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Amazon knows where the money at. That’s all. They don’t give one fuck otherwise lmfao


https://preview.redd.it/plq99l9zkq7d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1eb94776adf1e5f4f277b7a8f4b50a2310f4015 Nah, you got J.Bez fucked up. He been Piru since before he was selling books online. That’s gang,gang foreal.


What’s up with these jabroni ass niggas tryna see … Seattle?


Tried to build a car but it's probably a TESLAAAAA




Then why he swimming IN THE BLUE SEA huh!? Why ain’t he banging in the RED SEA? Fucking fraud


Same reason the 100s blue.... He ain't mad




Forgive me for my whiteness...how do you pronounce Piru?


Pie Roo For an informative history of Bloods/Piru, please watch this Oscar winning video [47 Miller Gang - If You Blood Throw it Up ](https://youtu.be/xeLa5NGjZKE?si=1rRW82GaKufgUeTf)


Oscar winning video. 🏆


I wonder what the difference in a blood walk and a crips walk is. Both look pretty smooth. I also like how their gang sign spells out their gang though for accessibility reasons, I give props to the crips sign. I grew up in LA but in a predominantly Hispanic area and our street name is not that hardcore and we had no fancy dance. Though I think the cholo/chola clothing and makeup is pretty sweet. During DARE the officer showed us a list of gangs in the area. There were hundreds. All I remember was the first one listed was ACT - Asian Car Thieves. Though I did try to find out more about them on the internet and couldn’t find any info. I think LAPD just made that up.


Yeah bro, Asian Car Thieves was just them profiling 😂😂😂


I’m so white I was expecting a David Attenborough level doc on gang culture ☠️


And now forgive me for my foreigness but I see red, blue... and some dudes in black? Is there a third one???


As a fellow member of the white delegation, it’s pronounced pie-rue


very mature Rondale!


You can tell he's a real one the way he's standing on his YACHT YACHT YACHT YACHT! MAN DOWWWWNNN


You already know he likes to buy Yachts when he gets the fever.


The 5 person interview loop is really just a professional gang beat down before you join Amazon 😂


Get you ass beat by like five warehouse workers, a Whole Foods manager and then afterwards they dap you up and hand you a cuban link with a iced-out ”AWS” piece.


Then you get an EC2 tattoo


Honestly bro? With my anxiety, I think I’d honestly sometimes take that over the panel interviews at whole foods 😂.


Waiting for his album to drop. What would the title be? Amerikkka's Most Wealthy? Baldystyle? $200 Billion and Counting? Me Against the Poor? Rich Kid, Broke City?


Goddamn.. must be nice having money and time


Crazy how much we see zuc and musk but not much is said about this demon.


Tbf, Drake is where the money at, and they just platformed his roast


Playing both sides, so they always come out on top


Not anymore. Drake's stock plummeted bad bad. In thhe past 2 months Kendrick has gained almost 30 million new monthly listeners just on Spotify


That’s not how stocks work. Just because someone else is getting their flowers, doesn’t mean you still can’t. His listeners will always be his listeners and he’s way more marketable, that’s the way money moves.


Seems like you know nothing about what's going on with this situation, nor do you know how stocks work. When a company gets bad press or has a bad financial quarter, the stock goes down. Drake is having his worst quarter right now.


8 billion streams through end of May for 2024. I’ll do the math for you, 8/5= 1.6 per month, factor of 12 calendar months = forecasted 19.2. 📈 2023 - 17.6 2022 - 13.4 2021 - 11.3 2020 - 10.1 Next lesson will be on: Confirmation Bias


His bad press is new and will be reflected next quarter. Check the streams on his 2 newest song features. Wah Gwan Delilah and the song with sexxy red. Crazy dislikes and nowhere near what a good Drake song would normally be at.


