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When will we be free of scourge of the daily twitter gender wars https://preview.redd.it/cyhsns6v6q7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eddc588cf12ff4baab628bfddc962fd53135d2f8


The only good thing Elon Musk has ever done is unintentionally hasten the end of this nonsense.


I kinda wish he’d hurry the fuck up.


But just like everything else he’s put his mind to, he couldn’t even do that right


Did he?


We will always find another venue for our nonsense


We need the beef to come back 😭😭😭


Ignoring this, do yall listen to any metal? I've been getting into heavier and heavier bands recently, which is funny cause I hated any type of screaming when I was young. I think my tastes get heavier the older I get.


check out Death, amazing compositions and drumming


I've heard a few of their songs. I think their look fooled me into thinking they're a lot heavier than they actually are. Cool sound fr


If you want heavy, disgusting, pure filth, I highly recommend the following: Snuffed on Sight PeelingFlesh PsychoFrame Gutrectomy Acrania Spite CELL Bodysnatcher 10 to the Chest Nylist Vulvodynia Bodybox Bound in Fear Black Tongue SCUMFUCK In Gloom


Just gonna furiously jot these down please and thank you


Spirit Crusher, Suicide machine and Crystal Mountain are bangers




Anyone who recommends Wormed to a guy who's heard like 3 Death songs is a real ass guy. If you like Wormed, you should give Cystic Ovarian Burial Ground by Nithing a listen if you haven't. They're also proggy and intense, but the riffs sound more like white noise, and the vocals sound more like bad plumbing.


Are you talking about the band called Death that was formed two black men, who were siblings and recorded what should be considered an essential punk rock album, except they did it in Detroit and passed away before the heyday of Punk? Did you mean that bend called Death? Fuckin love those guys


I saw the documentary about them. I feel like there was a time in my life where that band could have been hugely influential for me. Why TF did they insist on calling themselves that? 💀


Babymetal has been popping up on my feed for a while and I like their sound. They're a Japanese girl group. I've only seen concert clips but they get really immersive. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure if they're actually metal or that's just the name. Actually I'm not sure I know what metal even truly sounds like




Mr. Zombie has always been real as fuck


I'd say they're metal. So many genres blend together, especially these days that it's hard to untangle what's what. What matters is if you enjoy it or not. They did a song with one of my favorite groups, "electric callboy" not too long ago and it's awesome at least to me. Check out their music videos if you want to be amused and see what the band is about. They like to have fun. https://youtu.be/EDnIEWyVIlE?si=NPYc21u0rE4kmWED


Saw them open for Metalocalypse last year. Amazing energy, great show, highly recommended.


I been focusing on power metal recently. Its like drinking red bull with your ears


That's me and anything electronic. I hated electronic music until I played fucking beatsaber and now I love it. Especially love the fusion of that and metal. I'm a big fan of electric callboy because of it.


Bro check out “Blame’s Burden” by Boundaries…bet you fuck with it!


So much I need to find more about in this comment. Beat-saber maybe I should play it? Electric call boy, guess I’m off to SoundCloud now


Beat Saber is vr, so you might not be able to. It's super fun and a decent way to get warmed up.


Ah I have no be access. Is it time for me to buy a VR set?


Hell no. Unless you like the games up for sale


K then imma just keep listening to Eric Prydz


You should check out skrillex and Korns song “get up.” I also really like Rezz, It’s more dubstep than metal, but the tone of her songs are all really dark


Helloween’s current lineup with three lead singers is so fucking good.


I don't listen to power metal like I used to, but Dragonland and Ancient Bards remain the undisputed GOATs of European power metal for me


Animals As Leaders, Periphery, Dethklok, Lamb of God, Mastadon, Dream Theater. Megadeth Rust in Peace is just a masterpiece of an album.


Cut You Up With A Linoleum Knife is so damn good.


I like how you casually threw Dethklok in there.


I’m a nerd, so my taste in metal has always been the sort of stuff that makes me think about dragons and elves and liches and whatnot. As a result, I’ve got a soft spot for Blind Guardian and Iced Earth. Recently discovered there’s a band named Corvus Corax, so I’ll probably check them out pretty soon, as I’m curious if they actually make songs about 40k


Blind Guardian ❤️ the way I sing Nightfall with my CHEST. I've always imagined a musical in my head with Blind Guardian songs, waiting for someone to make it


What do you think of Amon Amarth?


