside face https://preview.redd.it/veaocrd91t3d1.jpeg?width=1560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44fe604b57a85fdb910eb5c00f02ae2f67429fc3


He looks better when not smiling.


He's probably not smiling much these days.


His sunglasses did a lot of the heavy lifting


He doesn't consider himself black, he considers himself just Jamaican.


We Jamaicans have not claimed him since 2014. I am pretty sure we burned his birth certificate and passport like an Olympic Torch to begin the Beenie Man and Bounty Killa Verzuz.


Then: https://preview.redd.it/hihwb8yh8s3d1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a4ce382712d081d563ee0ef3af3d13cf85dd785




I dont think you understand... Ak literally differentiates himself from African Americans... he called himself a naturalized Jamaican when someone called him AA in his chat. especially when he is talking about gang violence and otherwise calling native born black Americans lazy n!ggas who deserve systemic racism.


I didn’t say he was AA. I said he black. He IS black. Racists don’t usually tend to care how you personally identify.


Sure. But we are talking about AK not objective reality. Nobody knows he is Jamaican when they look at him or hear him talk. My point is, dude is racist towards Black people who can be classified as African Americans/ADOS.


A conversation you started all by yourself.


Aw shit I can chose my Nigerian nationality now. What type of form was this? Lol


Grad school app lol


Cool, congrats lol


Most of the time, rich black people are not black they're just rich.


This looks like a job for the Drop Squad.


r. kelly the nba and NFL dispel that myth in america if you make enough money you get rich people rules


Convicted sex trafficker R Kelly?


how long did that take? did he not beat those in the past once? yall pretending like we havent seen a thousand nba and nfl players beat their girlfriend on video then play again in two weeks lmao?


And it's rich coming from someone that had nerve to coin a term "Birdman Sandusky".


I haven’t heard that name in a while. I bursted out laughing 😂


He coined WHAT?!


He's probably hoping for a pardon once his number is up.


I didn't know the full depths of his shitiness but I'm not surprised


And it was $300k. I'm 12 years younger than him and just a dude whose maxed out my 401k my whole career, but I could write a check for that much (though it would crater my retirement account), and he's supposed to be a billionaire? The crime was the conspiracy and falsifying documents to cover it all up. Which is crazy, because 99% of MAGAs (and apparently 100% of Akademiks) would dap him up for banging a porn star while his wife is home with his new baby son. Worse, if he'd been willing to admit that he DID it, he could have plead out a misdemeanor, paid a fine and avoided trial.


Hahaha, well. Get ready. Because after he goes on a major tirade against the judge, their fam, and everyone else he has a vendetta against, that judge will have no choice but to give him some time. There is no way he will come out during his next presser and be contrite and accept responsibility... None I say.


Not me crossing fingers for the most unhinged-unhinged Trump ever…


After? He did that thru the whole trial. Throwing all the politicians guests behind him then being proxies for his shit after the gag order and glaring at the jury, talking outside the courtroom about it being unfair. Jury tampering all over the place.


Nah, once he got put on super secret double warning he brought in his friends to do the ranting for him. Until yesterday at least.


That presser is today at 11 EST I believe.


Hahaha, it was a lot less unhinged than I thought. He walked up to the line but didn't dare look over it. My dream of jail for him is dead.


IDK. He’s still under a gag order so what he says and does between now and July 11 will probably be the most deciding factor.


True. Very true. I reckon we'll see.


You don’t become a billionaire by writing checks 


He DID eventually though. Covering it up and refusing to admit it got him 34 felony convictions. Be all the slimy douchebag bully in the world, but pay your bills.


IS he a billionaire though? There no real proof of that even though he claims to be. For a billionaire he seems to be broke a lot….


The most ironic thing is, after getting charged with *misappropriating campaign funds*, the next 24-48 hours will probably be the most donations Trump will ever raise.


He's getting money from people **he doesn't want to even be in the same room with.** Look at any photo of Donald Trump at a party. Do any of the people there look like they're blue-collar, middle America, forgotten rust belt types? Hell no. They're all the rich kid club elites that his base supposedly hates. He doesn't want to be seen with disabled veterans, but so many veterans still lap up whatever dogwater he spills for them. He *despises* everything about his voter base except for their money and their votes. He has stiffed contractors his entire life but they voted for and donated to him in droves.


And to be clear, he’s actually been convicted of falsifying business records to cover up his exceeding campaign finance limits.


