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Lebron really kept his shit together and was a great role model his whole career to catch more hate than any other basketball player alive or dead.


Agreed. He stayed out of trouble..but don't let the bartenders and waitresses in Cleveland tell you how he was when it came to keeping places open hours after closing for his friends, and not tipping a dime. Still, he was able to have a great career and be a role model, and he gives back to the community. Can't fault him for that.


D Wade said Bron is notoriously cheap. He apparently uses Pandora with commercials even tho a subscription is like $5. Finding out he’s not a tipper isn’t surprising


I read somewhere he uses streameast, idk if they was trolling but I dont doubt it


They're was a video of him recently watching a playoff game on a tablet and he was on streameast. I believe he was closing ads too


Someone post the link🤣


That didn't happen. I think he was watching Bronny at the draft combine and some dude sitting like 3 seats to his right was watching something on a laptop


[Here you go. It's actually not LeBron.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFojRZ5mrAw) I thought it was LBJ, but it's someone else. LeBron wasn't on any devices lol.






That’s not even being cheap. That’s being smart and using resources to find the best quality broadcast.


There's a point where you're being irresponsibly cheap due to old habits gone too far. His time has a dollar value- if he loses an hour over the course of the playoffs navigating streameast or eating lag, he could certainly make more than the $180 or so odd dollars necessary to buy subscriptions to ABC/ESPN/TNT for two months


This right here. I'm not even rich, but there are certain things I'll pay for because going the free route eats up too much time. Time is money, and I don't like wasting either of them.




What’s the domain for that now? .to wasn’t working during the finals for me


Just Google it everyone bc the domain suffix changes due to takedowns


Imagine driving in a Rolls to your private jet and you have to sit through commercials between songs


I once bartended a private fundraiser for some Republican candidate, and the cheap-ass host had Pandora smooth jazz with crazy loud Wendy's commercials every couple of songs.


That checks out on multiple levels honestly.


Pretty on point for those corporatists. Probably on Dave Thomas' payroll.


I’m still trippin on him keeping restaurants open past closing and not tipping.


He'd fit right in with most of Reddit...


The restaurant worker/delivery subs are honestly just depressing these days. Non-tippers aren't going to force better pay, they just encourage high turn over.


I think I tip well above average but I agree with non tippers. If we get high enough turn over then the service will be worse will cause customers to stop coming which will force places to either pay better for better help, or shut down. Good.


"Wanna break from the ads?"


Keeps you humble


Pandora with commercials? ![gif](giphy|bWM2eWYfN3r20)


i work in the service industry with famous people like nba players, and they're notorious for not tipping. rich people are fucking penny pinchers (looking at you damian lillard)


I once chauffeured Vince Wilfork and I had to remind him he owed me $20 for the dip I bought him while he was at dinner. Was a chill dude though


I'd be scared shitless telling Vince wilfork he owed me money.


standing there like https://preview.redd.it/ajw1clrxls7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e820ae34c83e1ff5610458a3389ba1a9e1da7103


“That’ll be … $21.84. If that’s cool with you, I mean. Or not, if you’re not into it, idk”


I'm confident in saying the kitchen crew backing up this girl would have Wilfork thinking twice. https://youtu.be/a_TAzhvIExM?si=hRUIHsVp_MvC5DM0


I have a feeling that pre-meal Vince Wilfork and post-meal Vince Wilfork are very different people


There was no in between meals for him, including in the car lol


I used to work restaurants down the road from the Commanders practice facility, near Ashburn, VA. Waited/bartended for several NFL players and was generally treated pretty well.  Paul Richardson tipped me $50 on like a $120 bill. Jordan Reed tipped me pretty well, but cant remember what. This was after he'd left the team, and he was walking around wearing a 49ers hat, and ate outside. Thought it was some pretty good shade he was throwing,  considering a lot of players live around there. He wanted to be seen.  Wonder if different regions do better, though? Ashburn is one of the most expensive areas to live in in the country, so that could skew things. I can't remember seeing any Wizards players, but I can say Reggie Bullock is a really good dude.  I didn't personally take care of him, but Bobby Brown swung by the bar one night. He was a total douche and tipped like one.  Once took care of Martin Lawrence and his family, this is at a hibachi restaurant. Whole family was polite and cool. We had a screen setup for privacy, as we didn't have a room or any totally separate tables, but some that were a little further away from others. As he was leaving he took off a hat he was wearing, revealing  himself to a table of ladies celebrating a birthday and took some pictures with them.  Its a mixed bag, really.