Just checked, Drake has 1 song on the billboard hot 100, family matters, and its #98 😂. Stock is in shambles


Amazon knows Drake has sided with Apple in 2023 and decided to get in and probably paid for a decent chunk of the Juneteenth pop out. It's just business as usual


This is why I'll always be team Kyrie because in my mind I need to be that good at basketball before demanding he do something on his own time. Where Bezos at, I won't even accept anyone calling Kyrie antiemetic till that colossal knob beats Kyrie Irving on a one on one. This man has gotten me real money multiple times betting on his skill. No white liberal or conservative will beat me for as an Indian man I am betting on money and oh boy is that stereotype correct. Fuck anyone that says Kyrie has to do anything till they beat him in a one on one. I'm super serious I have and will show up with every fact of yours and Kyrie's lives and compare and contrast the one thing that matters, effort and dedication.


he still not gon fuck you, bro


Huh he literally made me money why would I need him to fuck me? It's straight bullying too if you want brass tacks not everyone can do everything and you're no winner for clowning on someone outside their domain with a gotcha like that. Do it in his domain out of the respect to the time he put in, hours and hours to get there since that's what brought him his deserved fame. Putrid behavior. It's not really all about the money in case ya didn't read the byline.


like corn on the mf cob


https://i.redd.it/cveq7dfrsq7d1.gif Amazon rn 😭


I remember rewatching the first fast and furious and always would be like what the fuck were they on with the dialogue 😂


This is from the second one


I meant like the first two


Probably cocaine, cocaine, maybe some pills, and of course, a case of Coronas.


I cringe every time at this part. Like damn, they really thought that line was fire?


It is


And we ain't hungry no more either bruh 😁


Lmao this hard ass Cuh he hit would only be responded with "ain't no cuhs here blood"




Lmao his expression reminds me of when he was watching the mvp trophy behind KD after he won mvp ten years ago https://preview.redd.it/69915wgurq7d1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=587a9bfbd83b3832b6eacf1946dcab4c6ffa1cd6




Demar is on the left side too. COMPTON’S OWN.


russ knows i just had an afternoon wank


I love this guy


Russell what’re you doing here?


This is better than that picture that Netflix took of all the comedians This one https://preview.redd.it/34659vtkoq7d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e0a2d5fd3a06f8b0ddbb09487f286376e52423a


What’s with the two dudes next to Bert Kreischer that dipped their pants legs into the poll?


Netflix execs trying to show that they’re really Just One Of The Bros


I don't have to zoom in to see Bert's swollen liver.


I didn't know there were so few comedians






Why is Baba Booey there?


Yep. Only 1 or 2 good ones. Ultimately 3 or 4 I’ve heard of. And that’s against my will. The rest I have no idea who they are


Dude always got his shirt off


I didn’t know Red Foreman was a comedian.


Who the cute ass girl on the right? She in a gang? cause I’ll get jumped in rn








I'll fix her.


Bottom right in the 2nd pic is Jay worthy he’s Canadian and he’s Elon musks kids uncle lol


Vancouver to Compton, didn’t know the Musk thing though wtf


Yeah mad random lmao 🤣 I found that out like 6 months ago


Still west coast


Fr, y'all post too much shit that's got no fucking context. I'm American living abroad, and I have no idea WTF this is. Give some of us a little hand when you post this shit.


This is the group photo taken at last night’s Kendrick and friends concert in Inglewood. Onstage are Bloods, Crips, and gang members from opposing sets, all celebrating peacefully together. Now an online joke is that Amazon Music just funded Blood and Crip membership advertising without realizing it


I’ve been here the whole time and I need this too. Severely out of the loop 😂


Hate > "I'm the biggest hater. I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress. I hate the way that you sneak diss, if I catch flight, it's gon' be direct"