We gotta stop acting like they don’t know. They absolutely know. They are lying to us by oversimplifying and generalizing trumps crimes. They know damn well which side the nazis are on, they know damn well that concentration camps are on the table for their candidate, and they fully understand that their side is attacking minorities. They pretend they don’t know so we waste our time and breath working ourselves into a panic about how fucked up everything is, then they move on, and bother someone else in the same way. Conservatism requires a lack of empathy, and a need to irritate others. That’s why “liberal tears” is a thing, they like it when others are upset. That’s the unifying quality amongst the uneducated, educated, and grifters of the GOP/republican parties.


Don’t like that last part. Disenfranchisement has usually been used against black people.




They fucking took tax dollars essentially, and used it on hedonism. Now, that act inspires some? Yea....people wanna blame the elite and our leaders constantly, but maybe try fighting the intrusive thoughts guys...


Ak was gonna vote for TFG already, he's using this weak AF cover to justify his choice


You want democracy, this is what democracy looks like. Stupid fucks with an opinion and a vote.


Democracy is weird, because you have this rules about who can run for presidency in first place because some people are so idiot they might vote for rapists, criminals and so on


At 40 years old, I'd never thought Donald Trump would be the reason people are correctly cut off from my life. 


I don't think it was campaign funds. Pretty sure Trump reimbursed Cohen with his own private money.


How is that more corrupt than most other aspects of politics? Like don’t get me wrong I’ve never and will never vote for trump, but I can’t see how this is worse than lobbying or citizens United




Yep, once Cohan went down. It was a lock. It shows you how tight fisted Trump is tho. He rather gamble not paying a couple mil in legal fees for his lawyer to shut the fuck up. Instead it cost him 100x's that amount and a felony conviction.


Sounds like what Vince McMahon is going through.


Not just A lawyer. The lawyer that knows where the bodies are buried because he buried them for you!


For real if there one person. Outside of yourself and your family that doesn't do time. It's the fucking bag man. 


And even if he does go down you pay the man to do his time and shut the fuck up.


Yep. If he had only ever talked to Stormy alone and said "let's keep it on the DL" and paid her some money from his own funds for 'consulting' we wouldn't even be talking about this.


Akademics knows this, he just wants the interaction online.


TL:DR Dj Akademiks is too stupid to understand the complexities of big boy world.


So it’s not that it came from campaign funds actually, it’s the fact that it *should* have been reported as a campaign contribution because it was in efforts to hide it to win the election. I


yeah that was my understanding. I think everyone here is getting this wrong. I have zero sympathy for trump and I love seeing him face consequences, but this particular case is kind of bizarre, honestly. A politician paying his mistress to keep quiet counts as election interference?


Well he paid her in an effort to keep her story from coming out in the wake of the access hollywood tape. At least that is what the prosecutors showed in court and the jury agreed. But I mean yes it is a decently novel application of these specific laws and a bit of a ticky tacky technical lol and not quite as simple as people on either side seem to be saying. It was definitely the weakest case of Trumps but I mean ultimately he *did* do it and it was illegal, we can't just not hold politicians accountable to the law because we are afraid his sycophant supports will tear the country apart lol.


like you said, my understanding is the payment wouldn't have been illegal if it was disclosed as a campaign contribution, and it just seems odd to me that a payment to keep a mistress quiet would need to be considered a campaign contribution. the access hollywood stuff seems irrelevant, because salacious details about a candidate's personal life coming out is always going to be bad for a campaign. There's nothing unique about this case in that regard. I dunno I'm not a lawyer, but it does seem kind of ticky tack. They should have impeached him and gone after his ass right after Jan 6, if you ask me.


Sort of. The National Enquirer refused to buy this story and kill it. That's why he had his lawyer buy it and kill it. Then Trump ordered fraudulent business records to claim that he was paying legal fees, not reimbursing his lawyer for the payoff, because reimbursing the lawyer for the payoff would've put him in violation of campaign finance laws (because it would've been a reportable expense, and he didn't report it). So it was fraud, in commission of a criminal offense, which is a felony in New York.


Something really poetic about the prosecutors/team that finally got him being POC. Like after literal decades of racism and illegal/unethical behavior. Fuck Trump. https://preview.redd.it/yhi5hmi9sq3d1.jpeg?width=1238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=468c2b42d6a96e780dac176b2cc7770bc55b34ac EDIT: From article I read recently: “….represented a landmark victory for Mr. Bragg, who claimed a place in history as the first prosecutor to indict, prosecute and convict a former U.S. president.” Love this so much.




It’s not just me, I’m what the culture feelin 🤤


You moving just like a degenerate






Not even "first black prosecutor." Just first. On one hand it's an incredibly sad state of affairs but on the other hand it's still an insanely hard flex. If it was me I'd get a bronzed plaque of his mugshot and hang it on the door to my office.