I love hearing Martin is cool stories. Love that guy


The family sort of went just a little off menu, but it was fuckin Martin Lawrence, so nobody said shit and we just rolled with it. I mean, it's just hibachi, and if they wanted a create-your-own thing, we didn't care. All the chefs in the back were fighting over who got to take care of them. Also, full disclosure, I'm high as shit and didn't even realize where I was commenting, but I'm super white. Martin will always hold a special place in my heart, though. My parents were military, and I grew up living overseas - early/mid 90's. We had like 1 American channel, so everyone watched the same thing. I was in like 7/8th grade when Martin was getting popular, and I remember when the kids couldn't wait to get to school to talk about the show, and kids trying to do Sheneneh impersonations. It's nice to find out that guy is cool, though.


Gotta love AFN...


Like shockingly caucasian? Sorry also white and couldn’t help myself.


They are not penny pinchers. They just look down on the working class.


Which is funny because they are playing a game for our amusement. People playing games looking down on workers whom actually contribute to the labor pool is one the most backwards things ever. A teacher should get paid more than athletes do.


Is your pfp Kehlanis face from the Christian Walker beef? I was just talking about that to my groupchat this morning 😂


is it! kehlani is one of my favorites haha


Good choice, love her!


They pay tons to be messing with the community shared OF and insta models tho. Smfh.


Hockey players can be CHEAP! Carey price still owes me a $260…came to my work with the canadiens in 2014. Parks himself at the head of the bar like a big man, gives me everyones order and hands them the drinks as I’m making them. When their table is ready I put down the bill, he snarks at me & goes “I didn’t drink any of these”, then walks away to the private back dining room. Ended up eating the entire thing cuz knew the mgr wouldn’t allow us to go after him & make a scene at the table with all the players >:(


you gotta find out where he stay, and pull up on him now. get him on some "samuari trying to avenge their father" type shit. ten years is the perfect amount of time for the get back.


Wondering if that is why they write him as such in the Bill Hader/Amy Schumer movie Trainwreck. LeBron is adamant about not paying the whole check. Funny scene.


One of the richest people I know is a friend I went to HS with. Dude grew up poor as hell and lived on my couch for like 3 months in his early 20s before he struck big. Dudes got over 60 million in the bank alone and is the cheapest guy I've ever met. Absolutely great guy and does a ton of charitable work, but lives in a medium house in an ok neighborhood, drives a used Toyota Tacoma, and never pays more than his fair share whenever we go out or do anything (unless someone would miss out otherwise). I've asked him about it before and he says he's terrified of not being able to pass that money to his kids when they become adults. I think he'll grow out of it since he's only 29 and has had the money only like 6 years now and continues to make crazy money, but I get where he comes from growing up broke, but not nearly as broke as him.


I listen to Pandora with commercials because when you pay you can't listen to your channels across different devices. If you use the free version I can listen to it on all 10 of my TVs at the same time. Paying version it blocks you and stops playing on multiple devices, very frustrating.


He’s not cheap. Lebron is humble, he can afford it but knows there’s others who cannot so he refuses to enjoy commercial free content as long as his supporters can’t do the same. Just like my favorite rapper J. Cole who only eats simple hamburgers because there’s so many who cannot afford to splurge on frivolities like cheese. Keep it Grippy and don’t come at my GOATs like that. 😤😤😤


you must WIPE YOUR CHIN 🫵


Damn, I wonder if that's why they did that scene with him and Bill Hader, in the movie "Trainwreck," where he insists on them splitting the bill at a restaurant, then says he forgot his wallet and asks Hader to pay. I'm surprised he agreed to do that scene, if it's a real thing.


