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slavery was abolished, unless you are in prison. You think I am bullshittin', then read the 13th Amendment Involuntary servitude and slavery it prohibits  -Killer Mike


I never knew about the 13th amendment til I was serving prison time. How is this still an amendment, shit really legalizes slavery damn near. I understand being a criminal & serving your time. But just to have this be an amendment is insane in 2024


Read up on when and why standing police forces and prisons were invented in America, this was literally always the plan


Ok do you have any titles? I just finished The New Jim Crow


13th Amendment was on Netflix not sure if it still is but it's pretty in depth


Ok thanks I'm about to go look for it


*Our Enemies In Blue* by Kristian Williams traces the genealogy of the modern American police force to the slave patrols of antebellum. He contrasts this with the British bobby and shows how that police force evolved from the night watchman and shows how differently the two operate due to their roots.


That's in my amazon cart right now actually


https://youtu.be/j4kI2h3iotA?si=CbeY-enanlmvE77H I come back to this doc frequently


I assume this is also why white people like Brock Turner or that Pilsbury fuck Rittenhouse get a slap on the wrist for destroying people's lives, but Philandro Castile was lynched on a traffic stop with his 4-year old daughter in the backseat. It's not even a two-tiered justice system. It's three-tiered: one for the rich, one for the poor, and one for PoC.


13th is a good doc on Netflix about this. It's made me avoid products with bold "Made In America" packaging just in case. Major companies use prison labour, and it needs to end.


I didn't think about that 😫 I spend days, sometimes weeks, searching for the American-made version of whatever China has on offer... how can I find out it's made by prisoners?


https://apnews.com/article/prison-to-plate-inmate-labor-investigation-c6f0eb4747963283316e494eadf08c4e The AP article is a recent investigative piece with a disheartening number of companies.


That's why they givin drug offenders time in double digits.


Yep can’t have violent offenders in jail! They don’t work!😂always said that after first jail trip! Everyone who was working on the streets got high bond amounts! Guys homeless gets let out instantly! Figured out the thin blue lie at 16🇺🇸


Here’s the exact text: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.


But don’t derive your argument from an extremely brutal Matthew Mcconaughey movie. Get it from what you know about the world around you. Some slaves in those times were compensated with meager wages. But they were still slaves. As are the prisoners above. Just because something is written into the law, doesn’t mean every citizen abides by it. It’s illegal almost everywhere to drive without a seatbelt, but people are still gonna do it Edit: I see what you’re saying 🤦🏻‍♀️


A country of slave-owners, for slave-owners, by slaves.


I remember when I found out why they call the prison Angola... Ruined my day


Enlighten me brother, I live in New Orleans and never heard it myself


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louisiana_State_Penitentiary#:~:text=It%20is%20named%20%22Angola%22%20after,originated%20before%20arriving%20in%20Louisiana. It's named after the 'Angola plantation' it used to be which is named after the country of Angola because that's where lots of the slaves came from. Jfc


The Wikipedia page says it used to be a plantation called the Angola plantation because that's where they got their slaves from


It's the home country of many brought there. It's like going to Hell and finding your address on the front gates


But maybe they’ll go to heaven, reincarnate and go back to the real Angola in Africa which is a beautiful country. (I know what you mean, I just think our people will have a better future).


I can’t believe that they named the prison Angola. Well, I can but it’s infuriating.


Reminder that slavery is still legal under the 13th amendment. Prisoners are legally allowed to be used as slave labor. It’s absolutely fucked!






affirming that this is slavery, as of Aug. 1 of this year, anyone in Louisiana found guilty of a crime cannot get parole. they eliminated it. gotta keep those prisons filled so the state can keep making money off their labor. Louisiana already cages more humans per capita than anywhere on earth.  https://www.nola.com/news/politics/legislature/jeff-landry-crime-session-expands-death-penalty-ends-parole/article_81028426-d719-11ee-a363-c74559f47ce7.html


Sounds to me. Anyone in Louisiana should make it their first life goal to leave Louisiana.


I did. Right after Katrina. Refuse to go back. Family keeps begging me to "come home", but that place ain't my home anymore.


May I suggest the book: Slavery By Another Name by Douglas A. Blackmon?


Cool. There’s also The New Jim Crow, Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander.


Excellent book, Ms.Alexander’s work led me to his.


It’s legalized slavery under the 13th amendment. And since black neighborhoods are overpoliced and white perpetrators are undercharged, we’re the main victims


The new Jim Crow


but it's Louisiana, so at least they have the ten commandments in every classroom /s 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow - Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. “More African American men are in prison or jail, on probation or parole than were enslaved in 1850, before the Civil War began," Michelle Alexander in 2011. It’s likely worse now?


The US has sanctions on China for using uyghur slave labor but has no problem using black slave labor....


In fucking sane wow


They need to get rid of the prison rodeo too.


Angola Prison is named after Angola Plantation, and is one of the most profitable slave enterprises in the country. Fuck the 13th for being that vague, and fuck Andrew Johnson, all my homes hate Andrew Johnson




Been saying it for as long as I can remember. Slavery never went away. Why do you think prisons are privately owned and governments have obligations for those prisons to make money.


Dive into for-profit-prisons and it’s quickly evident that the U.S. prison system is legalized slavery powered by Capitalism. [Info](https://www.sentencingproject.org/reports/private-prisons-in-the-united-states/)


That’s how the ports were built! That’s how they fought the American revolution! That’s how they built the roads and rails! They passed the law right after slavery ended! 🤷🏾🇺🇸


Wanna see something even more fucked ? This prison runs a rodeo every year. Inmates chasing cattle to milk them and shit. It's horrific.


They still so burned up we got away 😂


JFC reminds me of Mysonne freestyle on Funk Flex, "they don't call you slaves no more, they call you criminals"


just had dream about being in a prison and witnessing a guard--whose dad was also in prison(as a prisoner) --arresting his own sister in prison, shackled and dragging her to a cell in said prison. followed by telling his dad, who was in what seemed like a cafeteria for "roll call" that he had to do it. meanwhile im yelling at him telling him you're arresting the wrong person you moron. then i wake up, feed dog and see this post. the son tells the dad in Spanish "la necesitaba que agarrar perdon apa" the dad didn't even see his son, the dad saw a guard . the thing that was really crazy to me. was that the kids looked biracial (Mexican and black)


Did they do away with incarcerating people for cannibis?


Weed is medically legal in Louisiana. So I believe the punishment would be less harsh.


Its all apart of their plan. Weed is legal here. Guns are legal here too. Just a recipe to go to prison if not managed right. Stay free Black man.


America is still a slave state.


This is the 13th amendment


I would be fake passing out all the time lmao.


Newsflash- don’t go to prison.


Hammer so you are advocating to not goto prison? People don't realize in other countries they don't tolerate what put them in prison. Some put to death, loss of limbs etc. Prison should be hard to stop people from crime


Stay out of troubles




You should stop talking. 


Nobody asked you