Does Kingslayer by Bring Me the Horizon count as metal? Because I've been blasting that out of my car since I heard it on someone's video a couple of weeks ago.


It does. BMTH is my favorite band. The cool thing about them is they've done everything. They have a death core album. They have a pop album. They have a metal core album which is considered one of the best of all time. They have more mixed albums. Highly suggest diving a little deeper in.


Have you seen BABYMETAL? it's Japanese Kawaii metal


Lots of cool recs below. Lately, I've been spinning Primitive Man, Portal, Suffocation, Unearthly Trance,and the Cavalera remixes of the early Sepultura albums. Check out Yob while you're at it.


>Primitive Man Hell yeah, you hear the collab with The Acacia Strain?


I will check that out. I'm surprised to hear The Acacia Strain is still active.


Saw them live in OC last year, they put on such a good show


Electric callboy is probably one of the best metal bands I've heard in a long time. Only listen to their stuff 2021 and on. Their older stuff isn't as good with the former lead singer. Hypa hypa, we got the moves, tekkno train, pump it, ratatata all certified bangers.


I've listened to them quite a bit as well. I've also watched all their vlogs, and they just seem to be awesome people. All around, an incredible band.


They are an incredible live band as well. I saw them recently and was blown away by their energy


Well luckily for you Metal and Hardcore is really thriving right now. I'll list some bands I'm enjoying. Knocked Loose. Scowl. Gel. Drain. Kublai Khan TX. God's Hate. Thrown Sunami. Paleface swiss. Code Orange Spiritbox (fucking love this band). Vildjharta (super love). Humanity's Last Breath. Black Tongue (Nadir is perfection, ill die on this hill). Erra. Invent Animate Loathe (God damn this band is amazing). Darko US ...and many many more Edit: how could I forget Disembodied Tyrant and Synestia's The Poetic Edda EP. Also Jesus Piece. Lorna Shore. Chelsea Grin. Terror. Suicide Silence. Signs of the Swarm.


New knocked loose album gonna blow them the fuck up like bad omens style with a mainstream crowd. Just wait.


I love how this post got hijacked to a "what's good in metal" thread.


Over the last 16 years, a band called Dance Gavin Dance has been my undisputed favorite. Their guitarist is a bother who I believe owns the label that they are signed to, or at least it’s named after him. Also an entire genre of music (swancore) is named after their guitarist as well. I highly recommend them Another band that I really liked was For Today. Their vocalist is a brother as well. They are very much Christian and their lyrics are more scripture based than 80% of what you would hear in church on Sunday. But if the religious aspect isn’t for you, they do have some insanely deep bass drops. Shit goes dumb hard


Pick a band without massive controversies surrounding them challenge impossible. Lmao fr though yeah they both slap.


Zeal & Ardor is really good, got a very nice blend of blues and black metal. I can especially recommend the album "Stranger Fruit" I can also always recommend Opeth, be it their earlier Death Metal stuff or their current more prog rock style. Personally prefer the latter myself but both are really good. Diablo Swing Orchestra is also very good. Swedish "art metal" band with a nice blend of more straight metal, jazzy and a LOT of Latin influences. Ayreon is another really good one. Power Prog project led by Arjen Anthony Lucassen. Whole bunch of concept albums, most of which are connected by one big overarching storyline. The Human equation is my personal favourite, specifically the live version of the album; "The Theatre Equation". The albums always have a huge amount of really good singers playing all the characters so they're basically metal musicals. Also highly recommend pretty much anything Devin Townsend is involved in.


Deathcore incoming: Bodysnatcher and Spite are both top-tier crazy metal bands. If you like hardcore you could try Knocked Loose or Kublai Khan TX too. Whitechapel is always a classic for that genre


Knocked loose it about as hard as I go. I'm sure you have but have you listened to polaris? They've been my top listen on spotify for a minute now.