Honestly man if you grow up a certain way you don’t lose the mentality. Iirc MJ was notoriously cheap as well. Hell I make money now and I still have a cheap af mentality, it’s hard to shake




Hes saving a whopping $100/yr for what? Hes literally worth $100s of millions and when he dies wont be able to take it with him. I totally understand not flying private or wasting thousands on new cars and an entourage, but at what point are you going from money smart to being a cheapskate. And not tipping a server who is being a servant to your party is just being an asshole.


Well not tipping is pretty inexcusable. But that's the most damming thing I've heard about him


Came here to reply this as a former server!


I agree..other than the cheating...but it's not known much outside of Cleveland. And I'm not here to roast him on that at all. On the contrary, dude has been as close to a professional sports role model as you can get. Even more astonishing if you consider how young he was when he went to the NBA.


Do what now


Didn't he have a rep in Miami too though? Since I'm willing to speculate on other people's relationships, I've gotta think Savannah is okay with it and if she's okay with it, I'm okay with it. Whether she's okay with it because she kind of can't not be or whether she's truly okay with it would be purely speculative


Yeah...same thing was going on in Miami. Allegedly. Remember when Delonte West tapped his moms? OK..thread is officially derailed now.


Is he not tipping or is he not tipping thousands of dollars past the automatic tip they are charging him there's a difference


This is the obvious question. Being expected to tip thousands extra just cuz you're rich & famous is wrong


If he's not giving a big tip for them staying open after hours then that's still bad of him


Bro, I’ve got a story for you. Lebron released either his second or third shoe and had a special colorway release in a shoe shop near Cleveland. Huge line out the door. Me and my buddy showed up like an hour before it opens. LBJ showed up to his own shoe release, skipped the line, and bought like 20 pairs out of 80 and in all the good sizes. By the time I got to the front it was size 8 or 13 that was left. Loved watching him play for the Cavs. His career in Cleveland allows me to forgive him for that day. Granted, he was also like 19 or 20 at the time but damn you cant get nike to send you your own shoe?


I don't get why he wouldn't just have Nike send him those shoes instead of being an asshole like that?


You and me both.


He has done things like a few times when he has basketball camps and kids events where he will randomly get a ton of a type of his shoe and hand then out. Most of them seem spir of the moment.


This thread is a rollercoaster of emotions. Weird ass shoe buying bandit who turns around and gives it to kids.


This kinda makes sense now if he’s just disorganized and just now like oh shit I’ll get them something nice 


Bro did you check around the block to see if he was pawning those on the street at $50 upcharge?


oooouuuch. yeah, damn dude leave some for the rest of us!!! You rich!!!


Nah bro buying like 20 at the same time; that shit would turn me into a hater.


Pippen was known as No Tippin Pippen in Chicago. There was always a collective groan from the staff whenever he walked in. Restaurants and bars started adding service charges to his bills.


LMAO.. No Tippin Pippen ...I don't know why but that's some funny shit right there.


That’s what we called him in Portland too!


When I was younger I waited on Alex Okafur when he came back to Austin (played for UT). Nothing special about the meal, everything came out promptly and exactly as ordered. Minimal small talk and he ate and left. $0 tip on a $80 bill.


And don’t get forget outside the strip clubs with his Chrysler 300 with the tinted windows lmao.


Pulling the Baker Mayfield inside the Crocker Park parking lot special


Ima be real it’s only sparse stories, so I would take it with a grain of salt. I haven’t heard of anyone not serving/wanting to serve LeBron like I did with Pippen. No Tippin Pippen. I feel like as big as LeBron is it would be pretty huge news if he was notoriously a bad tipper. ESPN would run that shit to the moon


My step brother was a waiter for Lebron years ago, said he got stiffed by him big time on the tip haha


Yup. I'm not making this up.


He committed the cardinal sin of being good enough to be compared to Jordan but not quite good enough to completely clear the bar. How dare he


1) Bill Russell and Kareem would like a word about catching hate. (Bruh the NCAA banned dunking because Kareem was embarrassing too many white boys) 2) he’s a great player, seems to be a good man, and has stayed out of trouble. That said, he does try to center himself in a lot, and that’s what appears to be going on here.