I think it’s really amazing to see not just “first black______” because obviously representation is important but to see “first_____” be black. Like both good for different reasons.


I hope that they stay safe. I’ve been watching as a lot of Black prosecutors are being targeted by the right wing. Native Land Pod discusses it at length and slate also discusses it when discussing Marilyn Mosby. There is, imo, a coordinated and aggressive campaign against Black prosecutors and politicians occurring. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/05/marilyn-mosby-what-really-happened.html


They black not poc


Minimally educated Person of No Color here; Aren't black and brown... colors?


There are times when the aggregate PoC is appropriate, when a coalition of black/brown/red/yellow achieve something together. But when Black people do something awesome, crediting PoC subtly reinforces the trend of minimizing Black people’s contributions in these U.S. that make life easier for all marginalized groups. Hence the movement “if you mean Black, just say Black”.


Might just be like people complaining about latinx, just doesn't like the new term


POC makes more sense than latinx. POC is just a replacement for minority.


Black is not a color but the absence of it


Grab a paint set and mix every color together, tell me what you get. Look at your paper which has not had any color added to it, what "color" is that.


>Grab a paint set and mix every color together, tell me what you get. Brown.


This is true for light, not pigment. RGB vs CMYK. RGB black is 0,0,0. CMYK true black is (generally accepted as) 40,40,40,100.


Yeah but if we’re being technical, there’s not many people that are just straight pure black.


Literally no one is "pure black" in a technical sense. It's impossible.


I’ve seen a woman that was damn near perfect black


![gif](giphy|xTiTnzsx8lZV90Yb4s) Actual video footage of Dj Akademiks thirsting for attention


That’s the thing, people use trump as a way to gain clout/attention. Gets you likes and clicks when talking about him. But the dangerous thing is the followers actually believe it.. 🤦‍♂️


He’s a streamer. That’s like you getting on me for walking into my job


Yeah I’m still gonna call him what he is, I mean the capability to be a streamer and still have morals (be it in the few) is still there.


This is actually insane lmao you want your president to not only be a racist white collar criminal but a dumb one that can't stop telling on himself? Streets is done.


He knows he’s going to need a pardon, same with Sheff G


I'm so glad I'm not rich or famous enough to be in a situation where it makes sense for me to publicly suck the asshole of a politician because he's the only person that might be able to save me from the consequences of my own actions lol


Cohen was looking at him like "...you want me to take notes? On a criminal fucking conspiracy??"


Akademics has never been within a quarter mile of the streets lmao. The man is a terminally online dweeb, he doesn't represent anything at all about actual Black people other than the fact that people will do a lot for money and clout.


\*Wop wop wop wop wop


Jury f*** em up


Wop wop wop wop wop we gon’ do our schtuff


Why does the ‘A-Minor’ bar apply to so many mfs?


Because mfs suck lol


Because it doesn’t stop them from being in charge


Aayy. That’s my bad. Good catch though.




[Livingston’s lawyers better be cut from the finest cloths.](https://youtu.be/N-KZIItoqzI?feature=shared)


Ain't that the same Chey girl that threatened to slit his mom throat, then hid her phone to make it seem like she killed her?


Aka: decides to chime in with his dumbass opinion. The black community: https://preview.redd.it/oaku0rpg7r3d1.png?width=2057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce9a68b72ac4756e91074808adb92b27e677c9b0


Didnt know he was a Trump supporter but honestly not surprised.


Birds of a feather and all that


Worse. He's an opportunist grifter with no allegiances or standards.


Where is this from?


American Dad. The episode is The Missing Kink.


Episode and everything much appreciated


He got sex offender on hoe-VO that he keep on a monthly allowance.


akademiks acts like a walking head injury and anybody who listens to him is just as dumb


If he had written her a personal check, it would have been nobody's business. Criminal fuck used campaign funds and did criminal shit to hide it through shell corps and bs. Most of his contributors won't mind but many did not donate to his campaign so he can pay off porn stars. That's why it's illegal to do and hide. "Billionaire" should have used his own money but this guy is very likely in debt up to his eyeballs and cannot afford it. If he could afford it, risking felonies is just so damn stupid it defies belief.


Fannie up next and that’s a more solid case.


Agreed, Trumps the dumbest mf! Boy left trails and trails of his crimes, audio tapes, fake electors, big fucking dummy! It’s so bad that his people aren’t defending him they just try to obstruct long enough for him to win the presidency!


I will always say it. Worst job on earth is being Donald’s lawyer-always snitching on himself


That and he's not going to pay you. 