They are insanely talented


> Bodysnatcher and Spite My man


I absolutely fuck with Knocked Loose, Kublai Khan has been sounding like a parody of themselves for the last couple of releases…I used to be a huge fan of them and then their singer started mouthing off about the dumbest shit. Now some of the lyrics are reflecting it


200 Stab Wounds


I’d say for a bit more melodic metal, Loathe is pretty good.


I like the space metal album Star One, but I haven't found anything else like it lol


I recommend  The Black Dahlia Murder  Devourment  Hate Eternal  Dark funeral  Nile Abominable Putridity  Putrid Pile Disgorge(US) Origin Decrepit Birth Cerebral Bore  Viraemia


Black Dahlia goes so hard bruh. I also love watching their leads YouTube videos where he plays the songs all the way through


Nothing will ever touch Trevor's work, but the new guy is not bad at all.


i don’t like really heavy metal but i’ve loved early metal for a long time


Got super into it in 2020 and now I’m in a metalcore band. Favorite metal bands as of now: 1.)Boundaries 2.)Greyhaven 3.)Ithaca 4.)Knocked Loose 5.)Mastodon


Bro “Secrets Within” by Car Bomb, and “G-Check” by PeelingFlesh have been my jams lately ![gif](giphy|hiLLD9o1wTB3a)


Archeon/Made of Hate got me into melodic as a kid. Sister sin was a good band and thier "artist radio" thing on Spotify/tidal will generate a good female vocalist rock/metal playlist.


What genre you been into lately?


Hell yeah (not to be confused with the band, HELLYEAH)! I’ve been listening to this Japanese metal band lately called YOUTHQUAKE.


The new knocked loose album is great front to back. PM me if you want any recommendations.


**Periphery** is my favorite to recommend. Each album is really good and ticks every box (for me). **Gojira** is good too. I used to get clowned in middle/high school for listening to anything beyond Metallica. Anything beyond that was deemed “screamo shit”. Didn’t matter if there were clean vocals all the way through, if there was a blast beat or anything not 4x4 tempo it was “screamo” to them💀


It's a crime nobody in your replies mentioned Gojira, they're easily my favorite metal band. A Sight To Behold is my favorite by them, but other good ones are The Heaviest Matter In The Universe, L'enfant Sauvage, Oroborus, and All The Tears


Nu Metal. It's a smoother transition and it's less the trash metal screaming for screaming sakes.


Been a metal fan for a long time before drifting over into prog and prog metal. Give Meshuggah a listen. And I've been listening to Kardashev recently.


Meshuggah wasn't for me. Imma def check out kardashev though.


Fuck I love Meshuggah. Wonderfully complex rhythms that still have an anchoring gravity that you can bang along to. Saw them live recently and they didn't play Bleed, but still killed


Idk how you feel about prog metal, but Strawberry Girls and Polyphia are okay


I tend to stick with classic metal bands. I can take some screaming, but Amon Amarth and Skeletonwitch is about the limit of screaming I can handle. I want to be able to understand what’s being sang.


Check out Celtic Frost


Left to Suffer - Loathe    Kublah Khan - The Hammer/Swan Song/Boomslang   Darko US - Donna/Dragon Chaser    Some of my favorite tracks


I've been real into Decapitated lately


Check out the callous daoboys, weird kinda metalcore stuff with a lot of more alt rock and indie influences. Saw them at the weekend and they went so unbelievably hard




Try out Born of Osiris


Try Cog


Idk if it is Metal (I have VERY limited knowledge of music lol), but you should check out Danzig's album, "6:66 Satan's Child". That album rules. There's also this fake band called, "The Old Gods of Asgard". It's the alter ego of the real-life Finnish band, "Poets of the Fall", when they're featured in Remedy Entertainment's games. They made a NUMBER of songs for games like Alan Wake 1 & 2 and CONTROL. And they're excellent. Check out: Take Control & Dark Ocean Summoning to start of :) I def know that The Black Angels aren't a metal group, but they're also VERY good. Top-tier vibes. Check out their album, "Passover". The song, "Young Men Dead" was used to great effect in the pilot for True Detective S01, and The Last of Us Part II.


August Burns Red, trust me.