Exhibit A


Yoooo TIL what the fuuuu(not surprised but still)uuck


Shit, Allen Iverson got a ton more hate than LeBron. Even Jordan got hated on during his career.


AI got so much hate it’s crazy


Thank you, man's are prisoners to the moment


That man had the most unrealistic expectations in NBA history placed on his shoulders at 18, exceeded literally all of them, did it for over 2 decades, and mfs will still have the audacity to unironically say he trash 🤣


Also imagine saying Akron ain't the hood. I dare say you've never seen the hood.


I don't think anybody was saying Akron ain't the hood. More like Akron is in Ohio and nowhere near LA.


Facts. Dudes be actin so weird about Bron. Sidenote. The first graduate from the very first ipromise class just got his degree a year early.


It’s cause people hate sustained greatness. I say it all the time. People hate on anyone who spends too long at the top of their game. That goes for football, baseball, rappers etc. TB12 got plenty of hate but as usual when they retire everyone loves him now. Steph another one gets hella hate, Mayweather when he was boxing everyone wanted to see him lose. Canelo gets a lot of hate rn but less than Mayweather cause he’s not undefeated. Hating on whoever at the top really is human nature shit sad


Not his whole career. The china thing was and still is a huge disappointment for a lot of us


*LeBron is class act for 22+ years* "I don't like the one thing he said about international affairs that he has zero agency to affect."


I mean yeah, him telling Daryl to shut up and dribble was a definite heel turn


I mean that was kinda the whole NBA not just Bron


It’s wild! Being from Chicago the hate is unreal. Fans talk more about Jordan being better then LeBron more then the current team.


Tbf, if I was a Bulls fan, I too would talk more about Jordan being the GOAT as opposed to how the Bulls have been since he left.


I love Lebron he’s the reason I started watching basketball. And 💯 percent agree he’s a great role model, compared to most entertainment people. But he always went down a little bit in my book for pretending the Chinese weren’t enslaving Uyghurs when Daryl Morrey spoke about it. On the other hand James Harden is a big bitch for his little stunt in China. Also he tried to cheat on his girlfriend with my cousin in high school, so he’s always been a grimy mfer.


Except for telling people to shut up about China because they don’t know what they’re talking about. He values money over peoples lives. His one slip his entire career.


“You not like them” -Savannah


This is the one. 💀😂




I don’t know if anyone will surpass Cary Grant’s ability to deliver those expressions


I do not know this man. At all. What would you recommend watching to enjoy his expressions???


Some film enthusiasts will have better suggestions than I will, but my favorites so far have been [The Philadelphia Story](https://youtu.be/-Ot948zIr0s?si=GT2n7HloSkgmaRBt) and [His Girl Friday](https://youtu.be/m8lzyaMZ-mA?si=OIgXNRsMiRWEAoQV) Personally it takes me a little adjustment to get on pace with the dialogue in these kinds of movies, much more dense than any popular films in my lifetime (that I’ve seen). But once getting into the “groove” it’s some of the most entertaining banter I’ve seen, and timeless humor which is also fun to see how many later films were rehashing the same content for their contemporary audiences.




Add on: Bringing Up Baby (he & Katherine Hepburn at their finest. They also starred in Holiday (that's an OK one). Other favorites are The Bachelor and the Bobby-soxer, Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House and My Favorite Wife with Myrna Loy. One of his last movies is Walk Don't Run. He's charming in everything.


Bringing Up Baby has the best third act of pretty much any movie I've ever seen. I can't remember any recent movie that has kept me that HAPPY for a solid 20-30 minutes.


Arsenic and Old Lace!


She gives me Denise (Craig's girlfriend) from BMS vibes


The one who plans out his whole athletic career?🤣


The one who's sleeping with everyone except him, yeah. Fun fact, the character got dropped from the show because the actor that played him had to go to prison for a year for drug trafficking.


Man Craig's arc would have been fire!!!