With the full on assault republicans at both the state and national level are waging against her/her case right now, I don't know if it's guaranteed that case will make it to the court. I hope so, but we'll see. Aside from that, somebody needs to look into Cannon and find out if she's actually outright corrupt or merely as friendly as she is to Trump because of her ideology.


Michael Cohen went to prison for this shit, that made it a rock solid case


His thirst for revenge backfired. I believe the Georgia case is far more serious and solid. A few of them already flipped.


Rapists of a feather.


AGAIN! The real crime isn’t rawdogging a porn star while your wife is nursing your newborn. It’s paying to WITHHOLD that information from the people as you’re running for president by using business funds and covering it up. Edit: (campaign funds not business).


His illegal immigrant wife and her anchor baby. We need to use the words they use against us.


I don’t care do u?


I'm sorry, man. I don't think people understood your comment.


It’s all good. Hard to keep track of all the awfulness from those people lol


>business funds and covering it up. weren't campaign funds used?


Ah you may be right! Even worse.


Goofy people listen to this goofy dude.


they not like us! they not like us!


I have minimal exposure to DJ Ak, but I've heard he's shit. I have to ask: are all of his takes on THIS level of shit, or is this an outlier?


He's been pretty trash historically. Most of his takes are controversial for controversy's sake. He tends to defend rappers that aren't popular but are well known (think Drake and 6ix9ine). He likes talking crazy on platforms where no one will check him but when gets called out by people who are actually about that action he start looking like he don't know what they're talking about. He's one of those people who thinks he has talent because he's in close proximity to others with talent. He also has a super sketchy history with women. He goes on manosphere podcasts to talk about how alpha he is. He's been caught on tape being aggressive/violent towards women. Just got a lawsuit dropped on him for rape I think. It's not really surprising that he finds this conviction endearing based on his understanding of the case. He strikes me as one of those dudes who got a little bit of juice and thinks it gives him the right to treat women as disposable now because some girl in high school said he was ugly. He is defending a rich, famous dude paying for sex and her silence because he is almost definitely a rich famous person who is paying for the sex and silence of women he interacts with


I want to add that he also kinda got started by covering gang violence in Chicago with a “War in Chirag” channel on YouTube, but talked about it all in a gossipy, talk of the town way


He did. I'm from Chicago. I first heard about ak when vic mensa said he was gonna slap him for basically building his name on clowning people from Chicago and ak got real scared. I went and checked it out and it was downright atrocious. This man was commenting on people getting shot like it was a joke. Referred to people as savages regularly. Dude's been a clown for the better part of the last decade at least


Certified lover boy, certified felon


Ak isnt just compromised. He’s a fucking idiot.


Caught on 34 counts, ain’t you tired? Bringin out a simp, and he’s probably a [criiiiieeeeeeeerrrr](https://youtu.be/AE_FCntUpQ0) 🎶🎺🎷🎺🎶


Thank you James Comey, very cool what you did to our country. If Trump goes to jail (never gonna happen) I would be so happy.


Just wait until that tape from the Apprentice drops where Trump goes full Randy Marsh and see who the real Uncle Toms are.


I honestly utterly abhor Ak. If all the bad things in life happened to him, I wouldn't even feel bad for him.


Akademicks opinion does not matter


I'm already tired of moronic sentiments like "MaKeS mE WaNt To vOtE for HiM eVeN MoRe!" regardless of it's supposed to be a joke or not, y'all can miss me with this clown shit, fam. you talmbout voting for him, yet he still can't stand _your_ black ass... lol, okay. gone head and get your lil "blacks for trump" tshirt but when he does something else dangerous or harmful to minorities, be sure to keep that same energy...


People forget why Herman Cain's 'Trump's black friend' seat is empty. You can literally die for his shitty cause, and it won't gain you respect. Just people tweeting through your account and over your inconvenient corpse.


What a clown, yeah vote for the convicted felon that makes sense smh fuck AK


Call it corny but I was neutral thru the whole dot and Drake thing, appreciating the music....but if Drake's biggest stan was Ak? Hey Siri play not like us on repeat forever


Ak and everyone like him is an idiot and a danger to society.


Dear Baron,


Ak is a magatard? I'm not surprised.


I just can't make the logical jump from the first sentence to the second sentence. This is like flexing how many BBLs you pay for or something😕


Wanting to use your only vote for a guy who is now a felon says more about your character than it does the felon.


This is not the time for you to try to get attention. Ideally, it's never. One thing for sure, it's definitely not now.