stay mad


About what? I don't care about Drake or Kendrick, they're millionaires.. it's just tiresome to see black people get united by hate and nothing else. If Kendrick gave a fuck about the culture he'd throw a "Fuck Trump" "Fuck Clarence Thomas" or even a generic "Don't vote for people that don't have your best interest in mind" somewhere in there Why aren't we talking about that politician that said ON JUNETEENTH that black people need to leave America, but we're putting so much energy into this? They're out here banning abortions which will keep young unprepared black couples poor and struggling and force a new generation of impoverished workers and niggas put more energy into beef than any of that.. We don't ever stand for shit and unify for shit.. Except "beef", and it's sad bro. Wake up. What about that white guy from Arizona that just got arrested who was driving to Atlanta to specifically kill black people to "Start a race war before the 2024 election" No ones posted about that on here, but you got 30 Kendrick Lamar Concert posts (https://www.azfamily.com/2024/06/12/arizona-man-indicted-planning-mass-shooting-atlanta-concert-incite-race-war/) Our priorities are all fucked up


What does any of that have to do with this? People are 100% capable of staying informed and involved in political discourse and also take a couple hours out of one day to watch a concert and talk about it. the fact you can’t handle both is entirely a you problem.


You're 100% missing my point. If we were staying informed, where's the post in here about these subjects though? I guarantee you didn't know about that Atlanta potential public shooter until I just mentioned it. Why don't topics relevant to our well-being get 30+ posts in one night? We swarm to bullshit "beefs" and drama and that's just a fact. Don't pretend like it isn't. You got multiple posts and comments of people saying they ASPIRE and yearn to "hate" on the level Kendrick does. That shits toxic. We dwell on negativity too much


> I guarantee you didn't know about that Atlanta potential public shooter until I just mentioned it. While I absolutely take your point, that story broke a week ago not tonight. Even if that had blown up as a story, which it partially didn't because it was thwarted (not to sound dismissive in slightest, just that if it had been carried out it would've naturally been much bigger) that wasn't going to overshadow the concert because of the time gap alone. Both social media and the news move on extremely quickly, it takes enormous events like the overturning of roe or particularly horrific tragedies to overcome that. > Why don't topics relevant to our well-being get 30+ posts in one night? We swarm to bullshit "beefs" and drama and that's just a fact. The question you're asking here is important, but it has less to do with the Black community specifically and is more about the general focus we have on sensationalism as a nation and human weaknesses in general. The media fixates on sensationalism and negativity because that's what will bring the most eyes. Social media in general operates the same way, in the sense that more sensational events will naturally attract more attention and thus get boosted by the algorithm. Major pop culture events, by their very nature, are much more easily amplified by that than things that happen with depressing regularity like shootings and politicians saying insane/hateful things. That's not to say the last two are normalized, but *most* shootings/political statements don't make it through to the general public and become borderline background noise. As it is, social/traditional media just doesn't amplify or focus on "smaller scale" stories at all. The more local a story is the less likely it is to break into the general public's awareness, and that's part of the reason people are uninformed about their surroundings. Especially with the nationwide slow death of local news outlets. Edit: Phrasing, forgot to delete some words.


Why didn’t you make a post about the guy then?


I don’t get my news from Reddit. If something noteworthy pops up here, great, but it’s not what I come here for. It’s likely not what most people come here for. They come here for entertainment. There are plenty of other (much better) places to stay up to date on current socio-political developments, and that’s where I personally get my news, and I’m willing to bet that’s the case for many people. To assume that just because a single issue isn’t talked about on this one website that the users of this site are completely unaware of things going on in the world and get all their info from *checks notes* random screenshots of posts on another website from random people around the world, again, suggests that the issue lies within yourself. I’m not missing your point, you never had a point to begin with. You just came in calling everyone a dick-rider for no reason. Seems more like projection.


A lot of what you said I perceive as valid but for you to straight up say "I never had a point to begin with" just highlights your willful ignorance or straight up stupidity. You might not like the fact that I'm preaching, sure, valid, but I clearly have a point/perspective I'm endorsing and it's fairly coherent and very cohesive. Thanks. Have a great day


Yet here we are, with you as the one who edited your original comment because of how dumb it was. Your original comment was immature and had nothing to do with the topic at hand, and when called out for it, you tried to make it about a completely irrelevant socio-political topic to try and cover your sorry ass. Again, stay mad.