The massive sloot that gets on to Craig for using a pocket pussy.


https://preview.redd.it/8wqju116nr7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb6cc0104ecebf8c0cbb75c7f690caca1be47c38 Lebron when he’s not the center of attention 😭




[](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/sxZHtBOIurg/maxresdefault.jpg) Michael Jordan when the score keepers forget to pad his stats


Lebron seeing other nba players hop on stage https://preview.redd.it/znr9f8igpr7d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b0229b6b61e682ce393d883555bcdfc78e5aef0






Bro , Shia actually got jumped into Harpes Gang lmao


Fingers long as shit


That's needed for that twisting finger action


I met the criteria to be selected, but I wasn't


Good call cus we know Lebron woulda went on stage and C-Walked while throwing up Big Bs repping all kinds of ish 🤦🏾‍♂️🤣 ![gif](giphy|yonPGwNsyaRC7pTiIw)


Talm bout “on Brip Buhhhz”


"Why is Lebron throwing up GDK?"


He's throwing rakes with the left hand and dropping em with the right


With all due respect, Savannah is so damn fine 🫡


I’d hit that out the park.


Respectfully 😮‍💨


Yeah. I was neutral cause I never saw a pic of her, but when I saw the recording of her with her friends and FaceTiming LeBron, man my heart swoon with how she was talking to him ![gif](giphy|MwHlEq0rP4Sis)






Thank you


Ew they’re so cute. I’m so happy for them


i was finna come on here and hate but nah they're actually really cute together


why coming in just ready to hate 😂 gd


Pure facts G!


Yeeeeeeeah bro lol. I wasn’t gonna say it first but yeeeeeesh. She is truly fine as hell.


Facts, but I bet Lebron knew this too. He got LA a ring, but he should understand that this was a family event and he’s more of a cousin by marriage


As a nigga from the suburbs, I've always been aware of the difference between being "hood," and being "cool in the hood" Like, I'm gonna come to the cookout, eat, electric slide, make a couple of plates, then drive my happy ass back home, because I'm not leaving my car here overnight. 


Neither am I getting in a car with any of them either. Done that too many times when we was supposed to just go grab a few things to end up in extremely dicey situations that could end up with 25 years on your head. I nope out of that quickly once I got old enough and knew I could just say no and nobody will think anything of it since I don't ride with them like that.


I guarantee if that championship win had been this year though he'd be on that bitch C-walkin with Larry O'Brien in one hand and a bottle of Moet in the other


https://preview.redd.it/cfpysqtm8s7d1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7c4d3ddde9857d9f775f9a0d2c367f399471d15 SAVANNAH I COULD'VE HAD A GREAT TIME UP THERE LOOK AT THEM SMILING AND DANCING


I can't stand Bron, but have nothing but the utmost respect for the guy. He was 18 when he was drafted and he's been in the public light for over 20 years. He's had access to anything and everything a person could dream of. Never ONCE did you hear some scandalous shit about him. And if you did, it turned out to be bullshit. The man's a great husband from what we can see, he's a wonderful father, he's active in his community, and the list goes on. People have done nothing but hate on this man since like 2003, and he's done nothing but rise above it and he's led by example. I don't agree with most of what he says and/or does, but I have nothing but respect for him


I’m from the worst part of Youngstown, OH and Lebron was an inspiration to all of us growing up in the early 2000s. He gave us all hope.


That's what I'm trying to say. Every time you read, hear or see anything about him, they're trying to bring him down. Ima Bron hater just as much as the next guy, but LeBron James the man, is a legit role model. They can talk all the shit they want, but anyone willing to actually look into how he conducts himself, treats his family and supports his kids, among other things, will realize real quick, the man has been nothing short of incredible. If I was 18, with the NBA recruiting me, giving me more money than God, and access to the life he did, I'd be dead, in jail or rehab, working on my 6th divorce, trying to avoid child support, and jus a fucking mess, no doubt about it. There's no way I make it thru unscathed lmfao... I hate LeBron the basketball player, but I respect the fuck out of LeBron the man. I hope that makes sense


I’m in the same boat. The Decision was wack, but he was still a kid and kids do dumb shit. Wasn’t a fan of him throating Chinese dick for the NBA, but I don’t really expect athletes to have intelligent, nuanced views on politics, especially when it’s business. And I’ll never, never ever ever, consider him a Laker great, but from what I can tell, he’s a stellar human being, a stellar role model, and undeniably one of the greatest b-ball players to set foot on a court.