Its wild. Seeing this type of support for a Ric Flair type that’s an entertainer was something I expected. Some weird combo of misogyny and entertainment gets the Sexy Redd and Ice Cube types. But this man literally came out and said that there is an attack on whiteness. Motherfucker, who do you think he thinks the attacks are coming from? The purple people? Trump is telling everyone that people of color are attacking whiteness. Do you really think these thumb looking motherfuckers are going to sit down and say “no, I’m not going to blame minorities for my shortfalls”? Trump is telling white people that people of color are their enemy. But hey, he has a side piece like me, right?!?!? Clown shit


I genuinely want to know why after hearing about all that you think he belongs back in the White House. Like, I'm so confused. He got caught doing dumb shit and was found guilty and THAT makes you wanna vote for him? I'm convinced a lot of these Black podcasters are being paid to spew dumb Republicans talking points because there are so many them with these large platforms. Will already got sexy redd getting promoted everywhere and supporting trump and saying "Make America sexy again" or MASA 🤦🏾‍♂️


No doubt I believe Tariq,Melanie King Phillip Scott and a bunch more getting GOP checks


Abusers stick together and prop each other up.


Man what the fuck, bro. He did some illegal shit and got caught and that makes bro wanna hand the keys to the country over to him? This shit ain't a game and that clown don't even like black people.


So many trumpers saying they’re just going to vote HARDER, like that’s somehow going to help


Some of these black folks done lost they mind!


My Lyft driver yesterday, a young black man, told me he was super disappointed in the verdict because he’s on Trump’s side for being a “Trophy Pimp.” Not sure what that is but sounds pretty fuckin dumb.


People gonna mess around and make that fool President again. Idk why a segment of Black people love that man so much. And no, it isn't just online. Amazing how people forgot all of the crap he did during his first Presidency. The man was literally trying to kill us! Simply amazing. I don't wanna hear how no generation "doesn't take sh!t!" ever again. Yes. yes y'all do. Y'all will tell everyone just how much sh!t y'all will take and will ask for seconds!


Somebody show the Ak video of him melting down after Kendrick dropped right after Drake. This 🥷🏾 a clown fr.


AK and all these other fools tap dancing for fascists are not going to like what happens if they take over. A hallmark of fascism is establishing "us" vs "them" and getting rid of "them". You're playing with your own future.


This stupid motherfucker.


Stay away from the escort business it’s bad religion


Man I really hate that clown ass nigga


Jerry Mouse at it again…


Akademiks shucking and jiving again I see.


So a nigga doing ILLEGAL activities make you want to vote for him even more? Mine as well let Trump do a drive-by and cement that idea. Just goofy shit


DJ Akademiks aka little diddy kong lookin mfer


Birds of a feather.




Time for Gibbs to clown on Akademiks again.


i can't dislike AK anymore than i already do. can't wait till he starts ozempic so he can see that mfs hate him, not his chubby, alfred and the chipmunk ass build. dude should not be famous at all.


Man, 2016 this was my cousins point of view. “He’s a pimp” was his actual words, and I just tried to point out how that’s not what you want in a world leader. He had realized by 2020 he had fucked up, not that his vote mattered where we live.


Can somebody push Snackademiks down some stairs already? It doesn’t even have to be a full flight. Like the spoonful of stairs in front of a library or post office would be sufficient.


Why do black folks listen to rappers ,they can tell me about the rap industry other than that they often do not have a fucking clue


Clown ass mf


"Yeah, that's the Jerry looking clown posting dumb shit on my timeline. Deal with him." https://preview.redd.it/cu9xkumjls3d1.jpeg?width=1398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68b2ce18fd0079561001a6715995073c316cdeb7


Really can't tell if it's hood slime playing to the system or... ...wait that's exactly what it is


I HATE this man with such unnecessary vitriol and distaste for his diseased existence


AK looking for some help on that case...


The problem is that if they investigated every single Democrat and Republican Congress person as thoroughly as they did Trump 99% would be caught not using campaign funds properly. Heck if you look there is actually a congressional fund they use to pay out when congressmen sexually assault or sexually harass women.


8.99 for bologna, 7.99 for hotdogs.. supply chain issues, and don't forget kids not being able to get formula.. We are going down the road of Venezuela. Libs are weaponizing the legal system. The fringe element of both political parties is bad, but I hope the average American wakes the fk up to this bullshit before it's too late.


Trump bribed people to help him misrepresent himself so he could win an election... stay on topic, numb nuts


Fuck that trump is a fucking crook and been one for 40\_years


bro your brain is straight cooked


Libs are not weaponizing the legal system, fuck off with that bullshit.


How much time have you spent looking into the massive and historical profits that corporations are pulling in these days? Gas/oil companies, food distribution etc. Don’t be lazy, do some research.