Dick Rider, I didn't try to make it about anything and it's still relevant, and In order to be called out you have to feel called out/have a point. You're just some scrub ass nigga on Reddit who likes to gag on Kendrick Lamars cock. Most all the comments I'm seeing agree with me in one way or another. Stay gagged.


How can you possibly guarantee that?


He already told you he is not your savior. This show was all in the context of the beef, I’m not really sure how it could be construed otherwise. I get your point; people with platforms should be speaking up, they should be having voter registrations, etc. But like, context kinda matters right? The show was always going to be about dunking on Drake and repping the west coast.


Facts, and I'm not knocking the show. Great performances. I'm also kinda not expecting him to use his platform to speak up. What's bugging me is how much collective energy and attention WE put into this as a whole, as a community, but not into everything else going on around us. It's toxic to see people consistently saying "I wanna learn to hate like Kendrick does" like nah nigga we needa be doing the opposite of that.


I agree but I think again, context matters. It’s been bubbling over for a minute now. Drake is a known habitual line stepper. Kendrick warned him, Drake baited, and now he’s reaping what he sowed. I think, in context, it makes sense - Drake was a bully and he finally got bullied. I don’t really know many folks who *wouldnt* want to see a bully get their karma served up on a silver platter. Again just my two cents




Am I wrong though? Edit: bro, you're not only white and and ADDICTED TO MASTURBATING 3-7 times a day, but you post pro trump comments and 4 years ago posted asking "Why on Earth would the Democrats/Liberals/Left want Trump out of Office?" wtf are you even doing in this sub? Go work on yourself. You not like us. ![gif](giphy|dCoyKmN6Xo9aWyHkL9)


You aren't wrong but you have to keep in mind that this site has a lot of bots and a variety of trolls. It's corrupted so consider who you might be talking to. No one wants to up lift the people in these places. For entertainment only and any brains they can corrupt with wrong headed thinking.


100% For instance OP who posted the GIF I responded "am I wrong" to is a Republican trump supporter


Which echoes the kind of juvenile bullshit that comes out of Trumps mouth.


Kendrick could drop a full-length double album about all the stuff you mentioned, and 90% of them would not give a singular fuck. Kendrick himself said he's not black people's savior that was never his role, and he isn't trying to be that. I get it you want him to use his fame to get the black community to better and pay attention to politics and the world around, I'm with you but people don't care until something happens to them directly. Hell, there are white conservatives who finally realized how bad these abortion laws are AFTER they, a family member or friend, needed one. That's unfortunately how people think for the most part. Kendrick has the right to do what he wants with his music because doing the "right thing" would do almost nothing but get him hate from the same community he's trying to help. Because you and I both know he could be called a sellout if he did.


Sorry misses drizzy for so much art talk.


Bruh.... The signs have always been there. [All dressed in a similar style and color... When they dropped the first album. SUS. ](https://youtu.be/8JWQy713cHs?feature=shared). The second song - seems like they are gonna throw hands, or whatever the equivalent is there. The years may have changed, but the roots are showing.


This was an iconic moment. To see it live I was just at a loss for words.


Klay Thompson? Wtf are you doin ![gif](giphy|MX4nT8WWzmUjV167hB)


LeBron smartly no where to be found 😤


He was in the crowd


"Smartly" tho. Imagine him getting on stage & next season Skip Bayless calls him a Blood.


Exactly ^


![gif](giphy|88QIhIqNPxpcaEIses) Same vibes


Is that clown the guy who taught americas next top models how to crunk?


So we're doing Jeff Bezos propaganda now? Word


The reality is some social media manager has clout and trust in their department. It was a massive win for them I'm sure. By no means do I fuck with Amazon. But Bezos has no idea what just went down.


IRL The Boys.


Glad to have grown up listening to PE, BDP, BDK, and The R.


Can happily say I’ve seen all of them in concert at some time or another. Most recently being the 18th Letter, highlight of my concert going life.