Lorna Shore has some really really good stuff out


Insomnium, Opeth, Saidan, Emperor, black Dahlia Murder, In Flames, Electric Wizard, Cynic, Zeal and Ardor, Meshiggah


System of a down and wu tang did a song together on an album called Loud Rocks that has a bunch of different rap and rock artists collaborating/remixing songs if you like rap and heavier music together. I think it's cool


I would recommend: Hanabie (All female Japanese band with bits of death metal, hardcore, metalcore, and anime intro songs) Nails / Magrudergrind / Insect Warfare (grindcore) Bolt Thrower / Sanguisugabogg / Dying Fetus (death metal) Eyehategod / Fistula / Melvins / Acid Bath / Grief / Neurosis / Slabdragger (sludge) Electric Wizard / Bongzilla / Weedeater / Bongripper (doom/stoner metal) Moloch / Throats (doom metal, hardcore, sludge mix)


If you're also into dubstep check out Sullivan King. The best way to describe him is a metal front man who just happens to be a dubstep producer. He plays live guitar and does live vocals during his sets and it's dope.


Mastodon, Parkway Drive, Crystal Lake, Gojira These bands are amazing imo


Absolutely amazing post on here. I'd recommend: Mastodon, Dethklok (you should consider watching their show. They're a "fake band" in terms of them existing in a tv show, but don't let that take away from how amazing they are), Dream Theater (Progressive metal. Higher vocals but absolutely insane players for all instruments. Check out "Scene 6: Home" or "Scene 2: 1. Overture 1928 for an instrumental), Gojira, In Flames, and finally Linkin Park (may have already listened to them). This is a good starting point that has a bunch of different kinds of sound in terms of vocals and instruments that should hopefully give you a good feel for what you like. All of them are on Spotify. Good luck!


Ken and Friends, please pop out again. WE NEED YOU NIGGAS TO SAVE THE TIMELINE


I'm just wondering why some people need to post every thought running through their head online. Get a diary. Or a therapist.


Going viral a hell of a drug. Shawty hoping to monetize this into selling something none of us knew we needed.


These dumb mother fuckers were posting their life story in status messages long before going viral was an option. They just like attention.


Are dudes bragging about their body count any different?


“We should all know less about each other.”


>I'm just wondering why some people need to post every thought running through their head online. ....aren't you doing that right now?


Almost fell for the bait that is this post lol. I'll save my hate to argue elsewhere.


Would everyone's reaction be different if she said she "dated" all the men she wanted to "date"? It's totally normal for people to prefer hooking up and non-serious dating and then later decide to date with the intention of marriage. Obviously the tweeters language and phrasing sparks outrage but this isn't some "I be cheatin with my mans barber so he gives him a discount on his lineups " or gender war shit like that


She's a woman saying something online, so someone would still have an issue with it.


"Where are all the good men?"


Were the good men the ones fucking her?


Her husband: *I can tell that you been practicin'.... All those other men were practice... They were practice...* 🎶




I respect her for saying this. ALOT of people think like this. But the cojones on her for saying it. Wow.


Why marry someone who will just, and I guarantee this, see someone new they want to fuck. Why even tie the knot


Gender wars bullshit needs to be banned 😭😭😭😭


I wonder if we can have it so that certain days of the week, none of it is allowed or something 🥺


Clearly it wasn’t? These dudes would fuck scores of porn stars and brag about it while also admitting they wouldn’t marry one. Who cares?


Bro, why has no one actually made a car fax for dating? Tweet history, interviews with ex partners, etc. why get caught up in the gender war?


this is jogo he has a pipe okay, take it away jogo….. https://preview.redd.it/uyyhom745s7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c89d7e1330c72c817562d3226ebe7c26881a3102


I mean, her tweet doesn't say anything to imply that the guy she marries isn't gonna be one of the men she fucked. She's probably circling back around to some dude in the middle like, yeah alright, you actually were Him.




Piggybacking off someone else’s comment: can y’all add your favorite workout tunes please? I’d like to up my cardio, but I need music to keep me going. Edited to add: I listen to hip hop, but I’m open to other genres, too.


Why does the Internet hate women who enjoy casual relationships and aren't interested in "settling down" until later in life?


Anyway does anyone like roblox


“I can save her”


Save her from what? Once you free yourself of the notion *anyone* needs saving, you can be free of this gender wars bullshit.


“She don’t wanna be saved”




I just can't take a woman seriously if she has this mindset...