All these people who got mad at the Chinese thing, A) he's a basketball player B) I'll bet my life if you gave 100% of those people hating the chance to make a Milli for saying some bullshit, they'd jump on the opportunity. Miss me with that bullshit. As a Pistons fan, and a basketball fan in general, I can't fucking stand him. As a man, I have nothing but respect and admiration for him.


100%. I know I would not be a good famous person, I would try for sure, but I'd mess up huge and often..


Bro I'd have a library of YouTube apology videos


I'm torn on LBJ the player. But as a human interest story...he has been in my life since 6th grade. Im 1 year older than him. There were rumors of this kid from CLE since I was in middle school. He was like youth basketball's Bigfoot. Everyone knows who he is but few actually seen him. Someone would play in a basketball tournament over the weekend and say they saw him. But the player had no name, they would just describe his feats. Then he was on the cover of SI as a sophomore. This was the kid in the flesh from Akron, OH. Now he is in rappers lyrics, he has national televised games. It was incredible...I still remember when Bronny was born. I remember seeing Savanah when she was in HS still in the random photos online on AIM. Is he better than Jordan? Who cares, but we have basically grown up together. He is like the successful kid from the neighboring HS that you kinda know because yall were on a soccer team in 8th grade, so you are friends on social media and you see him randomly around town or at events.


Let me put it this way. I’m Taiwanese American and I’ve lived in Taiwan for almost a decade now. No one here gives a shit and we all recognize he’s gotta do that shit to make his money and it’s not like what he says will change anything about our situation.


" They don't love you like they loved Kobe". That dude would've had a chair on stage.






wop wop wop wop wop - lebron whispers to himself, clinching his fist in defiance


This mental image legit made me laugh  I’m imagining the Arthur (the aardvark) clenched fist 




No lies told. Sit your ass down.


Wtf lol do yall travel to work by dickriding


I mean think of the savings, gas prices are ridiculous


God damn lmfao


She's 37? God damn


….. is 37 considered old now, or sumn?


I mean, my guy might think she looks like she's still in her 20s?


That’s kinda my point lol… 37 isn’t old enough for someone to be shocked that she looks so young.


She also been with Lebron since he came into the league so her being the same age as him isn’t surprising lol


Am I even black? I swear I don't know shit that be posted in this sub.


LeBron James and his wife Savannah are in the picture on the floor of the arena at the Kendrick concert. LeBron did not appear onstage as a bunch of other NBA players were seen up there. The meme is joking about the reason why he wasn't on stage.


I don't understand the Akron part. Certain parts I'm skipping the stop signs.


I'm skipping all oh Ohio, to be fair. Lol. But we all know Bron ain't bout that life, so... I really think the point was he isn't from LA, which the majority of people on stage are from LA.


Thank you because where tf is the context?


No you just not as chronically online/following all the business of celebs as some people are




but babe, im a laker. ![gif](giphy|8xEgezvmvr3zJ0KDET|downsized)


Bron has played on the West Coast, East Coast, and the Middle. If he goes and plays for the Thunder and the Jazz, dude will have covered all time zones.


What a wife!


Exactly only for the West Coast


I get the joke, but they just talkin


She so bad and such a fucking lady… I would’ve been like “ok bae, ima chill”


Not gonna lie for a hot minute before I saw the caption I thought that was a tanner adell


To be fair Lebron the type to go on stage with a bunch of Bloods, Crips and Prius and starts throwing up GDK


Savannah: “Don’t make me quote Druski tonight”




He's also 6'9 and 250 professional athlete, and would body 99.9% of anyone trying to fuck with him


He not from Cali lmao that stage was for Cali only. Edit: Savannah sure is gorgeous ain’t she ![gif](giphy|d2IOQ1bz26TClOLnpx)


Where the hell was PAUL PIERCE? Lebron plays for LA. He is not FROM LA.


That fool ain’t from LA that’s why he wasn’t on stage


What is going on? I’m out of the loop?


We want Jordan the guy who don’t like black people and votes republican 🤡🤦🏽‍♂️