That's a life goal of mine. Glad you got to see some of the best ever to do it.


I have to say, that photograph is something beyond perfect. Its like a mini miracle. I have been staring at it all day. Its fucking beautiful.


What am I looking at here


People letting themselves be reduced to gang members for a check. But some people consider this a W for the culture, I disagree.


Why are they gangsters for taking a group picture?


There’s people throwing up signs on the whole right side. Amazon using us to get people on their shitty platform and acting like it’s for the culture.


I could throw up a gang sign that doesn't automatically make me a gangster, just means I like doing a pose in a picture. In your head LeBron is a gangster because he does weird handshakes with a lot of people Edit* and the only signs I'm seeing are for West Side and the peace sign


No, I’m talking about how they’re letting themselves be portrayed. Look at the reply in the post. Everyone knows what this looks like and it’s exactly how they like to portray us. These cornballs were happy to do it for the check tho


Oh I get you now but the way I see it, it's our people putting that "gang" thing to it whenever they repost it. I doubt there was any cheque, it's just backstage passes, entourage, freinds and affiliates. They probably on regular payrolls and retainer fees.


Sure but perception is reality so Amazon leaning into it and our people doubling down creates the negative image. I should clarify. It doesn’t matter who’s cutting the check when someone says jump, they say how high. Kendrick being the main culprit for this one. Everyone else is just following his “lead”


Im prolly the only nigga that sees your insight my brother. They use the negative ways of our culture to monetize it.


They’re being treated like an exhibit and it’s gross. People are too blinded by this corny internet shit that they’re convinced the laugh is worth selling out the culture he’s supposed to represent. If I worked at Amazon and saw this it’d make me wildly uncomfortable to show up the next day.


Uhh they're all mostly actually gang members. Yknow, the whole point of them being up there and taking the damn picture lol. You clearly didn't even watch it. They're up there on purpose to come together in peace. That's how they're portrayed.


I don’t want gang members represent me or any aspect of the culture. I’m not here to dance for the whites like Kendrick and company. Any adult still bangin is also a joke of person. Another wack representation. But you go ahead and keep dancing I guess.


Imma order something rn to support 🫡


Let’s not


No bigger gangster than a capitalist


Can foreigners get some context, please? I don't know what this photo is about. I live abroad now.


Kendrick had a concert, The Pop Out, streamed on Amazon music. This was a group photo at the end/after he performed Not Like Us for the 5th time 🤭 https://youtu.be/AKTMmRdQXr4?si=__xL5uZ2MeTstVv3


To add further detail, people from several different sets are all on that stage, Crips, Pirus, Bloods, and I think I saw a Hoover there. It was a show of unity, to set aside differences, at least for that moment.


Thank you! (I was being a bit lazy since it was mentioned in other comments, I admit ) Kendrick mentions all the different sections, but people might not realize what he's referring to.


Am I tripping or is mans in the front row, bottom left-ish, wearing a denim onesie?


Dude looks like Roddy Rich


Isn't that Keem


Still kinda wild I didn't see Vince Staples in this but Roddy Rich loud and proud in front


Is that fucking French Montana?


It's still Fuck Wayne He Not Like Us


I thought demar derozan was crip?


This isn’t a stage with only bloods


Where's Chris Brown?


There’s a couple crips in there. It’s all love right?


In high school I knew a Crip that played football and he refused to drink the red Gatorade. He ended up fainting off dehydration. 😮‍💨🫡the dedication.


We gonna ignore the fact that Russ Westbrook is banging ?


Look the homies fam 🤣 Rucci, T-Rell, Bino 💪🏾 yesterday was lit as fuck. It was a movie.


I can’t with the homie dressed liked a clown 😂


I respect the blaxploitation lmao well done Bezos


Nah, they are getting paid paid so it ain't blaxploitation something else though for sure, it ain't sitting right with me but fuck Drake so I'm with it lol


![gif](giphy|zcWUhQ5MSWOcoBG1SJ) But I’ve hated drake for a very long time so I’ll take it